Article 2 (2008) - Derakhshan, Nourbakhsh
Article 2 (2008) - Derakhshan, Nourbakhsh
Article 2 (2008) - Derakhshan, Nourbakhsh
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: When a pump works as a turbine, its hydraulic behavior will be changed. Several methods have been
Received 1 December 2007 developed to predict the best efficiency of pumps running as turbines but their results are not in good
Received in revised form 13 May 2008 coincidence with experimental data for all pumps. Therefore, study and investigation of hydraulic behav-
Accepted 14 May 2008
ior of pumps in reverse operation can be useful. In this study, the best efficiency point of an industrial
centrifugal pump running as turbine was achieved using a theoretical analysis. This method tries to esti-
mate hydraulic components of reverse (turbine) mode using direct (pump) mode. In the next step, the
pump was simulated in direct and reverse modes by computational fluid dynamics. 3D full Navier–Stokes
Best efficiency point
Characteristic curves
equations were solved using FineTurbo V.7 flow solver. Using numerical results, complete characteristic
Computational fluid dynamics curves of the pump in direct and reverse modes were obtained. For experimental verification of theoret-
Experimental ical and numerical results, the pump was tested as a turbine in a test rig. All required parameters were
Pump as turbine measured to achieve complete characteristic curves of the reverse pump. The theoretical and numerical
results were compared with experimental data and some other methods.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0894-1777/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Derakhshan, A. Nourbakhsh / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1620–1627 1621
a area, m2 g efficiency
b impeller passage width p power number
c absolute velocity, m/s q density, kg/m3
D diameter, m x rotational speed, rad/s
e impeller blade thickness, m w head number
g gravitational acceleration, m/s2
H head, m Superscript
m diameter ratio, DD21 ‘‘ theoretical
N rotational speed, rpm
n rotational speed, rps Subscripts
Ns specific speed, (m, m3/s) b best efficiency point
P power, W, kW e blade exit
Q discharge, m3/s h hydraulic
u peripheral velocity, m/s i impeller
w relative velocity, m/s l leakage
z impeller’s blade number m meridian
me mechanical
Greek symbols n net
a absolute velocity angle (rad) u peripheral
b relative velocity angle (rad) p pump
b0 blade angle (rad) v volute
e utilization factor t turbine
u discharge number
l slip factor
correlation passage between direct and reverse modes of a centrif- Leakage value for pump operation is estimated using Thorne meth-
ugal pump may be found. To calculate head, discharge and effi- od [14]. Volumetric efficiency is
ciency of PAT at BEP, hydraulic losses in volute and impeller,
Q lp
mechanical losses related to power losses due to gland packing glp ¼ 1 ð5Þ
Q p þ Q lp
and bearing cases, disc friction losses in gaps between rotor and
stator, volumetric losses related to leakage from clearances be- The important parameter is the overall mechanical efficiency
tween rotor and stator shall be detected. including power losses due to disc friction, gland packing and bear-
Fig. 1 shows inlet and outlet velocity triangles in pump and tur- ing losses. Overall mechanical efficiency is determined using:
bine modes. In Fig. 1.a, the gray velocity triangle is related to slip gp
phenomenon (l is slip factor) on pump mode, since in impeller gmep ¼ :
outlet, real relative flow angle (b2) is smaller than blade angle
glp ghp
(b02 ). The absolute flow angle in position 2, a2, is approximately Hydraulic efficiencies in impeller and volute can be defined as
the same for both modes of operation in respect to the shape of
the volute. A good estimation of this angle is the volute angle, av. H0 H
gip ¼ ; gvp ¼ ð6Þ
In reverse mode, the flow angle in blade outlet (b3) can be assumed H00 H0
close to the blade inlet angle (b01 ) (no whirl at exit). Using momen- where H00 ; H0 , H are Euler, impeller and real heads, respectively. It
tum theorem and turbine inlet and outlet velocity triangles, Euler can be assumed friction losses in impeller and volute are the same,
head in turbine mode is [2] besides, the shock losses in impeller are approximately close to the
u2 cu2 u3 cu3 diffusion losses in volute [5]. So, total losses in volute and impeller
H00t ¼ ð1Þ are equal: H00 H0 ¼ H0 H.
