Revista de La Construcción 0717-7925: Issn: Revistadelaconstruccion@uc - CL
Revista de La Construcción 0717-7925: Issn: Revistadelaconstruccion@uc - CL
Revista de La Construcción 0717-7925: Issn: Revistadelaconstruccion@uc - CL
ISSN: 0717-7925
[email protected]
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Effect of adhesive replacement with cement mortar on NSM
strengthened RC Beam
Efecto de la sustitución de adhesivo con mortero de cemento en Viga NSM de Hormigon
Reforzado fortalecida
A. B. M. Saiful Islam
Department of Construction Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Dammam, 31451, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
[email protected]
This paper presents the experimental behavior of reinforcement concrete beams strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) steel bar. Several
researchers have used NSM fiber reinforced polymer (FPR) bar or strip for strengthening reinforced concrete beams. Though FRP has a number
advantages like high strength, light weight and corrosion resistance it doesn’t show any ductile behavior, still highly expensive and not easily
available in market. On the other hand, steel bar is less expensive, readily available in the market and shows good ductility. In order to get rapid and
economic strengthening solution, strengthening with near surface mounted steel bar may become a potential alternative to retrofit reinforced
concrete members. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper to investigate the experimental behavior of reinforced concrete beam strengthened
with near surface mounted steel bar. Seven full-size beams (one control beams and six strengthened beams) were tested. Steel bars were used for
strengthening. The failure load, mode of failure, deflection, and strain behavior are discussed. The study reveals that the near surface mounted
technique with steel bars and cement mortar is the most economical strengthening solution to increase the flexural performance of RC beams.
Keyword: Strengthening, Near surface mounting, Steel bar, Reinforced concrete, Low cost strengthening materials, Cement mortar.
En este trabajo se presenta el comportamiento experimental con mortero de cemento en Viga NSM de Hormigon Reforzado fortalecida. Varios
investigadores han utilizado barra o tiras de NSM (montaje cercano a la superficie) de FRP (polímero reforzado con fibra) para el fortalecimiento de
vigas de hormigón armado. Aunque FRP tiene un número de ventajas como alta resistencia, ligereza y resistencia a la corrosión, no muestra ningún
comportamiento dúctil, siendo muy caros y no están fácilmente disponibles en el mercado. Por otro lado, la barra de acero es menos costosa,
fácilmente disponible en el mercado y muestra una buena ductilidad. Con el fin de obtener una solución rápida y económica, el fortalecimiento con
barra de acero NSM puede llegar a ser una alternativa potencial para adaptar los miembros de hormigón armado. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal
de este trabajo para investigar el comportamiento experimental de las vigas de hormigón armado reforzado con barras de acero NSM. Se ensayaron
siete vigas de tamaño completo (una viga de control y seis vigas reforzadas). Barras de acero se utilizaron para el fortalecimiento. La carga de
rotura, modo de fallo, deformación, y el comportamiento de tensión se discuten. El estudio revela que la técnica NSM con barras de acero y
mortero de cemento es la solución de fortalecimiento más económica para aumentar el rendimiento de flexión de vigas RC.
Palabras Claves: Fortalecimiento, montaje en superficie cercana, barras de acero, hormigón armado, materiales de fortalecimiento de bajo coste,
mortero de cemento.
σr Stress range within tensile reinforcing steel in MPa;
N Number of cycles to failure;
m Inverse slope of logσr-logN
ffu Ultimate strength of FRP
εst Strain range in the tension steel
Smax Maximum stress range
Smin Minimum stress range
Fy Steel yielding stress
n Number of CFRP layers
εf Strain range in FRP;
εfu Ultimate strain of FRP
State of the art
Strengthening of structures is required for numerous reasons like as extension of design life, functional change, mechanical damage
and environmental effects, updated design requirements, errors due to design and construction(Cárdenas, Schanack, & Ramos,
2010; Toutanji, Zhao, & Zhang, 2006). It is both environmentally and economically desirable to upgrade structures rather than
rebuild them, particularly if rapid, effective and simple strengthening methods are available (Aldana & Serpell, 2012; Islam, Jameel,
Jumaat, & Rahman, 2013; Yue-lin, Jong-hwei, Tsong, Chien-hsing, & Yiching, 2005). There are many methods available for
strengthening existing deficient structure among which external plate bonding method and near surface mounted technique are
the most popular (Bilotta, Ceroni, Nigro, & Pecce, 2015; Hosen, Jumaat, & Islam, 2015; Rahman, Jumaat, Rahman, & Qeshta, 2015).
