1.2Instrumentation and control objectives
1.5Process measurements
Instructional Objectives:
The student after going through the lesson would be able to:
1. Name different types of measuring instruments and their process
measurements in chemical processing industries
2. Explain the basic meaning of different types of measuring instruments in
control systems of chemical industrial process variables
3. Distinguish between the principles of operation of different instrument
measurements in control of process variables in chemical process industries
4. Differentiate characteristics of different measurement instruments in control
systems of chemical industrial processes
5. Select the proper instrument for a particular range of measurement in control
process systems of chemical industrial processes
6. Evaluate and design appropriate measuring devices for control of chemical
industrial processes
Text books
Fundamental data for experimental engineering analysis , research, design
and development
Control and monitoring of processes and operations
Data for safe and economic performance of systems
The primary objective in any measurement system is to establish the value or the
tendency of some variable.
Measurement provides quantitative information on the actual state of the physical
variables and processes that otherwise could only be estimated.
General measurement system:
Detector – transducer or sensor stage
Intermediate or signal conditioning stage
Terminating or readout stage
Feedback control stage (optional)
Fig 1.1 General measurement system
These stages form the bridge between the input to the measurement system and the
system output, a quantity that is used to infer the value of the physical variable
Fig 1.3 Sensor and transducer packed together
Let us consider the second-order equation in more detail, and in the transfer
function, the operator s is replaced by the complex frequency jω (s = jω), then we
obtain the complex frequency response.
Studying the relation between the named characteristics for a second-order system,
from (eqn2) and (eqn3), we obtain:
In this case:
1.5Process Measurements
Fig 6.0 (a). Dipstick (b). Sight glass (c). Level control
1.5.2Temperature Measurement and Control:
Temperature is measured via different diverse array of sensors and all of them infer
temperature by sensing some change in the physical characteristic.
There are four basic types of temperature measuring devices:
1. Mechanical (liquid-in- Glass tube thermometers, bimetallic strips, bulb and
capillary, pressure type, etc.)
2. Thermo-junctive (Thermocouples)
3. Thermo-resistive (RTD and Thermistors)
4. Radiative (infrared and optical pyrometers)
Where; R1and Ro are the resistance values at t°C and t0°C, respectively;α, β, etc.
are constants that depends on the metal.
They are semiconductor type resistance thermometers, have very high sensitivity
but highly nonlinear characteristics (NTC and PTC thermistors).
RT is the resistance at temperature, T (K)
Ro is the resistance at temperature, To (K)
To is the reference temperature, normally 25°C
Β is a constant, its value is decided by the characteristics of the material, and the
nominal value is taken as 4000.
From equation 3, the resistance temperature coefficient can be obtained as:
The emf generated can be approximately expressed by the relationship:
T1 and T2 are hot and cold junction temperatures in K
C1 and C2 are constants depending upon the materials, for Copper/Constantan
couple; C1 = 61.1 and C2 = 0.045