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A Study On The Physicochemical and Thermal Characterisation of Dolomite and Limestone Samples For Use in Ironmaking and Steelmaking

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Ironmaking & Steelmaking

Processes, Products and Applications

ISSN: 0301-9233 (Print) 1743-2812 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/yirs20

A study on the physicochemical and thermal

characterisation of dolomite and limestone
samples for use in ironmaking and steelmaking

Osman Sivrikaya

To cite this article: Osman Sivrikaya (2017): A study on the physicochemical and thermal
characterisation of dolomite and limestone samples for use in ironmaking and steelmaking,
Ironmaking & Steelmaking, DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2017.1337264

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Published online: 12 Jun 2017.

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A study on the physicochemical and thermal characterisation of dolomite and

limestone samples for use in ironmaking and steelmaking
Osman Sivrikaya
Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering Department, Adana Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey


Limestone and dolostone are used in industries depending on their physicochemical characteristics. Received 14 May 2017
They can be used in construction, agricultural, environmental industries and especially in Accepted 27 May 2017
ironmaking and steelmaking as flux. Dolomite is also used in the production of refractory materials.
As the properties of products are significantly affected by physicochemical specifications of Limestone; dolomite;
limestone or dolomite, the characterisation of those materials is important. This study was initiated physicochemical
to analyse the chemical, decrepitation, and degradation properties of dolomite and limestone characterisation; calcination;
samples to determine their suitability as flux. Since the degradation indices were found different decomposition; decrepitation
for the chemically similar samples, the study was expanded to determine the reason. Complete and degradation index
physicochemical and thermal characterisation was performed via XRF, XRD, TG, FTIR, and thin
section microscopic analyses. Although two dolomite samples were mineralogically similar, thermal
behaviours were determined different. Microscopic analyses results showed that the crystal
structures/sizes affect the thermal behaviour and degradation index of carbonate samples.

fields of limestone, dolomite and dolomitic limestone are sum-
Limestones are calcareous sedimentary rocks composed marised in Figure 1.
largely of carbonate minerals such as calcite and aragonite, As a source of magnesium oxide, dolomite is used in a
which are theoretically composed of calcium carbonate variety of industries based on its physical and chemical proper-
(CaCO3). The ore is widely available all over the world and ties. Based on physical properties dolomite is used as aggre-
Turkey. If limestone contains a certain amount of magnesium, gates in roads, railways and concrete production. However,
it is called dolomite or dolomitic limestone. Dolomite is an the chemical uses for dolomite are wider and more pro-
anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium mag- nounced. For instance, it is used in agriculture as an additive
nesium carbonate; ideally its chemical formula is CaMg(CO3)2. in fertiliser and soil remediation [16,17]. Dolomite and dolomi-
Dolomite is formed by the dolomitisation process of lime- tic limestone are mixed in soils and added to soilless mixtures
stones. Pure dolomite theoretically contains 30.41% CaO, in floriculture as a pH buffer material and as a magnesium
21.86% MgO and 47.73% CO2 or on a carbonate basis, it con- source. They are also used in brick, cement, dolomitic lime,
tains 54.35% CaCO3 and 45.65% MgCO3. Dolomite is found glass, soda, ceramic industries. Moreover, they are good filler
with some impurities in the Earth’s crust. Therefore, minerals and bleaching raw materials in paint and chemical industries.
containing more than 40% MgCO3 are usually named as dolo- They can be used as filtrate material and also in ferrosilicon pro-
mite mineral. If MgCO3 is less than 40%, they cannot be duction. Recently they are used in landscape applications.
named as dolomite; however, if they contain 20–40% Dolomite is used as a fluxing agent in metallurgical, glass
MgCO3, they can be named as dolomitic limestones. Some and ceramic industries. The most important usage area is
impurities such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe, S and some trace elements the iron and steel industry [3–6]. In the iron and steel pro-
can be found in the matrix of these minerals. duction operations in the integrated iron and steel facilities,
Depending on the quality of limestones, dolomites or dolo- dolomite, like limestone and lime, can be used to remove
mitic limestones, they can be used as run-of-mine or processed impurities either in the iron ore reduction phase or in the
into a wide variety of products for different industries. They are steel manufacturing phase. It is a good flux material as it facili-
the raw materials for a large variety of construction, concrete, tates the formation of slag and removes impurities such as
cement [1] agricultural, environmental [2], iron and steelmak- acidic components and sulphur from hot metal. Dolomite is
ing [3–6] and other industrial materials and uses. Detailed also used as fettling material (heat-resistive refractory
usages of limestone and dolomite are explained elsewhere material) to line the interior of the open hearth or other fur-
[7,8]. For instance, a popular usage is environmental appli- naces for the production of steel [18]. Dolomite is also used
cation. Gaseous sulphur emissions from coal burning industries to make magnesium metal.
such as power plants or fluidised bed combustion plants cause This study was initiated to analyse the chemical, decrepita-
acid rains. Gaseous sulphur emissions are captured by injection tion and degradation properties of carbonate samples (dolo-
of calcium or magnesium oxide sorbents in those plants [9–15]. mite and limestone) to determine their suitability as flux
The application of calcium-based sorbents (calcitic and dolo- materials in iron and steelmaking. Decrepitation and degra-
mitic) at those plants has proved to be very effective, especially dation indices were determined according to IS 10345/
considering their lower costs [15]. The other industrial usage 10346 standards. Since the degradation indices were