The bonded steel plates or carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates to soffit of reinforced concrete structures to increase its
strength or serviceability has been utilized worldwide since the late 1960s. However, the development of high interfacial shear
stresses at the plate ends could cause the premature debonding failure without utilizing its full capacity. More recently, near-
surface mounted (NSM) reinforcement has attracted an increasing amount of research as well as practical application because it is
less prone to premature debonding (De Lorenzis & Teng, 2007).
Though FRP has a number advantages like high strength, light weight and corrosion resistance, however it is still highly expensive
and less available in market. Moreover, FRP expresses less ductile behavior. On the other hand, steel bar is less expensive, readily
available in the market and their long-term durability and bond performance has been thoroughly researched (Rahal & Rumaih,
2011). And, it’s also shows sufficient ductility. In order to rapid and economic strengthening solution, strengthening with near
surface mounted steel bar may become a potential alternative to retrofit reinforced concrete member.
The use of NSM steel bars were started in Europe for strengthening of RC structures since early fifties (Lorenzis, 2002). The earliest
reference that could be found in the literature dates back to 1949(Asplund, 1949)) where steel rebar with cement morter was used
to strengthen a concrete slab in the field construction work. More recent applications of NSM stainless steel bars for the
strengthening of masonry buildings and arch bridges have also been documented (Garrity, 2001; Wang, Jin, Cleland, & Zhang,
Most of experimental study was conducted to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beam with NSM-FRP bar (Al-
Mahmoud, Castel, François, & Tourneur, 2009; Badawi & Soudki, 2009; De Lorenzis, Nanni, & Tegola, 2000; El-Hacha & Gaafar,
2011; El-Hacha & Rizkalla, 2004; Soliman, El-Salakawy, & Benmokrane, 2010) or strip (El-Hacha and Rizkalla, 2004). The test results
confirm that NSM FRP rods can be used to significantly increase the flexural capacity of RC elements. Little or so far no
experimental investigations was found on the flexure performance of concrete beam with NSM steel bar.
In order to realize the effectiveness of strengthening using NSM steel bar, the structural behavior of RC elements strengthened
with NSM steel bar to be fully characterized. Seven medium-size beams (one control beams and six beams strengthened in flexure
with NSM steel rods) were tested in this study. The examined variables were adhesive type, the partial replacement of epoxy
adhesive with cement mortar, number of NSM groove, amount of reinforcement and its disposition. Performance of the tested
beams and modes of failure are presented and discussed in this paper. The test results show that strengthening with NSM steel bar
is also effective and economic strengthening technique.
The strengthening materials like fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars and adhesive (epoxy) are very expensive and not available in
the global market. However, FRP bars shows very few ductility performance. Alternate rapid and economic strengthening
technique is very essential and NSM steel reinforcing approach may fill the necessity suitably.
Experimental Investigation
An experimental program has been arranged to verify the effectiveness of strengthening technique with NSM steel bar.
Experimental data on load, deflection, strains and failure mode was obtained. The experimental program consisted of seven RC
beams. In this section, a description of material used, the test specimen and its different fabrication stages, the procedure used to
strengthen the RC beams; the instrumentations and the test-setup are provided.
Three types of steel bars were used in this research for preparation of the beam specimen. The measured yield and tensile strength
of 12mm bars were 551 MPa and 641 MPa respectively. The flexure reinforcement were bent 90 (ninety) degree at both end to
fulfill the anchorage criteria according to BS8110. Ten millimeter diameter bars were used as hanger bars in shear span zone. Six
mm diameter bars were used for stirrups. The measured yield and tensile strength of the stirrups were 520 MPa and 572 MPa
respectively. Six mm bars were also used for strengthening purpose in NSM strengthening system. Besides six mm bar, eight mm
deformed bars were used to strengthened RC beam particularly in NSM groove. The modulus of elasticity of all steel bars was 200
To compare the performance of cement mortar with epoxy adhesive, Sikadur® 30 was used as adhesive for bonding between
concrete substrate and strengthening materials. It has two component namely component A and B. The color of the component A
was white while the color of B was black. The two components were mixed with a ratio of 3:1 until the the uniform colour of grey
was achieved. Density would be 1.65 kg/liter at 230c after mixing. The bond strength on steel is 21N/mm2 according to DIN EN
24624 and on concrete is 4 N/mm2. The compressive, tensile and shear strength of this adhesive vary with curing time and
temperature that is shown in Table 1.
The cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water with proper amount were mixed using laboratory drum mixer. For casting, steel
moulds made of steel were used. Before placing the concrete the steel moulds were cleaned and greased. After placing the
concrete was compacted by poker vibrator. The beams were cast in three layers, where each layer was compacted using poker
vibrator to ensure adequate compaction. During vibration process, each penetration was made at a reasonable distance from each
other to avoid the bleeding and segregation of concrete.
2000 mm 125 mm
Strengthening of RC beams
Groove Cutting
In NSM technique, grooves are first cut into the concrete cover of an RC element and the FRP reinforcement is bonded therein with
an appropriate groove filler. A special concrete saw was used to cut the grooves at the bottom surface of the beam. The groove
dimensions were 10 mm wide by 15 mm deep.
After groove cutting and surface preparation, prepared specimen for strengthening is shown in Fig. 3.
Electrical resistance strain gauges measured the strains in the steel bar and the concrete. The internal tension steel rebars were
grinded by mechanical grinder at mid span. After grinding, the surface was cleaned by acetone to remove dust particles. Two 5 mm
gauge were then attached to the middle of internal reinforcing bars by fast setting adhesive on top or bottom face two main steel
rebars to record the tension strain.
Silicon was applied on the strain gauge as well as necked wire for proper water sealing. Two 30 mm strain gauges were placed at
the middle of top face of concrete beam and bottom of the strengthening the steel/FRP plate to measure the concrete compressive
and plate tensile strain. The data logger was also connected with the digital controller of the testing machine and strain gauges
attached to the beams, for collecting the real-time loading and strains at the top concrete surface and bottom plate surface. The
readings are scanned at a time interval of 1(one) second.
All beams were tested in four-point bending and the tests were conducted with a closed-loop hydraulic Instron Universal Testing
Machine. All specimens were simply supported and were subjected to two-point loading. The distance between two supports was
2000 mm and the distance between two loading points of spreader beam was 700.The resulting shear span/depth ratio was 3.0.
For the static load test the actuator was loaded and moved down at a low rate so that reading from the data logger and visibility of
crack can be done easily. Test matrix are shown in Table 2
Table 3: load and mode, yield load, first cracking load of different beams. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Beam ID First crack First crack load Bar yield Failure load Failure load increase Mode of failure
load increase over load over Control beam
control beam
CB 12.5 - 72 80 Flexure failure
NS1 20 62.5% 90 98 22.5% Flexure failure followed by bond
NS2 26 112.5% 100 117.44 46.8% Flexure failure
NS3 22 79.17% 92 115.00 43.75% Flexure failure
NS4 28 129.17% 100 101.17 26.46% Flexure failure
NS5 Pre-cracked - 90 98.00 22.5% Flexure failure followed by bond
NS6 25 104.17% 100 106.24 32.8% Debonding failure
The failure modes of all beams are shown in Figure 4. The failure modes of all strengthened beam are found very close to each
other i.e. flexure failure. Flexure failure is concrete crushing followed by steel yielding. It is the most commonly reported mode of
failure in NSM strengthening system. It is less prone to debonding. However, the failure mode of the most heavily reinforced beam
NS6 was premature debonding i.e. the separation of steel bar from concrete side face.
Fig. 4: Failure modes the experimental beams. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
(a): Failure mode of Control beam (CB) (b): Failure mode of NS1
The internal reinforcing steel bar strain and reduction of these bar strain due to strengthening at 20 KN, 40KN, 60 KN service
loading are shown in Table 5. The bar strain of strengthened beams was reduced significantly. Consequently the bar stress would
also be reduced according hook’s law. Therefore, the fatigue life of strengthened beam will be increased according S-N curve
relation of steel bar (Helagson & Hanson, 1974; Moss, 1982). However, difference in bar strain reduction between hybrid and plate
bonding method were not noticed clearly.
