Stress Field Approach For Prediction of End Concre

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Stress Field Approach for Prediction of End Concrete Cover
Separation in RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Reinforcement
Binbin Zhou 1,2, *, Ruo-Yang Wu 3, * and Shiping Yin 1,2, *

1 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, School of
Mechanics & Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
2 State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining
and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
3 Wilson and Company, South Jordan, UT 84096, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected] (B.Z.); [email protected] (R.-Y.W.);
[email protected] (S.Y.); Tel.: +86-516-88912003 (B.Z.)

Abstract: End concrete cover separation is one of the most common failure modes for RC beams
strengthened with external FRP reinforcement. The premature failure mode significantly restricts the
application of FRP materials and could incur serious safety problems. In this paper, an innovative
stress field-based analytical approach is proposed to assess the failure strength of end concrete cover
separation and the conventional plane-section analysis is extended to evaluate the corresponding
carrying capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams. First, the dowel action of reinforcement and the
induced concrete splitting, reflecting the interaction between concrete, steel and FRP, are consid-
ered in establishing the geometrical relationships of stress field for cracked concrete block. Then,
the cracking angle and innovative failure criterion, considering the arrangement of steel and FRP
reinforcement and cracking status of concrete and its softening effect, are derived to predict the

occurrence of concrete cover separation and related mixed modes of debonding failure. Subsequently,
Citation: Zhou, B.; Wu, R.-Y.; Yin, S. an extended sectional analytical approach, in which the components of effective tensile strain of FRP
Stress Field Approach for Prediction resulted from flexural and shear actions are both considered, is presented to evaluate the carrying
of End Concrete Cover Separation in capacity of strengthened beams. Finally, the proposed calculational model is effectively validated by
RC Beams Strengthened with FRP experimental results available in the literature.
Reinforcement. Polymers 2022, 14, 988. Keywords: end concrete cover separation; stress field approach; cracked concrete; failure strength;
dowel action; concrete splitting
Academic Editors: Alberto
Campagnolo and Alberto Sapora

Received: 23 January 2022

1. Introduction
Accepted: 24 February 2022
Published: 28 February 2022 Due to the pronounced advantages, such as high strength, light weight, electromag-
netic transparency, non-corrosive, and nonconductive properties, externally bonded (EB)
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) and near-surface-mounted (NSM) FRP have become the
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
prevailing techniques over the last three decades for flexural strengthening of existing
published maps and institutional affil-
reinforced concrete (RC) members [1–4]. Extensive experimental and analytical research
has been performed to investigate the structural performance of FRP-strengthened RC
members and to assess the retrofitting efficiency. Accordingly, numerous study findings
indicated that premature reinforcement debonding failure restricts the sufficient application
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. of FRP materials and furthermore, the brittle failure could incur serious safety problems of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. RC members or structures [5,6]. According to the failure mechanism, debonding failure can
This article is an open access article be divided into interfacial debonding (ID) that happens at or near a bi-material interface
distributed under the terms and and concrete cover separation (CCS) that occurs along the level of internal tensile steel
conditions of the Creative Commons reinforcement. Moreover, debonding failure can be also categorized into reinforcement end
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// debonding and intermediate crack-induced debonding in terms of failure location [6,7], which are schematically shown in Figure 1.

Polymers 2022, 14, 988.

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Figure 1.
1. Location
Location of
of concrete
concrete cover
cover separation
separation occurring
occurring at
at FRP-strengthened
FRP-strengthened RC
RC beams:
beams: (a)
(a) FRP
reinforcement end; and (b) the maximum moment region.
reinforcement end; and (b) the maximum moment region.

Concrete covercover separation
separation at at the
the end
end ofof FRP
FRP reinforcement
reinforcement has has been
been found
found to to be
be the
common failure mode in the
common failure mode in the retrofitting retrofitting techniques using EB and NSM FRP
and NSM FRP methods and methods and
has obtained
obtained increasing
increasing research attention [8–13]. Plenty Plenty of experimental investigationsinvestigations
have been
been carried
carried outout toto explore
explore the the failure
failure mechanism
mechanism and and influential
influential factors factors ofof concrete
cover separation, and and totoassess
assessits itsfailure
For example,
example, Garden
Garden et al.
et al. [15][15]
perimentally investigated
experimentally investigated thetheinfluence
influence of FRP
of FRPplate anchorage
plate anchorage length on carrying
length capacity
on carrying ca-
and failure
pacity mode of
and failure strengthened
mode of strengthenedRC beams. The strengthened
RC beams. beams were
The strengthened beams found
were tofound
fail in
concrete cover separation under low shear span–depth ratios.
to fail in concrete cover separation under low shear span–depth ratios. Yao et al. [16] im-Yao et al. [16] implemented
the comprehensive
plemented experimental
the comprehensive investigations
experimental of FRP-plated
investigations RC beams containing
of FRP-plated RC beams con- a va-
riety ofageometrical
taining and material
variety of geometrical and parameters. Experimental
material parameters. findings indicated
Experimental that most
findings indicated
of strengthened
that RC beamsRC
most of strengthened failed
beams in concrete
failed in cover
concrete separation at FRP plate
cover separation at FRPendplate
and endthat
the failure
and that the load due to
failure debonding
load closely correlated
due to debonding closelywith the stiffness
correlated with the of FRP bonded
stiffness of plate
and concrete
bonded plate cover. Aprile cover.
and concrete et al. [17,18]
Aprileexperimentally and analytically
et al. [17,18] experimentally andinvestigated
analytically the in-
crack spacing, crack pattern, failure strength of EB FRP-strengthened
vestigated the crack spacing, crack pattern, failure strength of EB FRP-strengthened RC beams under RC
beams loaduniform
under conditions,
loadand found that
conditions, andcrack
that crackis aspacing
key parameter to assess the
is a key parameter to
assess strength
concrete ofcover
concrete separation. Teng et al.
cover separation. [10] et
Teng andal. De
[10]Lorenzis et al. [4,19]
and De Lorenzis et
al. the available
[4,19] summarized debonding
the available failure patterns
debonding failureincluding
patterns concrete
includingcover separation,
concrete cover
crack configurations,
separation, and the formation
crack configurations, and the locations
formation of failure in experimental
locations campaigns of
of failure in experimental
campaigns of RC beams strengthened with NSM FRP strips. Barros et al. [12,13]etand
RC beams strengthened with NSM FRP strips. Barros et al. [12,13] and Bilotta al. [20]
experimentally compared the retrofitting efficiency of RC beams
lotta et al. [20] experimentally compared the retrofitting efficiency of RC beams strength- strengthened with NSM
FRP strips
ened with andNSM EBFRP
FRP strips
plates. andFindings
EB FRP showed thatFindings
plates. the RC beamsshowed strengthened
that the RC withbeams
FRP strips were more prone to concrete cover separation due
strengthened with NSM FRP strips were more prone to concrete cover separation due to to the higher bond efficiency
the that thebondconcrete cover and
efficiency separation
that thewas often accompanied
concrete cover separation by the was formation of diagonal
often accompanied
cracks. Czaderski [21] experimentally investigated the crack configurations of separated
by the formation of diagonal cracks. Czaderski [21] experimentally investigated the crack
concrete cover of EB FRP-strengthened RC beams, and analytically derived the failure
configurations of separated concrete cover of EB FRP-strengthened RC beams, and ana-
strength of concrete cover separation using strut-and-tie model. Sabzi et al. [22,23] explored
lytically derived the failure strength of concrete cover separation using strut-and-tie
the influence of arrangement details of tensile steel reinforcement on concrete cover separa-
model. Sabzi et al. [22,23] explored the influence of arrangement details of tensile steel
tion of RC beams strengthened by FRP sheets through experimental investigations with the
reinforcement on concrete cover separation of RC beams strengthened by FRP sheets
major variables of reinforcement ratio and reinforcement diameter. Experimental results
through experimental investigations with the major variables of reinforcement ratio and
demonstrated that the highly reinforced concrete beams were more vulnerable to concrete
reinforcement diameter. Experimental results demonstrated that the highly reinforced
cover separation compared to the moderately and lightly reinforced concrete beams and
concrete beams were more vulnerable to concrete cover separation compared to the mod-
that increasing number of reinforcement and reducing reinforcement diameter would
erately and lightly reinforced concrete beams and that increasing number of reinforce-
depress the occurrence of concrete cover separation. Sharaky et al. [24] experimentally
ment and reducing reinforcement diameter would depress the occurrence of concrete
verified the obvious effect of interaction between NSM FRP and steel reinforcement on the
failureseparation. Sharaky et al.
modes of strengthened RC[24] experimentally
beams through adjustingverifiedthethe obvious effect
arrangement of interac-
of NSM FRP. It
was found that concrete cover separation could be delayed or prevented by deepening RC
between NSM FRP and steel reinforcement on the failure modes of strengthened the
of NSMadjusting
FRP. Through the arrangement
NSM FRP. It of wasRCfoundbeamsthat concrete cover
strengthened with
FRP sheets,could be delayed
Al-Saawani or suggested
et al. [25] prevented that by concrete
deepening covertheseparation
location of was NSM FRP.
the major
Through experimental investigations of RC beams strengthened
failure mode for the strengthened RC beams with shear span–depth ratio less than 3.0. with FRP sheets, Al-Saa-
wani Many
et al. [25] suggested
analytical models thatandconcrete
numericalcover separation
techniques wasbeen
have the major failure mode
also presented for
to evalu-
the strengthened RC beams with shear span–depth ratio less than
ate the failure strength of concrete cover separation [2–45]. The concrete tooth model [29,30] 3.0.
is oneMany
of theanalytical
well-known models and numerical
analytical models, and techniques
furthermore,have hasbeen alsoextended
been presented bytonumer-
uate the failure strength of concrete cover separation [2–45]. The concrete tooth model
[29,30] is one of the well-known analytical models, and furthermore, has been extended
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 3 of 30

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researchers researchers [27,31,32,37,38].
[27,31,32,37,38]. For the concrete
For the concrete tooththe
tooth model, model, the concrete
concrete block
block between
between two adjacent inclined cracks at the end of FRP reinforcement
two adjacent inclined cracks at the end of FRP reinforcement was modeled as a cantilever was modeled as a
cantilever under the action of horizontal shear stress at the tensile side of the
under the action of horizontal shear stress at the tensile side of the strengthened RC beam, strengthened
RC beam, as
as shown shown 2.
in Figure in Debonding
Figure 2. Debonding was considered
was considered to initiate
to initiate as as the
the tensile tensile
stress stress
at the roof
of the
the roof of the
concrete concrete
block, block,
resulted fromresulted from
the shear the shear
stress appliedstress applied
by FRP by FRP reinforce-
reinforcement, reached
ment, reached
the tensile the tensile
strength concrete.𝑓Accordingly,
f ct of strength of concrete.theAccordingly, the fracture
fracture moment moment
Mct applied to𝑀the
applied to the concrete block is expressed
concrete block is expressed by Equation (1) by Equation (1)
𝑀 =𝑇𝑐 (1)
Mct = T f cn (1)
where 𝑇 is the resultant force of the shear stress applied to the concrete block; and 𝑐 is
the T f is the
thickness of resultant cover.of the shear stress applied to the concrete block; and cn is the
concrete force
thickness of concrete cover.

Figure 2.2. Concrete
end concrete
end cover
concrete separation:
cover (a) (a)
separation: mechanical model;
mechanical and and
model; (b)
concrete cover separation.
(b) concrete cover separation.

