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BU R&D Journal

22 (1): 25-32, July 2019 | ISSN (Print): 0016-4139


Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the Banks of the

Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines
Anna G. Bilaro*, Edmundo O. Estor and Oliver E. Aligan
Bicol University College of Engineering, Legazpi City
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


The effects of pollution, weather and climate, and societal pressures had changed drastically the
physical characteristics and use of the Sagumayon River, an important river network in the city of Legazpi.
This study aimed to obtain relevant geotechnical engineering properties of the soil along the river banks,
which could provide an indication of its vulnerability to erosion, settlement, and slope failure. In-situ and
ex-situ tests conducted in four areas of the river along an 800-m stretch within the Bicol University–Main
Campus revealed a granular type of soil, poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) of low SPT N-value (from
2–20 blows/ ft), friction angle of 27° to 33° and Soil Bearing Capacity of 74 ~ 217 kPa. The riverbank soils
are susceptible to certain modes of erosion, settlement, and slope failure. The soil is comprised of 82% sand
and 18% silt. Borehole sites with shallow groundwater table have been found to exhibit high soil moisture
content values. Structures that will be built on the area should be designed to allow a tolerable, even
settlement of 25 mm and up to 37.5 mm of maximum differential settlement. The study recommends that
the index properties obtained be used in conjunction with cross-sectional survey data of the river banks to
analyse the stability of the slopes. Remedial measures should be provided to secure against further surface
erosion. In the design of structures to be built on the area, there is a need to validate the soil properties by
drilling more bore holes to ensure stability of structures.

Keywords: cohesion, erosion, friction angle, N-value, Sagumayon River, settlement, slope failure, soil bearing capacity

Introduction collapse, erosion, and sedimentation that pose direct

risk to lives and properties within the university and
Owing to its geographic location, the province the communities along its path. Intensive seasonal
of Albay is historically known to be vulnerable to rainfall could lead to the failure of natural slopes which
natural disasters and the ill effects of climate change. are principally caused by the rise of the groundwater
Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, and volcanic level and the loss of the inbound shear strength of the
eruptions are among the natural hazards that pose a soil (Tsuchida, 2014).
threat to the locals’ lives and properties. The climatic
and geographic conditions in the province can be The present state of the Sagumayon River provides
attributed to the frequent occurrence of typhoons, the university with a natural laboratory to study and
monsoon rains, and thunderstorms. These causes the apply geotechnical and hydrologic engineering theories
province to experience more pronounced precipitation and principles to reduce hazards and mitigate disasters
during the rainy season and no distinct dry season brought about by flooding and erosion. By conducting
(Espinas, 2013). a thorough investigation in terms of topographical,
hydrological, and geotechnical aspects, a comprehensive
The Sagumayon River stretches all the way from engineering plan may be drawn-up and implemented
Daraga, traversing the Bicol University–Main Campus to rectify the causes of the river’s degradation and
over an 800-m stretch winding through the Albay identify the different structural characteristics of the
District area and spills out into the sea. During heavy underlying strata (Perri et al., 2014). Opportunities for
rains and especially during typhoons, the river becomes the rehabilitation of the river system exist since what
flooded (DENR-EMB Region V, 2014). Over the years, happens to the portion of the river within the university
degradation of the said river has led to scouring, bank is affected by what happens upstream and downstream
BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
ISSN (Print): 0016-4139 Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines

(DENR-EMB Region V, 2014). based on the properties obtained from field tests
conducted and determine the soil bearing capacity
In the not so distant past, with its pristine and as basis in the design of structures, determine the
healthy state, the Sagumayon River was intimately geotechnical physical properties of the representative
interwoven into the social aspects of the Legazpeños’ soil samples along selected points in terms of specific
way of life. The physical condition and hence usage of gravity, particle size distribution, engineering
the Sagumayon River has changed drastically through classification, moisture content, void ratio, porosity,
the years because of pollution and the physical effects and unit weight; and relate the soil’s geotechnical
of rains and typhoons that led to scouring, erosion, and characteristics to its susceptibility to erosion, settlement,
sedimentation. and slope failure.
This study sought answers to the current concerns
regarding the geotechnical condition of the Sagumayon
Materials and Methods
River. Through this research, the college will acquire
design and planning experience that will address
similar cases in other river systems in the Bicol Region. The conduct of geotechnical investigation (in-
The region, being one of the most frequently visited situ and ex-situ) gives accurate information for the
areas by typhoons in the country, benefits significantly underlying substrata (Fauchard & Meriaux, 2007). To
from this research. obtain the relevant engineering properties of the soil
along the bank of the Sagumayon River, in-situ and
The study is related and supportive of the Bicol laboratory tests conforming to American Society of
University (BU) Comprehensive Development Plan Testing Materials (ASTM) standards were conducted.
by providing basis for a sound development strategy Borehole samples were obtained from four sites
in terms of disaster reduction and risk mitigation for strategically located along the river.
the affected area, which is the target of development
expansion of the university. It also supports the Field Test: Standard Penetration Test (SPT) – ASTM
Sagumayon River Management Council’s objective D-1586
to rehabilitate Sagumayon River as an eco-tourist
attraction in the province of Albay showcasing a society The SPT procedure consist of driving a standard
that works as one for a balanced ecosystem towards split spoon sampler into the ground by blows in three
the improvement of life for succeeding generations (3) successive 150 mm intervals using a drop hammer
(Nasayao, 2012). of mass 63.5 kg falling “free” from a height of 760 mm.
The sampler is driven to penetrate 150 mm into the soil
In reducing risks and assessing the vulnerability and recorded until the third interval, and the number of
of the Sagumayon River, the study aimed to obtain blows (N) required to drive the second and third interval
the relevant engineering characteristics of the soil are added to give the N-value. The number of blows
along the banks of the Sagumayon River, which could (N) is called the standard penetration number, which
provide an indication of its vulnerability to erosion, measures the density or consistency of the underlying
settlement, and slope failure. Similarly, results of soils (Bowles, 1996; Budhu, 2011; Das & Sobhan, 2014).
the geotechnical properties in this area are vital for
design purposes and will be an input in the slope Laboratory Test
stability analysis of the banks. Available hazard maps The following standard tests were used for the
in the region do not usually consider geotechnical determining the various properties of the soil:
inputs, particularly the soils’ strength characteristics.
Shear strength parameters must be considered under a. Specific Gravity of Soils (Test for Specific
different conditions which need to be taken into Gravity of Soil Solids, ASTM D-854)
account (Tsuchida, 2014) in assessing the vulnerability
of a slope to failure. Studying the underlying condition b. Particle Size Distribution/Analysis of the
of soils will also help and guide designers to design an Soil (Particle Size Analysis of the soil, ASTM
appropriate structure for a particular area (Long et al., D-422)
c. Classification of Soils for Engineering
Specifically, the study aimed to determine the soil’s Behavior (Unified Soil Classification System,
shear strength parameters (friction angle, cohesion) ASTM D-2487)

BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines ISSN (Print): 0016-4139

d. Laboratory Determination of Moisture Table 1. Correlation of N-Value, γ, Dr, and φ for

Content of Soils (ASTM D-2216) Coarse–Grained Soils (Budhu, 2000; Das & Sobhan,
In determining the soil’s shear strength parameters
based on the field test, correlation of N-value from N –Value Description γ (kN/m3) Dr (%) φ (°)
the field test were used. The value of friction angle 0–5 Very Loose 11–13 0–15 26–28
was correlated and computed alongside the N-value
acquired from in-situ test. SPT N-Value corrected 5 – 10 Loose 14–16 16–35 29–34
and correlated by Peck and colleagues (1974) and 10 – 30 Medium 17–19 36–65 35–40
approximated by Wolff (1989) was used. 30 – 50 Dense 20–21 66–85 38–45
>50 Very Dense >21 >86 >45

Similarly, Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Equation

was used in the calculation for the allowable soil To relate the soil’s geotechnical characteristic to its
bearing capacity as basis in the design of structures susceptibility to erosion, settlement, and slope failure,
which mostly provide an acceptable result (Salahudeen topographic survey and hydrological survey results
& Sadeeq, 2016). were compared and analysed along with the results of
the geotechnical investigation (Table 1).

