A Review On The Bond Behavior of FRP NSM Systems in Concrete

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Mário R. F. Coelho1,2, José M. Sena-Cruz1,3, Luís A. C. Neves4,5

ISISE, University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering, Campus de Azurém, 4810-058

Guimarães, Portugal
E-mail: [email protected]; Corresponding author
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Nottingham, Department of Civil Engineering, Nottingham, United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper presents a review of current knowledge on the bond behavior of fiber reinforced

polymer (FRP) systems inserted in the cover of concrete elements, commonly known as the near-surface

mounted technique (NSM). In the first part, by studying the physics of the phenomenon, the typical

failure modes, the most common bond tests and two of the most important design guidelines for FRP

NSM systems are introduced. In the second part, a database of bond tests composed by 431 records is

presented and the accuracy of existing design guidelines is assessed with this data. Lastly, the

formulations proposed by these design guidelines are recalibrated based on the experimental results in the


Keywords: FRP; NSM; Bond; Review

1. Introduction

The near-surface mounted technique (NSM) is one of the most effective techniques to strengthen concrete

structures, mainly in bending and shear. It consists on inserting the reinforcement material in the concrete

cover of the element to be strengthened. The use of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) as reinforcing

material in the context of the NSM technique has been intensively studied in the last 15 years allowing its

widespread application.

The methods for application of FRP NSM systems depend on the FRP cross-section geometry.

Nevertheless, the main steps are common to all FRP systems as follows: (i) execution of grooves on the

face of the element to be strengthened; (ii) cleaning of grooves with compressed air or water under

pressure (in the end the grooves’ surfaces should be dry and without any bond-inhibiting substances); (iii)

preparation of the FRP (cutting with the desired length and cleaning); (iv) preparation of the adhesive

(groove filler) according to its technical specifications; (v) application of the adhesive in the grooves; (vi)

insertion of the FRP into the grooves under slight pressure to force the adhesive to flow between the FRP

and the groove borders. This phase requires special care in order to assure that the grooves are completely

filled with adhesive. When this is not the case, the formation of voids might occur; (vii) removal of

excess adhesive and groove external surface leveling.

When compared with the Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) technique, NSM has the

following key advantages [1-3]: (i) reduced amount of preparation work, requiring only the opening of

the grooves avoiding removal of degraded surface and regularization of remaining surface; (ii) less prone

to premature debonding because the bonded area is larger, allowing a more efficient use of the

reinforcement material (in some cases, FRP failure can be achieved); (iii) ease in extending the

reinforcement to adjacent elements; (iv) greater protection of the FRP against external aggressive agents

or acts of vandalism; (v) smaller visual impact.

In terms of FRP cross-section, rectangular, square or round bars are commonly used. As the

grooves have vertical and parallel sides, square and rectangular bars explore better this grooves’ geometry

since a more uniform adhesive thickness is achieved. Moreover, with the use of round bars, split of the

groove filling cover may occur due to the existing stresses perpendicular to the FRP. In the case of square

and rectangular bars this normal stress component acts mainly towards the groove lateral concrete.

Comparing square and rectangular bars, the latter maximize the ratio of surface to cross-section

area, minimizing the bond stresses for the same tensile force in the FRP. Other advantage of using

rectangular bars is related with the simplicity of opening the grooves: a single saw cut is normally enough

for obtaining the groove while with round/square bars two saw cuts and removal of the concrete in

between are usually required. The main disadvantage of rectangular bars is the need for a deeper groove

to provide the same reinforcement area.

In terms of the adhesives used to bond FRP bars to concrete, epoxy adhesives are the most

common, even though some researchers have used cement mortar [4, 5]. In general, cement based

adhesives have lower mechanical strength and higher curing time. On the other hand, they present better

performance when subjected to high temperatures.

The most recent comprehensive review on the NSM technique was published in 2007 [6]. In order

to provide a wider overview of the technique, it was not focused on the bond. Moreover, since then, a

manifold of experimental works focusing on bond performance of FRP NSM systems have been

developed. Hence, the scope of this work is to provide a review on the bond behavior of FRP NSM

systems in concrete. This review includes, in the first part, an introduction to the typical observed failure

modes, the most commonly used bond tests and two of the most important design guidelines. In the

second part of this paper, a database of 431 bond tests is presented, the accuracy of the design guidelines

is tested and several modifications to these guidelines’ formulations are proposed.

2. FRP NSM technique

2.1. Failure modes at structural level

Considering a reinforced concrete element strengthened in bending (and/or shear) with a FRP NSM

system, six failure modes combining different stress states on the three intervening materials (concrete,

reinforcement steel and FRP) can occur.

Assuming firstly the failure of a single material, concrete crushing, FRP rupture or FRP debonding

are possible. These failure modes should be avoided since they lead to brittle failures. Concrete crushing

may occur when longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio is too high and/or concrete strength is too low; if

FRP reinforcement ratio is too low and its bonded length is high enough, FRP rupture can occur; finally,

if the strengthening configuration does not allow the mobilization of the FRP system’s full strength, FRP

debonding may occur even before steel yielding.

When the FRP NSM system is properly designed, the expected failure modes are the concrete

crushing and steel yielding, steel yielding and FRP rupture or steel yielding and FRP debonding. The

internal cross-section equilibrium is achieved by the balance between concrete in compression and the

contribution of both longitudinal steel and FRP in tension. Hence, the most efficient design solution will

be the one which explores more efficiently the reinforcement materials (steel and FRP) thus conducting to

concrete crushing after longitudinal steel yielding being the FRP safely close to failure. This leads to a

ductile failure, with all materials being used up to their capacity.

The last two failure modes (steel yielding with FRP either in rupture or debonding) are the most

difficult to prevent because the existing prediction models of bond strength are not robust enough yet. As

a result, there is significant uncertainty regarding the definition of the critical failure mode, hindering the

quality of strength predictions even for concrete crushing failures. In fact, if it was possible to predict the

highest load that the FRP can attain without debonding, then it would be possible to design the FRP

system not failing in tension. Then, it would also be possible to check, by the internal cross-section

equilibrium, whether or not the concrete strength allows full load transfer.

In order to better understand the failure by debonding of the FRP, Figure 1 presents a general

example of a reinforced concrete beam strengthened in bending with a FRP NSM system. This figure

indicates the regions where the three major debonding failure modes can occur [7, 8]. End debonding is

associated with the concentration of stresses near the ends of the FRP and starts from its extremity to the

center of the beam, causing the failure of the strengthening system. Debonding caused by diagonal shear

cracks, usually designated critical diagonal crack debonding, is associated with the development of a

dominant shear crack. As soon as the crack reaches the FRP, it can propagate horizontally along the FRP

NSM system towards the closest extremity, causing the failure of the strengthening system. Debonding

caused by flexural cracks, commonly designated intermediate crack debonding, is in a manner similar to

shear crack debonding phenomenon, but initiated by a flexural crack.

