Fundamentals Fo Database Course Outline 2023 For Stdeunts
Fundamentals Fo Database Course Outline 2023 For Stdeunts
Fundamentals Fo Database Course Outline 2023 For Stdeunts
Course Description
This course introduces the students to the overview, design and implementation of database
systems. Topics covered in this course include introduction to database systems, Architecture
for database systems, Overview of Hierarchical and Network data models, Relational data
model, ER-model, functional dependencies, normalization, Mapping ER models to relational
tables basics of relational algebra and rational calculus.
Course Objective
At the end of the Course students should be able:
To understand the basic concepts of database systems.
Differentiate database system from file system
Identify the pros and cons of manual approach, file based approach and database
To be aware of the different types of database model.
To have a good understanding of the issues involved in designing relational
To be able to design a database using ER modeling.
Understand database normalization and functional dependency
To Map ER diagram in to relational tables
To demonstrate queries in the relational algebra.
To know how to write simple database queries in SQL.
Distinguish and use relational model and relational algebra
To have had practical experience of developing and implementing a small
relational database project.
Course Content
Chapter 1. Introduction to Databases
1.1. Traditional File-Based ystems
1.2.Database Approach
1.3. Characteristics of the Database Approach
1.4.Advantages of Using the DBMS Approach
1.5.Roles in the Database Environment
1.6.History of Database Management Systems
1.7.Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMSs
Lab Contents
Database modeling
Introduction and Software
Installation (Microsoft SQL Server or
Oracle DB)
Data Definition Language
o Data definition and data types in SQL
Data Manipulation Language
o Specifying Constraints in SQL
o Querying from tables (insert, select, delete, update)
More Complex SQL Retrieval Queries
o Sorting (ascending, descending) using ORDER BY, DESC and ASC group by,
order by, having, wildcards, and regular expressions
o Aggregate Functions in SQL
o Null value & Keywords in SQL
o Auto Increment, alter, drop, rename in SQL
o Joins
o Unions, intersections, differences
SQL Functions
o String Functions
o Numeric/Math Functions
o Date/Time Functions
o Conversion Functions
o Advanced Functions in SQL
Complex SQL Queries