In addition,
addition, the
the fracture moment 𝑀
fracture moment Mctofofthe
can be
be also
also solved
solved by
Equations (2)
(2) and
and (3)
(3) according
according to
to the
the assumption
assumption of concrete in elastic state:
𝑀 M= 𝑓= 𝐽f J 2 (2)(2)
ct ct𝑆th
𝑏 𝑆bw Sr3
𝐽 J=
th =
12 12
where 𝐽Jth is
where is the
the second
second moment
momentof ofarea
areaofofconcrete block;𝑏bwisisthe
concreteblock; thewidth
section; and 𝑆Sr is
section; and is the
the crack
crack spacing
spacing of
of strengthened
strengthened RC RC beams.
Consequently, the
Consequently, the resultant forceT𝑇f ofoftensile
resultantforce tensileFRP
reinforcement resulting in concrete
resulting in con-
cover separation is assessed by Equation (4):
crete cover separation is assessed by Equation (4):
𝑓 𝑏 𝑆 2
=f = f ct bw Sr
𝑇 T (4)(4)
6𝑐 6cn
The corresponding effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement is expressed by Equation
The corresponding effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement is expressed by
(5) [26–32]:(5) [26–32]:
𝑓 𝑏f ct𝑆bw Sr2
𝜀 ε=
fe = (5)(5)
𝐴 f𝑐A f cn
where𝐸E f isisthe
where the elastic
elastic modulus
reinforcement; and A f𝐴is the
and area
is the of FRP
area reinforcement.
of FRP reinforce-
ment. Equation (4) illustrates that the effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement figured
out by concrete tooth model is highly sensitive to crack spacing; therefore,
Equation (4) illustrates that the effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement figuredcrack spacing is
the most critical factor to predict the failure strength of concrete cover separation.
out by concrete tooth model is highly sensitive to crack spacing; therefore, crack spacing Conse-
is thecritical
the most modified concrete
factor tooth
to predict themodels
failure by refining
strength the calculation
of concrete of crack spacing
cover separation. Con-
sequently, the modified concrete tooth models by refining the calculation oftechniques
were subsequently presented [8,32]. According to the detailed retrofitting and
crack spacing
configurations, the concrete tooth model was further extended for the
were subsequently presented [8,32]. According to the detailed retrofitting techniques and strengthened RC
members with NSM FRP bars or strips [26]. Although the other influential
configurations, the concrete tooth model was further extended for the strengthened RC factors such
as cracking
members with status
NSMofFRP concrete interacted
bars or with
strips [26]. surrounding
Although steel
the other and FRP factors
influential reinforcement,
such as
the softening effect of compressive concrete, and arrangement details of steel and FRP
cracking status of concrete interacted with surrounding steel and FRP reinforcement, the
softening effect of compressive concrete, and arrangement details of steel and FRP rein-
forcement were not incorporated into the mechanical model. Furthermore, the hypothesis
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 4 of 30

reinforcement were not incorporated into the mechanical model. Furthermore, the hypoth-
esis of concrete in elastic state generally results in the pronounced discrepancies between
predictions and experimental results [33,34]. In addition, the more complex mixed modes
of debonding failure seems not to be accurately predicted by the model. The similar de-
fects were existed in some other well-known analytical models presented by Roberts [40],
Malek et al. [41], Oehlers [42], Jansze et al. [43], and Ziraba et al. [44] which are based on
the mechanical analysis of local point [45].
Concrete tooth model and the other mentioned analytical models have been so widely
employed due to its simplicity and convenience in analysis and design. However, the
great simplifications render the pronounced drawbacks in accuracy and application scopes.
Thus, the more sophisticated numerical techniques have been used to improve the accuracy
of prediction of concrete cover separation. Hawileh et al. [35] presented an advanced
finite-element (FE) model to assess the global deformation development of RC beams
strengthened with NSM FRP rods. Bond behavior of steel and NSM FRP reinforcement with
adjacent concrete surface was comprehensively considered in the simulations of concrete
cover separation. Based on nonlinear fracture mechanics, Camata et al. [36] numerically
predicted the concrete cover separation occurring at the FRP plate end and at the midspan
of strengthened RC beams. In simulations, the crack configurations were predefined,
and the cracking process was described by an interface crack model. Zhang et al. [37]
presented a discrete crack model in the numerical analysis of FRP-plated RC beams that
failed in concrete cover separation. The cracking and failure criterion of concrete and the
bond law between concrete and FRP were incorporated in the simulations of concrete cover
separation. Similarly, to precisely predict the occurrence of concrete cover separation of FRP-
plated RC beams, Radfar et al. [38] implemented the energetic criterion into finite-element
analysis, in which the crack configurations were predefined. Besides FRP reinforcement
and concrete, which are the major focus of the aforementioned studies, Teng et al. [32] and
Zhang et al. [33,34] also considered the influence of steel reinforcement on concrete cover
separation. The radial tensile stress distributed in the concrete around steel reinforcement
and generated by bond action was applied to simulations. To consider the interaction
between concrete cracks and tensile steel reinforcement and FRP plates, Maio et al. [39]
implemented a truss model based on an interelement cohesive fracture approach into the
simulations of FRP-plated RC beams that failed due to concrete cover separation. Although
the calculational accuracy was progressively improved, the calculational procedure and
cost was also accordingly increased to limit its practical applications.
Great efforts on experiments and on analytical and numerical approaches have been
made to investigate the concrete cover separation of RC members strengthened by external
FRP reinforcement (plates, sheets, or strips), whereas a full understanding of this failure
mode is still lacked, and the precise and reliable calculation approach is still in demand. In
this paper, a novel stress field-based analytical approach is presented to evaluate the failure
strength of concrete cover separation induced at the end of external FRP reinforcement
and the corresponding carrying capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams that failed in
concrete cover separation. First, dowel action of steel and FRP reinforcement and the
induced concrete splitting, which reflect the interaction between concrete, steel and FRP
reinforcement and are commonly ignored in existing investigations, are considered to
be the critical factors to result in concrete cover separation and properly incorporated
into the establishment of fundamental geometrical relationships of stress field for cracked
concrete block. Then the influential factors such as transverse strain and splitting crack of
concrete interacted with surrounding steel and FRP reinforcement are comprehensively
taken account for the calculation of effective compressive strength of concrete in stress
field. Accordingly, the cracking angle to identify the stress field, and the innovative
failure criterion are derived to predict the occurrence of concrete cover separation and
the related mixed modes of debonding failure; the arrangement details of steel and FRP
reinforcement and the cracking status of surrounding concrete and its softening effect are
properly considered in the derivation. Subsequently, the indispensable shear component in
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 5 of 30

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW effective tensile strain of FRP is taken into account by a simplified stress field approach
5 of 31
to evaluate the carrying capacity of strengthened RC beams that failed in end concrete
cover Finally,
separation. the proposed
Finally, calculational
the proposed modelmodel
calculational is effectively validated
is effectively by the by
validated exper-
imental results available in the literature.
experimental results available in the literature.

2. Analysis
2. Analysis ofof Mechanical
Mechanical StateState and
and Failure
Failure Mechanism
Mechanismof ofConcrete
ConcreteCover CoverSeparation
Before theestablishment
establishmentof ofanalytical
model,itit is
is fundamental
fundamental to to understand
understand thethe me-
chanical stateand
and failure
mechanismof of separation
separationof of concrete
coverat at FRP
FRP reinforcement
end. According to many
to many experimental
experimental investigations
investigations [4,6,7,9,10,12,13,16–18,21,29,32–
the the crack configurations
crack configurations of concrete
of concrete cover cover
separation (CCS)separation (CCS) debonding
and interfacial and interfacial
are schematically
debonding shown
(ID) are in Figure shown
schematically 3a,b. Inincontrast
Figure to interfacial
3a,b. debonding
In contrast that occurs
to interfacial debond- at
inginterface between
that occurs FRP and between
at the interface concrete,FRP as shown in Figure
and concrete, as3b, concrete
shown cover3b,
in Figure separation
initiates from an inclined
cover separation initiatesseparation
from an crack
inclinedat the end of FRP
separation reinforcement
crack at the end and thenreinforce-
of FRP progres-
ment propagates towards the horizontal
and then progressively propagatesdirection
towardsup the tohorizontal
the level ofdirection
the internal
up tensile
to the steel
of the internalas shown
tensile in Figure
steel 3a.
reinforcement, as shown in Figure 3a.

Figure 3. Schematical
Schematical crack
configurations: (a)
(a) cover
cover separation;

More specifically,
More specifically,ififthe theapplied
exceedsthe thebond
betweenFRP FRP
and concrete,the thecrack
FRP/concrete interface,
interface, which
which is is known
known as as interfacial
debonding [4,6,7,21]. Otherwise,
Otherwise, ifif thethe tensile
tensile stress
stress of of concrete
concrete on on inclined
inclined plane
plane resulted
from theapplied
stressandand the
the possible
possible peeling
peeling stress
stress surpasses
surpasses the the effective
strength of concrete, the inclined separation crack which is the typical feature of concrete
strength of concrete, the inclined separation crack which is the typical feature of concrete
separationwould wouldbebe generated
generated [4,6,7,17,21,26,27,29,34,46,47].
[4,6,7,17,21,26,27,29,34,46,47]. Another
Another critical feature
critical fea-
is theishorizontal
ture the horizontalcrackcrack
the level of internal
the level tensile
of internal steelsteel
tensile reinforcement,
reinforcement, which is notis
not completely contributed
contributedby thebyapplied shear stress
the applied shear of FRPof
stress reinforcement
FRP reinforcement[32–34,46]. As the
available experimental
As the available investigations
experimental [25,30,46]
investigations demonstrated
[25,30,46] that thethat
demonstrated partial horizontal
the partial hor-
cracks, constituted of splitting cracks, as shown in Figure 3a,
izontal cracks, constituted of splitting cracks, as shown in Figure 3a, could appear beforecould appear before the
formation of inclined crack and were mainly caused by the interaction
the formation of inclined crack and were mainly caused by the interaction between con- between concrete
andand steelFRP
FRP reinforcement.
FRP reinforcement
reinforcement is is not
not attached,
attached, the
the horizontal
horizontal splitting
splitting cracks
cracks cancan bebe also
also gen-
erated because
because the the bond
reinforcement andand concrete
concrete [48–50]
[48–50] andand the
the dowel action of steel reinforcement can result in the non-ignorable
dowel action of steel reinforcement can result in the non-ignorable tensile stress in the tensile stress in
the surrounding concrete around steel reinforcement [51–56],
surrounding concrete around steel reinforcement [51–56], which are respectively illus- which are respectively il-
lustrated in Figures 4 and 5. Furthermore, the locations where
trated in Figures 4 and 5. Furthermore, the locations where splitting cracks generally aresplitting cracks generally
are created
created [53,56,57]
[53,56,57] for for steel
steel RC RC beams,
beams, as schematically
as schematically shownshown in Figure
in Figure 6 matches
6 matches the
the fail-
failure modes of concrete cover separation occurring at the maximum
ure modes of concrete cover separation occurring at the maximum moment region and at moment region and
at the
the end end ofof FRP
FRP reinforcement
reinforcement forfor strengthened
strengthened RCRC beams.
beams. TheThe coincidence
coincidence inin failure
failure lo-
cations indicates that the bond action and dowel action of steel
tions indicates that the bond action and dowel action of steel and FRP reinforcement andand FRP reinforcement and
shouldbe be
considered to be the influential factors to cause concrete cover
considered to be the influential factors to cause concrete cover separation in additionseparation in addition to the to
shear stress applied on FRP reinforcement, which could be validated by the experimental
the shear stress applied on FRP reinforcement, which could be validated by the experi-
investigation performed by Al-Saawani et al. [25].
mental investigation performed by Al-Saawani et al. [25].
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Figure 4. Tensile stress distributed in concrete and splitting cracks induced by bond action of steel

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Tensile
4. Tensile stress
Tensile stress distributed
stress distributed in
distributed in concrete
in concrete and
concrete and splitting
and splitting cracks
splitting cracks induced
cracks induced by
inducedby bond
by bond action
bond action of
actionof steel
of steel

Figure 5. Tensile stress distributed in concrete and splitting cracks induced by dowel action of steel

This study mainly focuses on the end concrete cover separation of FRP-strengthened
RC beams. Thus, the dominant dowel action of steel and FRP reinforcement and the in-
duced concrete splitting would be considered, and the failure mechanism of concrete
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Tensile
Tensile stress
stress distributed
distributed in
in concrete
concrete and
and splitting
splitting cracks
cracks induced
induced by
by dowel
dowel action
action of
of steel
Figure 5. Tensile stress
cover separation distributed
generated in concrete
at the maximum andmoment
splitting region
cracks induced
and theby dowel action
relevant bond of steel
of steel reinforcement is not further discussed.
This study
This study mainly
mainly focuses
focuses on
on the
the end
end concrete
concrete cover
cover separation
separation of
of FRP-strengthened
RC beams.
RC beams. Thus,
Thus, the
the dominant
dominant dowel
dowel action
action of
of steel
steel and
and FRP
FRP reinforcement
reinforcement and
and the
the in-
duced concrete
duced concrete splitting
splitting would
would be be considered,
considered, and
and the
the failure
failure mechanism
mechanism of of concrete
cover separation
cover separation generated
generated atat the
the maximum
maximum moment
moment region
region and
and the
the relevant
relevant bond
bond action
of steel reinforcement is not further discussed.
of steel reinforcement is not further discussed.

Figure 6. Typical formation locations of splitting cracks: (a) the maximum moment region; and (b)
Figure 6. Typical formation locations of splitting cracks: (a) the maximum moment region; and (b) the
the end of RC beams
end of RC beams.

