Instrumentation and Measurement (Chapter 1 & 2)
Instrumentation and Measurement (Chapter 1 & 2)
Instrumentation and Measurement (Chapter 1 & 2)
Measurement is the act or the result of a quantitative comparison between a
predetermined standard and an unknown magnitude. The procedure and apparatus employed for
obtaining the comparison, however, must be provable; the procedure for this is called
determination of the amount is what measurement in all about. If those things that exist
are related to the practice of mechanical engineering, then the determination of their
amounts constitutes the subject of mechanical measurements.
Measurements provide us with a means of describing various phenomena in quantitative
The measurements are not necessarily carried out by mechanical means.
The following quantities are typically within the scope of mechanical measurements:
Pressure Temperature
Displacement Fluid flow and related parameter
Acoustics Mass, length, time etc.
In several situations, however, the above quantities are not measured by purely
mechanical means, but invariably measured by electrical means by transducing them into an
analogous electrical quantity.
In modern technology, the measurement of mechanical quantities involves the use of
electrical and electronic techniques.
The physical quantity or the characteristic condition which is the object of measurement
, and
When the instruments are used for the measurement and control of industrial
When the measuring and controlling instruments are combined so that measurements
provide impulses for remote automatic action, the result is called a control system.
Significance of measurements:
The significance of measurements is discussed below:
Measurements play a very significant role in every branch of scientific research and
engineering processes which include the following:
i. Control systems
ii. Process instrumentation
iii. Data reduction
The primary standards are not available for use outside the national laboratories.
2. Secondary standards:
The secondary standards are the reference calibrated standards designed and calibrated
from the primary standards.
These are sent periodically to the national standard laboratories for their calibration (the
interval of calibration depends upon the accuracy and the type of standard being
These standards are kept by the measurement laboratories and the industrial
organizations to check and calibrate the general tools for their accuracy and precision.
3. Working Standards:
These standards have an accuracy of one order lower than that of the secondary
These are the normal standards which are used by the workers and technicians who
actually carry out the measurements.
S.I. the international system of units is divided into three classes:
i. Base units
ii. Derived units
iii. Supplementary units
From the scientific point of view division of S.I. unit into these classes is to a certain extent
arbitrary, because it is not essential to the physics of the subject. Nevertheless the General
Conference, considering the advantages of a single, practical, world-wide system for
international relations, for reaching and for scientific work, decided to base the international
system on a choice of six well defined units given in Table 1 below:
The second class of S.I. units contains derived units, i.e., units which can be formed by
combining base units according to the algebraic relations linking the corresponding quantities.
Several of these algebraic expressions in terms of base units can be replaced by special names
and symbols can themselves be used to form other derived units.
Derived units may, therefore, be classified under three headings. Some of them are given
in Tables 2, 3 and 4.
be regarded
either as base units or as derived units. Refer Table 5 and 6.
Dimensions of Quantities:
Different units can be represented dimensionally in terms of units of length L, mass M
time T and current I. The dimensions can be derived as under:
Mainly the following two types of measurements are involved in the mechanical
engineering field.
1. Mechanics type (or self-operated type)
2. Power type
1. Mechanics type of measurements:
This type of mechanical measurements is commonly applied to experimental or
developmental programmes.
The following are the three distinct methods or approaches essential to determine the
complete solution to complex problems in mechanical design:
a. The empirical method
b. The rational method
c. The experimental method.
a. The empirical method:
In this method use is made of the knowledge of satisfactory previous performance, either
are ava
This method, however, cannot be relied upon especially in case of complex system
design, since this method of design is mainly based upon the judgment of the designers.
b. The rational method:
This method is strictly based upon well established scientific laws and relationships.
The rational method has a very limited scope in areas of mechanical engineering other
than mechanics and thermodynamics, where the availability of laws and relationships is
rather scarce.
c. The experimental method:
In the experimental design method, the component is designed by trial and error based
on existing knowledge and the designed component is put on the job. The trails are carried out
intelligently and the interpretation of the error is done wisely.
