Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Measurement is actually the process of
estimating the values that is the physical
quantities like; time, temperature, weight, length
Each measurement value is represented in the
form of some standard units.
The estimated values by these measurements are
actually compared against the standard
quantities that are of same type.
Significance of Measurements
We require measuring quantities for performance in our
day to day activities.
Fundamental requirement of any process is the
measured values.
Application of Measurements
1. Design of manufactured goods
2. Design of machinery to perform manufacturing
3. Design of power sources
4. Design of roads, waterways and other system.
5. To study the operation features, limitation and
difficulties that are inherent in the systems.
6. For proper maintenance of the equipment.
7. To determine the system response(Reply of the
systems to given input)
8. For correct recording of the output data(weather
forecasting, experimental values, interpretation etc.)
Fundamental methods of
Two basic methods are commonly employed for
(a) Direct comparison with primary or secondary
(b) Indirect comparison through the use of calibrated
Direct comparison
In this method, measurement is made directly by
comparing the unknown magnitude with a standard &
the result is expressed by a number.
The simplest example for this would be, length
measurement using a meter scale.
Fundamental methods of
Direct comparison methods are quite
common for measurement of physical
quantities like length, mass, etc.
It is easy and quick.
Drawbacks of Direct comparison methods
The main drawback of this method is, the
sensor – transduc Output
stage er stage stage
ng stage
Measurement system
The sensor is a physical element that employs some
natural phenomenon by which it senses the variable
being measured.
. The transducer converts this sensed information
into a detectable signal, which might be electrical,
mechanical, optical, or otherwise.
Signal conditioning equipment takes the transducer
signal and modifies it to a desired magnitude.
output stage indicates or records the value measured.
control stage, contains a controller that interprets the
measured signal and makes a decision regarding the
control of the process.
Types of instrument
Mode of measurement:- The instrument can be
classified into three types
Primary Instrument:
◦ Direct Comparison with reference standard.
◦ For example the length measurement by ruler
Secondary Instrument:
indirect comparison by converting it into some
other form.
◦ For example temperature measurement by
mercury in glass thermometer
Tertiary Instrument:
two conversion of parameter are involved.
For example measuring of shaft speed by electrical
Nature of Contact
-The instruments can be classified into two
◦ Contact type:
◦ when initial sensing element comes in direct
contact with the medium whose parameter are to
be measured.
◦ Temperature measurement by thermometer
◦ Non Contact type:
◦ when the initial sensing element does not comes in
contact with the medium whose parameter are to
be measured.
◦ Temperature Measurement by radiation pyrometer.
Condition of Pointer:-
The Classification is as
a. Null Type:
The pointer is maintained at a fixed position
mater, odometer.
Range and spam.
Accuracy and Precision
1) It is the closeness with the true value of the quantity
being measured.
It is a measure of reproducibility of the measurements
2) Accuracy can be improved
Precision cannot be improved
3) Accuracy depends upon simple techniques of analysis
Precision depends upon many factors and requires
many sophisticated techniques of analysis
4) Accuracy is necessary but not sufficient condition for
Precision is necessary but not a sufficient condition
for accuracy
It is defined as the possibility that can an
instrument will perform its assigned function
for given specific period of time under given
The reliability of a device is affected not only
Output Output
zero drift
input input
Output sensitivity
Zero Drift:- if the whole calibration is shifted by
the same amount due to slippage or due to
undue warming up of tube of electronic tube
circuits, zero drift sets in.
zero setting can prevent this.
The overshoot is defined as the maximum
c due to oversight.
He may change reading while recording.
Cause of this error may be
1)Individual limitation of human being.
2)Lack of experience.
3)Observational error.
Observational errors
As the name suggests these types of errors
are due wrong observations.
parallax: due to the line of vision is not
Personal bias: a tendency to read high or low
Wrong scale reading and wrong recording
Instrumental error
These errors are inherent in instrument
because of their mechanical structure.
They may be due to construction , calibration
may be recalibrated.
Translation and signal transmission
Instrumental error may arise due to error in
translation and transmission of signal.
The instrument may not sense or translate
given by,
R=resistance in ohm.
L=length of the conductor in cm
A=cross sectional area of the conductor in
ρ= resistivity of material in ohm-cm.
Resistive transducer
The electrical resistance thus can be varied by
1)Length 2) cross-sectional area 3) resistivity
Or a combination of these.
Any phenomenon or a physical variable which