3. Analytical
This studyModel to focuses
mainly Predict on
the endCover Separation
concrete cover separation of FRP-strengthened
RC beams. coverthe
Thus, between
dominant internal
dowel steel reinforcement
action of steel and andFRP
external FRP reinforcement
reinforcement and the
is divided
Figure 6.
Figure into
6. Typical discrete
Typical formation blocks
formation locations by
locations of inclined
of splitting separation
splitting cracks: and
cracks: (a) cracks
(a) the along
the maximum the
maximum moment strengthened
moment region; of RC
region; and
and (b)
the end
the Based
end of
of RC on
RC beams
beams the conventional
generated at the assumptions
maximum momentand simplifications,
region and the the
bond field ap-
of steel reinforcement
proach schematically shown is not further
in Figure discussed.
7 can properly reflect the interaction between con-
3. steel and
Analytical FRP to
Model reinforcement
to Predict Concrete
Predict Concreteand consider the cracking status of surrounding con-
Cover Separation
Cover Separation
3. Analytical
crete and its Model to effect;
softening Predictit Concrete
is used toCover
assess Separation
the mechanical state of cracked concrete
Concrete cover
Concrete cover between
between internal
internal steel
steel reinforcement
reinforcement and external
and external FRP
FRP reinforcement
is dividedMeanwhile,
divided into cover
into discretebetween
the novel
discrete blocks internal
blocks by failure
by inclinedsteel reinforcement
inclined separation and and
separation cracks external
cracks along
along the FRP reinforcement
the strengthened
strengthened RC the
is divided
beam. Based into
Based on discrete
on the blocks
the conventional by inclined
conventional assumptions separation
assumptions and cracks along
and simplifications,
simplifications, thethe strengthened
the stress
stress field RC
field ap-
beam. Based
proach on the conventional
schematically shown in assumptions
in Figure
Figure and simplifications, the stress field approach
proach schematically shown 77 can
can properly
properly reflect the
reflect the interaction
interaction between
between con-
schematically shown in Figure 7 can properly reflect the interaction between concrete, steel
crete, steel and
steel and FRP
FRP reinforcement
reinforcement and and consider
consider thethe cracking
cracking status
status ofof surrounding
surrounding con- con-
and FRP reinforcement and consider the cracking status of surrounding concrete and its
crete and
crete and itsits softening
softening effect;
effect; it
it is
is used
used to to assess
assess the
the mechanical
mechanical state state of
of cracked
cracked concrete
block. Meanwhile,
block. Meanwhile, the the novel
novel failure
failure criterion
criterion and
and failure
failure strength,
strength, incorporating
incorporating the the
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 7 of 30

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW effect; it is used to assess the mechanical state of cracked concrete block. Mean-7 of 31
while, the novel failure criterion and failure strength, incorporating the aforementioned
influential factorsinfluential factorsthe
and considering and consideringdetails
arrangement the arrangement details
of internal steel of internal
steel reinforcement, are derived to predict
are derived to predict concrete cover separation.concrete cover separation.

Figure 7.
Figure 7. Schematical stress
stress field
field for
for cracked
cracked concrete
concrete block
block at
at the

3.1. Assumptions
Assumptions and
and Simplifications
To derive the failure criterion
derive the failure criterion and
and failure
failure strength
strength of
of end
end concrete
concrete cover
cover separation,
only the
the end
the end ofof
be appraised. Consequently, the fundamental hypotheses about mechanical
to be appraised. Consequently, the fundamental hypotheses about mechanical and geo- and geometri-
cal conditions
metrical are made
conditions are to satisfy
made the requirements
to satisfy of stressoffield
the requirements theory
stress fieldfor concrete
theory [58–65],
for concrete
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW are described as follows and schematically shown in Figure
[58–65], which are described as follows and schematically shown in Figure 8. 8. 8 of 31
Two adjacent inclined separation cracks are defined as the boundaries of concrete
block. The tensile stress along the inclined cracks reaches the effective tensile strength of
concrete, and the shear stress along the inclined cracks is ignored [49,50,54].
The first inclined separation crack straightly extends from the end of FRP reinforce-
ment to the gravity center of the (outer) steel reinforcement; without considering crack
spacing, the adjacent inclined and straight separation crack starts at the end of projection
of the first inclined crack (the straight line between points A and A’, as shown in Figure 8,
is vertical to the bottom and top surfaces); the extension lines of the two inclined cracks
connect at one point of intersection [59–61,63,64]; and the horizontal upside and underside
of concrete block coincide with the gravity center of the steel reinforcement and the
FRP/concrete interface, respectively.
The initial splitting crack is horizontally developed along the level of steel reinforce-
ment from the joint point connecting the second inclined crack and the gravity center of
the (outer) steel reinforcement to the first inclined crack. The propagation length depends
on the splitting degree and is assumed to be larger than the length of the upside of con-
crete block in this study.
The dowel action is simplified as uniform load distributed on surrounding concrete
Figure 8. Stress field approach for predicting end concrete cover separation: (a) standardized stress
field for[49,54–56].
for cracked concrete
concrete block;
block; and
and (b)
(b) the
the end
end of
of micro
micro concrete
concrete strut.
field cracked
Considering the plasticity and stress redistribution of concrete, the assumption and
3.2. Two adjacent
Specifications of of
inclined distributed
the Mechanical tensile are
and Geometrical stress alongas
Conditions inclined
of the cracks
Field forand
Stress ofdowel
Cracked ac-
block. would generate the conservatively safe evaluation of failure strength
The tensile stress along the inclined cracks reaches the effective tensile strength of
crete Block of concrete
cover separation,
concrete, whichstress
and the shear is specifically
inclined ofand discussed
cracks is field
ignored in Section 5.
To establish the geometrical stress for [49,50,54].
cracked concrete block,
The first inclined separation crack straightly extends from
the mechanical state should be identified. First, the uniformly distributed the end of FRP reinforcement
tensile stress
to the the
along gravity center
inclined of the (outer)
separation crackssteel reinforcement;
is defined as 𝜂 𝑓 ,without
where the considering
coefficientcrack spacing,
𝜂 considers
the adjacent inclined and straight separation crack starts at
the concrete brittleness in tension and is assigned with 0.8 [49,50,54–56]. the end of projection of the first
inclined crack (the straight line between points A and A’, as shown in
Subsequently, it should be pointed out that the dowel actions of both steel and FRP Figure 8, is vertical to
the bottom and top surfaces); the extension lines of the two inclined cracks connect at one
reinforcement contribute to concrete cover separation according to experimental investi-
point of intersection [59–61,63,64]; and the horizontal upside and underside of concrete
gations [10]. However, there is quite limited investigations and calculational approaches
about dowel action of FRP reinforcement (sheets, plates, or strips) due to its low rigidity
compared to that of steel reinforcement. To facilitate the calculation and analysis of dowel
action of steel reinforcement, Fernández Ruiz et al. [49,54,55] and Cavagnis et al. [56] sim-
plified the induced tensile stress in surrounding concrete as the uniform load 𝑓 , with an
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 8 of 30

block coincide with the gravity center of the steel reinforcement and the FRP/concrete
interface, respectively.
The initial splitting crack is horizontally developed along the level of steel reinforce-
ment from the joint point connecting the second inclined crack and the gravity center of
the (outer) steel reinforcement to the first inclined crack. The propagation length depends
on the splitting degree and is assumed to be larger than the length of the upside of concrete
block in this study.
The dowel action is simplified as uniform load distributed on surrounding concrete
block [49,54–56].
Considering the plasticity and stress redistribution of concrete, the assumption and
simplification of uniformly distributed tensile stress along inclined cracks and dowel action
would generate the conservatively safe evaluation of failure strength of concrete cover
separation, which is specifically validated and discussed in Section 5.

3.2. Specifications of the Mechanical and Geometrical Conditions of Stress Field for Cracked
Concrete Block
To establish the geometrical relationships of stress field for cracked concrete block, the
mechanical state should be identified. First, the uniformly distributed tensile stress along
the inclined separation cracks is defined as ηct f ct , where the coefficient ηct considers the
concrete brittleness in tension and is assigned with 0.8 [49,50,54–56].
Subsequently, it should be pointed out that the dowel actions of both steel and FRP
reinforcement contribute to concrete cover separation according to experimental investi-
gations [10]. However, there is quite limited investigations and calculational approaches
about dowel action of FRP reinforcement (sheets, plates, or strips) due to its low rigidity
compared to that of steel reinforcement. To facilitate the calculation and analysis of dowel
action of steel reinforcement, Fernández Ruiz et al. [49,54,55] and Cavagnis et al. [56] sim-
plified the induced tensile stress in surrounding concrete as the uniform load f c,e f with an
upper bound of ηct f ct distributed in a certain effective region around steel reinforcement
(Figure 9) and then correlated its magnitude with the strain level of steel reinforcement.
Consequently, the simplified dowel action can be estimated by Equations (6)–(8) [49,54–56]:

Vdow = nb f c,e f be f le f (6)

be f = min(bw /nb − ∅s , 4cn ) (7)

le f = 2∅s (8)
where nb is the number of the outer steel reinforcement; be f and le f are the effective width
and length of the distribution region of tensile stress, respectively; and ∅s is the diameter
of steel reinforcement. The calculational formulation simplified the complex interaction
between steel and surrounding concrete, and disclosed the influence of arrangement details
and geometries of steel reinforcement on dowel action.
In this study, the distributed tensile stress on top surface of concrete block is ignored
due to the development of splitting crack, and the dowel action Vdow of steel reinforce-
ment is assumed to be completely undertaken by the external FRP reinforcement and
surrounding concrete; the magnitude of dowel action Vdow is approximately estimated
by Equations (6)–(8) using the upper bound of ηct f ct ; and the beneficial effect of steel
transverse reinforcement on dowel action is conservatively ignored.
Moreover, there exists shear stress acted on the top surface of concrete block sur-
rounded by cracked concrete and steel bars, as schematically shown in Figure 10, and on
the bottom surface of concrete block, covered by FRP reinforcement. At the top surface,
the shear stress, generated from the complex interaction between cracked concrete and
steel bars [66], needs not to be specified. At the bottom surface, the shear stress τc and
the possible normal tensile stress σct , caused by tensile FRP reinforcement and shown in
Figure 8, is further analyzed in the following section.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 9 of 30

Figure 9. Calculation of dowel action of steel reinforcement [49,54–56].

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 31

In this study, the distributed tensile stress on top surface of concrete block is ignored
due to the development of splitting crack, and the dowel action 𝑉 of steel reinforce-
ment is assumed to be completely undertaken by the external FRP reinforcement and sur-
rounding concrete; the magnitude of dowel action 𝑉 is approximately estimated by
Equations (6)–(8) using the upper bound of 𝜂 𝑓 ; and the beneficial effect of steel trans-
verse reinforcement on dowel action is conservatively ignored.
Moreover, there exists shear stress acted on the top surface of concrete block sur-
rounded by cracked concrete and steel bars, as schematically shown in Figure 10, and on
the bottom surface of concrete block, covered by FRP reinforcement. At the top surface,
the shear stress, generated from the complex interaction between cracked concrete and
steel bars [66], needs not to be specified. At the bottom surface, the shear stress 𝜏 and the
possible normal tensile
Figure 9. Calculation stress
of dowel 𝜎 ,ofcaused
action by tensile FRP
steel reinforcement reinforcement and shown in Fig-
Figure 9. Calculation of dowel action of steel reinforcement
ure 8, is further analyzed in the following section. [49,54–56].

In this study, the distributed tensile stress on top surface of concrete block is ignored
due to the development of splitting crack, and the dowel action 𝑉 of steel reinforce-
ment is assumed to be completely undertaken by the external FRP reinforcement and sur-
rounding concrete; the magnitude of dowel action 𝑉 is approximately estimated by
Equations (6)–(8) using the upper bound of 𝜂 𝑓 ; and the beneficial effect of steel trans-
verse reinforcement on dowel action is conservatively ignored.
Moreover, there exists shear stress acted on the top surface of concrete block sur-
rounded by cracked concrete and steel bars, as schematically shown in Figure 10, and on
the bottom surface of concrete block, covered by FRP reinforcement. At the top surface,
the shear stress, generated from the complex interaction between cracked concrete and
steel bars [66], needs not to be specified. At the bottom surface, the shear stress 𝜏 and the
possible normal tensile stress 𝜎 , caused by tensile FRP reinforcement and shown in Fig-
ure 8, is further analyzed in the following section.

