DBMS Course Handout Spring-2022

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Deemed To Be University

School of Computer Engineering

Spring Semester 2021-2022

Course Handout
Date: 25/12/2021
Course code : CS 2004
Base-lined date : 25/12/2021
Course Title : Database Management Systems
Course Coordinator : Dr. Aleena Swetapadma
Course Faculty : Mr. Arup Sarkar
Dr. Aleena Swetapadma
Dr. C.R. Pradhan
Mr. Gannath Bhuyan
Dr. Jayanta Mondal
Mr. Kunal Anand
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mallick
Prof. (Dr) Samaresh Mishra
Dr. Sushruta Mishra
Mr. Kumar Devadutta
Dr. Leena Das
Mrs. Meghana Raj
Dr. Rajdeep Chatterjee
Ms. Santwana Sagnika
Mr. Jaydeep Das
Ms. Priyanka Roy
Dr. Minakhi Rout
Mr. Saugata Roy
Mr. Jay Sarraf
Mr. Sankalp Nayak
Mr. Abhaya Kumar Sahoo

Course offered to the School : Computer Engineering

1. Course Description:

Introduction: Databases are fundamental to much of business and commerce. Database

management systems control access to databases. Some people design and build databases.
Other people design and build database management systems. People in a third category use
database management systems to access the data in databases. The purpose of a database
management system is to store and transform data into information to support making decision..

Course Contents:
Sr# Major Area Detailed Area
1 Introduction General introduction to database systems, Database- DBMS
distinction, Approaches to building a database, Data models, Three-
schema architecture of a database, Challenges in building a DBMS,
Various components of a DBMS.
2 ER Model Conceptual data modeling – motivation, Entities, Entity types, Various
types of attributes, Relationships, Relationship types, E/R diagram
notation, Extended E/R Model, Examples.
3 Relational Data Concept of relations and its characteristics, Schema-instance
Model distinction, Integrity Constraints, Converting the database specification
in E/R and extended E/R notation to the relational schema, Relational
algebra operators: Selection, Projection, Cross product, Types of Joins,
Division, Tuple relation calculus, Domain relational calculus, SQL.
4 Relational Dependencies and Normal Forms, Importance of a good schema
Database design, Problems encountered with bad schema designs, Motivation
Design for normal forms, Dependency theory - functional dependencies,
Armstrong's axioms for FD's, Closure of a set of FD's, Minimal covers,
Definitions of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, Decompositions and
desirable properties of them, Multi-valued dependencies and 4NF, Join
dependencies and definition of 5NF.
5 Transaction Concepts of transaction processing, ACID properties, Concurrency
Processing and control, Serializability, Locking based protocols, Time stamp based
Error Recovery protocol, Error recovery and logging, Undo, Redo, Undo-redo logging
and recovery methods.
6 Data Storage File organizations, Primary, Secondary index structures, Hash-based
and Indexes indexing, Dynamic hashing techniques, Multi-level indexes, B trees,
B+ trees.

2. Course Objective:

i. Understand the role of a database management system in an organization.

ii. Understand basic database concepts, including the structure and operation of the relational
data model.
iii. Construct simple and moderately advanced database queries using Structured Query
Language (SQL).
iv. Understand and successfully apply logical database design principles, including E-R diagrams
and database normalization.
v. Design and implement a small database project using Microsoft Access.
vi. Understand the concept of a database transaction and related database facilities, including
concurrency control, journaling, backup and recovery, and data object locking and protocols.
vii. Describe and discuss selected advanced database topics, such as distributed database systems
and the data warehouse.
viii. Understand the role of the database administrator.

3. Course Outcome:

CO # Detail
CO1 Describe the fundamentals of relational database management systems
CO2 Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model,
relational database design, relational algebra and SQL.
CO3 Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios
CO4 Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate
SQL queries on data.
CO5 Improve the database design by normalization.
CO6 Familiar with basic database storage structures and access techniques: file and page
organizations, indexing methods including B tree, and hashing..

4. Text Book:

Fundamentals of Database Systems By Elmsari & Navathe, Person Publication, 7 th edition, 2016.

5. Reference Books:

R1. Database System Concepts by Silberschatz,, Korth & Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill education, 6 th
edition, 2013.

R2. Database Management Systems By Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, McGraw-Hill education, 3 rd

edition, 2014.
R3. Fundamentals of Relational database Management Systems by Sumathi & Esakkirajan,
Springer, 2007.