2.2. Failure modes at local level

Each one of the three debonding failure modes presented before can be in turn separated in four different

local failure modes taking into account, not only the failure of the three materials involved in the FRP

NSM system (concrete, FRP and adhesive) but also the existing interfaces (FRP/adhesive and

adhesive/concrete). Figure 2 presents those failure modes for an example of a FRP NSM system with a

rectangular bar.

To better explain these four failure modes, consider that the load is transferred from the FRP to

concrete. Hence, it is expected that the first critical region where failure can take place will be the

interface between FRP and adhesive. The resistance to this failure mode depends essentially on the degree

of transverse confinement, bond length and adhesion mechanisms between FRP and adhesive.

Failure within the adhesive depends also on the degree of transverse confinement and on the

mechanical properties of the adhesive (mainly shear resistance). Failure at the interface between adhesive

and concrete depends on the same factors as the failure at the interface between FRP and adhesive,

considering that the relevant adhesion mechanism is now between adhesive and concrete.

Finally, cohesive failure within the concrete depends also on the degree of transverse confinement

and on the mechanical properties of concrete.

Another aspect that should be stressed is that the interfacial failure modes have a similar physical

appearance (i.e. the elements will become simply unconnected), while in the case of cohesive failure

modes (in adhesive or concrete) several variations can be found, e.g. crushed, spalled, splitted or in a state

resulting from a combination of these types of failures.

Summarizing, FRP debonding can occur at one of the three zones indicated in Figure 1 along one

of the four regions indicated in Figure 2. Although debonding can occur simultaneously in more than one

zone (see Figure 1) and along more than one region (see Figure 2) in the same reinforced concrete

element, at each level (structural and local) one of failure modes will be determinant.

2.3. NSM bond tests

The bond behavior of FRP NSM systems has been experimentally studied using the so-called bond tests.

Several bond test configurations have been proposed for analyzing in detail the debonding phenomena

introduced in section 2.1. These configurations can be grouped in direct pullout tests (DPT) and beam

pullout tests (BPT). The DPT are more representative of end debonding and critical diagonal crack while

BPT are recommended to study intermediate crack debonding.

DPT for FRP NSM systems were derived from the existing ones for reinforcement steel [9]. In the

later, a concrete block is cast with a bar of steel in its center with a predefined bond length. The test

consists on pulling the steel bar from the concrete block. The applied force and the correspondent slip

(i.e., the relative displacement between the bar and the concrete block) are registered during the entire

test. This relation between force and slip allows the definition of the usually nominated bond-slip law,

which is used to characterize the bond.

When DPT is used to study FRP NSM systems, the FRP is eccentrically located in the concrete

block in order to be representative of NSM systems. A wide range of adaptations of the original setup has

been proposed to study FRP NSM systems. Different setups lead to different stress states in concrete,

which will be suitable to model different aspects of FRP NSM systems. A detailed description of the

different test setups found in the literature and the corresponding critical appraisal of these is provided in

section 3.

BPT for FRP NSM systems were adapted from the beam pullout tests for reinforcement steel [10].

In this case, two concrete blocks with same geometry are connected by a hinge system at the top and by a

steel bar near the bottom. When the BPT is applied to FRP NSM systems, besides the use of FRP instead

of steel, different bonded lengths between FRP and concrete are commonly used for each block

composing the system. In one block, the FRP is fixed along its entire length, while in the other it is fixed

in a smaller predefined length in order to localize the study of the debonding process.

Ideally, both types of tests should be used to fully characterize the bond behavior. In spite of that,

as will be seen in the following sections, DPT are available in larger numbers due to the main advantages

of this configuration in terms of practical use: DPT tests are easier, faster and less expensive than BPT

ones. Moreover, the information given by the DPT is more important, since end debonding and critical

diagonal crack occur for lower bond strengths.

2.4. NSM guidelines

In the past, several researchers have proposed formulations regarding the bond strength prediction of FRP

NSM systems in concrete [6, 11]. The calibration of those formulations is normally limited to the reduced

number of tests used, as well as by the type of failure modes observed in their experimental programs.

More recently, some of the existing formulations were tested using experimental results available in the

literature and some modifications were also proposed [11, 12].

In this work, the focus was given to the existing guidelines for the use and design of FRP NSM

systems in concrete. At least four guidelines were identified, namely the CAN/CSA S6-06 from Canadian

Standards Association [13], the ACI 4402R-08 from American Concrete Institute [7], the HB 305–2008

from Standards Australia [8] and the draft version of the new annex of EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode 2: Part 1-

1) by the TC250-SC2-WG1-TG1-N17 from the Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN) [14].

Regarding the CAN/CSA S6-06 guideline, it was not considered in this study mainly because it

does not propose a closed-form solution for the evaluation of the bond strength of FRP NSM systems. In

fact, it refers that the bond strength should be obtained either by testing the FRP NSM system to be used,

or it should be provided by the manufacturer.

The new annex of EN 1992-1-1 was also not considered in this study, since it is only applicable to

FRP bars with rectangular cross-section (FRP strips). In addition, its formulation require some adhesive

properties, such as tensile and compressive strengths, which are not often provided by the authors of the

published experimental works, resulting in a marginal amount of specimens suitable to be analyzed.

Additionally, the expression proposed by this guideline to estimate the bond strength depends on some

coefficients which shall be provided by the manufacturer for each FRP NSM system, or adjusted by


Therefore, only the remaining two guidelines were analyzed and are presented in the following

paragraphs: (i) the “Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for

Strengthening Concrete Structures” (ACI 4402R-08) from the American Concrete Institute [7] referred in

the present paper as ACI; and (ii) the “Design handbook for reinforced concrete structures retrofitted with

FRP and metal plates: beams and slabs” (HB 305–2008) from Standards Australia [8], referred herein as

SA. The formulation of both guidelines is based on the assumption that a certain bonded length (Lb) is

required to develop the entire bond strength of the FRP NSM system, designated as development length

(Ld). If Lb ≥ Ld the maximum bond force is achieved. Otherwise, it will be linearly reduced according to

the ratio Lb / Ld.

To simplify the comparison between ACI and SA guidelines, Figure 3 presents their bond-slip

laws while the following paragraphs describe each guideline’s formulation. This figure also shows two

idealized bond-slip models assumed as representative of the real behavior in FRP NSM systems in

concrete: in general, a linear branch can be assumed for the pre-peak branch; depending on the friction

degree, a horizontal plateau can exist or not in the softening phase.