Impeller and volute efficiencies are computed as follows:
Using velocity triangles Eq. (1) can be changed to
H0 H H
u3 Q 00t m cot av cot b01 u2 ¼ ) ghp ¼ gip gvp
H00t ¼ þ 3 ð2Þ H00 H0 H00
g a2 a1 g
8 H00 H0
Shockless discharge ðQ 00t Þ is obtained as < 1 gip ¼ H00
1 gvp ¼ HHH0 ) ð1 gip Þ ¼ ð1 gvp Þgip
u2 a2 >
: 00
Q 00t ¼ C m a2 ¼ ð3Þ 0
H H ¼H H 0
cot av þ cot b02
To avoid shock losses, the inlet relative velocity angle (b2) should be Then
as much as possible close to the blade inlet angle. 2ghp 1 þ ghp
Flow reaches the impeller after hydraulic losses in volute. These gvp ¼ ; gip ¼ ð7Þ
1 þ ghp 2
losses must be added to Euler head. Since computing of hydraulic
losses is difficult, these losses were estimated using pump mode. In general, contraction losses are less than expansion losses (in
The hydraulic efficiency of a pump at BEP can be computed using same shapes) [5]. Therefore, volute hydraulic losses in reverse mode
its overall efficiency [2]: are less than direct mode (in same conditions). In other words:
ghp gp ð4Þ 1 gvt ¼ kð1 gvp Þ; k<1 ð8Þ
1622 S. Derakhshan, A. Nourbakhsh / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1620–1627
and pump modes are the same. Power losses due to leakage are
a (1-μ)u2 computed as
Plt ¼ c Q lt ðHt gvt Þ ð12Þ
c m2 c2 Volute power losses of turbine mode are
u2 c Pvt ¼ ð1 gvt Þ c Q t Ht ð13Þ
Using Eqs. (12) and (13), kinetic energy losses in turbine impeller
outlet is calculated as
Pet ¼ ð1 eÞ ðc Q t Ht Pvt P lt Þ ð14Þ
In same procedure of volute (Eq. (8)), hydraulic efficiencies of
impeller in turbine and pump modes are
1 git ¼ 0:9ð1 gip Þ ð15Þ
b c2
Pnt ¼ c Q t Ht Pvt Plt Pet Pit Pmt ð17Þ
Turbine maximum efficiency is
c m2
β2 αv Pnt c Q t Ht Pvt Plt Pet Pit Pmt
u2 c u2 gt ¼ ¼ ð18Þ
c Q t Ht c Q t Ht
Using simple assumptions, the BEP of PAT was achieved.
3. Numerical simulation
Averaged Navier–Stokes equations in rotating frames of reference as turbine, a control system is needed to regulate the frequency.
coupled with various turbulence models and near-wall treatment The classical governor used for standard turbines are expensive
for low-Reynolds modeling. Without any restriction, the standard and not always recommended for small hydropower plants. Since
high Reynolds k–e turbulence model can be chosen with extended these types of plants are more used in remote areas, an electronic
wall functions [16–18]. The discrete schemes are physically based load controller with ballast loads was built and used for keeping
second order [18]. For fast convergence, mass flow rate, velocity the frequency of generator in these tests. A conventional synchro-
direction, turbulence kinetic energy k and turbulent dissipation e nous generator was installed to produce electricity. To measure the
were imposed at inlet boundary while at outlet boundary condi- turbine shaft torque, generator is changed to suspense state and
tion, static pressure was prescribed. Finally, periodic boundary using a scaled arm and several weights, turbine shaft torque can
condition was applied between two blades. be measured. The discharge was measured by the discharge law
To check if the grid used in the whole pump model is too coarse, and using various orifice plates for each test. Pressures were mea-
simulations were made with one impeller channel and two differ- sured by some barometers ranging from 0 to 5 bar. An industrial
ent grids. The first grid had the same grid coarseness with 70,000 low specific speed centrifugal pump with specific speed 23.5 (m,
cells for one impeller channel and the second one consisted of m3/s) was selected for testing as turbine. This pump has the max-
about 200,000 cells. The simulation results showed less than 1% imum input turbine shaft power, the maximum head and the max-
difference in calculated efficiencies and heads. imum discharge of 20 kW, 25 m and 120 l/s, respectively. For the
PAT testing, feed pump, several pipes, an orifice, a generator and
4. Experimental setup ballast loads were selected and installed in the test rig. In the
PAT applications, it should be considered: that if a generator is cou-
A complete laboratory model of mini hydropower plant was in- pled directly, a nominal speed corresponding to one of synchro-
stalled in University of Tehran [9] as shown in Fig. 3. The discharge nous speeds (e.g. 750, 1000, 1500 or 3000 rpm) should be
and head for pump working as turbine were generated in the chosen. For induction generators and also induction motors, slip
experimental setup by each tested pump. When a pump is working must be taken into account (the tested pump rotates with
10 100
8 Exp 80
6 60
η (%)
4 40
2 20
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Fig. 4. Measured and numerical head number and efficiency curves of pump mode.
