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Detailed LP in Grade 2 English

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a) define what is adverbs of place
b) identify adverbs of place in sentences
c) use adverbs of place in sentences

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Identifying Adverbs of Place
B. Reference: English 2 Book. PP. 236
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, and video presentation.

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
(Teacher will lead the prayer) (praying)

2. Greetings - Good afternoon teacher!

Good afternoon class! - We are fine, thank you. How are you
How are you today? too Teacher?”
“I’m fine. Ok, you may now take your - “Thank you, Ma’am.”

3. Checking of Attendance
“Ok, let’s check your attendance. Who - (Students will say who is absent.)
is absent for today?”

B. Motivation
I have here pictures of places and you will
tell me what is the name of that place. Is that
clear class? - Yes, teacher!

Are you ready? - Yes, teacher!

What is the name of this place class? - Chocolate hills teacher!

Very good!

- Rizal Monument teacher!

This one class?

Very good class!

- Mount Apo teacher!

How about this one class?

Very good!

C. Presentation
- (Biamba is raising her hand)
What did you notice about the picture I
presented to you class? - They are different places here in the
Philippines teacher
Yes, Biamba?

Very good!
- None, teacher.
Based on the given example do you have
any idea about what our topic for today?

So I have here 5 sentences.

1. The teacher teaches us at school.
2. My mother bought vegetables in the
3. Many animals found at the Zoo. - They are place and also an adverb
4. The girl is studying under the tree. teacher.
5. We will get energy from the sun.

What are those underlined words class?

- (Herfeli is answering) Adverbs of
Very good! place teacher!
What do you think is our topic for today

Very good Herfeli!

- Yes. Teacher!
So our topic for today is all about Adverbs
of Place.

Are you ready to listen class?

Okay, let’s start.

- Sure teacher. Adverbs of place tell
us where something happens.
D. Discussion Adverbs of place are usually placed
after the main verb or after the clause
Let us first define what is an adverb of that they modify. Adverbs of place do
place. Chennelle, can you read what is a verb? not modify adjectives or other
adverbs. Some examples of adverbs
of place: here, everywhere, outside,
away, around.

Very good Chennelle!

I have here some examples of verbs used
in each sentence.
1. John looked around but he couldn't see the
2. I searched everywhere I could think of.
3. I'm going back to school. - Me teacher! (Emjay is raising his
4. They built a house nearby. hand)
5. She took the child outside. - Nearby, above, everywhere, inside

Who can give more examples?

Yes, Emjay. - Me teacher! (Jade is raising his hand)

Very good Emjay! - Down, afar, below, outside

Who else can give an example?

Okay jade.

Very good Emjay!

Here and there

Here and there are common adverbs of place.
They give a location relative to the speaker.
With verbs of movement, here means - Me teacher (Biamba is raising her
"towards or with the speaker" hand)
and there means "away from, or not with the - Come here!
speaker". - The table is in here.
- Put it there
Who can read the example of sentences
- The table is in there.
using Here and There?

Okay Biamba read it.

Very good Biamba!

Here are other examples.

1. What are you doing up there?
2. Come over here and look at what I found!
3. The baby is hiding down there under the - Okay teacher. Adverbs of place that
table. end in -where express the idea of
4. I wonder how my driver's license got location without specifying a specific
stuck under here. location or direction.

Okay let’s proceed to Adverbs of place

ending in –where. Herfeli, please read it.
Very good Herfeli!

Here are the examples.

1. I would like to go somewhere warm for - Yes, Teacher.
my vacation.
2. Is there anywhere I can find a perfect plate
of spaghetti around here?
3. I have nowhere to go.
4. I keep running in to Sally everywhere!

Do you understand class?

Next is Adverbs of place ending in -

Adverbs of place that end in -wards express
movement in a particular direction.

Here are the examples.

1. Cats don't usually walk backwards.
2. The ship sailed westwards.
3. The balloon drifted upwards. - Me Teacher (Emjay is raising his
4. We will keep walking homewards until we hand)
- 1. The child went indoors.
And the last one is Adverbs of place 2. He lived and worked abroad.
expressing both movement & location. 3. Water always flows downhill.
Some adverbs of place express both 4. The wind pushed us sideways.
movement & location at the same time.

Who can read the examples?

- Yes, teacher!
Okay Emjay.

- None, Teacher!
Very good Emjay!

Class, do you understand our lesson for - (Chennelle is raising his hand)

Do you have any question about our - An Adverbs of place tell

lesson? us where something happens.
Adverbs of place are usually placed
after the main verb or after the clause
E. Generalization that they modify. Adverbs of place do
What is a adverb of place? Who can not modify adjectives or other
answer? adverbs. Some examples of adverbs
of place: here, everywhere, outside,
Yes, Chennelle. away, around.

- Somewhere
- Anywhere
- Westwards
Very good Chennelle! - Down there
- upwards

F. Application
Identify the adverbs of place in each
1. I would like to go somewhere warm for my
2. Is there anywhere I can find a perfect plate
of spaghetti around here?
3. The ship sailed westwards.
4. The baby is hiding down there under the
5. The balloon drifted upwards.

IV. Evaluation
Underline the adverbs of place in each sentences.
1. The grade 2 pupils will watch a program there.
2. The pupils should line up here now.
3. The auditorium is nearby.
4. The pupils stayed inside.
5. The teachers waited outside.

V. Assignment
Construct a 5 sentence using adverbs of place.

Prepared by:
Cristine Mae V. Tumamao
Student Teacher

Checked by:
Jake Macutay Jabines
Cooperating Teacher

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