CONTACT Osman Sivrikaya [email protected]

© 2017 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Figure 1. Industrial usage fields of limestone, dolomite and dolomitic limestone.

determined different for the chemically similar dolomite 75 μm for specific gravity, density and characterisation ana-
samples, the study was expanded to determine the reason lyses. Specific gravities and densities of samples were deter-
for the difference. Afterward, a complete physicochemical mined applying water pycnometer method and using a
and thermal characterisation of carbonate samples were per- Micromeritics AccuPyc II 1340 model helium pycnometer
formed via XRF, XRD, TG, FTIR and thin section microscopic instrument, respectively.
analysis methods. Dry samples were kept in desiccators prior to their charac-
terisation via XRF, XRD, FTIR, and TG methods. Chemical ana-
lyses were determined with Rigaku brand Primus ZSX model
Materials and methods XRF spectrometer. Mineralogical analyses were carried out
with Rigaku brand MiniFlex 600 model XRD and Perkin
Elmer brand Spectrum Two model FTIR instruments.
A r.o.m. dolomite head sample (D1) was taken from a local Thermal behaviours of samples were determined using a
ore deposit in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. In the Hitachi brand STA7300 model simultaneous TGA/DTA
field, a mining company operates to produce dolomite device. Thin sections were prepared from selected suitable
and limestone. Dolomite and limestone are sized into coarse sample pieces and examined using a Leica brand
different commercial products in the size range of 0–1, 1– DM750P model polarising microscope.
10, 20–60, and 22–60 mm by that company. Dolomite
samples (D2–D5) from sized dolomite stockpiles and a lime-
stone sample (L1) from 22–60 mm limestone stockpile were Decrepitation and degradation indices and
taken. The head sample was crushed with laboratory scale determination procedure
jaw crusher. The crushed sample was divided into sub-
samples using a riffle splitter. One of the representative Decrepitation and degradation indices are properties of car-
samples was used for screen analysis and fractions (D6–D13) bonate samples that should be determined prior to use in
were obtained. Properties of those samples are shown in thermal applications. Decrepitation refers to the cracking or
Table 1. breaking-up of lumps of limestone/dolomite during their
descent from the top of the hot burden down into the fur-
naces. It is caused by thermal shock and differential thermal
Methods and equipment expansion [8,19]. The mechanical resistance of limestone or
dolomite should be adequate to withstand the physical
Laboratory sieves, sieve shaker and a sensitive balance were forces and thermal shocks to which they are exposed in the
used for screen analysis. Laboratory oven was used for blast furnace [8]. In addition, degradation after decrepitation,
drying the samples at 378 K (105°C) overnight. A laboratory caused by movement of lump ores in blast furnaces, could sig-
box furnace was used for the determination of loss on ignition nificantly change the relative particle size and their slag-
(LOI) of samples at 1273 K (1000°C). The box furnace was also forming characteristics.
used for the calcination tests to determine the decrepitation Therefore, decrepitation and degradation indices of the
and degradation indices of the samples. A mechanical labora- limestone and dolomite samples were determined as
tory mortar was used to grind the samples to 100% passing explained in IS10345/IS10346 standards. A sketch of the
experiment setup applied in the current study is given in
Table 1. Sample codes and their properties.
Figure 2. A plastic tube with proper diameter was used to
Sample Particle size,
drop the samples onto a steel plate. The procedural steps
codes Type Remarks mm
for determination of decrepitation and degradation indices
D1 Dolomite Representative r.o.m. dolomite sample r.o.m.
D2 Industrially sized dolomite samples taken 0–1 are given below.
D3 from commercial stockpiles 1–10
D4 20–60
(i) Limestone or dolomite sample was crushed and the 25–
D5 22–60
D6–D13 Fractions of laboratory screen analysis Varied 30 mm size fraction was selected.
(see Table 4) (ii) About 3 kg sample was calcined in a furnace which had
L1 Limestone Industrially sized limestone product 22–60
already attained a temperature of 1273 K (1000°C). The

