fundamentals of database systems
fundamentals of database systems
fundamentals of database systems
Tutorial hrs. 2
Course Category
Year II Semester I
Course Description This course introduces the students to the overview, design and
implementation of database systems. Topics covered in this course
include introduction to database systems, Architecture for database
systems, Overview of Hierarchical and Network data models,
Relational data model, ER-model, functional dependencies,
normalization, Mapping ER models to relational tables basics of
relational algebra and
Course Objective At the end of the Course students should be able:
To understand the basic concepts of database systems.
Differentiate database system from file system
Identify the pros and cons of manual approach, file based
approach and database approach
To be aware of the different types of database model.
To have a good understanding of the issues involved in
designing relational databases
To be able to design a database using ER modeling.
Understand database normalization and functional
To Map ER diagram in to relational tables
To demonstrate queries in the relational algebra.
To know how to write simple database queries in SQL.
Distinguish and use relational model and relational algebra
To have had practical experience of developing and
implementing a small relational database project.
Course outline 1. Chapter 1. Introduction to Databases
1.1.Traditional File-Based Systems
1.2.Database Approach
1.3.Characteristics of the Database Approach
1.4.Advantages of Using the database Approach
1.5.Roles in the Database Environment
1.6.History of Database Management Systems
1.7.Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMSs
2. Chapter 2. Database System Concepts and Architecture
2.1. Data Models, Schemas and Instances
2.2. Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence
2.3. Database Languages and Interfaces
2.4.The Database System Environment
2.5.Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs
2.6.Classification of Database Management Systems
2.7.Functions of DBMS
3. Chapter 3. Database Modeling
3.1.Database System Development Lifecycle
3.2. The Relational Database Model
3.2.1. The Relational Model Concepts
3.2.2. The Relational Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
3.2.3. The Relational Operations
3.3. The Entity Relationship (ER) Model The high-level conceptual model Entities, Attributes, and Keys
3.3.2. Relationship types, Associations, and Constraints
3.3.3. Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and
Structural Constraints
3.3.4. Weak Entity Types
3.4.ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues
3.5. Mapping ER-models to relational tables
4. Chapter 4: Functional Dependency and Normalization (4 hours)
4.1. Data Redundancy and Update Anomalies
4.2. Functional Dependency
4.3. Normal Forms
4.4. Process of Normalization
5. Chapter 5. Relational Algebra
5.1. The Relational Algebra
5.2. Unary Operations
5.3. Set Operations
5.4. Binary Relational Operations
5.5. Additional Relational Operations
6. Chapter 6. Structured Query Language(SQL)
4.5.Over view of SQL query language
4.6.Data types
4.7.Basic structure of SQL queries
4.8. DDL, DML, TCL and DCL
4.9. Basic Queries in SQL
4.10. Nested Queries in SQL
4.13. Constraints and Triggers