Database Management System
Database Management System
Database Management System
Semester: III
Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to understand the basic database concepts,
apply ER and Relational data model in database design, apply the concept of transaction management,
concurrency control, security, and recovery on database. Moreover, this subject will help in identifying
the purpose of query processing and query optimization. Further, it will help in recognizing the storage
and structure of files. Also, it will facilitate in design SQL and relational algebra queries and database
Detailed Syllabus:
Sr. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: 04
Database system applications, Purpose of Database Systems, Database System
Concepts (Data Models, Schema, instances, views), Approaches to building a
database system, Database System architecture and its components, data
independence, classification of DBMS, Challenges in building a DBMS, role of DBA
2 Database Models: 08
Entity Relationship Model (ER Model): Basic concepts, Entities (Entity types, Entity
sets, attributes, keys), Relations (Relationship types, relationship set, roles,
structural constraints), Design process, ER diagrams, Design issues, weak entity sets,
extended ER features –generalization, specialization, inheritance, aggregation,
design of ER Database schema, reduction of ER database schema to tables, Object
oriented data models.
Relational Data Model: Concept of relations, Schema-instance distinction, Structure
of relational databases, Domains, Relational algebra operators (Unary and Binary)
and queries, relational algebra operators from set theory, ER to Relational mapping.
3 Relational Database Design: 09
Importance of a good schema design, Problems encountered with bad schema
designs, Motivation for normal forms, dependency theory -functional dependencies,
Armstrong's axioms for FDs, Closure of a FD set and attribute set, irreducible set of
FD, Minimal covers, Normalization - 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, Properties of
Relational decompositions, Multi-valued dependencies and 4NF, Join dependencies
and 5NF.
4 SQL query: 05
Basics of SQL, DDL, DML, DCL, structure creation, alteration, defining constraints,
Primary key, foreign key, unique, not null, check, IN operator, Functions -aggregate
functions, Built-in functions numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-
queries, correlated sub-queries, Use of group by, having, order by, join and its types,
Exist, Any, All, view and its types. Transaction control commands, Commit, Rollback,
Save point. Embedded SQL, PL SQL Concepts, Cursors, Stored Procedures, Stored
Function, Database Triggers.
5 Transaction Management: 10
Transaction: Transaction processing concepts, schedule, properties of transactions,
serializability, characterizing schedules based on recoverability and serializability,
Concurrency control: Problems of Concurrent transactions execution and need of
concurrency control, Lock based protocols, deadlock handling (deadlock prevention,
detection and recovery), Multiple granularity, Timestamp protocol, isolation, intent
Error recovery: Recovery concepts, Transaction recovery, System recovery, media
recovery, Two- Phase Commit protocol, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-based
recovery, recovery techniques and algorithms
6 Query Processing and Optimization: 08
Query parsing and translation, measures of query cost, relational algebra operation
evaluation, relational algebra expression evaluation (materialization and pipelining),
expression evaluation plans, transformation of relational expressions, cost-based query
7 Security: 06
Authentication, authorization, and Access Control (DAC, MAC and RBAC model),
intrusion detection, Multi-Level Security, Statistical Databases security, Data
8 Storage and Structure: 06
Storage media, RAID, File structure, Indexing and Hashing
Total 56
Reference Books:
1 A Silberschatz, H F Korth and S Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, McGRAW Hill.
2 C. J. Date, A. Kennan, and S. Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Person
3 Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson
4 Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle”, BPB Publication.
Direct classroom teaching
Audio Visual presentations/demonstrations
Continuous assessment
Interactive methods
Seminar/Poster Presentation
Industrial/ Field visits
Course Projects
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory) (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy):
Distribution of Theory Marks in % R: Remembering; U: Understanding; A: Applying;
R U A N E C N: Analyzing; E: Evaluating; C: Creating
20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10%
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual distribution of
marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Curriculum Revision:
Version: 1.0
Drafted on (Month-Year): June-2020
Last Reviewed on (Month-Year): -
Next Review on (Month-Year): June-2025