Figure 2. The sketch of the experiment setup to determine the decrepitation and degradation indices of limestone or dolomite samples.

sample was kept in the furnace for two and half hours. 2.84 and 2.68, which are approximate to the reported and calcu-
The calcined sample thus obtained was cooled, lated densities of pure dolomite and limestone minerals,
weighed and then screened on a laboratory vibrating respectively, in literature. The loose and tapped bulk densities
screen. The <10 mm fraction obtained was weighed. were determined between 1.18 and 1.85 t m−3 as shown in
The percentage of <10 mm fraction with respect to the Table 2. D4, D5 and L1 had lower bulk densities than the
total mass of the calcined sample screened was called other samples since they had narrower particle size distributions.
the decrepitation index.
(iii) 2 kg of >10 mm calcined sample was taken after screen-
ing. The sample was dropped twice from a height of 2 m Chemical analyses of samples
onto a steel plate. This material was screened at 10 mm. Chemical, loss on ignition (LOI) and total acid insoluble (TAI)
The proportion of <10 mm fraction expressed as percen- analyses were done using the dry-ground D1, D2, D3, D4,
tage with respect to the initial weight was called the D5, and L1 samples. LOI analyses were performed in a box
degradation index. furnace at 1273 K (1000°C). TAI values were determined
(iv) The desirable limits for decrepitation and degradation using a 6 N HCl acid medium as solvent. The results of chemi-
indices as determined above should be 10% cal, LOI and TAI analyses are shown in Table 3.
maximum, in order for each sample to be used in iron- It is well known that pure dolomite contains high MgO
making and steelmaking [20,21]. content with low TAI and alkali contents, and pure limestone
contains high CaO content with low MgO, TAI and alkali con-
tents. All the dolomite samples had over 20% MgO contents
Results and discussion with over 30–31% CaO contents. The concentrations of com-
pounds considered as impurity (TAI and alkali contents) were
Moisture, density and specific gravity of samples found at very low levels for all the samples. For instance, TAI
Samples were separately dried at 378 K (105°C) overnight to contents of all the dolomite samples were approximately
determine their moisture content and to be used in density 0.5%. Only the limestone sample had 1.07% TAI. Therefore,
and specific gravity measurements. The particle size of the tested dolomite and limestone samples can be classified
samples used for water and helium pycnometer analyses as chemically pure due to high MgO and CaO contents
was 100% passing 75 µm. Tapped and loose bulk densities together with low impurity contents.
of D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and L1 samples were determined at
their particle size ranges. Moisture contents, densities and
Particle size distribution and chemical analyses of
specific gravities of the samples are presented in Table 2.
Specific gravities and densities of the samples were found to
be very similar when −75 µm samples were used in both water One of the representative samples taken from the dolomite
and helium pycnometers. The densities were determined to be head sample (D1) was crushed and a screen analysis was

