Chemical Composition and Industrial Characterization of The Dutsen Bundot Feldspars, Dass, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Chemical Composition and Industrial Characterization of The Dutsen Bundot Feldspars, Dass, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Chemical Composition and Industrial Characterization of The Dutsen Bundot Feldspars, Dass, Bauchi State, Nigeria
The Dutsen Bundot is a north-south trending hill located in the Bundot area of Dass town,
Bauchi State. It is underlain by diorites, syenite, biotite granite, and pegmatite dykes and veins
composed of feldspar and quartz. Most of the pegmatitic intrusions occur within the diorites,
and they were surveyed and sampled for mineralogical and chemical analyses in order to
establish their suitability for use as an industrial mineral. The feldspar is mainly a perthitic
microcline crystal with characteristic crosshatch twinning, while orthoclase occurs only as an
accessory. The feldspars are potash rich with an average of 13.66% K 2O, and an interpretative
normative composition of microcline (average 75%). These properties met the standard
requirements of commercial K-feldspar in current use. The Dass feldspar deposit is therefore
recommended for industrial application as a raw material in the glass, ceramic, paper and
plastic industries.
The present detailed evaluation has confirmed
the occurrence of potash feldspar deposit in the
Dutsen Bundot pegmatites of Dass area, as well
as their overall physical, mineralogical and
chemical characteristics. The confirmation
involved the study of the geological setting of
the deposit in terms of field relationships,
outcrop pattern, and effect of weathering. The
genesis of the pegmatites was ascribed to
cooling and crystallization from residual