IT261 Database Management Systems

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Institute of Business & Information Technology

University of the Punjab

Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore
Spring Term
Basic Information:
Title: Database Management System Code IT-261
Program: BBIT Credit Hours: Three (03)
Sessions: 30 Classes + Mid Term + Final Term Pre-Requisite: IT 161
Course Description:
Databases are part of our everyday life. Whether we are accessing our bank accounts, paying bills, searching
the Web or calling a call center, our requests are most likely posted to a database management system.
IT-0261 is the course offered to the students of BBIT at Institute of Business & Information Technology of
University of the Punjab. It teaches a paradigm shift from "computation" to "information" and covers some
of the core concepts on data structuring and querying. It covers fundamentals of database architecture,
database management systems, and database systems, Principles and methodologies of database design,
and techniques for database application development.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this course, it is expected that students who will involve themselves in the
knowledge base working of the course will be capable to
1. Design and Implement a Relational database for real life problems
2. Write Complex Queries and Use SQL Functions
3. Suggest a Centralized Distributed system according to organizational needs
4. Design and implement solutions for the small business organizations
Teaching Learning Methodology:
The formal teaching component of this course consists of: active student participation in and contribution
to all forms of teaching and learning i.e. lectures, discussions, research assignments and projects. Lectures
will be twice a week of 90 min each.
Group Configurations:
One of the objectives of this course is to encourage and facilitate team work. Class will have to make a group
of four for projects and research assignments. It is recommended that student will form their own groups.
As a general guideline, your group should have members with diverse skill sets including people who are
proficient or have aptitude for different subject areas.
All Groups must submit their team rosters in the form of a memo by the end of 8 th week. The memo should
include Student Names, and ID numbers of all members and it should also identify a designated group
leader who will serve as the primary point of contact for me to communicate with the group.
Weekly Term Plan
Wk Lecture Topic Textbook Activity
01 Introduction to Database Systems
02 Database Models & Schema Ch 01
03 Database Architecture Ch 02 A-01
04 Relational Model and RDBMS Ch. 05 Quiz 01
05 Relational Data Model & Relational Database Constraints Ch. 05 A-02
06 Relational Algebra Ch. 06 A-03
07 SQL: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries, Views Ch. 06 A-04
08 SQL: Triggers, Stored Procedures Ch. 08 Quiz 02
09 Mid Term Examination
10 Functional Dependencies Ch. 10
11 Normalization for Relational Databases Ch. 10 A-05
12 Normalization for Relational Databases Ch. 10 A-06
13 ER Modeling and EER Modeling Ch. 03 Quiz 03, A07
14 ER to Relational Mapping Ch 07 A-08
15 EER to Relational Mapping Ch. 07 Quiz 04
16 Final Term Examination

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Institute of Business & Information Technology
University of the Punjab
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore
Spring Term
Topics in Detail
Databases Ordering a Listing, Listing Unique Values
Introducing the Database; Aggregate Function in SQL, Grouping Data
Field Definitions and Naming Conventions Virtual Tables, Views, View Types
Components of DB Applications SQL Indexes, Joining Database Tables
DB Tools; Microsoft Access, Oracle, Informix Procedural SQL
Database Systems Triggers
Legacy DB Systems Stored Procedures
File Processing Systems PL/SQL Stored Functions
Hierarchical Model Normalization of Database Tables
Network Model Need for Normalization
Database Models Conversion to First Normal Form
Semantic Data Model Conversion to Second Normal Form
Relational Model Conversion to Third Normal Form
Database Models and the Internet Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
Relational Database Management Systems Database Life Cycle (DBLC)
A logical view of Data; Entities and Attributes Database Initial Study
Tables and their Characteristics, Keys Database Design
Integrity Rules Database Design Strategies
Entity Integrity Centralized versus Decentralized Design
Referential Integrity Entity Relationship (E-R) Modeling
Relational Database Operators Basic Modeling Concepts
Relational Algebra Degrees of Data Abstraction
Unary Operations Association and Cardinality
Binary Operations Relationship Participation
Cartesian Product Composite Entities, Super Entity and subtypes
Set Operations Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram
SQL Operators Challenge of Database Design, Conflicting Goals
Relational Algebra and SQL Transform ER/EER to Relational Model
Structured Query Language Transaction Management
Introduction to DDL and DML What is a Transaction?
Data Control Language Evaluating Transaction Results
Complex Queries and SQL Functions Transaction Management with SQL
Transaction Log, Transaction Types