Table 2. The results of moisture, density and specific gravity of samples.

Sample codes
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L1
Sample size (mm) r.o.m. 0–1 1–10 20–60 22–60 22–60
Moisture (%) 1.25 5.41 2.01 0.40 0.36 0.54
Loose bulk density at size ranges (t m−3) nd* 1.57 ± 0.035 1.62 ± 0.021 1.18 ± 0.022 1.23 ± 0.032 1.22 ± 0.018
Tapped bulk density at size ranges (t m−3) nd 1.83 ± 0.028 1.85 ± 0.033 1.35 ± 0.024 1.48 ± 0.036 1.38 ± 0.016
Density with Helium pycnometer, −75 µm (t m−3) 2.85 2.84 2.83 2.86 2.84 2.69
Sp. gr. with water pycnometer, −75 µm 2.84 2.82 2.81 2.85 2.81 2.67
*nd: not determined.

Table 3. The results of chemical, LOI and TAI analyses of samples.

Sample codes
Compound (dry wt-%) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L1
Sample size (mm) r.o.m. 0–1 1–10 20–60 22–60 22–60
CaO 30.11 30.79 31.23 31.09 31.36 52.019
MgO 20.55 20.46 20.44 20.48 20.25 0.577
Fe2O3 0.029 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.093 0.069
SiO2 0.153 0.19 0.12 0.14 0.065 0.342
Al2O3 0.026 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.025 0.185
Na2O 0.021 0.0124 0.0097 udl 0.022 0.0113
K2O udl* 0.004 udl 0.0027 udl 0.0395
Alkali content 0.021 0.0164 0.0097 0.0027 0.022 0.0508
TAI 0.507 0.627 0.449 0.500 0.444 1.070
LOI 47.81 46.93 46.86 46.85 46.75 44.050
*udl: under detection limit.

Table 4. The particle size distribution and chemical analyses of fractions.

Compounds (dry wt-%)
Sample codes Fractions size (mm) Fractions (dry wt-%) CaO MgO Fe2O3 SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O LOI
D6 −20.0 + 9.52 2.56 31.12 20.34 0.018 0.188 0.019 udl* udl 47.05
D7 −9.52 + 6.73 24.41 30.19 20.54 0.020 0.130 0.022 0.0167 udl 47.81
D8 −6.73 + 3.36 38.38 31.33 20.24 0.016 0.054 0.019 udl udl 47.05
D9 −3.36 + 1.68 9.59 31.15 20.15 0.016 0.101 0.021 0.0185 udl 47.24
D10 −1.68 + 0.841 12.37 31.02 20.23 0.023 0.088 0.022 0.0257 udl 47.33
D11 −0.841 + 0.250 6.18 30.93 20.14 0.044 0.126 0.033 0.0154 udl 47.43
D12 −0.250 + 0.149 1.39 30.73 20.14 0.112 0.244 0.040 0.0184 0.0049 47.43
D13 −0.149 5.12 32.02 19.91 0.142 0.406 0.112 0.0131 0.0071 46.20
*udl: under detection limit.