Table 5: Reduction in Bar Strain due to NSM strengthening. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Load at 20 Load at 40 Load at 60
Beam No. Reduction (%) Reduction (%) Reduction (%)
Bar Strain Bar Strain Bar Strain
over CB over CB over CB
The strain at top of concrete fiber and reduction of these concrete strain due to strengthening at 20 KN, 40KN, 60 KN service
loading are shown in table 6. The extreme concrete strain of strengthened beams was reduced significantly.
Table 6: Reduction in Concrete Strain due to NSM strengthening. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Load at 20 Load at 40 Load at 60
Beam No. Reduction (%) Reduction (%) Reduction (%)
Con. Strain Con. Strain Con. Strain
over CB over CB over CB
Parametric study
Effect of adhesive type
The effect of adhesive type on the performance of NSM strengthened RC beam is shown in Table 3. Based on experimental data of
NS1 and NS2, as the adhesive type changed from cement mortar to epoxy, the failure load also increased from 98 kN to 117.44 kN
which is usual behavior because bonding strength of epoxy is significantly higher than that of cement mortar. First crack load also
increased from 20 kN to 26 kN due to change of adhesive type. The load deflection behavior of CB, NS1 and NS2 are shown in
Fig.5a. The NS2 shows less deflection compared with NS1 owing to higher mechanical properties of adhesive.
Fig. 5: Load-Deflection diagram of CB, NS2 and NS3. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Load (kN)
40 CB(actuator) CB(lvdt)
20 NS1(Actuator) NS1(lvdt)
NS2(Actuator) NS2(lvdt)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)
Load (kN)
40 CB(actuator) CB(lvdt)
20 NS2(Actuator) NS2(lvdt)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)
Fig. 6: The effect of partial replacement of epoxy with cement mortar. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Ultimate Load( in kN)
Cement(NS1) Epoxy(NS2) Cement+Epoxy(NS3)
Bonding Materials
Ultimate Load( in kN)
60 Cement
40 Epoxy
One Two
Number of Grooves
According to Fig. 7, the ultimate load increased with the number of grooves for the case of epoxy strengthened beam due to
increasing the volume of adhesive. By contrast of cement mortar, the ultimate load were almost same. Fig. 8 shows the effect of
strengthening with cement mortar and epoxy on the load-deflection behavior.
Fig. 8: Load-Deflection diagram of CB, NS2, NS4 and NS5. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Load (kN)
CB(actuator) CB(lvdt)
20 NS1(Actuator) NS1(lvdt)
NS5(Actuator) NS5(lvdt)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)
8 (a) Strengthening with cement mortar
Load (kN)
40 CB(actuator) CB(lvdt)
NS2(Actuator) NS2(lvdt)
NS4(actuator) NS4(Lvdt)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)
8 (b) Strengthening with epoxy
Fig. 9: The effect of bar number on the performance of NSM strengthened beam. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
Ultimate Load (in kN)
0 1 2 3 4
Number of bars
Fig. 9 shows the effect of number of bars on failure behavior of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with NSM steel bar using
cement mortar as adhesive. The beam NS5 and NS6 are used to observe this effect.
Fig. 10: Comparison between NSM strengthening technique and plate bonding method. Source: Self-Elaboration (2015)
There is a significant potential for NSM steel bar with cement mortar for use in strengthening of RC beams to cost savings in
retrofitting structural elements. Based on the experimental study, the following conclusions can be made.
1) Strengthening of RC structures with NSM steel bars is a feasible and economic alternative technique for strengthening
structural elements.
2) Cement mortar can be used as groove filler of strengthening reinforced concrete elements with steel bars efficiently.
3) Partial replacement of epoxy by cement mortar could be possible without significantly affecting flexure performance of
reinforced concrete beams strengthened with NSM technique.
4) Replacement of 50% epoxy adhesive by cement mortar in middle portion of NSM groove gives almost similar flexure
performance compared to the 100% epoxy adhesive.
5) Epoxy replacement with cement mortar is most economical alternative for strengthening reinforced concrete beam with NSM
strengthening technique.
6) Flexural performance of NSM strengthening is quite better that that of corresponding plate method while the requirement of
steel for strengthening with NSM technique is significantly lower(on- third) than that of plate bonding method.
7) Thorough parametric studies show the effectiveness of NSM technique with low cost materials such as adhesive and steel bars.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from University of Malaya under the University of Malaya Research Grant
(UMRG), Grant No. RP018/2012A
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