2.4.1. ACI Formulation

In the ACI formulation, the key parameter is the maximum bond strength (τmax) for the entire system

(FRP/adhesive/concrete). If the bonded length (Lb) is greater or equal than the development length (Ld),

the idealized bilinear shear stress distribution along the bond length can be approximated to a rectangular

distribution. Hence, an average bond strength (τavg), constant and equal to 6.9 MPa for all FRP NSM

systems, is assumed.

By imposing this average bond strength limit to the connection’s maximum capacity, the Ld and

the maximum pullout force installed in the FRP (Ffmax) can be estimated using equations (1) and (2),

respectively. According to this standard if Lb ≥ Ld the failure will occur by FRP rupture. Otherwise it will

occur by one of the four bond failure modes referred before (see Figure 2), namely failure at the interfaces

FRP/adhesive or adhesive/concrete or cohesive failure at the adhesive or concrete. However, since all

modes are addressed using a single expression, no indication exist about the critical failure mode.

In this formulation, Ffmax is predicted using only four parameters: FRP perimeter (pf), cross-section

area (Af) and design tensile strength (ffd) and the bonded length (Lb).

Ld = Af f fd p f τ avg (1)

 Af f fd if Lb ≥ Ld

Ff max = Lb (2)
 Af f fd L if Lb < Ld
 d

2.4.2. SA Formulation

The SA formulation is somehow more robust than the previous one as it was developed by solving the

fundamental second order differential equation governing the bond phenomenon of FRP NSM systems

assuming the theoretical bilinear bond stress slip relationship without plateau (see Figure 3). This bilinear

law can be simplified to a single linear descending branch since the error associated to this simplification

was found to be marginal [15]. With this strategy, the values of Ld and Ffmax can be estimated by using

equations (3) and (4), respectively. Besides the parameters defining the bond-slip law (τmax and δmax),

these equations include the axial stiffness of the FRP bar (EAf) and the perimeter of the failure surface

(Lper). SA defines that this failure perimeter is located 1 mm from the FRP bar perimeter. The SA

standard also includes expressions for the estimation of the bond strength (τmax) and corresponding slip

(δmax). The evaluation of these entities (see equations (5) and (6)) are dependent on the concrete

compressive strength (fc) and on the ratio between the depth and the width of failure perimeter (ϕper).

Although SA and ACI guidelines present similar strategies for assessing Ffmax, there are interesting

differences between them. The most relevant is that, while ACI only accounts for two types of failure

modes (either be FRP rupture or an unspecified out of the four premature bond failure modes), SA

accounts for three (FRP rupture, concrete cohesive failure or an unspecified premature bond failure mode

out of the remaining three, i.e. cohesive at the adhesive or at the interfaces).

While in ACI guideline, the first branch of Ffmax equation (Lb ≥ Ld) is associated with FRP rupture,

in SA standard it is associated with concrete cohesive failure instead. SA second branch (Lb < Ld) is

associated with the remaining three premature bond failure modes (again, not specifying which). Finally,

the right-hand side of both branches introduces the FRP rupture failure mode by limiting the maximum

pullout force to the tensile strength of the FRP.

The use this formulation requires the definition of the following parameters: FRP geometry (for

the evaluation of Lper and ϕper), FRP design tensile strength (ffd), modulus of elasticity (Ef) and cross-

section area (Af), bonded length (Lb) and concrete compressive strength (fc).

Finally, it should be stressed that SA formulation was developed for rectangular FRP bars.

However, in the scope of the present work, it was also extended to square and round FRP bars. The

necessary adaptations will be detailed further.

Ld =
τ max Lper (3)
δmax ( EA) f

 τ maxδ max Lper ( EA) f ≤ Af f fd if Lb ≥ Ld

Ff max = Lb (4)
 τ maxδ max Lper ( EA) f ≤ Af f fd if Lb < Ld
 Ld

τmax = (0.078ϕper + 0.8) fc0.6 (5)

τmaxδmax = 0.73ϕ0.5 f 0.67

per c (6)

2.4.3. Construction details

In addition to the evaluation of the Ffmax and Ld, it is also necessary, from both regulatory and practical

standpoints, to define a set of construction details. The guidelines presented before (ACI and SA) provide

some of these construction details.

From the bibliographic survey performed (detailed in the next sections), a review on these

construction details was made and is summarized in Table 1. In this table acceptable limits for the groove

width (bg), depth (dg) and spacing (ag), as well as edge distance (ae) are given. It shall be stressed that the

values in this table were obtained from different experimental programs, using different FRP NSM

systems and test configurations.

As can be seen, in terms of groove width, only a lower limit was found in the literature. This limit

aims at avoiding adhesive splitting due to the radial stresses in the FRP. However, an upper limit should

also be defined in order to prevent the cohesive shear failure of the adhesive [3]. Regarding the groove

depth, from the literature it is clear that the bond performance increases with the grooves’ depth;

however, this parameter is limited by concrete cover. A minimum value for the spacing between grooves

(ag) is proposed to avoid group effect between consecutive FRP reinforcements. Similarly, a minimum

value for ae is suggested to avoid the premature failure of the edge of the concrete element.

3. Databases of bond tests

In order to allow a deeper understanding on the bond behavior between FRP and concrete in FRP NSM

systems, two databases of existing experimental programs were gathered, one for direct pullout tests

(DPT) and other for beam pullout tests (BPT).

Regarding DPT, experimental results were gathered from a total of 26 documents [3-5, 19-41].

From those, 363 useful specimens were collected. For BPT, only 6 documents [4, 42-46] were found in

the literature from which 68 useful specimens were selected. Table 2 presents a summary of the range of

the most important parameters included in the referred databases. The following paragraphs summarize

the main variables studied in the experimental programs collected, as well as the major conclusions that

can be drawn by considering them all together.

Bonded length

In general, increasing the bonded length (Lb) leads to an increase in terms of the FRP maximum pullout

force (Ffmax) and the corresponding strain (εfmax). Contrarily, the average tangential stresses in both

interfaces (FRP/adhesive and adhesive/concrete) decrease due to the higher contact area between the FRP

and surrounding materials and the non-uniform distribution of bond stresses along the bond length. These

findings are valid both for DPT [3, 4, 20, 21, 31, 41] and BPT [4, 42, 44-47] specimens.

Regarding DPT only, since there are specimens with very small values of Lb, it was found that the

average bond stresses at the interfaces increase with the increase of Lb up to a threshold (Ld), after which

it decreases. The Ld value was found to be equal to 5df [24, 48] and 9.1df [32] for CFRP round bars.

Taking into account that those values depend on the discrete values of Lb that were tested, a global

threshold of 100 mm can be defined. For both CFRP rectangular bars [3] and GFRP round bars [35] this

limit is suggested to be equal to 200 mm.