performed. The particle size fractions were derived and results decrepitation and degradation indices should be lower than
are shown in Table 4. The chemical and LOI analyses of the 10% each. The results showed that only D4 sample had
size fractions were determined. The results of chemical and high degradation index, which was 13.15%. The other degra-
LOI analyses of the size fractions are shown in Table 4 as well. dation indices were found to be lower than the required limit.
The size fractions were chemically similar to each other. All The decrepitation indices were found to be very low, that
the fractions had over 20% MgO with over 30–31% CaO. is, lower than 1%. These results indicated that there was no
These results showed that if different size fractions are pro- difference in decrepitation indices; however, there was
duced from this dolomite sample, the chemical composition difference in degradation indices of the tested samples.
of those fractions will not be impacted. Only the finest fraction This difference may have been caused from the differences
had lower MgO and higher impurity contents than the other in chemical content, mineralogical form, thermal behaviour,
fractions. or crystalline structures of the carbonate samples. The
results of chemical analyses showed that there were no sig-
nificant differences between those samples. Since the decre-
Decrepitation and degradation indices of samples pitation and degradation indices of the carbonate samples
Decrepitation and degradation indices of the carbonate were determined after thermal calcination test, the differ-
samples are important specifications when they are used ence in those indices may be related to thermal behaviours
in metallurgical iron and steel production. Limestone or of the samples. Thermal behaviours may be affected by their
dolomite should be resistant to decrepitation on heating, mineralogical and crystalline structures. Hence, the sections
and should be strong enough to resist being degraded in ‘Mineralogical analyses of sample’, ‘FTIR analyses of
the blast furnace [8]. During calcination, limestone or dolo- samples’, ‘Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA/DTA) of
mite could undergo high mechanical degradation (decrepi- samples’, and ‘Microscopic examination of samples’ show
tation) leading to untimely particle size reduction. the results of XRD, FTIR, TG and thin section microscopic
Untimely particle size reduction causes problem in blast analyses, respectively.
furnace operations. Three samples, namely D4, D5, and L1,
were suitable in terms of particle size to carry out these
tests. Therefore, decrepitation and degradation indices of The chemical composition and size requirements for
those samples were determined following the procedural limestone
steps given under the section ‘Decrepitation and degra- According to IS10345 standard, chemical composition and
dation indices and determination procedure’. In order to size requirements for limestone in iron and steelmaking is
eliminate the particle size effect on decrepitation, the nar- given in Table 6. This table shows the required chemical com-
rowly sized particles (25–30 mm) were additionally selected position and particle size of limestone for use in steelmaking
by screening for the calcination test. The results of decrepi-
tation and degradation indices of those samples are given in Table 5. The results of degradation and decrepitation indices of samples.
Table 5. Sample code Decrepitation index (%) Degradation index (%)
Acceptable levels of decrepitation and degradation will be D4 0.65 13.15
tolerated during blast furnace operation for a problem-free D5 0.32 8.46
L1 0.32 5.39
process. According to reference standards [20,21],