Figure 10.Details

The stressstate
block concerned
concerned in in calculations
calculations is schematically
is schematically in Figure
in Figure 8.
8. One
One of the
of the geometrical
geometrical relationships
relationships of of stress
stress field
field forfor crackedconcrete
cracked concreteblock
established according to the vertical equilibrium of the applied forces, which
established according to the vertical equilibrium of the applied forces, which is expressedis expressed
by Equation(9):
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 𝜂 𝑓 𝑎𝑏 − 𝜎 𝑎𝑏 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽𝜂 𝑓 𝑏𝑏 + 𝑛 𝑓 , 𝑏 𝑙 (9)
cos θcr ηct f ct abw − σctm abw = cos βηct f ct bbw + nb f c,e f be f le f (9)
where 𝜃 is the angle of the first inclined separation crack, and defined as cracking angle;
𝛽 is the is theofangle
θcrangle of the first
the second inclined
inclined separation
separation crack;crack,
𝑎 and and defined
𝑏 are as cracking
the lengths angle;
of underside
is the
βand angle of the second inclined separation
upside of concrete block, respectively; and 𝜎 crack; a and b are the lengths of underside
is the assumed possible average nor-
and upside of concrete
mal tensile stress. block, respectively; and σ ctm is the assumed possible average normal
stress. 𝑓 in Equation (9) with 𝜂 𝑓 and rearranging the equation, the geomet-
Replacing f c,e f in Equation (9) with ηct f ct and rearranging the equation, the geometrical
rical relationship
Figure 10. Details of can be simplified
cracked concrete as Equation
with splitting (10):
relationship can be simplified as Equation (10): crack.

The stress state of concrete blockσconcerned

ctm a
in calculations
nb be f le f is schematically in Figure
cos θcr −
8. One of the geometrical arelationships of = b cosfield
stress β + for cracked concrete block can(10) be
ηct f ct bw
established according to the vertical equilibrium of the applied forces, which is expressed
by Equation the parameters µ and λ as:
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 𝜂 𝑓 𝑎𝑏 − 𝜎 𝑎𝑏 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽𝜂σctm 𝑓 𝑏𝑏 + 𝑛 𝑓 , 𝑏 𝑙 (9)
µ= (11)
ηct f ct
where 𝜃 is the angle of the first inclined separation crack, and defined as cracking angle;
𝛽 is the angle of the second inclined separation
nb be crack;
f le f
𝑎 and 𝑏 are the lengths of underside
= (12)
and upside of concrete block, respectively; and is the assumed possible average nor-
mal tensile stress.
Replacing 𝑓 , in Equation (9) with 𝜂 𝑓 and rearranging the equation, the geomet-
rical relationship can be simplified as Equation (10):
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 10 of 30

Accordingly, Equation (10) can be further simplified into Equation (13) explicitly
representing the relationship between cracking angle θcr and inclined angle β.

a(cos θcr − µ) − λ
= cos β (13)
In addition, the relationship between cracking angle θcr and inclined angle β can be
established according to geometrical relationship and expressed by Equation (14):

cb a tan θcr
= = tan β (14)
b b
where cb is the thickness of concrete block, and measured from the bottom surface of
concrete beam to the gravity center of the (outer) tensile steel reinforcement.
A parameter ξ is introduced to express the ratio of lengths of underside to upside of
concrete block, which is shown by Equation (15):
ξ= (15)
Consequently, through combining Equations (13) and (14), the relationship between geo-
metrical parameter ξ and cracking angle θcr can be obtained and expressed by Equation (16):

ξ2 1 + ξ2 tan2 θcr = (cos θcr − µ − λ/cb tan θcr )−2 (16)

Solving Equation (16), the geometrical parameter ξ can be explicitly expressed by cracking
angle θcr , and the expressions are shown by Equations (17) and (18):
v p !
u 1 + 4} tan2 θcr − 1
ξ= t (17)

} = (cos θcr − µ − λ/cb tan θcr )−2 (18)

where } is a parameter.
With the geometrical parameter ξ, the relationship represented by Equation (19)
between the principal compressive stresses at the center and at the bottom surface of the
micro concrete strut closely adjacent to the first inclined crack whose extension line goes
through the point O of intersection (Figure 8) can be derived according to the stress field
theory for concrete [59–61,63,64].

f cp0
f cp = (1 + 1/ξ) (19)
where f cp is the local principal compressive stress at the bottom surface adjacent to external
FRP reinforcement; and f cp0 is the local principal compressive stress at the center of the
micro concrete strut.
Furthermore, based on the geometrical relationship demonstrated in Figure 8, the
average angle θm of stress field for cracked concrete block can be also expressed by the
geometrical parameter ξ and cracking angle θcr , and shown by Equation (20):

(1 + ξ) tan θcr
tan 2θm = tan(θcr + β) = (20)
1 − ξ tan2 θcr

The derived geometrical relationships indicate that the cracking angle θcr is a fundamental
parameter to identify the stress field for cracked concrete block.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 11 of 30

3.3. Failure Criterion

3.3.1. Critical Mechanical State of Concrete Cover Separation
One of the critical failure conditions of concrete cover separation is concrete cracking
along the inclined separation cracks at the end of FRP reinforcement. Thus, the transverse
stress of micro concrete struts (Figure 8) adjacent to inclined crack reaches effective tensile
strength of concrete ηct f ct . Correspondingly, the transverse tensile strain or called principal
tensile strain ε c,1 of micro concrete strut is assumed as ε ct which is the cracking strain of
tensile concrete and can be estimated by Equation (21) [67,68]:

f ct f ct
ε ct = = (21)
ED 0.83Ec

where ED is the dynamic Young’s modulus of concrete; and Ec is the static Young’s modulus
of concrete.
Relationship between the principal compressive strain ε c,2 and the principal tensile
strain ε c,1 of micro concrete strut can be established according to the Poisson’s ratio ν and
represented by Equation (22) [68,69]:

ε c,2 = ε c,1 /ν = ε ct /ν (22)

Please note that the principal compressive strain ε c,2 refers to the longitudinal strain
in the center of micro concrete strut, as shown in Figure 8; furthermore, the Poisson’s
ratio ν is assigned with 0.2 for cracking concrete [68,69]. The corresponding principal
compressive stress f cp0 in the center of micro concrete strut can be assessed using the
Hognestad parabola represented by Equation (23) [70]:
ε2c,2 + 2ε c,2 ε c0
f cp0 = f ce (23)

where ε c0 is the concrete strain corresponding to the peak stress in the stress-strain constitu-
tive curve of compressive concrete; and f ce is the effective compressive strength of concrete.

3.3.2. Effective Compressive Strength of Concrete

The effective compressive strength f ce of concrete in stress field is different from that
in uniaxial compressive state and is generally lower than the cylinder compressive strength
f c0 of concrete [58–65]. Plenty of factors affect the compressive strength of concrete in stress
field; plasticity of concrete, transverse strain of stress field of concrete, and crack width
of cracked concrete, for example [49,50,54–56,58–65]. Currently, the effective compressive
strength of concrete can be estimated by modifying the cylinder compressive strength f c0 of
concrete with a series of reducing coefficients reflecting the aforementioned softening effect.
Consequently, the effective compressive strength of concrete in stress field is calculated
by Equation (24):
f ce = η f c ηε ηw f c0 (24)
where η f c is the plasticity of concrete coefficient [60]; ηε is the transverse strain influential
coefficient [58–65]; and ηw is the cracked concrete influential coefficient [71–79]. The brief
illustration of the reducing coefficients is given in Appendix A.
Equation (24) indicated that the generation and development of splitting crack would
significantly reduce the effective compressive strength of concrete and affect the failure
strength of concrete cover separation discussed as follows.

3.3.3. Failure Strength of Concrete Cover Separation and Cracking Angle of Concrete Block
To establish the failure criterion of concrete cover separation, stress state of a local
part of micro concrete strut adjacent to the first inclined separation crack and external
FRP reinforcement is shown in Figure 8b. The effective tensile stress ηct f ct along concrete
3.3.3. Failure Strength of Concrete Cover Separation and Cracking Angle of Concrete
To establish the failure criterion of concrete cover separation, stress state of a local
part of micro concrete strut adjacent to the first inclined separation crack and external FRP
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 reinforcement is shown in Figure 8b. The effective tensile stress 𝜂 𝑓 along concrete 12 crack
of 30
is considered to be the principal tensile stress of concrete strut. The corresponding princi-
pal compressive stress 𝑓 is vertical to the effective tensile stress and correlated with the
principal compressive
crack is considered be the𝑓principal
to stress at the center
tensile of concrete
stress strut bystrut.
of concrete Equation (19). In addi-
The corresponding
tion, therecompressive
principal exists local shear f cp is𝜏vertical
stressstress and the topossible tensile
the effective 𝜎 due
tensile andtocorrelated
peeling force
applied on thecompressive
the principal bottom surface stressof micro
f cp0 atconcrete
the center strut
of stemming
concrete strutfrombyexternal
Equation FRP rein-
(19). In
forcement. The conservatively
addition, there exists local shear safe caseτof
stress normal
c and compressive
the possible stress
tensile stressapplied
σct dueattothe bot-
concreteon strut
the is not studied
bottom surface herein.
of micro concrete strut stemming from external FRP
The principal
reinforcement. Thetensile stress 𝜂 safe
conservatively 𝑓 and caseprincipal
of normalcompressive
compressivestressstress 𝑓applied
at thea
Mohr’s of concrete strut
of stress is not
with studied
a radius 𝑓 + 𝜂 𝑓 ⁄2 and a center of 𝑓 − 𝜂 𝑓 ⁄2 in
of herein.
the normal stress 𝜎tensile
The principal stressη𝜏ctcoordinate
-shear stress f ct and principal
system, compressive stress in
which is shown f cpFigure
identify a Mohr’s
11. Please
note of stress with a radius
the positive axis of f cp + ηctrepresents
of abscissa f ct /2 and athe center
normal cp − ηct f ct /2stress
of fcompressive in the innormal
stress σ
study. As-shear stressbefore,
discussed τ coordinate system,compressive
the principal which is shown 𝑓 is not
in Figure
stress 11.completely
Please note charac-
that the
terized axis of abscissa
material represents
properties. Forthe thenormal
identical compressive stress in thisthe
material properties, study. As discussed
before, the principal compressive
of a Mohr’s circle of stress would vary with stress f is not completely characterized
cp the development of spitting crack by material
properties. For the identical material properties, the characterization
which can be schematically illustrated by the Mohr’s circles respectively characterized of a Mohr’s circleby of
the would compressive
principal vary with thestresses
development 𝑓 and of(the
spitting crack 𝑓′
softened) width, which
shown incan be schematically
Figure 11a. Conse-
illustrated by the Mohr’s circles respectively characterized by the
quently, the following analysis of failure state of micro concrete strut is divided into two principal compressive
stresses f cp and (the softened) 0 shown in Figure 11a. Consequently, the following analysis
f cp
cases according to the comparison between principal tensile stress 𝜂 𝑓 and principal
of failure state
compressive of micro
stress 𝑓 . concrete strut is divided into two cases according to the comparison
between principal tensile stress ηct f ct and principal compressive stress f cp .

reinforcement: (a) Case 1; and (b) Case 2.
reinforcement: (a) Case 1; and (b) Case 2.