Even though the parameters that influence the definition of this limit (Ld) are not yet clearly

identified, its existence has been proved experimentally. In fact, a minimum Lb is required to allow the

mobilization of the entire bond-slip law. If a Lb larger than Ld is available, as the region near the loaded

extremity becomes unbonded, the bond stresses migrate to the “extra” Lb. However, the maximum

tangential stress value would not change since it is assumed that the local bond stress is a mechanical

characteristic of the strengthening system.

FRP fiber type and external surface

The type of FRP as well as the external surface play an important role in bond response of FRP NSM

systems. In identical DPT specimens and FRP NSM system configurations, it was found that Ffmax

increases when moving from basalt to glass and from glass to carbon FRP bars [25, 27, 28, 37]. This is a

consequence of the observed increasing stiffness from basalt to carbon.

As expected, smooth surfaces are more prone to failure in the FRP/adhesive interface. On the other

hand, such failure modes are less sudden than the ones observed in roughened surface bars [27, 28].

Comparing FRP bars with different external surfaces it was found that Ffmax increases from

manually roughened to sand coated to ribbed surfaces [36]. This behavior is related with the increase of

the mechanical interlocking between the adhesive and the FRP surface provided by each type of external


For BPT specimens it was verified that ribbed bars were more efficient than sandblasted ones [4].

This observation is in agreement with the results observed in DPT.

Groove surface

In the context of strengthening reinforced concrete structures, grooves are opened on the existing concrete

cover. In spite of that, there are some studies in the literature associated with pre-molded grooves [49].

Rough grooves (as a result of opening grooves in cured concrete) behaved much better than smooth ones

(associated with pre-molded grooves) since the latter are more prone to failure at adhesive/concrete

interface [4].

FRP axial stiffness

For the case of DPT, Ffmax increases with FRP axial stiffness (EAf) up to the value of 8000 kN, from

which no further load increase was observed [25]. To confirm the existence of such limit, Figure 4a

presents the relationship between EAf and εfmax. For round FRP cross-section, εfmax decreases with EAf

(lognormal trend with R2=0.79). In the other cases (i.e. rectangular and square bars), since the dispersion

of values is low nothing can be concluded, even though the trend in rectangular bars seems to be identical

to the one observed in round bars.

Similar conclusions to the ones observed in the DPT can be pointed out for the case of BPT

specimens (see Figure 4b). The major differences are that: (i) no square specimens exist; (ii) the trend

lines in rectangular and round FRP cross-section now are almost the same.

FRP cross-section geometry

Literature has been confirming that the FRP cross-section geometry also influences the bond

performance. In fact, when the diameter (or the width for the case of rectangular cross-sections) of the

FRP (df) increases, Ffmax and εfmax also increase and the tangential stress at FRP/adhesive interface (τavg,F/A)

decreases due to the greater contact area between the FRP bar and the adhesive [4, 5, 20].

For the case of CFRP round bars, the influence of df seems to be also dependent on the groove

size. Ffmax increases with df if the ratio groove depth to bar diameter (dg / df) is kept almost constant [31],

i.e. if the groove geometry (assuming that the width is equal to the depth) also increase at the same rate.

But if the groove geometry is kept equal when df increases, then Ffmax decreases [37], due to the reduction

on the adhesive thickness. As explained in section 2.4.3, there is a minimum adhesive thickness required

to prevent the cohesive failure at the adhesive. In [37], the reduction on the groove size changed the

failure mode from cohesive at concrete to cohesive at the adhesive.

For the case of CFRP rectangular bars, increasing the FRP bar width (bf) increases the Ffmax

mainly due to the larger cross-sectional area of the FRP [3, 33].

Comparing directly specimens with FRP bars with different cross-sections, it is also confirmed

that rectangular bars are more efficient, in terms of exploring the FRP capacity, than round bars [45],

since, as previously referred, rectangular bars explore better the surface to cross-section area ratio.

Groove’s geometry

The influence of the groove’s geometry was assessed by testing identical specimens where only the

groove dimensions were changed. When both groove dimensions increase at the same proportion, Ffmax

increase [31]. If the failure mode is cohesive at the adhesive then the average strength at the interface

FRP/adhesive increases with groove size (keeping constant the ratio width to depth) [4]. If the failure

mode is at the interface adhesive/concrete, the average strength at the interface FRP/adhesive was found

to decrease in [4] and to increase in [24, 48]. When increasing separately each groove dimension, it seems

that depth has positive effect on Ffmax, due to the increase in terms of confinement provided by

surrounding concrete, while the width has negative effect [40]. This emphasizes the need for an upper

limit to groove’s width as referred in section 2.4.3. If the failure mode is cohesive in concrete [37] or at

the interface FRP/adhesive [4], increasing the groove dimensions had no influence on Ffmax.

Shape Ratio

Two different shape ratios were considered in this work: one for the width, kb = bg / bf; and other for the

depth, kd = dg / df. In these expressions bf and df are the thickness and width in quadrangular FRP bars,

respectively, df is the diameter for round FRP bars, while bg and dg are groove width and depth,

respectively. If both shape ratios kb and kd are greater than 1.5 no splitting occurred at the epoxy adhesive

in [25] while splitting was observed in [27, 28]. This suggests that these geometry ratio limits are not

enough to avoid of adhesive splitting. Additionally, other parameters (or relations) may be required to

control the adhesive splitting, for instance making these ratios dependent on the external FRP surface.

Cover of the FRP

From the results gathered, the effect of adhesive cover of the FRP was only studied for CFRP rectangular

bars. It was found that Ffmax and the average bond strength at the two interfaces (FRP/adhesive and

adhesive/concrete) increase with the increase of the cover [5]. It was also found that, when the CFRP is

inserted in deeper grooves but without cover (the adhesive only exists in the interior part of the groove

and up to the outer face of the CFRP), the reduction in terms of strength and post-peak behavior of the

pullout force versus slip relationship is small [33]. In any case, it should be kept in mind that in this case

the failure mode was the same for both specimens with and without cover (cohesive within the concrete).

Concrete strength

As for the externally bonded reinforcement, concrete plays a critical role on the performance of the NSM

strengthening technique. By default the maximum pullout force (Ffmax) increases with the concrete

compressive strength (fc) up to a threshold value [3]. This threshold value corresponds to the change of

the failure mode type from cohesive within concrete to another mode. As expected, when the failure

mode is not cohesive within concrete, fc had no effect in Ffmax [40, 42].

For the case of specimens where failure occurred in the concrete, a reasonably constant value was

obtained for the ratio between Ffmax and the square root of fc, implying that the ultimate load is directly

related to the tensile strength of the concrete [3].

In [31] the effect of the concrete strength on Ffmax seemed to be dependent of the FRP bar surface

configuration and on the bonded length. Different surface configurations result in different adhesion

mechanisms which, as referred in section 2.2, have a major influence in the obtained failure mode.

Regarding Lb, it was found that the influence of fc is greater in specimens with lower Lb, which is

corroborated by the results presented in [45].