The experimental design, in fact requires the greatest application of engineering
2. Power type of measurement:
These types of measurements are generally used for monitoring of operational
measurement in control system.
The entire area of automation and control is based upon power type of measurement.
The broad classification of methods of measurement is as follows:
a. Direct comparison methods
b. Indirect comparison methods
a. Direct comparison method:
In this method the parameter to be measured is directly compared with either a primary
or a secondary standard.
Direct comparison is quite commonly used for measurements of length. However, for
measurement of mass the problem becomes much more intricate since it is just not possible for
human beings to distinguish between wide margins of mass.
Generally, this method is not always the most accurate or the best, it is not sensitive
enough also.
b. Indirect comparison method:
In this method the comparison is done with a standard through the use of a calibrated
system. These methods for measurements are used in those cases where the desired parameter to
be measured is difficult to be measured directly, but it has got some correlation in the some
other parameter which can be easily measured.
Example: The elimination of bacteria in milk is directly dependent upon its temperature.
Thus the bacteria elimination can be measured indirectly by measuring the temperature of the
Indirect measurements an empirical relation is generally established between the
measurement actually made and the results that are desired.
When the primary purpose of making a measurement is to determine quality of a
product, then quality should be measured directly. However, in case direct measurement
is not possible, then indirect measurement should be made.
The measurement systems used in engineering application make use of indirect methods
for measurement purpose.
A measurement system consists of a transducing element which converts the quality to
be measured with an analogous signal. This signal after being processed by some intermediate
means is then fed to the end devices which provide the measurement results.
Following are the three modes of measurement
1. Primary measurement
2. Secondary measurement
3. Tertiary measurement.
1. Primary measurements:
In this case the sought value of a parameter is determined by comparing it directly with
a. The pressure measurement by manometers.
b. The temperature measurement by mercury-in-glass thermometers.
3. Tertiary measurements:
a. The measurement of temperature of an object by thermocouple.
[The primary signal (temperature of object) is transmitted to a thermocouple which
generates a voltage which is a voltmeter through a pair of wires. The second conversion is
then voltage into length. The tertiary signal is transmitted to brain of the observer.
5. Data presentation element: This element provides a display record or indication of the output
from the manipulation elements.
Stages of the general measurement system:
The general measuring system consists of the following three stages.
1. Stage 1:
It senses desired input to exclusion of all others and provides analogous output.
Types and Examples:
Mechanical: Contacting spindle, spring-mass
Electrical: Resistance, capacitance, inductance, thermocouple, semiconductor junction
Optical: Photographic film, holographic plates.
Hydro-pneumatic: Orifice, venture.
2. Stage 2:
It modifies transduced signal into form usable by final stage.
It usually increases amplitude or power depending on requirement
It may also selectively filter unwanted component or convert signal into pulsed form.
Types and Examples:
Electrical: Amplifying or attenuating systems, bridges, filters, I.C. (Integrated circuit) devices.
Optical: Optical lenses, optical filters, optical fibers.
3. Stage 3:
It provides an indication or recording in form that can be evaluated by an unaided
human sense or by a controller.
Types and Examples:
Indicators Displace types: Moving pointer and scale, moving scale and index.
Digital types: Direct alphanumeric readout.
Recorder: Digital printing, inked pen and chart, direct photography.
Processor and computer: Various types of computing systems, either special purpose or general.
Controllers: All types.
1. Bourdon tube pressure gauge:
Figure shows the simple Bourdon tube pressure gauge an example of a simple
measurement system.
In this case the Bourdon tube acts as the primary sensing element and a variable
conversion element. It senses the input (pressure) quantity. On account of the pressure,
the closed end of the Bourdon tube is displaced and thus the pressure is converted into a
small displacement.
The closed end of the Bourdon tube is connected to a gearing arrangement through
mechanical linkage. The gearing arrangement amplifies the small displacement and
consequently the pointer rotates through a large angle. Thus, the mechanical linkage acts
as a data transmission element while the gearing arrangement acts as a data
manipulation element.
