MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 – Satisfactory
Rating of 4 – Unsatisfactory
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
For KRA 2 - Objective 5, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. I responded appropriately to the misbehavior of my learners
at all times without any loss of instructional time. A rating of 6 on Indicator 5 indicates
that I achieved the goal. – Managed learner behavior constructively by applying
positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused environments. This is
equivalent to 4 points (Very Satisfactory) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
For KRA 2 - Objective 5, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. I frequently manages learners behavior against established
rules of conduct and most of learners follow such. A rating of 5 on Indicator 5 –
Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learning-focused environments were given. This is equivalent to 3
points (Satisfactory) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
For KRA 2 - Objective 5, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. During classroom observation I occasionally managed
misbehavior of my pupils against established rules of conduct and majority of them
follow such rules. A rating of 4 on Indicator 5 – Managed learner behavior
constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-
focused environments were given. This is equivalent to 2 points (Unsatisfactory) in the
RPMS Rating Scale.
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 – Satisfactory
Rating of 4 – Unsatisfactory
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 – Satisfactory
Rating of 4 – Unsatisfactory
SET A as Option - Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-
observer agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-
face/in-person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 – Satisfactory
OBJECTIVE 10: Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements (PPST 5.1.2)
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-
person classroom observation
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
For KRA 4 - Objective 10, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT)
rating sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. During classroom observation, assessment strategies which
engage learners to monitor and reflect on their own progress were evident. As
indicated, I received a rating of 7 on Indicator – Designed, selected, organized and
used diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating
For KRA 4 - Objective 10, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT)
rating sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. During classroom observation, learners were encouraged to
assess and monitor the quality of their work against the assessment criteria and
performance standards. As indicated, I received a rating of 6 on Indicator 10 –
Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements. This is equivalent to 4
points (Very Satisfactory) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 5 – Satisfactory
For KRA 4 - Objective 10, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT)
rating sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. During classroom observation, I provided a variety of
assessment strategies that address most of the learning goals. A rating of 5 on
Indicator 10 – Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements were given.
This is equivalent to 3 points (Satisfactory) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 4 – Unsatisfactory
For KRA 4 - Objective 10, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT)
rating sheet from an Observation 1 and 2 done through onsite/face-to-face/in-person
classroom observation. During classroom observation, assessment strategies were
utilized but only some are aligned with the learning goals. A rating of 4 on Indicator 10
– Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements were given. This is
equivalent to 2 points (Unsatisfactory) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
OBJECTIVE 11: Monitored and evaluated learner progress and achievement using
learner attainment data (PPST 5.2.2)
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
For KRA 4 - Objective 11, I have attached the Individual Learning Monitoring
Plan (ILMP) wherein pupils’ progress based on the given intervention strategies were
monitored and evaluated. I also included a sample of learners’ output with reflection,
class record and grading sheets, reading and numeracy profile as well as Item Analysis
of test results across 4 quarters. As a result, I achieved a rating of 7 on Indicator 11,
demonstrating that I reached the objective. – Monitored and evaluated learner
progress and achievement using learner attainment data. This is equivalent to 5 points
(Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
OBJECTIVE 12: Communicated promptly and clearly the learners’ needs, progress
and achievement to key stakeholders, including parents/guardians (PPST 5.4.2)
5. Anecdotal record
For KRA 4 - Objective 12, I have attached a copy a sample copy of corrected
test paper with parent’s or guardian’s signature and date of receipt as well as minutes
of meeting during PTA Conference and a communication cardex that sustained
engagement to monitor learners’needs, progress and achievement across all quarters.
In Indicator 12, I got a rating of 7, indicating that I achieved the objective –
Communicated promptly and clearly the learners’ needs, progress and achievement
to key stakeholders, including parents/guardians. This is equivalent to 5 points
(Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Communicated promptly and clearly using various tools and strategies learners
needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders including parents/guardians.
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
Communicated promptly and clearly using only one (1) strategy learners needs,
progress and achievement to key stakeholders including parents/guardians.
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
Rating of 7 - Outstanding
Rating of 5 - Satisfactory
Rating of 4 - Unsatisfactory
For KRA 5 - Objective 14, I was able to prove that I set professional development
goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers by attaching a copy
of my updated IPCRF-Development Plan during the Phase II of the RPMS cycle and
submitted all other acceptable MOVs within the prescribed RPMS Phase. As a result, in
Indicator 14, I obtained a rating of 7 signifies that I obtained the objective – Set
professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers. This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
MOVs: Certificates
Very Satisfactory – Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the
teaching-learning process within the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as
evidenced by submitted MOV across 3 quarters