Figure 1. Plan Showing the Portion of the Sagumayon River Inside the BU–Main Campus & Soil
Sampling Locations

BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
ISSN (Print): 0016-4139 Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines

Results and Discussion soil composition of 82% sand and 18% silt and clay.
In-Situ Test of Shear Strength Parameters Thus, the soil can be generally classified (per Unified
Soil Classification System) as Poorly Graded Sand with
Four borehole tests were conducted at sites BH-01, Silt (SP-SM). Hence, for the shear parameters, only the
BH-02, BH-03 and BH-04 as shown in Figure 1. The friction angle will have a value and the cohesion will
results of the standard penetration test showing the be considered zero (Rogers, 2006). Friction angles and
N-value and the description of the soil is presented in soil bearing capacity was calculated from Peck and
Figure 2 and Table 2. The groundwater table location is Terzaghi’s equations, respectively. Table 2 tabulates the
also shown in the SPT diagram (Figure 2). N-value versus depth and the corresponding friction
angle and bearing capacity for each borehole.
From the particle size distribution and analysis
conducted, the soil along the riverbank has an average

Stratification of BH-1 Stratification of BH-2

Stratification of BH-3 Stratification of BH-4

Figure 2. Stratification of Soil Profile for the Four Boreholes Drilled Along Sagumayon River
Showing N-Value, Soil Classification and Soil Description Report

BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines ISSN (Print): 0016-4139

Table 2. SPT N-Value Results vs. Depth (m) with the Corresponding Values for Friction
Angle and Soil Bearing Capacity

SPT N-Value Friction Angle Soil Bearing

Borehole No. Depth
(blows/ ft) (Degrees) Capacity (kPa)
Borehole #1 0–1 10 30 128
(Station 0+180) 1–2 20 33 217
2–3 2 27 74
3–4 5 29 144
4–5 12 31 160
5–6 11 30 136

Borehole #2 0–1 9 30 124

(Station 0+640) 1–2 4 28 77
2–3 4 28 77
3–4 4 28 77
4–5 5 29 144
5–6 7 29 166

Borehole #3 0–1 9 30 124

(Station 0+680) 1–2 8 29 166
2–3 6 29 160
3–4 6 29 160
4–5 8 29 166
5–6 9 30 124

Borehole #4 0–1 8 29 166

(Station 0+040) 1–2 2 27 74
2–3 2 27 74
3–4 3 28 76
4–5 4 28 77
5–6 4 28 77

The SPT N-Value of a soil is an indication of its specific gravity, water content, void ratio, porosity, and
susceptibility or resistance to settlement. According unit weight of the soil samples from the boreholes (Table
to the National Structural Code of the Philippines, an 3). The soil properties derived from tests show that the
N-Value of <6 indicates that the soil is compressible volume of voids is much larger than the volume of soil
(NSCP, 2010). Several strata, especially at BH-2 and particles in most of the sampling sites. The unit weights,
BH-4, have N-values lower than 6. Thus it can be said meanwhile, have values that belong to the low range of
that the area under investigation is susceptible to typical soil unit weight values. These corroborate the in-
settlement. situ findings that the soil along the Sagumayon River is
loose and easily compressible. Any structure that will be
Geotechnical Physical Properties of the Soil Along the built on a very loose area should be designed to tolerate
Riverbank soil settlement of 25 mm and a maximum differential
settlement of 37.5 mm (Bowles, 1982).
Laboratory tests were conducted to determine

BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
ISSN (Print): 0016-4139 Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines

Table 3. Geotechnical Properties for Sagumayon River Soil

Borehole Number ω (%) Specific Gravity, (Gs) Void ratio (e) Porosity (n) Unit Weight, (kN/cu.m)
1 38.12 2.30 0.88 0.54 16
2 54.62 2.22 1.26 0.56 14
3 56 2.25 1.16 0.56 15
4 56.86 2.13 1.26 0.47 13

Susceptibility to Erosion, Settlement, and slope (Tsuchida, 2014).