Text & Recommended Readings Tools

1. Fundamentals of Database Systems 1. Microsoft Access & Microsoft Visio
Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe 2. Oracle
5th Edition 2009 ISBN: 9788131716250 3. PHP
4. Unified Modeling Language
2. Database Management Systems
5. Microsoft Word for Documentation
C. J. Dates
Headings Arial 11pt Bold
8th Edition, 2001 ISBN 0-901-543432-8
Normal Text Times New Roman 10pt
3. Database System Concept Header Footer Times New Roman 8pt
Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel Paragraph Single Line Spacing
ISBN: 9788131509708 First Line Indent 1.0 cm
4. Introduction to PL\SQL by Oracle Press Page Margins 2 cm from each side
No Title Due Date
A-01 Comparative Analysis of Legacy Database Systems 1st Class of 4th Week
A-02 Relational Model of IBIT Examination System 1st Class of 6th Week
A-03 Query Design with Relational Algebra for Examination System 1st Class of 7th Week
A-04 Comprehensive Query Design using Relational Algebra Operators 1st Class of 8th Week
A-05 Normalization of Purposed System 1st Class of 12th Week
A-06 Comprehensive Normalization 1st Class of 13th Week
A-07 Complete Project Design Document Last Friday of 15th Week

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Institute of Business & Information Technology
University of the Punjab
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore
Spring Term

Week Class Content Lab Topics Activity
01. Database System Concepts and Introduction to Microsoft Access, Create Database
Architecture  Create Table, Data types,
 DML (insert, delete, update) operations
 Concept of primary key
02. Relational Data Model and More than One table
Relational Database Constraints Concept of join and foreign key, Referential Integrity
Cascade update and Cascade delete operations
Master-Details tables and DML
03. The Relational Algebra Concept of QBE(Query by Example) grid Lab Quiz
 Writing Queries using QBE
 Aggregate functions
 Datasheet, SQL and design view
04. The Relational Algebra Relational Algebra Tool
05. The Database Language SQL ORACLE Introduction and Installation (ORACLE 10g)
 User Login
 Simple Select Statement
 Select and Project operations
 Where clause
06. The Database Language SQL Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Concatenation)
Null value in Expressions
Between, In , Like operators
Column Alias
Sorting (order by clause)
Single Row Functions
Post Lab Exercise on SQL Basic Queries
07. The Database Language SQL: Group functions
Schema Definition, Constraints  Group By, Having Clause
 Joins & Types
 ANSII vs. Proprietary Syntax
08. The Database Language SQL: Database Concepts Lab Quiz on
Schema Definition, Constraints,  DDL and DML SQL
Queries, and Views, Transactions  Transactions
09. Functional Dependencies and Transactions and concurrency Control
Normalization for Relational  Locking, Commit and Rollback
Databases  Deadlock
 Backup (Import and Export)
10. Functional Dependencies and Introduction to PHP Lab Exam on
Normalization for Relational  Xamp installation SQL
Databases  Page Deployment/Port Check And Change
11. Functional Dependencies and Introduction to web server architecture
Normalization for Relational PHP constructs (If, Loops, Assignment, Functions)
Databases  HTML page Development
 HTML forms (get and post method) & Hyperlinks
12. ER Modeling  mySQL Introduction Lab Quiz on
Enhanced ER Modeling  Database Connectivity with mySQL PHP
13. ER Modeling Database Connectivity(Login Problem)
Enhanced ER Modeling  Save, Retrieve, Update using PHP & MySQL
 Data movement between page navigation
14. Relational Database Design by ER  User Level Security and Access Rights
EER-to-Relational Mapping  Relational Modeling using Erwin

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Institute of Business & Information Technology
University of the Punjab
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore
Spring Term
Grading Policy:
Final Grade for this course will be the cumulated result of the following term work with relevant participation
according to the quoted percentage.
Sessional 25% Mid Term 35% Final Term 40%
Assignments 10 % Mid Term Exam 25% Final Exam 30%
Quizzes 10% Major Report/Work 10% Case Study/ Project/ 10%
Presentations 05% Term Paper
Remember subdivision of Mid Term and Final Term Examination should be done only in
extreme cases of very essential and major Grading Instruments.
Dishonest Practices & Plagiarism
Any student found responsible for dishonest practice/cheating (e.g. copying the work of others, use of
unauthorized material in Grading Instruments) in relation to any piece of Grading Instrument will face penalties
like deduction of marks, grade ‘F’ in the course, or in extreme cases, suspension and rustication from IBIT.
For details consult Plagiarism Policy of PU at
Grading System:
Letter Grade Grade Point Num Equivalence
A 4.00 85 – 100 %
A- 3.70 80 – 84 %
B+ 3.30 75 – 79%
B 3.00 70 – 74 %
B- 2.70 65 – 69 %
C+ 2.30 61 – 64 %
C 2.00 58 – 60 %
C- 1.70 55 – 57 %
D 1.00 50 – 54 %
F 0.00 Below 50 %
I Incomplete *
W Withdraw *
Norms to Course:
✓ Submission Date and Time for the term instruments is always Un-Extendable.
✓ 5 Absentees in class will result in forced withdrawal. (PU Policy)
✓ Re-sit in Mid and Final Term will cause you a loss of 2 and 3 grade marks respectively. (PU Policy)
✓ This is your responsibility to keep track of your position in class evaluation units.
✓ After the submission date, NO excuse will be entertained.
✓ Keep a copy of all submitted Grading Instruments.
✓ Assignment is acceptable only in its Entirety.
✓ No make up for any assignment and quiz.
✓ Copied & Shared work will score Zero.
✓ Assignments are Individual.
Good Luck
For the Spring Term

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