The final data presentation stage consists of a pointer and dial arrangement, which when
calibrated with known pressure inputs, gives an indication of the pressure signal applied
to the Bourdon tube.
The instrument serves as an extension of human faculties and enables the man to
determine the value of unknown quantity or variable which his unaided human faculties cannot
measure. A measuring instrument provides information about the physical value of some
variable being measured.
The instrument would sense a physical parameter (e.g.., velocity, pressure, temperature
etc.), process and translate it into a format and range which can be interpreted by the
The instrument and must also provided the controls by which the operator can obtain
manipulated and respond to the information.
An instrument, in simple cases, consists of a single unit which gives an output reading or
signal according to the unknown variable (measurand) applied to it. Under more complex
measurement situations, a measuring instrument may consist of transducing elements which
convert the measurand to analogous form. The analogous signal is then processed by some
intermediate means and then fed to the end devices for presenting the measurement results for
the purpose of display, record and control.
The instruments made by man not only retain their characteristics for extended periods of
time but are also accurate and sensitive in their response.
Measurements involve the use of instruments as a physical means of determining quantities
and variables.
Classification of Instruments:
The instruments may be classified as follows:
1. Absolute and secondary instruments
2. Analog and digital instruments
3. Mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments
4. Manual and automatic instruments
5. Self-contained and remote indicating instruments
6. Self-operated and power-operated instruments
7. Deflection and null output instruments.
1. Absolute and secondary instruments:
i. Absolute instruments:
These instruments give the magnitude of the quantity under measurement in terms of
physical constants of the instruments.
These instruments are seldom used except in standard institution.
ii. Secondary instruments:
These instruments are so constructed that the quantity being measured can only be
measured by observing the output indicated by the instrument.
These instruments are calibrated by comparison with an absolute instrument or another
secondary instrument which has already been calibrated against an absolute instrument.
Example: Voltmeter, glass thermometer, pressure gauge etc.
The secondary instruments find wide use in every sphere of measurement.
2. Analog and digital instruments:
I. Analog instruments:
The signals of an analog unit vary in a continuous fashion and can take on infinite number
of values in a given range.
Examples: Fuel gauge, ammeters and voltmeters, wrist watch, speedometer of an automobile
II. Digital instruments:
Signals varying in discrete steps and taking on a finite number of different values in a given
range are digital signals and the corresponding instruments are of digital type.
Examples: Odometer of an automobile, calibrated balance of a platform scale, timer on a
scoreboard, etc.
The digital devices have the following advantages:
High accuracy; high speed; elimination of human operational errors.
Owing to the application of digital computers for data handling, reduction and in
automatic controls, the importance of digital instrumentations is increasing very fast. Thus, it
becomes necessary to have both analog-to-digital (A/D) converters at input to the computers
and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters at the output of the computers.
3. Mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments:
a) Mechanical instruments:
These instruments are very reliable for static and stable conditions.
They are unable to respond rapidly to the measurements of dynamic and transient
conditions due to the face that they have moving parts that are rigid, heavy and
bulky and consequently have a large mass. Mass presents inertia problems and
hence these instruments cannot faithfully follow the rapid changes which are
involved in dynamic instruments.
Most of the mechanical instruments cause noise pollution.
b) Electrical instruments:
The electrical methods of indicating the output of detectors are more rapid than
that of mechanical methods.
Unfortunately an electrical system normally depends upon a mechanical meter as
an indicating device. This mechanical movement has some inertia due to which
the frequency response of these instruments is poor.
c) Electronic instruments:
Most of the scientific and industrial instruments require very fast responses. Such
requirements cannot be met with by mechanical and electrical instruments.
These instruments use semiconductor devices. In electronic devices, since the
only movement involved is that of electrons, the response time is extremely
small owing to very small inertia of electrons.
With the use of electronic devices very weak signals can be detected by using
pre-amplifiers and amplifiers.
4. Manual and automatic instruments:
In case of manual instruments services of an operator are required.