The soils’ shear strength parameters, geotechnical Conclusion

properties, and cross-sectional configuration can be
used to gauge susceptibility to erosion, settlement, and
Based from the field test conducted using Standard
slope failure.
Penetration Test (SPT), the type of soil at the site is
Soil Erosion. The soils in the study site have Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM). The soil’s shear
high sand content. Sandy types of soils are the most strength parameters, friction angle, and cohesion were
susceptible to soil erosion (Lujan, 2003). Particle sizes correlated from the SPT N-Value. Since the soil is
between 0.063 to 0.250 mm are the most vulnerable granular, the soil’s cohesion is considered to be zero.
to detachment. Streambank erosion is evident on-site. The soil’s friction angle on the other hand ranges from
Authors and co-workers report that bank scouring 27° to 33°. The soil bearing capacity’s lowest and highest
was evident in the widening distances between banks value is 74 kPa and 217 kPa, respectively. Soil bearing
as observed throughout the years in various portions capacity is an important parameter in designing
of the river. Water erosion can also be a consequence structures. These values will guide designers in coming
of degradation of the soil structure, especially the up with appropriate retaining structures for the
functional attributes of soil pores to transmit and retain riverbank. Building structures to be built near the area
water. Cipriano (2018) reports that the average velocity should follow the guidelines of the National Structural
of water along the Sagumayon River is 0.447 m/s, while Code of the Philippines regarding construction sites
the average discharge is 0.135 m3/s. with soils that are compressible and highly susceptible
to settlement.
Settlement. The SPT N-value of the soil can be
directly related to its compressibility and susceptibility The specific gravity (Gs) value obtained for each
to settlement. The low N-value of the soil in the four boreholes are 2.13, 2.22, 2.25, and 2.30. The particle
boreholes indicates that they have low bearing capacity size distribution and classification analyses show that
and high compressibility. all borehole test site have consistently similar values.
Moisture content was comparatively higher (ω =
Slope Failure. The topographical characterization 56.86%) for the borehole wherein the groundwater table
reports that the riverbank slope can be characterized was shallow. Void ratio values range from 0.88 to 1.26
as rolling to slightly steep. The average slope of the which are high values. This means that the volume of
riverbank is estimated at 65.24%. Riverbank sections voids (air and water) is higher compared to the volume
with riprap protection have slopes as steep as 70%. of soil particles. On the average the soil is 50% porous.
Although no slope stabilization analysis is included in Porosity has a direct relationship with permeability.
this report, it can be pointed out that the shear strength For the unit weight of soil, the lowest and highest values
parameters and soil properties derived from the tests are 13 kN/m3 and 15 kN/m3, respectively. Values for
indicate that the soil might exhibit slope failure in the the unit weight of soil are essential in the design of
near future. Riverbank slope failures usually occur retaining structures and calculations for the bearing
during periods of heavy or prolonged rains. The capacity of soil.
failures of natural slopes are mainly caused by the rise
of groundwater level and the loss of inbound shear If we are to relate and characterize the susceptibility
strength of soils due to intensive seasonal rainfalls to erosion, settlement, and slope failure of the soil along

BU R&D Journal, Vol. 22, July 2019
Bilaro et al.: Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil along the
Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines ISSN (Print): 0016-4139

Sagumayon River based on the in-situ and ex-situ tests Acknowledgment

conducted, it can be said that indeed that the soil and
the whole site are vulnerable. The sandy types of soil This research endeavor has been conducted under
present at the site with a particle diameter range of 4.75 the auspices of the Research and Development Center
to 0.075 mm are susceptible to detachment or erosion. of the Bicol University.
The SPT graph and diagrams show that the majority of
the soil strata are loose. The low N-values indicate that
the soil is soft or loose at the test sites. These values also References
indicate poor soil bearing capacity and susceptibility to
settlement. The NSCP code states that if N<6 the soil is
Association of the Structural Code of the Phils. (2010).
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ISSN (Print): 0016-4139 Banks of the Sagumayon River in the Province of Albay, Philippines

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