Table 6. Chemical composition and size requirements for limestone according Mineralogical analyses of samples
to IS10345 standard.
Tested X-ray diffraction patterns of dry-ground samples of D2, D3, D4,
Limestone requirements limestone D5, and L1 were taken. During X-ray analyses, continuous
For steelmaking For ironmaking scanning with 0.02o step size starting with 10o and ending
Constituent (%) use use L1
90o was applied with Cu-Kα (40 kV beam energy, 15 mA
CaO 53.0, min 44.0, min 52.019
MgO 1.5, max 4.0, max 0.577 current, λ = 1.54059 Å) radiation. Only the scan range deviated
SiO2 1.5, max 6.0, max 0.0342 for the D2 sample, which was taken at 10–120°. The X-ray dif-
TAI 2.0, max 10.0, max 1.070
fraction patterns of the samples are shown in Figure 3.
Alkali content 0.2, max 0.2, max 0.0508
Size, mm 30–80 15–75 22–60 International Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) was used
Undersize or <5% <5% for identification of crystal structures of the tested samples.
Only dolomite mineral peaks (ICSD:00-036-0426) were
Decrepitation index 10.0, max 10.0, max 0.32
Degradation index 10.0, max 10.0, max 5.39 observed for the samples D2, D3, D4 and D5. The sample L1
showed only calcite mineral peaks (ICSD:01-085-1108). X-ray
patterns were in agreement with the chemical analyses data
and ironmaking in the first two columns. The last column of the tested samples.
shows the results of the tested limestone, L1. The obtained
results were compared to those required values. The L1
sample well met all the chemical requirements. The TAI and
FTIR analyses of samples
alkali contents were lower than the required specifications, The typical transmittance FTIR spectra of dolomite and calcite
indicating that the limestone had very low impurities. So minerals are shown in Figure 4 together with the FTIR spectra
the tested limestone is suitable to be used in ironmaking. of the tested D3, D4, D5 and L1 samples. FTIR spectra of the
This limestone also meets all the requirements with only 1% D3, D4 and D5 samples showed that the main absorption
low CaO content to be used in steelmaking. The L1 sample bands of dolomite at 726, 881, 1446, 1881, 2525 cm−1. L1
has suitable decrepitation and degradation indices for both sample showed main absorption bands of calcite mineral.
ironmaking and steelmaking. The absence of other absorption bands was in agreement
with the chemical and mineralogical analyses data of the
tested samples.
The chemical composition and size requirements for
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA/DTA) of samples
According to IS10346 standard, chemical composition and
size requirements for dolomite in iron and steelmaking is Thermogravimetric analyses are among the standard
given in Table 7. This table shows the required chemical com- characterisation methods in mineralogy. Thermal decompo-
position and size requirements of dolomite for refractory, sition of limestone and dolomite samples has been
steelmaking, ironmaking, and fettling material use in the
first four columns, respectively. The last four columns show
the results of the tested dolomite samples. The obtained
results were compared to those required values. The chemical
constituents of the tested dolomite samples completely met
the required limits. All the dolomite samples had lower impu-
rities (SiO2, TAI and alkali contents) than the required limits.
According to those results, the tested dolomite samples are
suitable to be used (i) in steelmaking, (ii) in ironmaking, (iii)
in fettling material production. The degradation index of
only D4 sample was found to be 13.15% which is higher
than the required limit (10%). Dolomite samples also met all
the requirements to be used in refractory applications with
only 0.5% low CaO + MgO content. The required particle
size can be obtained from r.o.m. dolomite, via crushing and
sizing operations. Figure 3. The X-ray diffraction patterns of D2, D3, D4, D5 and L1 samples.

Table 7. Chemical composition and size requirements for dolomite according to IS10346 standard.
Dolomite requirements Tested dolomites
Constituent (%) For refractory use For steelmaking use For ironmaking use For fettling use D1 D4 D5 D6
CaO + MgO 52.0, min 50.0, min 46.0, min 49.0, min 50.66 51.57 51.61 51.46
CaO … 30.0, min … … 30.11 31.09 31.36 31.12
MgO 20.0, min 20.0, min 19.0, min 19.0, min 20.55 20.48 20.25 20.34
SiO2 1.0, max 2.0, max … 4.0, max 0.153 0.14 0.065 0.188
TAI 2.0, max 3.0, max 8.0, max 5.0, max 0.507 0.500 0.444 nd*
Alkali content 0.2, max 0.2, max 0.2, max 0.2, max 0.021 0.0027 0.022 udlx
Decrepitation index 10, max 10, max 10, max 10, max nd 0.65 0.32 nd
Degradation index 10, max 10, max 10, max 10, max nd 13.15 8,46 nd
Size, mm Undersize 8–20 8–20 6–60 5–20 r.o.m. 20–60 22–60 9.5–20
or oversize <5% <5% <5% <5%
*nd: not determined; xudl: under detection limit.