Bond test type

One critical aspect in the analysis of bond in NSM systems is the inexistence of a standard configuration

for both direct (DPT) and beam (BPT) pullout tests. In fact, in the DPT experimental works studied, four

different configurations were used to study the bond behavior in FRP NSM systems. Figure 5 summarizes

those configurations which have been separated by the number of test sides (single or double-shear) and

the concrete stress state during the tests (compression or tension).

In general researchers use single-shear test configuration. Variations can be found in terms of

concrete block shape, which can be cubic, prismatic or even C-shaped, in spite of the prismatic being the

most used. Comparing single with double-shear tests, the first ones present the following advantages: (i)

simpler preparation procedures since only one face of concrete block is used; and (ii) simpler control of

testing procedure and results analysis since the test region is more localized. Comparing compression and

tension single-shear tests, it would be expected that Ffmax would be higher in compression tests, as a

consequence of the confinement provided by the support conditions. However, there are results of

identical specimens from compression [3] and tension [25] tests, where Ffmax is quite similar, even though

concrete presented lower mechanical properties in the case of tension tests. The main reason that can be

pointed out for this similarity is related to an unbonded length that was left between the bonded region

and the top of the concrete element. This can have induced a compressive strength in the top of the

concrete block, limiting the difference between compression and tension tests. In fact, the effect of

leaving such unbonded length was assessed in compression tests and it was verified to achieve Ffmax

identical to specimens where no unbonded length was left [3]. In any case, this must be verified

experimentally since there are other parameters which may be influencing these conclusions.

The greater differences observed in the compression or tension pullout test setups can be found

when the failure occurs within concrete. In compression tests, a concrete cohesive failure is generally

observed, characterized by a concrete layer attached to the composite element (FRP/adhesive) after

failure (e.g. [3]). For the case of tension tests, the concrete cohesive failure is characterized by a wedge of

concrete starting from the free end of the connection to its loaded end (extremity closer to the loading

point). Additionally, this wedge of concrete is limited by the location of the steel bars that reinforced the

pullout specimen (e.g. [25]). Taking into account the type of debonding phenomena that DPT are

intended to represent, namely, end debonding and critical diagonal crack (see Figure 1), it can be seen

that tension tests are more representative than compression tests.

Unlike the case of DPT, almost all BPT tests studied used a common test configuration (c.f.

section 2.3).

Comparing DPT and BPT databases, it is interesting to note that larger bonded lengths are used

with DPT test. In fact, the BPT configuration requires larger concrete blocks to study longer bonded

lengths, making BPT more expensive, as already referred in section 2.3.

Failure modes

As referred in section 2.2, there are five distinct failure modes that can occur in a pullout test, i.e. FRP

rupture or one of the four premature bond failure modes (see Figure 2). However, the authors of the

experimental works analyzed tend to report more than one failure modes for the same specimen.

Sometimes this happens due to the occurrence of a sudden failure during the tests, hiding the possibility

of observing the real failure mode. Additionally, in the case of BPT specimens, the test configuration

itself could lead to erroneous identification of failure modes. In fact, the BPT are performed with test

region (face where the FRP is applied) downwards, being more difficult to observe the development of

the failure mechanism.

In order to have a homogeneous interpretation for the variety of failure modes that sometimes

authors report, in the present work, those failure modes were grouped taking into account the most

probable weakest component in the connection (concrete, FRP or interfaces). With this assumption,

several different specific failure modes can be grouped under one of the five major failure modes’

designations since in all of them the weak link is the same.

From all failure modes, failure of the FRP material is the simpler to recognize and is usually

clearly reported by authors. Interfacial failure modes, FRP/adhesive and adhesive/concrete, are relatively

simple to identify, even though sometimes they are referred associated to other failure mechanisms (e.g.

adhesive splitting or concrete spalling). The strategy used in this work for those cases was to check,

whenever photos of FRP and groove’s surfaces after the test are provided. Interfacial failure modes will

result in clean FRP surface without adhesive attached or in clean adhesive surface without concrete

attached. Sometimes in the end of the test concrete or adhesive had split and those failure mechanisms are

referred in addition to one of the interfacial failure modes but, after visual inspection, it was decided to

classify those failures as interfacial. The shearing off of the FRP ribs, sometimes reported when round

bars are used, was also classified as a failure at FRP/adhesive interface. In fact, mechanical interlocking

between the adhesive and the ribs is part of the adherence mechanism in those types of FRP bars, in

addition to chemical adhesion and friction between adhesive and FRP.

Cohesive failures, within concrete or adhesive, are mainly due to the normal stresses that develop

together with longitudinal stresses during the pullout test. At some point, the normal stresses can reach

concrete or adhesive tensile strength leading to its rupture. When there are doubts because both cohesive

failures are reported, the specimen was classified according to its final appearance. If the groove remains

almost intact (the corners might be slightly damaged) failure was classified as adhesive, otherwise as

concrete failure. In fact, if failure occurs in the adhesive layer, concrete would not be damaged. If damage

in concrete exists, adhesive could still have been destroyed as a consequence of the explosive type of

failure that characterizes both cohesive failures.

The proposed approach is consistent with the literature, for example, Soliman et al. [37] reported

specimens where failure was cohesive at the concrete even though cracks in the adhesive were found after

the test. Oehlers et al. [33] also found similar behavior in specimens without adhesive cover, where the

reduction in the resistance due to the lack of cover is relatively small and concrete failure can be

achieved. This corroborates the assumption that even if adhesive cover splitting occurs, the connection

can still resist until concrete failure is reached due to the lateral confinement. Hence, adhesive splitting

itself can sometimes be a consequence of other failure mechanism rather than the mechanism responsible

for bond loss.

The classification approach presented above was used whenever authors report more than one

failure mode. Unfortunately, in the majority of the specimens available in BPT database, the failure mode

reported is a combination of several mechanisms. Hence, only for the case of DPT an overview of the

failure modes can be provided, as illustrated in Figure 6. This figure shows that all the five failure modes

referred before are relevant since they all can frequently occur. This highlights the complexity of this

technique when compared to the externally bonded reinforcement technique where, in terms of premature

bond failure, only detachment of concrete is relevant.

Additionally, it should be stressed that the evolution of the critical regions of failure suggested in

section 2.2 is experimentally confirmed. It was hypothesized that, for identical specimens where only

bonded length is successively increased, interfacial failure modes would be the first to appear (firstly at

FRP/adhesive interface, then at adhesive/concrete), followed by one of the cohesive failure modes and the

last to occur would be the FRP rupture. That trend is verified, for example, in the specimens of Seracino

et al. [3] and Bilotta et al. [25] where, for identical specimens, the maximum pullout force is lower when

failure at FRP/adhesive interface occurred, then when failure at adhesive/concrete interface occurred and

finally the higher pullout forces are registered for specimens where concrete cohesive failure occurred.