Example: Measurement of temperature by a resistance thermometer incorporating a
Wheatstone bridge in its circuit (an operator is required to indicate the temperature being
Module Prepared by: Dr.P.MOHAN RAM Page 15
Instrumentation and Measurement
magnitude of measured quantity. The null condition is dependent upon some other
known conditions.
Example: D.C. potentiometer.
These instruments can be highly sensitive as compared with deflection type instruments.
2. When are the final data required (i.e. at the time of taking the measurement or later one )
3. The cost criterion (i.e., the cost of the measuring process)
4. In what form the data should be displayed (i.e. indicating, recording, integrating etc.)
5. Whether quantity to be measured has constant value or it is a time variant?
In the measurement of time variant quantities the manner in which the quantity to be
measured changes has a significant effect on the type of measuring instruments to be used.
The physical characteristics of the measuring device must always be taken into account
since these characteristics determine the amount of interaction which take place between the
measurand quantity and the instrument.
Functions of instruments:
Following are the three main functions of instruments:
1. Indicating function
2. Recording function
3. Controlling function
1. Indicating functions:
The value of the quantity can be read by the movement of the needle on a calibrated
scale provided on the instrument. Readings can be taken to any fraction within the limitation of
the instrument and human eye.
automobile at that moment.
These days digital display (i.e., the reading in numerical) is also commonly used. In fact
where highly accurate and exact readings are desired, use of digital readouts is recommended.
2. Recording function:
In several cases the instrument continuously records, with pen and ink, the value of
measured quantity against some other variable or against time. A graph paper is provided whose
speed can be adjusted. A recording instrument can be used to record more than one number of
quantities also, in which case, either the recording of different parameters may be done by
different pens or same pen may record one parameter after other.
Example: ed for monitoring temperature records the
instantaneous values of temperatures on a strip chart recorder.
3. Controlling function:
The controlling function is perhaps one of the most important functions particularly in
the field of industrial control processes. Here, the information is used by the instrument/system
to control the original measured quantity.
Examples: 1. Floats for liquid level control, 2. Thermostats for temperature control.
The lowest level of measured variable which produces effective response of the
7. Scale sensitivity: It is defined as the ratio of a change in scale reading to the corresponding
change in pointer deflection.
8. Scale readability: The scale readability (in analog instruments) indicates the closeness with
which the scale can be read.
9. Repeatability: It is defined as the variation of scale reading; it is random in nature.
It is a measure of closeness with which a given input can be measured over and over
10. Accuracy: It may be defined as conformity with or closeness to an accepted standard value
(true value).
Accuracy of an instrument is influenced by factors like static error, dynamic error,
reproducibility, dead zone.
11. Uncertainty: Uncertainty denotes the range of error, i.e., the region in which one guesses
the error to be.
12. Precision: It refers to the degree of agreement within group measurements.
It is usually expressed in terms of the deviation in measurement.
13. Drift: An undesired gradual departure of the instrument output over a period of time that is
unrelated to changes in input operating conditions or lead is called drift.
14. Linearity or non-linearity: Deviation of transducer output curve from a specified straight
- ht line through
the end points); (ii) Best-fit linearity (deviation from the straight line which gives minimum
errors both plus and minus).
15. Dead zone: It is the range within which variable can vary without being detected.
16. Dead time: It is the time before the instrument begins to respond after the measured
quantity has been changed.
17. Speed of response: The quickness of an instrument to read the measured variable is called
speed of response.
18. Reproducibility: The degree of closeness with which the same value of a variable may be
measured at different times is called reproducibility.
19. Tolerance: It is the range of inaccuracy which can be tolerated in measurements.
20. Backlash: It is defined as the maximum distance or angle through which any part of a
mechanical system may be moved in one direction without applying appreciable force or
motion to the next part in a mechanical system.
21. Static friction: It is the force or torque that is necessary just to initiate motion from rest.
22. Noise: It may be defined extraneous disturbance generated in measuring systems which
convey no meaningful information with respect to desired signal.