Figure 4. The FTIR spectra of D3, D4, D5 and L1 samples.

investigated by researchers [22–30] but the decomposition repeatability. The TG/DTA curves of samples are presented
mechanisms of dolomite still remains obscure. Some in Figure 5.
authors suppose the solid solutions of carbonates are The actual atmosphere around the calcining sample influ-
formed during decomposition, others assume primary dis- ences the decomposition behaviour as explained above.
sociation into separate carbonates or into oxides of mag- However, very similar curves were obtained in the two atmos-
nesium and calcium. In any case, thermal decomposition pheres (in normal atmosphere and with nitrogen atmosphere)
takes place in two stages; (I) and (II) which has been gen- for dolomite samples D2, D3, D4 and D5, since the amount of
erally established as [27]: the test sample was very low and the resulting CO2 concen-
tration within the releasing gas was very low. Thus MgCO3
Stage (I) : MgCa(CO3 )2 MgO + CaCO3 + CO2
and CaCO3 decomposed as parallel reactions (single-stage
reaction). Nevertheless, in higher CO2 gas atmosphere in
Stage (II) : CaCO3 CaO + CO2
industrial operational conditions the decomposition mechan-
The thermal decomposition of dolomite shows peculiar ism changes into a two-stage reaction where MgCO3 decom-
characteristics depending on the atmosphere in which the poses first, then CaCO3 decomposes. For L1 sample, typical
experiment is carried out. In an atmosphere of CO2 the thermal curves were obtained as similar to ones given in
decomposition occurs via a two-stage process. This is the literature.
peculiar to dolomite and can be used in the identification The thermal peaks of those tested samples were found to
of dolomite in samples of unknown composition. The be similar with each other in terms of the onset and offset
same decomposition process occurs in a single stage in temperatures of decomposition. Decomposition tempera-
an inert atmosphere of nitrogen. The partial pressure of tures of the samples are given in Table 8. Residue values of
CO2 causes the decomposition to split into a two-stage the samples obtained from both TG data and from LOI data
process [29]. are also presented in Table 8 for comparison.
Gunasekaran and Anbalagan [28] studied thermal The initial weight losses began at about slightly over 703 K
decomposition of natural dolomite and found two endother- (430°C) and then intensified at about 913 K (640°C) and com-
mic peaks at 1051 K (777.8°C) and 1107 K (834°C) by differen- pleted at slightly over 1113 K (840°C). As shown in Figure 5
tial thermal analysis (DTA). The two peaks are essentially due and Table 8, the mass losses for D4 and D5 samples initiated
to de-carbonization of dolomite and calcite, respectively. at lower temperatures compared to D2, D3, and L1 samples.
TGA and DTA were performed on each sample to under- Therefore, the decomposition process started sooner for D4
stand the thermal behaviour of samples under gradual and D5 samples than D2, D3, and L1 samples. The limestone
heating from room temperature to 1373 K (1100°C) with a sample had higher onset and offset temperatures than dolo-
constant heating rate of 10 K min−1 (10°C min−1). All the mite samples. The residue values of the samples from TG data
samples were ground to powder form, at similar grinding con- were found to confirm the residue values of LOI test in the lab-
ditions, to get similar particle size range to eliminate particle oratory box furnace.
size effects during TG tests. Two alumina crucibles were The differences in degradation indices of the samples D4,
used: one as reference, the other one for the test sample. D5 and L1 may be correlated with their thermal behaviour
After first two tests, it was seen that the decomposition was differences. The fastest decomposition rate and highest
completed at lower than 1173 K (900°C); therefore, for the degradation index occurred for D4 sample. The slowest
remaining three tests, 1223 K (950°C) was selected as the decomposition rate and lowest degradation index occurred
maximum temperature. Thermal tests were carried out in for L1 sample. Therefore, it may here be concluded that
normal atmosphere and also with 70cc min−1 nitrogen gas there is a relation between decomposition rate/behaviour
atmosphere. Experiments were performed twice for and degradation index of carbonate samples. The crystalline

Figure 5. The TG/DTA curves of samples with 70 cc min−1 nitrogen gas atmosphere.