Identical trend was also found by Soliman et al. [37] where it also can be seen that in some cases FRP

rupture is attained for bonded lengths higher than those that originated the cohesive failure of concrete.

4. Design formulations accuracy

The accuracy of the ACI and SA formulations was evaluated with the gathered databases. For each

experimental test, the maximum pullout force was selected as the comparison variable.

All the analyses were performed using two distinct approaches: (i) data separated by the type of

FRP cross-section; and, (ii) considering all the specimens together. The main purpose of this study is to

assess the impact of having a single formulation for all FRP cross-sections, since the FRP NSM system

behavior was found to be cross-section dependent, as shown in the previous sections.

For all the analyses performed two error metrics were calculated, namely, the mean absolute error

(MAE) and the root mean squared error (RMSE). Those are defined in equations (7) and (8), respectively.

In these equations, the error ei for the ith specimen of the total N, is the difference between the maximum

pullout force numerical prediction (Ffmax,Num) and its experimental value (Ffmax,Exp), as illustrated in

equation (9).

MAE = ∑ ei N
i =1 (7)

RMSE = ∑e
i =1

ei = ( Ff max,Num )i − ( Ff max,Exp )i

4.1. ACI standard

As referred in section 2.4.1, ACI formulation adopts a single value for the value of average bond strength

(τavg), regardless to the type of FRP bar. In order to assess the impact of such assumption, in this section,

three different analyses are presented differing on the value of τavg.

In a first analysis (A1), the value of 6.9 MPa suggested by the ACI for τavg was used. This analysis

was used as reference and allowed assessing the accuracy of ACI formulation. In a second analysis (A2),

a recalibration of τavg was tested. This new value was obtained by minimizing the sum of the predictions’

errors. Finally, in the third analysis (A3), a new expression for τavg was proposed as function of the

geometrical ratio defined in equation (10). In fact, it does not seem reasonable to have a constant value

for τavg. In the present study the relation presented in equation (10) was proposed as an alternative, where

parameters a and b were calibrated based on the results available in the database.

 Af 
τ avg = a   (10)
 p f Lb 

In the case of direct pullout tests (DPT) database, the number of specimens used in all the three

analyses, divided by FRP cross-section type, was: 175 rectangular, 35 square and 153 round. Figure 7

presents the results obtained in the three analyses in terms of relationship between experimental and

predicted pullout force. As it can be seen in all charts, the accuracy of the predictions improved from first

to second analysis and from this to the third one, confirming that τavg is cross-section dependent. This

conclusion is also corroborated by the error metrics stored in Table 3, which decrease from analyses A1

to A3.

It was also interesting to find that, when all specimens are considered together, the value of

6.91 MPa for τavg was obtained in the analysis A2, which is practically the value recommended by ACI.

This suggests that ACI’s proposal is adequate if a single value of τavg is to be used for all geometries.

In the case of BPT database, the number of specimens used in all the three analyses, divided by

FRP cross-section type, was: 33 rectangular and 35 round. Figure 8 and Table 3 present the results

obtained in the three analyses using BPT database, where it can be seen that the same conclusions drawn

before for DPT remain valid in BPT, i.e. from A1 to A3 analyses the results were successively better.

4.2. SA standard

As referred before, the formulation included in the SA was developed for rectangular FRP bars and

assumes that the failure perimeter is located 1 mm apart from the FRP bar perimeter.

In order to assess the possibility of extending this formulation to square and round FRP bar cross-

sections, two different analyses were conducted differing in terms of the location of failure perimeter. The

first analysis (A1) coincides with that foreseen in SA formulation, thus the failure perimeter was assumed

to be located 1 mm from the FRP bar perimeter, being the FRP located in the middle of the groove.

Special care was taken to consider the different FRP cross-sections available in both databases. This

failure perimeter was nominated Lper,f since it is related with the FRP geometry.

To make the failure perimeter independent from the FRP cross-section, a second scenario was

considered in which the failure perimeter was assumed to be located 1 mm from the groove perimeter. In

this second analysis (A2) the failure perimeter was designated Lper,g since it is related with the groove


After applying SA formulation with these two different failure perimeters, it was found that the

second scenario (i.e. Lper,g) resulted in lower prediction errors, for both DPT and BPT databases. This

conclusion is quite interesting since it allows having a single formulation for both types of tests in

addition to be FRP cross-section’s independent.

Having the failure perimeter location defined (i.e. Lper,g), a third analysis (A3) was then carried out.

In this third analysis, the parameters of SA formulation that were obtained from experimental calibration,

were recalibrated using the databases presented herein and a strategy identical to that used by SA authors

[15]. This strategy consists on, based on the experimental results, calibrating the coefficients included in

equations (5) and (6).

Identically to what was made earlier for DPT analyses, Figures 9 and 10 present the relationship

between experimental and predicted pullout force for the three analyses with SA formulation using DPT

and BPT databases, respectively, while Table 4 presents the error metrics for all the analyses with SA


Since the first two analyses to choose the failure perimeter location (A1 and A2), depend on

different parameters and considering that those were not always provided by the experimental works’

authors, the number of specimens used in each one varies. Hence, the legend of the first two analyses also

include the number of specimens used (presented in parentheses).

In the case of the third analysis (A3), the legend of each figure includes only the final recalibrated

expressions. Since the failure perimeter considered is the same of A2 analysis (i.e. Lper,g), the number of

specimens is also the same, thus was not repeated.

Both Figures 9 and 10 show the better performance of analysis A2 (using Lper,g) when compared

with analysis A1 (using Lper,f), as referred before. Regarding the recalibration analysis (A3), it can be seen

that the predictions improved when compared with analysis A2, which uses also Lper,g but the original SA

expressions as presented in equations (5) and (6). This was already expected since the number of

specimens used in this work is larger than that used by SA’s authors and an adjustment in the coefficients

of those expressions would probably be necessary. Additionally, it can be seen that SA formulation

presents better results for FRP rectangular bars than for round bars. This is related with the fact that SA

formulation was derived for rectangular bars, thus not accounting for the specific bond behaviour of FRP

round bars.