Measurements of applications in which parameter of interest is more or less constant; or
Point accuracy (or) Percent of scale range (or) Percent of true value
1. Point accuracy: In this case the accuracy of an instrument is stated for one or more points in a
Example-2.3. An analog indicating instrument with a scale range of 0 5.0 V shows a voltage
of 2.65 V. The true value of a voltage is 2.70 volts.
1. What are the values of absolute error and correction?
2. Express the error as a function of the true value and full scale deflection.
Scale Readiability:
The term scale readability is frequently used in analog type of instruments. It indicates
the closeness with which the scale of an analog type of instrument can be read.
The readability depends upon many factors such as:
1. Number of graduations
2. Spacing of graduations
3. Size of pointer
4. Parallax effects
5. Discriminating power of the observer
The readability thus is logically implied by the number of significant figures; the higher the
number of significant figures, the better the readability of the instrument scale.
Repeatability and Reproducibility:
Although the meaning of the terms repeatability and reproducibility is same but they are
applied in different contexts.
Repeatability: It pertains to the closeness of output readings when the same input is applied
repetitively over a short period of time with the same measurement conditions, same instrument
and observer, same location and same conditions of use maintained throughout.
Reproducibility: It relates to the closeness of output readings for the same input when there are
changes in the method of measurement, observer, measuring instrument, location, conditions of
use and time of measurement.
Drift is an undesired gradual departure of the instrument output over a period of time
that is unrelated to changes in input, operating conditions or load.
An instrument is said to have no drift if it reproduces same readings at different times
for same variation in measured variable.
The drift may be caused by the following factors:
High mechanical stresses developed in some parts of instruments and systems
Wear and tear
Mechanical vibrations
Temperature changes
Stray electric and magnetic fields
Thermal e.m.fs.
Examples of drift:
of the metal and a change in its atomic or metallurgical structure.
Classification of drift:
1. Zero drift: Drift is called zero drift if the whole of instrument calibration gradually shifts over
by the same amount.
It may be due to permanent set or slippage and can be corrected by shifting pointer
2. Span drift: span (or
The sensitivity of an instrument should be high and thus the range should not be high in
comparison to the value being measured.
Sensitivity has a wide range of units and these depend upon the instrument or
measurement system being investigated.
The following points are worth noting:
In case the form of input to and output from the measurement system used with
electrical/electronic equipment is same, the term gain is used instead of sensitivity.
The increase in displacement with the optical and mechanical instruments is described
by the term amplification.
When the input or output signal is changing with time, the term transfer function or
transfer operator is used (in place of the terms sensitivity, gain or amplification which
apparently mean the same and describe a relationship between output and input).
The ability to reproduce the input characteristics symmetrically is called Linearity. It can
be expressed by the straight line equation.
The linearity is simply a measure of maximum deviation of any of the calibration points
from the straight line (drawn by using the method of least square from the given calibration
data). The figure shows the actual calibration curve and a straight line drawn from the origin
using method of least squares.
Any departure from straight line relationship is non-linearity. The non-linearity may be
due to the following factors:
Viscous flow or creep
Non-linear elements in the measurement device
Mechanical hysteresis
The elastic after-effects in the mechanical system.
Two common types of non-linearity are:
1. Terminal linearity: It is the deviation from a straight line through the end points
2. Best fit linearity: It is the deviation from the straight line which gives minimum
errors, both plus and minus.
Linearity (i.e., output is linearly proportional to input) is considered to be one of the best
characteristics of an instrument or measurement system. This is so, because the conversion from
a scale reading to the corresponding value of input quantity is very convenient. However, it may
be understood that a non-linear behavior does not essentially lead to inaccuracy; an instrument
having non-linear calibration curve may be highly accurate as ever.
Since accuracy and linearity are related closely to each other, it is better to keep the non-
linearity as small as possible so as to result in small errors.
The maximum differences in output at any measured value within the specified range
when approaching the point first with increasing and then with decreasing input may be termed
as hysteresis.
It is a phenomenon which shows different output effects when loading and unloading. It
is non-coincidence of loading and unloading curves.