structure of the samples may also affect the thermal behav- can be concluded that the carbonate minerals with larger
iour and degradation characteristic of carbonate samples. crystal size decompose more than those of with smaller
Therefore, thin section microscopic examinations of those crystal size minerals during thermal processes. Hence the
samples were performed. degradation index of those larger crystal size carbonate min-
erals will be greater when compared to carbonate minerals
with smaller crystal sizes. The crystal size of the carbonate
Microscopic examination of samples
minerals may be an indicator to estimate their thermal behav-
In order to examine the microscopic structures of the D4 and iour during calcination reactions and degradation index. Car-
D5 samples, thin sections were prepared and analysed using a bonate samples should be selected from micro-crystalline
polarising microscope. Four selected examples of the thin mineral deposits instead of those containing large crystallites
section photos, D4-A, D4-B and D5-A, D5-B are shown in since micro-crystalline carbonates are less prone to decrepita-
Figure 6. tion and degradation. In addition, blending of those two types
In the thin section photos, dolomite and calcite crystals can of carbonate minerals will be a possible solution to get satis-
be clearly seen. The dark-coloured crystals are dolomite and factory degradation index.
light-coloured crystals are calcite. There are distinct differ-
ences in the crystal sizes of the samples. The crystals of D4
sample are larger than those of D5 sample. It was reported
that, decrepitation with larger crystals is more than with Limestone and dolomite samples were characterised via XRF,
smaller ones, by McCauley and Johnson [23]. Therefore, it XRD, FTIR, TG and thin section microscopic analysis methods,

Table 8. Decomposition temperatures in K (°C) of the tested samples.

Decomposition Residue values from
Sample Initial decomposition temperature, peak temperature, Final decomposition temperature, Residue values from TG LOI
code K (°C) K (°C) K (°C) data, % data, %
D2 777 (504) 1050 (777) 1111 (838) 52.40 53.07
D3 804 (531) 1062 (789) 1113 (840) 51.56 53.14
D4 704 (431) 1044 (771) 1128 (855) 52.07 53.15
D5 711(438) 1038 (765) 1115 (842) 52.76 53.25
L1 887 (614) 1070 (797) 1121 (848) 55.58 55.95

Figure 6. The thin section photos of sample D4 and D5. The dark-coloured crystals are dolomite and light-coloured crystals are calcite.

decrepitation and degradation indices were determined. thermal behaviours. The dolomite sample to decom-
Briefly the tested carbonate minerals are within the specifica- pose fastest had the highest degradation index. There-
tions to be used in ironmaking and steelmaking. Following are fore, it may be concluded that there is a relation
the results of the present study. between decomposition rate and degradation index
of carbonate minerals.
(i) Limestone and dolomite samples were almost pure due (ix) It was determined that the reason for the different
to high CaO (in limestone) and MgO (in dolomites) with thermal behaviours is related to crystal structures.
lower TAI and alkali contents. Thin section results showed that there are distinct
(ii) X-ray patterns were in agreement with the chemical differences in the crystal sizes of the samples. It can
analyses data of the tested samples. Only dolomite be concluded that, the carbonate minerals with larger
mineral peaks and calcite mineral peaks were observed. crystal size decompose more than those of with
(iii) FTIR spectra of dolomite samples showed that the main smaller crystal size during calcination. Hence the degra-
absorption bands of dolomite are at 726, 881, 1446, dation index of those large crystal size carbonate
1881, 2525 cm−1. The limestone sample showed that samples will be greater when compared to small
the main absorption bands of calcite mineral. crystal size carbonate samples.
(iv) The tested limestone was suitable to be used in ironmak-
ing. The limestone also met all the requirements with
only 1% low CaO content to be used in steelmaking.
(v) The tested dolomites were suitable to be used (i) in Disclosure statement
steelmaking, (ii) in ironmaking, (iii) in fettling material
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
production. Dolomite samples also met all the require-
ments to be used (iv) in refractory applications with
only 0.5% low CaO + MgO content.
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