Case1:1:𝑓f cp≥≥𝜂 ηct𝑓 f ct

Generally,the theprincipal
principal compressive
compressive stress
stress𝑓 off cpconcrete strutstrut
of concrete is larger than its
is larger prin-
than its
cipal tensile
tensile 𝜂 𝑓 .ηThe
stressstress ct f ctcorresponding
. The corresponding
circle ofcircle
stressofisstress is schematically
schematically shown
in Figurein11a.
It can 11a.beItseen
can that
be seen
the that
shearthe shear
stress 𝜏 stress τc increases
increases as the corresponding
as the corresponding tensile
stress 𝜎 decreases;
tensile stress σ ct as the tensile stress 𝜎 equals
decreases; as the tensile stress σct to zero, the shear stress 𝜏 reaches
equals to zero, the shear stress τc reaches
the maximum
maximum 𝜏 τcmax , which
, which is also
is also thethe maximum
maximum local
local shear
shear stressalong
stress alongthethebottom
according tothe
Accordingly,the themaximum
maximumlocal local
shear stress𝜏τcmax of
shearstress of concrete
concrete strutstrut is derived and represented by Equation (25):
𝜏 τcmax= = 𝜂 𝑓 η𝑓ct f ct f cp (25)

individual materialproperties
individual material properties
and and geometries
geometries of and
of concrete concrete and
external FRPexternal FRP
the derived strength model additionally incorporates the influential factors such as in-
teraction between concrete, steel and FRP reinforcement, cracking status of surrounding
concrete and its softening effect, and arrangement details of internal steel reinforcement
and external FRP reinforcement. Moreover, as the Mohr’s circle for stress of micro concrete
in Figure 11 and Equation (25) shown that the shear strength τcmax would be improved
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 31

reinforcement, the derived strength model additionally incorporates the influential factors
such as interaction between concrete, steel and FRP reinforcement, cracking status of sur-
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 rounding concrete and its softening effect, and arrangement details of internal steel13rein- of 30
forcement and external FRP reinforcement. Moreover, as the Mohr’s circle for stress of
micro concrete in Figure 11 and Equation (25) shown that the shear strength 𝜏 would
be improved by imposing the moderate normal compressive stress and restricting
by imposing the moderate normal compressive stress and restricting the formation and the for-
mation and development of crack. Therefore, various anchorage devices [80,81]
development of crack. Therefore, various anchorage devices [80,81] are widely used in are widely
used in practice
practice to preventto prevent
concreteconcrete cover separation.
cover separation.
On the otherhand,
ensure thethe occurrence
occurrence of concrete
of concrete cover
cover separation,
separation, the maxi-
the maximum
local localstress
stress 𝜏 satisfy
should shouldthe satisfy
following about
requirement about τbond
bond strength f u of
external 𝜏 of
strength FRP external FRP[82,83],
reinforcement reinforcement
which is[82,83], which
expressed by is expressed
Equation by Equation (26):
𝑏 b 𝑓 𝑓p′ f ct f 0
𝜏 = 𝜏
τ f max = τ𝑏 ≤
w =
≤ τ f u 2= c (26)(26)
b f 2
where 𝜏 is the maximum bond stress between FRP reinforcement and concrete at con-
where τ f max is the maximum bond stress between FRP reinforcement and concrete at
crete cover separation; and 𝑏 is the width of FRP reinforcement externally bonded to con-
concrete cover separation; and b f is the width of FRP reinforcement externally bonded to
crete surface. As the maximum bond stress 𝜏 equals to the bond strength 𝜏 in Equa-
concrete surface. As the maximum bond stress τ f max equals to the bond strength τ f u in
tion (26), the
Equation (26),mixed modemode
the mixed of interfacial debonding
of interfacial and cover
debonding and separation
cover separationis present, which
is present,
is also commonly observed in experiments [9,10,16,47]
which is also commonly observed in experiments [9,10,16,47] and and schematically shown in Figure
p schematically shown
in It is worth
Figure 12a. Itpointing
is worthoutpointing
that the out
the bond ′⁄2 between
𝑓 𝑓strength f ct FRP
f c0 /2 reinforcement
between FRP
and concrete [82,83]
reinforcement in Equation
and concrete (26)
[82,83] can be replaced
in Equation (26) canbybethe more detailed
replaced by the more and accurate
and criterion
accurate for other
failure composite
criterion for othermaterials
compositeto materials
meet requirement of analysis.of analysis.
to meet requirement

Figure 12.
Figure 12. Cracking
characteristicsofof mixed
mixed mode
mode of end
of end debonding
debonding failure:
failure: (a) mixed
(a) mixed modemode of
of inter-
interfacial debonding and cover separation; and (b) mixed mode of cover separation and sliding
facial debonding and cover separation; and (b) mixed mode of cover separation and sliding failure.
Another possible mixed mode of cover separation and sliding failure is schematically
shown Another possible
in Figure mixed
12b and is mode
seldom of observed
cover separation and slidingItfailure
in experiments. occursisasschematically
the Mohr’s
shown in Figure 12b and is seldom observed in experiments.
circle of stress touches the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion [64,82,83] for the It occurs as the Mohr’s circle
of stress touches
compressive thefMohr-Coulomb
stress failure criterion [64,82,83] for the principal compres-
cp being pronouncedly larger than principal tensile stress ηct f ct , as
sive stress
shown 𝑓 being
in Figure 13. pronouncedly
According to larger thanconditions
the stress principal tensile stress 𝜂state,
at the critical 𝑓 , as shownthe
namely in
Figure 13. According to the stress conditions at the critical state,
Mohr’s circle of stress with red color in Figure 13, the maximum principal compressive namely the Mohr’s circle
of stress
stress withcan
f cp,max redbecolor in Figure
computed 13, the maximum
by Equation (27): principal compressive stress 𝑓 ,
can be computed by Equation (27):
1 + sin ϕ f
f cp,max = η f c ηw f 1 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑
c − ηct f ct (27)
𝑓 , =𝜂 𝜂 𝑓 − 1 − sin𝜂 ϕ 𝑓f (27)
1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑
where ◦
where ϕ𝜑f isisthe
theinternal angle
internal of friction
angle of concrete
of friction and assigned
of concrete with 37.2
and assigned with[64,71]. Hence,
37.2° [64,71].
the f
Hence, the principal compressive stress 𝑓 should also satisfy the condition of 𝑓 to
principal compressive stress cp should also satisfy the condition of f cp ≤ f cp,max ≤
𝑓 , the occurrence
to guarantee of concreteofcover
the occurrence separation.
concrete cover separation.
In addition, according to the geometrical relationships of Mohr’s circle of stress shown
in Figure 11a, the cracking angle θcr can be calculated using Equation (28) and, meanwhile,
should satisfy the requirement of 0 < θcr ≤ 45◦ .
ηct f ct
f cp − ηct f ct 1− f cp
cos 2θcr = = ηct f ct
f cp + ηct f ct 1+ f cp

Based on Equation (28) and Figure 11a, it can be further inferred that the cracking angle
θcr increases as the principal compressive stress f cp reduces, which agrees with relevant
conclusion of the stress field theory for reinforced concrete [58–65].
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 14 of 30

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 31

Figure 13.
Figure 13. Mohr’s circle for the critical stress conditions of the micro concrete
concrete element
element at
at the
the end
end of
FRP reinforcement
FRP reinforcement with
with mixed
mixed mode
mode ofof cover
cover separation

Case 2: f cp < according

In addition, ηct f ct to the geometrical relationships of Mohr’s circle of stress
shown By in contrast,
Figure Case 11a, the2 does commonly
cracking 𝜃 candue
angle occur be to the extremely
calculated using low Equation principal
(28) com-
meanwhile, stress of f cpsatisfy
should . The corresponding
the requirement of 0 <circle
Mohr’s 𝜃 ≤of45°. stress is schematically shown in
Figure 11b. It can be seen that as the tensile stress σct decreases the local shear stress τc in-
𝜂 𝑓
creases to the maximum and then decreases. 1−
𝑓 − 𝜂 𝑓 The maximum 𝑓 shear stress τcmax corresponds
the center of Mohr’s circle 𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃
of stress = locating at the = negative abscissa. It means that the (28) shear
𝑓 +𝜂 𝑓 𝜂 𝑓
1 +

stress τc reaches the maximum shear stress of τcmax 𝑓 = f cp + η f
ct ct /2 when the tensile
stress σct = ηct f ct − f cp /2 is applied on bottom surface of concrete strut. Furthermore,
Based on Equation (28)angle
and θFigure ◦ as shown
the corresponding cracking cr is 4511a, it can be in further
Figure 11b. inferred that the cracking
angleSo𝜃 far, increases
the mechanical state of micro concrete strut adjacent towhich
as the principal compressive stress 𝑓 reduces, the first agrees withsep-
inclined rel-
evant conclusion
aration crack shown of the stress field
in Figure 8 cantheory for reinforced
be identified. concrete it
Furthermore, [58–65].
can be found that the
cracking 2: 𝑓 θ< cr 𝜂 𝑓
identifies the stress field for global cracked concrete block and relates
to theByfailure
contrast, Case of
strength 2 does
concrete commonly occur due to
cover separation. the extremelythe
Subsequently, low principal
detailed com-
steps to
estimate stress of 𝑓angle
pressive cracking . The θcrcorresponding
are introducedMohr’s circle of stress is schematically shown in
as follows.
1. 11b.aItcracking
Select can be seen anglethat θcr (θ as the tensile
◦ stress 𝜎 decreases the local shear stress 𝜏
cr < 45 );
2. Specify the geometrical parameter ξ, cylinderThe
to the maximum and then decreases. maximum
compressive shear stress
strength 𝜏 strength
f c0 , tensile corre-
sponds the center of Mohr’s circle
f ct , and static Young’s modulus of concrete Ec ; of stress locating at the negative abscissa. It means that
3. shear stress 𝜏 reaches the maximum shear stress of
Calculate the cracking strain of tensile concrete ε ct and the principal compressive 𝜏 = 𝑓 + 𝜂 𝑓 ⁄ 2 when the
tensile stress
strain ε c,2𝜎; = 𝜂 𝑓 − 𝑓 ⁄ 2 is applied on bottom surface of concrete strut. Further-
4. the corresponding
a splitting cracking cracking widthangle of 𝜃w andis 45° as shown
compute thein Figure concrete
cracked 11b. influential
So far, the
coefficient ηw ; mechanical state of micro concrete strut adjacent to the first inclined sepa-
5. crack shown in Figure 8 can be identified. Furthermore,
Figure out the plasticity of concrete coefficient η f c , transverse strain influential coef- it can be found that the
cracking angle 𝜃 identifies the stress field for global cracked
ficient ηε , effective compressive strength of concrete f ce , and principal compressive concrete block and relates
to thestresses
failure fstrength
cp0 and f cp of; concrete cover separation. Subsequently, the detailed steps to
6. Check cracking angle 𝜃 of
the correctness areprincipal
introduced as follows.
compressive stress f cp according to the maximum
local shear
1. Select a cracking angle stress τ cmax 𝜃 (𝜃 < 45°);
, estimated by Equations (25) and (26), and the maximum
2. Specify the compressive
geometrical stress
parameter ξ , cylinder
f cp,max , derived by Equation
compressive(27); strength 𝑓 ′ , tensile
If Step 6𝑓is ,false,
7. strength adjustYoung’s
and static the value of w and
modulus of then repeat
concrete 𝐸 ;Steps 4–6;
8. If Step 6 isthe
3. Calculate true, calculate
cracking the cracking
strain of tensile angle θcr from
concrete 𝜀 Equation
and the (28) using compressive
principal the obtained
strain 𝜀 , ;
material properties and relevant parameters;
9. If the acomputed
4. Select splitting cracking
cracking angle widthθcr ofin 𝑤 step
and 8compute
is largerthe 45◦ , calculate
thancracked concrete theinfluential
coefficient θ and
cr 𝜂 ; maximum shear stress τ cmax defined in Case 2;
10. Checkout
5. Figure thethe computed
plasticity cracking
of concrete anglecoefficient
θcr in step𝜂8 with the assumed
, transverse strain one in Stepcoeffi-
influential 1;
cient 𝜂 , effective compressive strength of concrete 𝑓 , and principal compressive
stresses 𝑓 and 𝑓 ;
cipal compressive stress 𝑓 , , derived by Equation (27);
7. If Step 6 is false, adjust the value of 𝑤 and then repeat Steps 4–6;
8. If Step 6 is true, calculate the cracking angle 𝜃 from Equation (28) using the obtained
material properties and relevant parameters;
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 9. If the computed cracking angle 𝜃 in step 8 is larger than 45°, calculate the cracking
15 of 30
angle 𝜃 and maximum shear stress 𝜏 defined in Case 2;
10. Check the computed cracking angle 𝜃 in step 8 with the assumed one in Step 1;
If Step 10 is true, obtain the desired cracking
If Step 10 is true, obtain the desired cracking angle 𝜃. .
Please note that under the condition of satisfying the requirementsofoffailure
Please note that under the condition of satisfying the requirements failurestrength
listed in step 6 and the lower bound of splitting crack width of 0.015 ∅ , which
listed in step 6 and the lower bound of splitting crack width of 0.015 ∅s , which is illustrated is illus-
Appendixin Appendix A, the cracking
A, the splitting splitting width
cracking width
w with the𝑤initial
with value
the initial value
of 0.015 ∅s of 0.015be
should ∅
little asbepossible
as little as possible to
to estimate theestimate the lower
lower bound bound of
of cracking cracking angle.
Consequently, ananalysis
estimatecracking angleθ𝜃cr isisillustrated
crackingangle illustratedinin
Figure 14. 14.

Figure 14. Analysis flowchart to estimate cracking angle 𝜃 .