1624 S. Derakhshan, A. Nourbakhsh / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1620–1627
1450 rpm in pump mode). Practically, synchronous generators are with experimental data, leakage value estimated using Thorne
usually used. The PAT was tested in Nt = 1500 rpm. method [14] was reduced from CFD discharges in pump mode. Also
After measuring all parameters, PAT head, discharge, output mechanical and disc friction losses evaluated using Stepanoff
power and efficiency were obtained. A first-order uncertainty anal- method [2] were added to the pump input power obtained by
ysis is performed using constant odds combination method, based CFD. The results resemble the experimental data as Figs. 4 and 5.
on a 95% confidence level as described by Moffat [19]. The uncer- Table 2 shows the BEP of the pump predicted by CFD and experi-
tainty of head, flow rate, power and efficiency are, ±5.5%, ±3.4%, ment. CFD predicted 4.1%, 0.3% and 4.2% and 1.3% higher discharge
±5.1% and ±5.5%, respectively. number, head number, power number and efficiency than experi-
mental data at BEP, respectively.
5. Results CFD results for turbine mode were not in good coincidence with
experimental data. In turbine mode, the measured discharge is
Table 1 shows BEP of the pump predicted by theory and more than real discharge passing from impeller. Using Eq. (11), tur-
experiment. bine leakage value was added to CFD discharges of turbine mode.
Here, w, u, p are defined as Mechanical and disc friction losses in reverse mode are close to di-
rect mode in same rotational speeds [5]. These losses were reduced
gH Q P
w¼ ; /¼ ; p¼ ð19Þ from turbine output power computed by CFD. Figs. 6 and 7 show
n2 D2 nD3 qn3 D5 results for PAT.
Theoretical method predicted 1.1%, 4.7%, 5.25% and 2.1% lower dis- Table 3 compares the values of BEPCFD and BEPExp of turbine
charge number, head number, power number and efficiency than mode. The deviations of CFD results from experimental data at
experimental data at BEP, respectively. The head and power pre- BEP are 1.1%, 22.9%, 16.4% and +5.5% for discharge number,
dicted by this method are lower than experimental data due to head number, power number and efficiency, respectively. These
the volute and the impeller losses evaluation. deviations maybe in respect to the loss mechanisms in various
The characteristic curves of head, discharge, power and effi- zones of the PAT control volume and rotational momentum theory
ciency in pump and turbine modes achieved by experimental and across the impeller.
CFD methods were shown in Figs. 4–7. CFD could not simulate Deviations of the CFD results for the PAT also suggest a lower
leakage, disc friction and mechanical losses since numerical model determination of the net rotational momentum compared to mis-
did not include flow field in the space between impeller hub/ calculation of hydraulic losses. However, the miscalculation of
shroud and casing nor the sealing gap. To compare CFD results losses cannot be ruled out. CFD results of pump mode resemble
experimental data. In turbine mode, numerical results and experi-
mental data are not in good coincidence. These deviations are con-
Table 1 firmed by other published numerical results [12]. Difference
PAT dimensionless BEP predicted by theoretical method and experiment between real geometry and CFD model is only in interaction be-
Theoretical Experimental. Theoretical error (%) tween volute and impeller according to Fig. 8, since the model does
/ 0.089 0.09 1.1
not include flow zone in the space between impeller hub/shroud
w 9.15 9.6 4.7 and casing. There are some miscalculation losses by CFD where
p 0.578 0.61 5.25 head and output power show lower rotational momentum for all
g 0.71 0.725 2.1 regions of discharges. Maybe there are two phenomena in Fig. 8,
1 100
0.8 Exp 80
0.6 60
η (%)
0.4 40
0.2 20
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Fig. 5. Measured and numerical power number and efficiency curves of pump mode.
S. Derakhshan, A. Nourbakhsh / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1620–1627 1625
30 100
24 80
22 Exp
20 CFD
18 60
η (%)
12 40
6 20
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Fig. 6. Measured and numerical head number and efficiency curves of turbine mode.
2.4 100
2.2 π
2 η
1.8 Exp
1.6 CFD
1.4 60
η (%)
1 40
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Fig. 7. Measured and numerical power number and efficiency curves of turbine mode.
Table 2 Table 3
Pump dimensionless BEP predicted by CFD and experiment PAT dimensionless BEP predicted by CFD and experiment
CFD Experimental CFD error (%) CFD Experimental CFD error (%)
/ 0.067 0.064 +4.1 / 0.089 0.09 1.1
w 5.66 5.64 +0.3 w 7.4 9.6 22.9
p 0.49 0.47 +4.2 p 0.51 0.61 16.4
g 0.78 0.77 +1.3 g 0.765 0.725 +5.5
6. Conclusions
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PATs dimensionless BEP predicted by various methods
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