6. Reference Site:

RS1. NPTEL - https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/explorer

RS2. Tutorials Point - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/dbms/index.htm
RS3. Geeks for geeks - http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/

7. Pre-requisites:
 Mathematics for Computer Science
8. Course Lesson Plan:

Course Unit Topics Day # Refer to

Lecture Chapter, See
No. (Book)
1-5 Introduction General introduction to database 1 Ch 1 (T1)
systems Ch 1, 2 (T2)
Database- DBMS distinction, 2
Approaches to building a database
Data models 3
Three-schema architecture of a 4
Challenges in building a DBMS, 5
Various components of a DBMS
6-11 ER Model Conceptual data modeling – 6 Ch 7 (T1)
motivation Ch 3, 4 (T2)
Entities, Entity sets, Various types of 7 Ch 2 (R2)
Relationships, Relationship types 8
Types of Entity sets, Participation 9
E/R diagram notation, Examples 10
Extended E/R Model, Examples 11
12-20 Relational Concept of relations and its 12 Ch 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Data Model characteristics, Schema-instance (T1)
distinction Ch 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Integrity Constraints 13 (T2)
Converting the database specification 14 Ch 3,4,5 (R1)
in E/R and extended E/R notation to Ch 2, 3, 4 (R2)
the relational schema
Relational algebra operators: 15
Selection, Projection, Cross product
Types of Joins, Division/ 16
Tuple relation calculus 17
Domain relational calculus 18
SQL 19
SQL 20
21-28 Relational Dependencies and Normal Forms 21 Ch 8 (T1)
Database Importance of a good schema design, 22 Ch 14, 15 (T2)
Design Problems encountered with bad Ch 19 (R1)
schema designs
Motivation for normal forms, 23
Dependency theory - functional
Armstrong's axioms for FD's, Closure 24
of a set of FD's, Minimal covers
1NF, 2NF 25
3NF and BCNF 26
Decompositions and desirable 27
properties of them, Multi-valued
dependencies and 4NF
Join dependencies and definition of 28
29-35 Transacti Concepts of transaction processing 29 Ch 14, 15, 16 (T1)
on ACID properties 30 Ch 20, 21, 22 (T2)
Processin Concurrency control, Serializability 31
g and Locking based protocols, 32
Error Time stamp based protocol 33
Recovery Error recovery and logging 34
Course Unit Topics Day # Refer to
Lecture Chapter, See
No. (Book)
Undo, Redo, Undo-redo logging and 35
recovery methods
36-40 Data Storage File organizations 36 Ch 11 (T1)
and Indexes Primary, Secondary index structures 37 Ch 16, 17 (T2)
Hash-based indexing 38
Multi-level indexes, B trees, B+ trees 39
Multi-level indexes, B trees, B+ trees 40

9. Evaluation Scheme:
ES Evaluation Duration Percentage of Date Course Lecture No. Mode
No. Component Evaluation
From To
1 Mid-Semester 11/2 Hrs 20 TBD 1 20 Closed Book
2 Activity based Through 30 Through NA NA Open Book,
Teaching and out out Closed Book
Learning semester semester and
3 End-Semester 3 Hrs 50 TBD 1 40 Closed Book

Mid-semester question paper comprises of 6 questions and students are required to answer any four
questions including question no 1, which is compulsory. Weightage for each question is 5. There will
be 5 parts in question no 1.

End-semester question paper comprises of 8 questions and students are required to answer any six
questions including question no 1, which is compulsory. Weightage for 1 st question is 10 and 8 for
others. There will be 10 parts in question no 1.

10. Activity based Teaching and Learning:

Considering the guidelines circulated and after discussing with the faculty members, following
activity based teaching and learning is proposed:
Activity List
Component wise distributions of the activities are listed below.
Problem Solving Critical Thinking Quiz
15 10 5
Considering the guidelines circulated and after discussing with the faculty members, following
component wise description of each activity list is proposed:
Problem solving (15 marks): Assignment
Assignments have to be solved in a group/individual. Faculties are free to give their own
assignments and evaluation is to be done by respective assigned subject teacher. Subject teacher
need to decide the number of groups and students for each group. Students are expected to write
the solution in the paper and submit to the subject teacher.

Critical thinking (10 marks): Mini-Project

Critical thinking process is related to demonstrating the mini-project and is the group wise
activity. The group has to submit the source code and 2 pages report capturing design aspect of
the project.

Quiz (5 marks): Mini-Project

Two quizzes with easy, moderate and difficulty level will be conducted at the mid and end of
semester. Faculties are free to give their own questions in the quiz. Evaluation is to be done by
respective assigned subject teacher.
11. Unit wise Activity List:
 Students are required to submit at least 3 out of 4 assignments.
 Students are required to submit the mini project.
 Students have to appear 2 quizzes.

12. Course Materials: Concerned teachers are requested to provide course materials to the
students. The material consists of –
 Lecture Notes
 Class Work
 Home Work
 Supplementary Reading

13. Activity Planning:

S: Starting class
C: Class
Sr # Activity Activity Planned Date
1 Assignment 1 S+8C
2 Assignment 2 S + 15 C
4 Quiz 1 S + 19 C
5 Assignment 3 S + 27 C
6 Assignment 4 S + 34 C
9 Quiz 2 S + 35 C
11 Mini Project S + 36 C

14. Parameters:

Subject code L T P Total Credit

CS 2004 3 1 0 4 4

15. Chamber Consultation hour: To be announced in the class by the concerned teacher.

16. Notices: All teachers are requested to communicate every notice regarding the course to their

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