Figure 14. Analysis flowchart to estimate cracking angle θcr .

angleθ𝜃cr isisknown,
angleθ𝜃m ofofthe
for cracked concrete block can be computed by Equation (20). Then the corresponding
for cracked concrete block can be computed by Equation (20). Then the corresponding
simplified average stress field for cracked concrete block with a shape of right triangle
subject to biaxial tension-compression load is established and shown in Figure 15. Specifi-
cally, the average principal compressive stress f cpm is applied on the leg corresponding to
the average cracking angle θm , and the tensile stress ηct f ct is applied on the other leg. The
average shear stress τcm and the aforementioned possible average tensile stress σctm , are
uniformly distributed on the hypotenuse. It should be clarified that the simplified average
stress field, characterized by the average mechanical state of the global cracked concrete
block, is not identical to that of local micro concrete strut shown in Figure 8b.
subjectthe averagetension-compression
to biaxial principal compressive loadstress 𝑓 is applied
is established on theinleg
and shown corresponding
Figure 15. Specif-
the average cracking angle 𝜃
ically, the average principal compressive stress 𝑓
to , and the tensile stress 𝜂 𝑓 is applied on the other leg.
is applied on the leg corresponding
to the average cracking angle 𝜃 , and the tensile stress 𝜂 𝑓 is applied on the other𝜎 leg.,
The average shear stress 𝜏 and the aforementioned possible average tensile stress
average shear stress 𝜏on the
distributed andhypotenuse. It shouldpossible
the aforementioned be clarified that tensile
average stress 𝜎 av-,
the simplified
erage stress field,
are uniformly characterized
distributed on thebyhypotenuse.
the averageItmechanical state of the
should be clarified global
that cracked con-
the simplified av-
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 crete block, is not identical to that of local micro concrete strut shown in Figure 8b. 16 of 30
erage stress field, characterized by the average mechanical state of the global cracked con-
crete block, is not identical to that of local micro concrete strut shown in Figure 8b.

Figure 15. The average stress field for cracked concrete block.
Figure 15.
Figure 15. The
The average
average stress
stress field
field for
for cracked
Referring to the aforementioned analytical approaches of local shear stress, the aver-
age shear stress
Referring to𝜏the
to thecan be simply represented
aforementioned analytical by the tensile
approaches stress
of of
local 𝜂shear
local 𝑓stress,
and thethe
stress, average
age shear angle
stress τcm𝜃 𝜏can
stress withoutbeconsidering
be simply
can simply the average
representedbyby principal
thethetensile stressη𝜂ct f ct𝑓 and
tensilestress stress
the𝑓 average
. Spe-
cracking angle
angle 𝜃θm1 without
Case without the average tensile
considering thethe average
average 𝜎 principal
, thecompressive
stressprincipal corresponding
compressive stress 𝑓 circle
stress . fSpe-
cpm .
cifically, for Case 1 without the average tensile stress 𝜎 , the corresponding Mohr’s circle
of stress is
Specifically, shown
for Casein Figure
1 without16a.theAccordingly,
average the
tensile average
stress σ shear
ctm , thestress 𝜏
corresponding can be evalu-
ated ofEquation
of stress stress is shown
is shown (29). in Figure
in Figure 16a. Accordingly,
16a. Accordingly, the average
the average shear 𝜏stress
shear stress canτcmbecan
evaluated by Equation
ated by Equation (29). (29).
𝜂 𝑓
𝜏 = ηct f ct (29)
𝜂 =
cm 𝑓 tan θ (29)
𝜏 = m (29)

Figure 16. Mohr’s

cracked concrete
cracked block:
concrete (a) (a)
block: Case 1; and
Case (b)
1; and
(b) 2.
Case 2.
Figure 16. Mohr’s circle for the average stress field of cracked concrete block: (a) Case 1; and (b)
Case 2.
For the
the scarcely
scarcely occurring
occurring CaseCase 22 with
with the the average
average tensile stress 𝜎
tensile stress σctm ,, the
the average
◦ and the corresponding Mohr’s circle of stress is
cracking angle
angle 𝜃θ m is
is larger
larger than
than 45
For the scarcely occurring Case 2 with the average tensile stress 𝜎 , the average
45° and the corresponding Mohr’s circle of stress is sche-
matically shown shown
in in
Figure Figure
16b. 16b. Equation
Equation (29) (29)
can becan
also be also
used used
cracking angle 𝜃 is larger than 45° and the corresponding Mohr’s circle of stress is
to to
the the
upper upper
u .
of the of the
average average
shear shear
stress 𝜏 stress
matically shown in Figure 16b. Equation . τcm (29) can be also used to estimate the upper bound
u , the resultant force T of FRP
of the the estimated
average estimated
shear stress average
𝜏 . shear
average shear stress
stress 𝜏 τcm 𝜏 τ,cm
or or the resultant force 𝑇 of FRP f rein-
With the to result
to result inaverage
in concrete
estimated cover
shear separation
stress 𝜏 can or 𝜏can,be
be computed by Equation
by Equation
resultant force 𝑇 of(30):
forcement to result in concrete cover separation ηct f ct can be computed by Equation (30):
Tf = bw cb cot θcr (30)
tan θm

The effective tensile strain of FRP corresponding to the occurrence of concrete cover
separation is evaluated by Equation (31):

ηct f ct
ε0f e = bw cb cot θcr (31)
tan θm E f A f
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 17 of 30

It should be pointed out that the effective tensile strain of FRP corresponding to
concrete cover separation is not identical to the one at the maximum bending moment
section that failed in flexure, which is assumed to be sufficient and not the critical factor in
this study.

4. Analytical Model of Carrying Capacity of the FRP-Strengthened RC Beams That

Failed in Concrete Cover Separation
The location of end concrete cover separation renders the huge difficulties in precise
evaluation of carrying capacity of RC beams strengthened with FRP reinforcement. Hence,
most studies merely paid attention to assessing the effective tensile strain of FRP corre-
sponding to concrete cover separation [26–31,38]. Only limited studies presented numerical
and analytical approaches to estimate the carrying capacity of RC beams that failed in
concrete cover separation [33,34,36]. Although the available numerical simulations can
accurately predict the ultimate state of strengthened RC beams, the sophisticated modeling
techniques and lengthy calculation process limit the practical design and analysis. On
the other hand, the analytical approaches could highly reduce the calculation efforts and
time-costs. The excessive simplifications in analysis usually result in dissatisfactory evalu-
ation results, particularly for the ignorance of pronounced shear deformation [33–36,84].
In this section, an analytical approach, able to comprehensively consider the influence of
flexural–shear action on tensile strain of FRP reinforcement, is proposed to predict the
carrying capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams that failed in concrete cover separation.

4.1. Background to the Proposed Model

For the intermediate crack-induced concrete cover separation, as shown in Figure 1b,
an extremely large proportion of effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement is exhausted
by the flexural action of strengthened RC beams [57,84]. Hence, the conventional plane-
section analysis of flexural response can be performed in a simple manner to obtain the
satisfactory estimation of carrying capacity corresponding to the effective tensile strain of
FRP. However, this analytical approach is not suited for the strengthened RC beams that
failed in end concrete cover separation, since the shear action would significantly take up
the effective tensile strain of FRP [84]. To consider the influence of shear action on carrying
capacity of the FRP-strengthened concrete beams and facilitate the calculation, the uniaxial
shear-flexural model (USFM) [85] can be extended and used. The fundamental strategy of
USFM is that the flexural response and shear response of a RC beam can be estimated by
the combination of plane-section analysis and stress field theory. Based on the fundamental
strategy and considering the specific retrofitting configurations, a simplified analytical
approach for predicting the carrying capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams that failed in
end concrete cover separation is presented and introduced.

4.2. Analytical Model

By contrast with the conventional sectional analysis performed at the critical section
with the maximum bending moment, the presented analytical approach focuses on the
section where the concrete cover is completely separated, namely the end of the first
inclined separation crack (Figure 17). On the studied section, the tensile strain ε f of FRP
reinforcement is considered to be the sum of flexural strain ε f , f and shear strain ε f ,s , and
expressed by Equation (32) [62,84]:

ε f = ε f , f + ε f ,s (32)
Subsequently, the analyses of flexural and shear behavior of strengthened RC beams
are respectively performed to specify the flexural strain ε f , f and shear strain ε f ,s .
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 31

𝜀 =𝜀 , +𝜀 , (32)
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 18 of 30
Subsequently, the analyses of flexural and shear behavior of strengthened RC beams
are respectively performed to specify the flexural strain 𝜀 , and shear strain 𝜀 , .


4.2.1. FlexuralBehavior
Flexural strain𝜀ε f , fcan
based on equilibrium and compatibility principles, as shown in Figure 18. The
based on equilibrium and compatibility principles, as shown in Figure 18. The resultant resultant
force tensileregion

𝑇 =T 𝜎 ,A+ 𝐴f 𝜎
s σs, + ,A f σf , f (33)(33)

𝜎, = f =
σs,𝐸 ε s,𝑓f ≤, 𝜎f sy , =σ f𝐸, f 𝜀= E≤f ε𝑓f , f ≤ f f u
𝜀 ,Es≤ (34)(34)
, ,
where thearea
reinforcement;𝜎σs, f and
and𝜎σ f , fare
, ,
stresses of steel reinforcement and FRP reinforcement due to flexural behavior,
stresses of steel reinforcement and FRP reinforcement due to flexural behavior, respec- respectively;
ε s, f and
tively; , f are
𝜀 , ε fand 𝜀 the tensile steel strain and FRP strain due to flexural behavior, respectively;
, are the tensile steel strain and FRP strain due to flexural behavior, re-
f sy and f f u are the yield strength of steel longitudinal reinforcement and the tensile strength
spectively; 𝑓 and 𝑓 are the yield strength of steel longitudinal reinforcement and the
of FRP reinforcement, respectively. The tensile behavior of steel longitudinal and transverse
tensile strength of FRP reinforcement, respectively. The tensile behavior of steel longitu-
reinforcement follows a bilinear stress-strain constitutive law, and the strain hardening
dinal and transverse reinforcement follows a bilinear stress-strain constitutive law, and
is ignored.
the strain hardening is ignored.
The resultant force C at compressive region is expressed by Equations (35) and (36):

C = Cc + A0s σs,0 f (35)

σs,0 f = Es0 ε0s, f ≤ f sy


where σs,0 f and ε0s, f are the compressive stress and strain of steel due to flexural behavior,
respectively; A0s , Es0 , and f sy
0 are the area, elastic modulus, and yield strength of compressive

steel longitudinal reinforcement, respectively; and Cc is the concrete resultant force at com-
pressive region and can be predicted by the Hognastad’s curve of concrete [70], represented
by Equations (37)–(39):
Cc = α1 f c β 1 cbw (37)
εc 1 εc
α1 β 1 = − (38)
ε c0 3 ε c0
Figure 18. Geometries of beam section and profiles4 − ε cof/εstrain and stress under flexural action: (a)
beam cross-section; (b) strain distribution; =stress distribution;
β 1(c) (39)
and (d) simplified stress distribu-
6 − 2ε c /ε c0
tion. (Note: N.A.= neutral axis).
where α1 and β 1 are the parameters of the equivalent stress block of compressive concrete;
c is The
the depth
resultant force 𝐶 at compressive
of compressive region; and ε c isisthe
region strain ofby
expressed concrete extreme
Equations compres-
(35) and (36):
sion fiber.
𝐶 = 𝐶 + 𝐴′ 𝜎′ , (35)
where 𝐴 is the area of tensile steel longitudinal reinforcement; 𝜎 , and 𝜎 , are the tensile
stresses of steel reinforcement and FRP reinforcement due to flexural behavior, respec-
tively; 𝜀 , and 𝜀 , are the tensile steel strain and FRP strain due to flexural behavior, re-
spectively; 𝑓 and 𝑓 are the yield strength of steel longitudinal reinforcement and the
tensile strength of FRP reinforcement, respectively. The tensile behavior of steel longitu-
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 19 of 30
dinal and transverse reinforcement follows a bilinear stress-strain constitutive law, and
the strain hardening is ignored.