Figure (a) shows output and input curves (loading and unloading) for an instrument
which has no friction due to sliding parts. The non-coincidence of loading and
unloading curves is on account of internal friction or hysteresis damping.
Figure (b) shows the input output relations of instruments which do not have
internal friction but have external sliding friction.
The numerical value of hysteresis can be specified in terms of either output or input
and is usually given as percentage of full scale.
Hysteresis results from the presence of irreversible phenomenon such as:
Mechanical friction
Slack motion in bearing
Magnetic and thermal effects.
Threshold and Resolution:
The minimum value below which no output change can be detected when the input of an
instrument is increased gradually from zero is called the threshold of the instrument. Thus
threshold defines the minimum value of input which is necessary to cause a detectable change
from zero output.
In a digital system, threshold is the input signal necessary to cause one least significant
digit of the output reading to change.
Threshold may be caused by backlash or internal noise.
Resolution or Discrimination:
When the input is slowly increased from some arbitrary (non-zero) input value, it is
observed that the output does not change at all until a certain increment is exceeded; this
increment is called Resolution or discrimination of the instrument. Thus resolution defines the
smallest change of input from which there will be a change of output.
Dead time: Figure shows, the time required by a measurement system to begin in respond to a
change in the measurand is termed as dead time. It represents the time before the instrument
begins to respond after the measured quantity has been changed.
Loading Effects:
Under ideal conditions an element used for signal sensing, conditioning, transmission
and detection should not change/distort the original signal. The sensing element should not use
any energy or take least energy from the process so as not to change the parameter being
measured. However, under practical condition, it has been observed that the introduction of any
element in a system result invariably in extraction, it has been observed that the introduction of
any element in a system result invariably in extraction of the energy from the system thereby
distorting the original signal. This distortion may take the form of attenuation, waveform
distortion, phase shift etc. Consequently the ideal measurements become impossible.
The incapability of the system to faithfully measure the input signal in undistorted form
is called the loading effect. This results in loading errors.
The loading effects, in a measurement system, not only occur in detector-transducer
stage but also occur in signal conditioning and signal presentation stages as well. The loading
problem is carried right down to the basic elements themselves.
The loading effects may occur on account of both electrical and mechanical elements;
these are due to impedance of the various elements connect in a system. The mechanical
impedances may be treated similar to electrical impedances.
Loading effects occur due to extraction of energy from the measurand (as earlier stated).
The transfer of energy requires the specification of two variables. The physical variables which
determine the flow of energy in all dynamical systems can be classified as:
(i) Through variables; (ii) Across variables.
specified and measured at one point in a space. These are extensive variables in the
sense that their magnitude depends upon the extent of the system taking part in the
energy transfer.
can be
specified by two points in a space; usually one point is a reference point. These are
intensive variables whose magnitude is independent of the medium being considered.
Noise is a spurious current or voltage extraneous to the current or voltage of interest in
an electrical or electronic circuit. It does not convey any useful information. It is an unwanted
signal superimposed upon the signal of interest thereby causing a deviation of the output from
its expected value.
The ratio of desired signal to the unwanted signal is called signal to noise ratio. This
ratio should be large in any measurement system.
The noise may be broadly classified as follows:
Generated noise
Conducted noise
Radiated noise
Generated noise:
The internally generated noise is on account of components like resistors, capacitors,
transistors, etc.
The temperature dependent noise in a resistor (which increases with internal heating (I2R
The wideband noise, produced within a resistor, due to vibrations produced by the
Radiated noise:
Radiated noise consists of unwanted signals (relating to electric or magnetic fields or
disturbances in the environments around the amplifier) which are radiated into the interior of the
The electromagnetic impulses radiated from ignition wiring of spark plugs are one of the
common sources of radiated noise.
It can be reduced by proper shielding.
When an instrument is required to measure a time varying process variable, one has to
the dynamic relation
between the input and output.
Dynamic Response:
The evaluation of the ability of a system to faithfully transmit and present all the
pertinent information included in the input signal and to exclude all else, is called the response.