5. Conclusions

In this work an attempt was made to jointly analyse a large number of experimental works of pullout tests

with FRP NSM systems. The following major conclusions can be drawn:

- the great majority of the experimental works’ authors tend to present several failure modes since

they look essentially to the final appearance of the specimens. However, as referred in this document, it

would be preferable to indicate only the conditioning failure mode. Further research is necessary to define

a standard method to define and describe the failure modes observed;

- regarding the definition of standard pullout tests, beam pullout tests identical to those from steel

are a consensual option. Once a standard geometry is chosen, this type of test will be fully defined. In the

case of direct pullout tests, further experimental work shall be carried out to choose between compression

or tension single shear tests. In fact, as it was verified in this work, the final proposal of a standard direct

pullout test for FRP NSM systems would be one of these two;

- the ACI and SA guidelines needed to be upgraded with new features in order to be more

accurate. In this work, a proposal considering different expressions for different FRP cross-sections

seemed to improve the accuracy of the proposals in ACI and SA. In fact, experimental results show that

different FRP cross-sections behave differently both in terms of stress transfer and failure modes. In

addition, there are failure modes which are not explicitly accounted for in these two formulations. This

gap should also be bridged in the future;

- regarding SA formulation, it was verified that it can be extended to quadrangular and round bars

by considering that the failure perimeter is 1 mm from the groove, rather than 1 mm from the FRP as SA

establishes. However, further improvements are still necessary since the predictions for FRP rectangular

bars are significantly better than those obtained for round bars;

- a common trend verified in the first analyses (A1) of both guidelines (ACI/SA) and both

databases (DPT/BPT), i.e. the analyses according to each guideline, is that the amount of points below the

45 degree line in the charts is in general greater, i.e. the guidelines’ predictions tend to be conservative.

Contrarily, the remaining analyses tend to present a similar amount of specimens in both sides of that line.

Even though this may indicate that the suggestions left in this paper are less safe than those proposed by

the guidelines, those are actually more correct. In fact, considering the philosophy presented in the

Eurocodes [50], a prediction model should predict the phenomenon on its average being the model’s

safety provided by safety factors to obtain then. Hence, no safety features should be included in the

prediction model. In this scenario, the amount of points in both sides of 45 degree line should be almost


- Finally, considering the amount of parameters which can influence the bond behavior of FRP

NSM systems, it can be said that the proposal for a holistic model for predicting their strength will be

very difficult to obtain. However, considering that the number of different FRP NSM systems found in

the experimental works collected is quite small, it could perhaps be better to consider FRP NSM systems’

certification instead of trying to certify the NSM technique itself regardless to the reinforcement system

being used.


This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors

- COMPETE and National Funds through FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under

the project CutInDur PTDC/ECM/112396/2009. The first author wishes also to acknowledge the Grant

No. SFRH/BD/87443/2012 provided by FCT.


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Table Captions

Table 1 – Recommended construction details for FRP NSM systems

Table 2 – Summary of the main variables included in the gathered databases.

Table 3 – Error metrics obtained in all the analyses with ACI standard.

Table 4 – Error metrics obtained in all the analyses with SA standard.

Table 1 – Recommended construction details for FRP NSM systems.

FRP bar cross- Groove

Groove width Groove depth Edge distance
section (bg) (dg) (ae)
≥ 1.5 d f [4] ≥ 2.0 d f [4]
Round ≥ 2.0 d f [16] ≥ 4.0 d f [16]
≥ 1.5 d f [7]

 30.0 
max  
≥ 53.0 [19] aggregate size
≥ b f + 3.0 [17] ≥ d f + 3.0 [17] [17]
Quadrangular > 2.0 d g [7]
≥ 3 .0 b f [7] ≥ 1.5 d f [7] ≥ 3.5 d f [19]
> 4.0 d g [7]

≥ 40.0 [18]
Notes: All units are in millimeters; df – FRP round bar diameter or quadrangular bar width; bf – FRP
quadrangular bar width.

Table 2 – Summary of the main variables included in the gathered databases.

Parameter DPT BPT Variable DPT BPT

C 308 54 REC 175 33

Number of tests by FRP fiber type G 28 6 Number of tests by FRP cross-section type SQU 35 0

B 27 8 ROU 153 35

Lb [mm] [30-510] [40-305] Ef [GPa] [37-273] [34-171]

fc [MPa] [18.4-65.7] [26.7-73.5] ffu [MPa] [512-3100] [773-2833]

bf [mm] [1.2-10.0] [1.4-2.5] Af [mm2] [12-201] [13-143]

df [mm] [6-40] [8-20] (EA)f [kN] [1301-27300] [429-20268]

Ffmax [kN] [8.8-205.1] [2.9-61.9] εfmax [‰] [0.7-27.9] [1.1-27.8]

Legend: Type of FRP fiber: C – Carbon, G – Glass, B – Basalt; Lb – bond length; fc – concrete compressive strength; bf – FRP thickness; df – FRP width or diameter; Ffmax –

FRP maximum pullout force; Type of FRP cross-section: REC – Rectangular, SQU – Square, ROU – Round; Ef – FRP modulus of elasticity; ffu – FRP tensile strength; Af –

FRP cross-section area; (EA)f – FRP axial stiffness; εfmax – strain in the FRP corresponding to Ffmax.

Table 3 – Error metrics obtained in all the analyses with ACI standard.


cross- Rectangular Square Round All

Database section


[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]

A1 16.53 21.81 19.69 21.73 11.83 15.34 14.85 19.34

DPT A2 16.01 24.10 19.42 23.13 11.25 14.78 14.85 19.34

A3 13.19 18.17 13.03 16.01 9.89 13.21 14.43 19.12

A1 8.25 9.21 - - 12.92 16.66 10.65 13.56

BPT A2 7.08 8.39 - - 11.53 14.23 10.61 12.98

A3 7.29 9.03 - - 9.57 12.67 9.76 12.32

Table 4 – Error metrics obtained in all the analyses with SA standard.


cross- Rectangular Square Round All

Database section


[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]

A1 13.61 18.62 23.53 27.36 14.06 16.26 14.95 18.87

DPT A2 10.71 15.14 20.04 23.84 10.11 11.99 11.56 15.16

A3 9.73 14.13 16.85 20.75 7.42 9.70 10.59 14.14

A1 5.61 6.94 - - 11.13 12.39 8.45 10.12

BPT A2 5.24 6.71 - - 9.00 10.57 7.18 8.90

A3 4.81 5.84 - - 7.14 9.51 6.23 7.68

Figure Captions

Figure 1 – Principal debonding failure modes in a beam strengthened in flexure with a FRP NSM system.

Figure 2 – Four possible failure modes associated with debonding phenomenon.

Figure 3 – Bond-slip laws for FRP NSM systems.

Figure 4 – Influence of EAf in εfmax: (a) DPT database; (b) BPT database.

Figure 5 – Summary of DPT configurations used in the works collected: single-shear compression (a) and

tension (b) test; double-shear compression (c) and tension (d) test.

Figure 6 – Summary of failure modes for the specimens in DPT database. NOTE: C – concrete cohesive

failure; F – FRP rupture; A – adhesive cohesive failure; F/A – failure at FRP/adhesive interface; A/C –

failure at adhesive/concrete interface; NR – not reported.

Figure 7 – Results for the analyses with ACI standard (DPT database): (a) all 363 specimens; (b) 175

rectangular specimens only; (c) 35 square specimens only; (d) 153 round specimens only.