Figure 18.
18. Geometries
Geometries ofofbeam
and profiles
profiles of strain
of strain andand stress
stress under
under flexural
flexural action:
action: (a)
(a) beam
beam cross-section; (b) strain distribution; (c) stress distribution; and (d) simplified stress distribu-
cross-section; (b) strain distribution; (c) stress distribution; and (d) simplified stress distribution.
tion. (Note: N.A.= neutral axis).
(Note: N.A.= neutral axis).
The resultant
According force
to the 𝐶 at compressive
common assumptionregion is expressed
that the by Equations
plane section (35) and
remains plane, (36):
the depth
= 𝐶 +of𝐴′concrete
of compressive region c and the𝐶 strain 𝜎′ , extreme compression fiber ε c can
(35) be
computed by Equations (40) and (41), respectively:

c = d f − ε f , f /ϕ (40)

ε c = ϕc (41)
where ϕ is the curvature of beam section; and d f is the depth of FRP reinforcement and is
the sum of depth of beam section h and half of thickness of FRP reinforcement t f , which
can be ignored in calculation.
Similarly, the compressive strain ε0s, f and tensile strain ε s, f of steel longitudinal rein-
forcement due to flexural behavior are expressed by Equations (42) and (43), respectively:

ε0s, f = ϕ c − a0s


ε s, f = ϕ(ds − c) (43)
where a0s and ds are the depths of compressiveandtensile steel reinforcement, respectively.
Consequently, the bending moment M ε f , f applied on the studied beam section
corresponding to flexural strain ε f , f of FRP longitudinal reinforcement can be computed by
Equation (44):

M ε f , f = A0s σs,0 f c − a0s + α1 β 1 f c cbw c − 1 c + As σs, f (ds − c) + A f σ f , f d f − c


4.2.2. Shear Behavior

The shear force V is considered constantly distributed along the span l for simply
supported beams and is computed by Equation (45):

V = M ε f , f /(l0 + cb cot θcr ) (45)

where l0 is the distance from end of FRP reinforcement to the nearest support, as illustrated
in Figure 17.
Considering the combination of steel and FRP longitudinal reinforcement, the calcula-
tional formulation based on the modified compression field theory (MCFT) [58,62] and the
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 20 of 30

cracked membrane model (CMM) [61] is extended to estimate the strain of ε f ,s contributed
by shear behavior and represented by Equation (46):

V cot ϑ
ε f ,s = (46)
2 Es As + E f A f

where ϑ is the inclination angle of the stress field in shear zone of a strengthened RC beam,
and different from the cracking angle of concrete block θcr , as schematically shown in
Figure 17.
The development of angle of ϑ can be estimated according to a series of conditions
about equilibrium and compatibility based on the MCFT [58,62] and the CMM [61], whereas
the lengthy iterative calculation would significantly increase the difficulties in assessment
of carrying capacity of strengthened RC beams. On the other hand, Aprile et al. [17,18]
reported that the inclination angle of ϑ tends to be stable at concrete cover separation
through experimental investigations. The calculational method, based on compression
field theory (CFT) [86], was modified by Aprile et al. [17,18] to estimate the lower bound of
inclination angle ϑu and expressed by Equations (47)–(49):
1 + α ρ +1 α ρ
4 sl sl fl fl
ϑu = arc tan t (47)
1 + αsv1ρsv

As Af Asv
ρsl = , ρfl = , ρsv = (48)
bw z bw z bw s v
Es Ef Esv
αsl = , αfl = , αsv = (49)
Ec Ec Ec
where αsl , α f l , and αsv are the steel longitudinal reinforcement, FRP longitudinal rein-
forcement, and steel transverse reinforcement to concrete homogenization coefficients,
respectively; ρsl , ρ f l , and ρsv are the geometrical steel longitudinal reinforcement ratio, FRP
longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and steel transverse reinforcement ratio, respectively;
Asv is the steel transverse reinforcement area; sv is the spacing of steel transverse reinforce-
ment; Esv is the elastic modulus of steel transverse reinforcement; z is the depth of flexural
lever arm of beam section and can be approximately assessed by 0.9d; and d is the effective
depth of beam section [17,18,87].
Moreover, based on the solution of concrete plasticity [64], the upper bound of inclina-
tion angle θl can be assessed by Equations (50) and (51):
ϑl = arc tan ≤ 45◦ (50)

f yv
ψ = ρsv (51)
f c0
where ψ is the mechanical parameter; and f yv is the yield strength of steel transverse
To facilitate calculation, the inclination angle of ϑ. is assessed herein using the av-
erage of lower bound ϑl and upper bound ϑu of inclination angle and represented by
Equation (52):
ϑ + ϑu
ϑ= l (52)

4.3. Analytical Process

Considering crack spacing, the starting point of the second inclined separation crack,
where the effective tensile strain of FRP at concrete cover separation is derived according to
stress field approach, may be not coincident with the studied beam section, as the points A
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 21 of 30

and A’ illustrated in Figure 7. The effective tensile strain of FRP solved by Equation (31), ε0f e ,
needs to be modified by Equation (53) to perform the aforementioned analysis of carrying
capacity of strengthened RC beams.

ε f e = κε0f e ; (κ ≤ 1.0) (53)

The modification coefficient κ is defined by Equation (54):

cb cot θcr
κ= (54)

where s f is the length of cracked concrete block at the level of FRP reinforcement and can
be assessed by Equation (55):
s f = ζsrm (55)
where ζ is defined as the amplification coefficient of average crack spacing of srm and is identi-
fied in the following section; and srm can be assessed by Equations (56) and (57) [17,18,87–90]:
srm = 2cn + 0.25k1 k2 (56)
ρe f f

As + A f E f /Es
ρe f f = (57)
Ac,e f f
where k1 is a coefficient considering bond characteristics of steel reinforcement, taken as
0.8 for deformed reinforcement and 1.6 for smooth one; k2 is a factor accounting for the
distribution of tensile stress within beam section and assigned with 0.5; ρe f f is the effective
reinforcement ratio; and Ac,e f f is the effective tensile area of concrete in flexural member,
and is estimated by 2.5bw (h − d) that should be not more than (h − c)bw /3 [17,18,87–90].
Subsequently, the detailed process to assess the carrying capacity of strengthened RC
beams that failed in concrete cover separation is illustrated as follows.
1. Select a flexural strain ε f , f ;
2. Select a curvature ϕ;
3. Figure out the depth of compressive region c, the strain of concrete extreme compres-
sion fiber ε c , and the parameters of the equivalent stress block α1 and β 1 ;
4. Specify the reinforcement stresses of σs, f , σ f , f and σs,0 f in flexural behavior;
5. Compute the resultant force T at tensile region and C at compressive region;
6. If T is not equal to C, repeat steps 2–5;

7. If T is equal to C, compute the moment M ε f , f , the shear V, and the strain ε f ,s ;
8. Compute the strain of FRP reinforcement ε f under flexural–shear action and the
effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement ε f e ;
9. If ε f is not equal to ε f e , repeat steps 1–8; and

10. If ε f is equal to ε f e , obtain the desired carrying capacity of M ε f , f and V of a
strengthened RC beam.
Correspondingly, an analysis flowchart to assess the carrying capacity of strengthened
RC beams is illustrated in Figure 19.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 22 of 30

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 22 of 31

Figure 19.
Figure 19. Analysis flowchart
flowchart to
to assess
assess the
the carrying
carrying capacity
capacity of
of strengthened
strengthened RC
RC beams.

5. Validations
Validations andand Discussions
To validate theproposed
validate the proposedapproach,
approach, thethe
strengthened RCRCbeams thatthat
beams failed in concrete
failed in con-
cover separation with the desirable data in the available literature [9,14,16,22,23,28]
crete cover separation with the desirable data in the available literature [9,14,16,22,23,28] were
collected. All the RC beams were reinforced with tensile and compressive steel
were collected. All the RC beams were reinforced with tensile and compressive steel lon- longitudinal
reinforcement, and steel transverse
gitudinal reinforcement, reinforcement.
and steel transverse ExternallyExternally
reinforcement. boned FRP reinforcement
boned FRP rein-
(sheets or plates) was employed to strengthen the RC beams, whereas
forcement (sheets or plates) was employed to strengthen the RC beams, whereas the FRP reinforce-
the FRP
ment was not applied along the full spans. A certain distance between FRP
reinforcement was not applied along the full spans. A certain distance between FRP rein- reinforcement
end and theend
forcement nearby
and support wassupport
the nearby intentionally set. Moreover,
was intentionally set.all the collected
Moreover, beam
all the speci-
mens were subject to three-point bending tests or four-point bending tests with static loads
beam specimens were subject to three-point bending tests or four-point bending tests with
and failed in concrete cover separation at the end of FRP reinforcement. The geometrical pa-
static loads and failed in concrete cover separation at the end of FRP reinforcement. The
rameters, material properties, reinforcement arrangements, configurations, and anchorage
geometrical parameters, material properties, reinforcement arrangements, configurations,
conditions of the failed shear spans are primarily concerned in this investigation and listed
and anchorage conditions of the failed shear spans are primarily concerned in this inves-
in Tables 1 and 2. The cracking angles of separated concrete blocks are listed in Table 3.
tigation and listed in Tables 1 and 2. The cracking angles of separated concrete blocks are
listed in Table 3.
Table 1. Geometries and material properties of beam specimens.

Table 1. Geometries and material properties of beam specimens. Mechanical Properties

of Concrete
Reference Specimen
l0 l h bw cb a’ f’c
s fct Ec
(mm) Geometries
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa)
1B 25 500 250 205 45 45
2.4 23.3
Reference Specimen 2B
Smith et al. [9]
125 500 250 205 45 45 48.6 3.6 28.8
𝒍𝟎 50
250 𝒘
205 𝒃
45 𝒔
𝒇′𝒄 45.3
h (mm)
Esfahani et al. [14]
B3 (mm)
100 600
25 25.2

1B 25 500 250 205 45 45 31.5 2.4 23.3

Smith et al.
[9] 2B 125 500 250 205 45 45 48.6 3.6 28.8
3B 50 500 250 205 45 45 45.3 3.2 29.0
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 23 of 30

Table 1. Cont.

Mechanical Properties
of Concrete
Reference Specimen
l0 l h bw cb a’s f’c fct Ec
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa)
CS-L3-B 50 500 253 217 36 35 26.3 3.5 27.2
Yao et al. [16] CS-W100-B 50 500 254 214 41 35 30.2 3.3 24.3
CP-B 50 500 253 218 35 35 26.2 3.8 27.4
5D18-F25-G 150 800 300 251 49 41 25.0 2.6 23.7
Sabzi et al. [22]
5D10-F25-G 150 800 300 267 33 39 25.0 2.6 23.7
2D22-NSG-G 150 800 300 251 49 44 25.0 2.6 23.7
Sabzi et al. [23]
5D14-NSC-G 150 800 300 255 45 44 25.0 2.6 23.7
Pham et al. [27] E1a 150 700 260 220 40 52 53.7 4.3 34.7

Table 2. Mechanical and geometrical properties of steel reinforcement and FRP reinforcement.

Compressive Steel Mechanical

Tensile Steel Longitudinal Steel Transverse Geometries
Longitudinal Properties of
Reinforcement Reinforcement of FRP
Reinforcement FRP
∅s Es fsy A’s E’s f’sy Asv sv Esv fyv bf tf Ef ffu
(mm) (GPa) (MPa) (mm2 ) (GPa) (MPa) (mm2 ) (mm) (GPa) (MPa) (mm) (mm) (GPa) (MPa)
1B 2 10 207 506 157.1 207 506 157.1 100 207 506 150 1.77 271 3720
2B 2 10 207 506 157.1 207 506 157.1 100 207 506 148 1.70 271 3720
3B 2 10 207 506 157.1 207 506 157.1 100 207 506 147 1.87 257 4591
6B 2 10 207 506 157.1 207 506 157.1 100 207 506 145 1.81 257 4591
B3 2 12 200 400 157.1 200 365 100.5 80 200 350 150 0.35 237 2845
CS-L3-B 2 10 199 536 157.1 199 536 157.1 100 199 536 148 2.63 256 4114
CS-W100-B 2 10 199 536 157.1 199 536 157.1 100 199 536 100 1.95 256 4114
CP 2 10 199 536 157.1 199 536 157.1 100 199 536 148 1.20 165 2800
5D18-F25-G 5 18 223 367 226.2 210 412 157.1 80 190 462 160 0.17 240 3600
5D10-F25-G 5 10 190 462 226.2 210 412 100.5 120 190 462 160 0.17 240 3600
2D22-NSG-G 2 22 204 376 226.2 210 412 100.5 100 190 462 160 0.17 240 4950
5D14-NSC-G 5 14 205 423 226.2 210 412 100.5 100 190 462 160 0.17 240 4950
E1a 3 12 205 551 226.2 205 551 157.1 100 204 334 100 1.06 209 3900

With the proposed analytical model, the calculation of cracking angles of concrete
blocks was first performed. The calculational results (θcr,cal ) and comparisons against the
experimental results (θcr,exp ) are listed in Table 3 and shown in Figure 20. The statistical
results demonstrate that the mean and standard deviation of the ratio between calculations
and experimental results are 0.81 and 0.15, respectively, which show the satisfactory ac-
curacy of the proposed analytical approach. Furthermore, Figure 20 indicates that most
predictions fall in the acceptable range of cracking angles. The predicted cracking an-
gle, obtained by the proposed approach, is the lower bound of cracking angle due to the
conservative assumption of splitting crack width and the consideration of plasticity and
stress redistribution of concrete. Therefore, the mean of the ratio between calculations and
experimental results in statistics is less than 1.0; furthermore, each prediction is not larger
than its corresponding experimental result. The experimental results successfully verified
the present analytical approach. In addition, the results also indicate that considering the
presence and development of splitting crack is critical to the accurate prediction of cracking
angle and the corresponding failure strength. To further improve the accuracy in evaluation
of cracking angle, the width of splitting crack, relevant with the cracked concrete influen-
tial coefficient ηw , still needs to be identified; moreover, the mechanical state of cracked
concrete, and the mixed mode of end debonding failure should be further investigated.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 24 of 30

Table 3. Comparisons between the calculational results and experimental results about cracking
angle and carrying capacity of the strengthened RC beams.