The behaviour of the system when inputs vary with time (i.e., inputs are dynamic in
nature) and so does the output, is called dynamic response. Such a response in measurement
systems is found to occur in industrial, aerospace and biological applications.
The dynamic inputs are of two types:
(i) Steady state periodic; (ii) Transient
The response of a measurement system subjected to a time varying input can be divided
into the following two parts:
(i) Steady state response (ii) Transient response.
In measurement systems, the errors could originate from several sources. Broadly these
may be classified as follow:
1. Gross errors
2. Systematic error
Instrumental errors
Environment errors
Observational errors
3. Random errors
1. Gross Errors:
These errors occur due to human mistakes in reading instruments and recording and
calculating results of measurement. Although it is probably impossible to eliminate the gross
errors completely, yet one should try to anticipate and correct them.
The mathematical analysis of gross errors is impossible since these may occur in
different amounts. While some gross errors may be easily detected, others may go unnoticed.
These errors can be avoided by adopting two means:
Immense care should be taken while taking the reading and recording the data.
Two, three or even more readings should be taken for the quantity being measured.
Designers of instruments to some extent can take care to avoid gross errors but much would
depend upon the interest and competence of observer.
2. Systematic Errors:
The systematic errors are repeated consistently with the repetition of the experiment and
are caused by such effect as:
Sensitivity shift
Zero off-set
Known non-linearity
These errors cannot be determined by direct and repetitive observations of the
measurand made each time with same technique.
These errors can be located only by having repeated measurements under different
conditions or with different equipment and where possible by an entirely different method.
These errors may be instrumental, environment or observational errors.
Instrumental errors:
These errors arise due to:
Inherent shortcomings in the instruments
Misuse of the instruments
Loading effects of instruments
Mechanical friction and wear, backlash, yielding of supports, pen or pointer drag and
hysteresis of elastic members due to aging.
Constructional faults resulting from finite width of knife edges, excessive friction at the
mating parts, lost motion due to necessary clearance in gear teeth etc.
Improper selection and poor maintenance of the instrument
Unavoidable physical phenomenon due to friction, capillary attraction and imperfect
Assembly errors: These errors may be due to the following
Displace scale (i.e.,) incorrect fitting of the scale zero with respect to the actual zero
position of the movement.
Non-uniform division of the scale
Bent or distorted pointer
The assembly errors do not change with time, so these can be easily discovered and
Misuse of instruments: A good instrument used in an unintelligent way may give erroneous
Loading effects: In several measurement techniques, the detector/sensor utilizes the
energy of the medium, thus altering slightly the parameter to be measured, resulting in
Environment errors:
The environmental errors are due to conditions external to the measuring device (e.g.
effect of pressure, temperature, humidity, dust, vibrations, and external magnetic or electrostatic
fields). These errors are much more troublesome than assembly errors.
These errors can be eliminated or reduced by taking the following measures:
Using the instrument in controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, humidity in
which it was originally assembled and calibrated.
Measure deviations in the local conditions from the calibrated ones and then apply a
suitable correction to the instrument readings.
Automatic compensation for departures from the calibrated conditions by using
sophisticated devices.
Make a complete new calibration under the local conditions
In case it is suspected that external magnetic or electrostatic fields can affect the
readings of the instruments, magnetic or electrostatic shields maybe provided.
Apply computed corrections. Normally, efforts are made to avoid the use of application
of computed corrections, but where these corrections are needed and are necessary, they
are incorporated for the computation of the results.
Observational errors:
These errors occur due to carelessness of operators. Even when an instrument has been
properly selected, carefully installed and faithfully calibrated, shortcoming in the measurement
occurs due to certain failings on the part of the observer.
The observational errors may be due to the following reasons:
Parallax Since the parallax errors arise on account of pointer and the scale not being in
the same plane, we can eliminate this error by having the pointer and the scale in the
same plane.
Module Prepared by: Dr.P.MOHAN RAM Page 34
Instrumentation and Measurement