Figure 8 – Results for the analyses with ACI standard (BPT database): (a) all 68 specimens; (b) 33

rectangular specimens only; (c) 35 round specimens only.

Figure 9 – Results for the analyses with SA standard (DPT database): (a) all specimens; (b) rectangular

specimens only; (c) square specimens only; (d) round specimens only.

Figure 10 – Results for the analyses with SA standard (BPT database): (a) all specimens; (b) rectangular

specimens only; (c) round specimens only.

Critical diagonal shear crack Flexural cracks Shear cracks

2 Concrete 3 FRP NSM system 1

1 – End debonding; 2 – Debonding caused by diagonal shear cracks; 3 – Debonding caused by flexural


Figure 1 – Principal debonding failure modes in a beam strengthened in flexure with a FRP NSM system.

Cohesive failure on Cohesive failure on
adhesive concrete

Failure at the interface Failure at the interface

FRP/adhesive adhesive/concrete

Concrete Adhesive FRP

Figure 2 – Four possible failure modes associated with debonding phenomenon.

τ b [MPa] Bilinear without
Bilinear with
τ max plateau

δ τmax δ max δb

Figure 3 – Bond-slip laws for FRP NSM systems.

30 30
Rectangular Rectangular
Square Round
25 Round 25 Rectangular εfmax=-4.97Ln(EAf)+48.73
Rectangular εfmax=-2.78Ln(EAf)+35.19
Round εfmax=-4.64Ln(EAf)+45.98
20 Square 20
Round εfmax=-7.58Ln(EAf)+74.28
εfmax [‰]

εfmax [‰]
15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
EAf [kN] EAf [kN]

(a) (b)

Figure 4 – Influence of EAf in εfmax: (a) DPT database; (b) BPT database.




(a) (b)



C Conc T

(c) (d)

Figure 5 – Summary of DPT configurations used in the works collected: single-shear compression (a) and

tension (b) test; double-shear compression (c) and tension (d) test. NOTE: C – compression; T – tension.


Number of specimens




Figure 6 – Summary of failure modes for the specimens in DPT database. NOTE: C – concrete cohesive

failure; F – FRP rupture; A – adhesive cohesive failure; F/A – failure at FRP/adhesive interface; A/C –

failure at adhesive/concrete interface; NR – not reported.

300 300

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

250 250

200 200

150 150
A1: τavg = 6.90 A1: τavg = 6.90
100 A2: τavg = 6.91 100 A2: τavg = 9.25
A3: A3:
0.20 0.55
50  A  50  Af 
τ avg =20  f  τ avg =162  
 p f Lb   p f Lb 
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(a) (b)
300 300
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

250 250

200 200

150 150
A1: τavg = 6.90 A1: τavg = 6.90
100 A2: τavg = 7.37 100 A2: τavg = 6.26
A3: A3:
0.56 0.29
50  A  50  Af 
τ avg =90  f  τ avg =25  
p L 
 f b  p f Lb 
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(c) (d)

Figure 7 – Results for the analyses with ACI standard (DPT database): (a) all 363 specimens; (b) 175

rectangular specimens only; (c) 35 square specimens only; (d) 153 round specimens only. (Note: τavg in

MPa; Af in mm2; pf and Lb in mm)

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN] 300 300

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

250 250

200 200

150 150
A1: τavg = 6.90 A1: τavg = 6.90
100 A2: τavg = 5.43 100 A2: τavg = 8.82
A3: A3:
0.30 0.60
50  A  50  Af 
τ avg =20  f  τ avg =100  
 p f Lb   p f Lb 
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(a) (b)
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]



A1: τavg = 6.90
100 A2: τavg = 5.35
50  Af 
τ avg =44  
 p f Lb 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]


Figure 8 – Results for the analyses with ACI standard (BPT database): (a) all 68 specimens; (b) 33

rectangular specimens only; (c) 35 round specimens only. (Note: τavg in MPa; Af in mm2; pf and Lb in mm)

300 300
A1: Lper,f (305) A1: Lper,f (133)
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

A2: Lper,g (286) A2: Lper,g (114)
250 250
τ maxδ max = 3.43ϕ per
0.2 0.32
fc τ maxδ max = 0.7ϕ per f c0.5
A3: A3:
200 τ max = (0.074ϕ per +2.77)f c0.32 200 τ max = (0.014ϕ per +1.49)f c0.5

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(a) (b)

300 300
A1: Lper,f (35) A1: Lper,f (137)
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

A2: Lper,g (35) A2: Lper,g (137)

250 250
τ maxδ max = 0.6ϕ f
−25 0.4
per c
τ maxδ max = 11.6ϕ per
−5.4 −0.2
A3: A3:
200 τ max = (-3.13ϕ per +4.65)f c0.4 200 τ max = (-2.57ϕper +18.12)f c−0.2

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(c) (d)

Figure 9 – Results for the analyses with SA standard (DPT database): (a) all specimens; (b) rectangular

specimens only; (c) square specimens only; (d) round specimens only.

300 300
A1: Lper,f (68) A1: Lper,f (33)
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

A2: Lper,g (68) A2: Lper,g (33)
250 250
τ maxδ max = 0.22ϕ per
−1.6 1.1
fc τ maxδ max =ϕ per
2.0 −0.16
A3: A3:
200 τ max = (0.008ϕper +0.15)f c1.1 200 τ max =(9.372ϕper -3,76)f c−0.16

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN] Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

(a) (b)

A1: Lper,f (35)
Predicted pullout force, Ff,max [kN]

A2: Lper,g (35)

τ maxδ max = 0.2ϕ 16.4 1.1
per f c
200 τ max =0.185ϕper f c1.1




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Experimental pullout force, Ff,max [kN]


Figure 10 – Results for the analyses with SA standard (BPT database): (a) all specimens; (b) rectangular

specimens only; (c) round specimens only.


The following acronyms /symbols are used in this paper:

ACI American Concrete Institute guideline
BPT beam pullout tests
DPT direct pullout tests
FRP fiber reinforced polymer
NSM near-surface mounted technique
SA Standards Australia guideline

δmax maximum bond slip
εfmax strain at Ffmax
ϕper failure perimeter ratio
τavg average bond strength
τavg,F/A average tangential stress at F/A
τmax maximum bond strength
Af FRP cross-section area
bf FRP thickness
bg groove width
df FRP width or diameter in quadrangular or round bars, respectively
dg groove depth
Ef FRP modulus of elasticity
fc concrete compression strength
Ffmax maximum pullout force installed in the FRP
ffd FRP design tensile strength
ffu FRP tensile strength
kb groove to FRP width ratio
kd groove to FRP depth ratio
Lb bonded length
Ld development length
Lper SA failure plane perimeter
pf FRP perimeter


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