θcr,exp θcr,cal Vexp V1.35

cal V1.3
cal V1.25
cal V1.2
cal V0cal Vctm
(degree) /θcr,exp (kN) /Vexp /Vexp /Vexp /Vexp /Vexp /Vexp
1B 37 0.67 66.80 0.73 0.76 0.79 0.83 0.90 0.46
2B 51 0.47 57.60 1.01 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.20 0.45
3B 34 0.71 65.40 1.02 1.06 1.10 1.14 1.21 0.57
6B 34 0.71 60.20 0.92 0.95 0.99 1.03 1.10 0.47
B3 31 0.95 35.47 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.88 1.65 2.77
CS-L3-B 37 0.83 - - - - - - -
CS-W100-B 39 0.99 - - - - - - -
CP 42 0.73 50.70 0.74 0.77 0.80 0.83 1.36 1.91
5D18-F25-G 42 0.93 144.50 1.63 1.69 1.76 1.83 4.22 2.80
5D10-F25-G 43 0.91 89.50 0.47 0.48 0.51 0.53 1.54 2.45
2D22-NSG-G 44 0.89 116.00 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.76 2.35 3.07
5D14-NSC-G 43 0.91 123.50 0.96 0.99 1.03 1.08 2.81 2.69
E1a 39 0.84 70.70 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.59 1.08 1.11
Average 0.81 0.86 0.89 0.93 0.97 1.77 1.71
0.15 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 1.00 1.10


θcr,exp (degree)



20 30 40 50 60
θcr,cal (degree)

Figure 20. Comparisons between the predictions by the presented model and experimental results of
cracking angle.

Subsequently, incorporating the effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement derived

from the calculated cracking angles of concrete blocks, carrying capacities of the strength-
ened RC beams are assessed. In calculations, the effect of amplification coefficient of
average crack spacing ζ on the model accuracy is investigated by assigning with the allow-
able values of 1.35, 1.30, 1.25, and 1.20, respectively. The calculational results are denoted
by Vcal and listed in Table 3. To make further comparisons, the calculational results repre-
sented by Vcal0 without considering the modification of crack spacing on effective strain of

FRP reinforcement, namely κ = 1.0, are also listed; in addition, using the failure strength
assessed by the conventional concrete tooth model, carrying capacities of the strengthened
RC beams are calculated and reported (Vcal ctm ) in Table 3. Meanwhile, the calculational

results (Vcal ) and experimental results (Vexp ) are compared and shown in Figure 21.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 25 of 30

Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 26 of 31

(a) (b) (c)

Vcal=Vexp Vcal=Vexp Vcal=Vexp

V exp (kN)


0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
V cal (kN) V cal (kN) V cal (kN)

(d) (e) (f)

Vcal=Vexp Vcal=Vexp Vcal=Vexp

V exp (kN)


0 100 200 300 0 200 400 600 0 100 200 300 400
V cal (kN) V cal (kN) V cal (kN)
Figure 21.
21. Comparisons
betweenthe predictions
the predictions bybythethe
presented model,
presented concrete
model, tooth
concrete model,
tooth and
and experimentalresults of carrying
results capacity
of carrying of FRP-strengthened
capacity of FRP-strengthened beams, and the
beams, andspecification of am-
the specification of
amplificationcoefficient of average
coefficient crackcrack
of average spacing 𝜁: (a) 𝜁ζ:=(a)
spacing 1.35; 𝜁 = (b)
ζ =(b)1.35; 1.30;
ζ = 𝜁 = 1.25;
(c)1.30; (d) ζ𝜁 =
(c); (d) = 1.20;
(e) without
(e) without modification;
modification; and
and (f)
(f) concrete
concrete tooth
tooth model.

6. Conclusions
The statistical results in Table 3 indicate that the modification coefficient κ, a function
of crack spacing,
A novel has a significant
analytical approach effect
basedon oncalculational
concrete stressaccuracy;
field was theproposed
mean andtostandard
deviation of the ratio between calculations and experimental
end concrete cover separation in RC beams strengthened with external results areFRP
0.97 reinforce-
and 0.35,
ment. as thethe
First, with amplification
introduction coefficient
of dowelof average
action crackand
of steel spacing ζ is assigned with
FRP reinforcement and1.20,
induced yields the best
concrete predictions.
splitting, whichBy arecontrast, the factors
the critical calculational results
to reflect the based on thebetween
interaction conven-
tional concrete
concrete, tooth
steel and FRPmodel is less satisfactory
reinforcement, than those
the geometrical conservatively
relationships safefield
of stress predictions
for con-
obtained by the proposed analytical approach; as the length of concrete
crete were established through proper simplifications to configuration and mechanical block is defined as
the commonly
state of crackedused average
concrete crack
block. spacing,
Then, the the
to assess mean and standard
cracking angle and deviation of the ratio
the correlated fail-
between calculations and experimental results are 1.71 and 1.10, respectively;
ure strength of concrete cover separation, the effective compressive strength of concrete the concrete
in model
stress fieldoverestimated the failure
was finely identified bystrength of concrete
incorporating cover separation.
the influential Furthermore,
but prone to be ne-
the discrepancies would increase as the length of concrete block increase.
glected factors such as transverse strain, cracking status of surrounding concrete, and The similar
evaluation conclusions about concrete tooth model can be found in other
rangement of internal steel reinforcement and external FRP reinforcement. Subsequently, references [91,92].
an the sophisticated
extended plane-sectionexperimental
analyticalinvestigations are very
approach, in which thelimited, the further
components validations
of effective ten-
of the presented analytical model and comparisons between other well-known
sile strain of FRP induced due to flexural and shear actions are both comprehensively models still
need to be performed in the future.
considered according to the detailed location of concrete cover separation, is proposed to
evaluate the carrying capacity of strengthened RC beams in a simple process. Finally, an
6. Conclusions
excellent agreement between the predictions and experimental results was obtained to
A novel analytical approach based on concrete stress field was proposed to predict
validate the proposed analytical approach; furthermore, the discussions and suggestions
end concrete cover separation in RC beams strengthened with external FRP reinforcement.
about the parameters concerned in the approach were proposed.
First, with the introduction of dowel action of steel and FRP reinforcement and the induced
The detailed conclusions of this study can be drawn as follows:
concrete splitting, which are the critical factors to reflect the interaction between concrete,
By contrast with the conventional analytical models of concrete cover separation,
steel and FRP reinforcement, the geometrical relationships of stress field for concrete were
merely focusing on the local response of concrete around FRP reinforcement, the pro-
established through proper simplifications to configuration and mechanical state of cracked
posed analytical approach based on stress field could comprehensively and properly con-
sider the influence of the interaction between concrete, steel and FRP reinforcement, crack-
ing status of surrounding concrete and its softening effect, and arrangement details of
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 26 of 30

concrete block. Then, to assess the cracking angle and the correlated failure strength of
concrete cover separation, the effective compressive strength of concrete in stress field was
finely identified by incorporating the influential but prone to be neglected factors such as
transverse strain, cracking status of surrounding concrete, and arrangement of internal steel
reinforcement and external FRP reinforcement. Subsequently, an extended plane-section
analytical approach, in which the components of effective tensile strain of FRP induced
due to flexural and shear actions are both comprehensively considered according to the
detailed location of concrete cover separation, is proposed to evaluate the carrying capacity
of strengthened RC beams in a simple process. Finally, an excellent agreement between
the predictions and experimental results was obtained to validate the proposed analytical
approach; furthermore, the discussions and suggestions about the parameters concerned in
the approach were proposed.
The detailed conclusions of this study can be drawn as follows:
By contrast with the conventional analytical models of concrete cover separation,
merely focusing on the local response of concrete around FRP reinforcement, the proposed
analytical approach based on stress field could comprehensively and properly consider the
influence of the interaction between concrete, steel and FRP reinforcement, cracking status
of surrounding concrete and its softening effect, and arrangement details of internal steel
reinforcement and external FRP reinforcement on concrete cover separation; it is suited for
practical design and analysis, and can be extended for external reinforcement with other
composite materials.
Dowel action of steel and FRP reinforcement, and the induced concrete splitting are
the critical factors to establish the geometrical relationships of stress field for cracked
concrete block and to derive the failure strength of concrete cover separation, and cannot
be neglected.
The assumption of the lower bound of splitting crack width of 0.015 ∅s could lead to
the accurate prediction of the lower bound of cracking angle of stress field for concrete block.
The shear component in the effective tensile strain of FRP reinforcement cannot be
ignored and was efficiently considered in the analysis of carrying capacity of strengthened
RC beams that failed in end concrete cover separation.
Crack spacing has a great effect on the assessment of carrying capacity of strengthened
RC beams and, consequently, the coefficient incorporating the amplification factor of
average crack spacing ζ of 1.20 has been suggested to modify the effective strain of FRP.
The proposed analytical approach obtained the satisfactory and conservatively safe
prediction of the experimental results; by contrast, the commonly used concrete tooth
model overestimated the failure strength of concrete cover separation, and generated
unsafe prediction of carrying capacity of strengthened RC beams.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.Z.; methodology, B.Z.; software, B.Z.; validation,

R.-Y.W.; formal analysis, B.Z.; investigation, B.Z.; resources, B.Z.; data curation, B.Z.; writing—
original draft preparation, B.Z. and R.-Y.W.; writing—review and editing, R.-Y.W.; visualization, B.Z.;
supervision, S.Y.; project administration, B.Z.; funding acquisition, B.Z. and S.Y. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant
number 52108291; Program of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, grant
number 2017XKZD09; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, grant number 2020M671644.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive
comments which helped the authors to greatly improve the quality of the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Polymers 2022, 14, 988 27 of 30

Appendix A. Reducing Coefficients of Compressive Strength of Concrete

1. The plasticity of concrete coefficient η f c To consider the plasticity of concrete, Mut-
toni et al. [60] presented the reducing coefficient, expressed by Equation (A1), to
modify the compressive strength of concrete.
ηfc = ≤1 (A1)
f c0

2. The transverse strain influential coefficient ηε The effective compressive strength of

concrete in biaxial stressed state is highly sensitive to its transverse strain [58–65].
Kaufmann et al. [61] proposed a coefficient to reflect the softening effect of transverse
strain of stress field for reinforced concrete on compressive strength of concrete, which
is represented by Equation (A2):

ηε = (A2)
1.2 + 55ε 1

where ε 1 is the transverse strain of stress field for reinforced concrete and is assigned
with the transverse strain ε c,1 of concrete strut in this study.
3. The cracked concrete influential coefficient ηw The cracked concrete is still able to
transfer the shear stress τc and the normal compressive or tensile stress σc ; further-
more, the ultimate capacity depends on the crack width, as schematically shown
in Figure 10 [71]. Through the experimental and analytical investigations about
aggregate interlock of cracked concrete, Fernández Ruiz [71] presented a cracked
concrete influential coefficient ηw to consider the influence of crack width on compres-
sive strength and shear capacity of cracked concrete. The formulation of reducing
coefficient ηw is expressed by Equations (A3) and (A4) [71]:

ηw = (A3)
1 + c0 wr
r = d g0 + d g ·min 60/ f c0 , 1 (A4)

where w is the crack with of cracked concrete and refers to the width of splitting crack
in this study (Figure 10); c0 is the constant parameter and assigned with 100 [56,71,72];
r is the equivalent surface roughness and not larger than 40 mm; d g0 is the reference
aggregate size and equal to 16 mm; and d g is the maximum aggregate size.
As discussed before, the studied concrete block is in cracked state, as schematically
shown in Figures 3a and 10, due to the existence of horizontal splitting crack along the
internal steel reinforcement [30,46]. Therefore, the compressive strength of concrete in
stress field needs to be further modified by the reducing coefficient of ηw . The available
experimental studies showed that as the spitting crack width is in the range of 0.01–0.025 ∅s
for steel RC members, cracked concrete can still maintain the pronounced bond capacity
with steel reinforcement [73–79]; in other words, it can still transfer the substantial shear
stress. Due to a lack of experimental investigations about the width of splitting crack for
FRP-strengthened RC beams at the critical state of concrete cover separation, the value
of 0.015 ∅s is defined as the lower bound of splitting crack width to assess the reducing
coefficient ηw in this study. Furthermore, the assigned crack width should ensure the
occurrence of concrete cover separation predicted using the corresponding failure strength.

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