PanipuanHS LeadershipTraining2021
PanipuanHS LeadershipTraining2021
PanipuanHS LeadershipTraining2021
Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
San Fernando North District
City of San Fernando (P)
S.Y. 2021-2022
[email protected]
I. Title:
III. Description:
A school-wide virtual training program for young leaders in Panipuan High School. To broaden and
deepen their knowledge and skills in campus leadership and parliamentary procedures to equip them
as effective student leaders in this new normal.
Leadership is an integral part of education. Its significance traverses every part of the
national development that it is necessary to develop leadership values and skill to our learners.
The Department of Education (DepEd) acknowledges the important role that leadership
plays in the Philippine Educational System. As such, the Supreme Student Government for
secondary level has been established together with the SSG Officers and even Classroom
Officers, which is a miniature of the Philippine Government. It is here the future leaders are
trained and democracy is exercised.
However, one main problem being encountered by elected officers is the lack of experience
being in such position and as such, it results to lack confidence by the young leaders in
Panipuan High School leading to inefficient and ineffective leaders. Moreover, the elected
officers lack the communication skills and knowledge in parliamentary procedures which are all
essential in running the miniature government system for students. Thus, there is a need to
provide adequate training for the learners to better equip them as student leaders that possess
not only the trust invested upon them by the prudential, but the knowledge and skills needed
by a good and efficient leader.
In line with this, Panipuan High School will be conducting a Virtual Leadership Training for
SSG Officers, selected Teachers and Homeroom Officers with the end goal of empowering our
students as efficient and effective leaders of the student government and homeroom which, for
a long-term goal, will enable them to become responsible and competent leaders of the country
in the future.
B. Objectives
In line with this, the school will conduct a one-day Virtual Leadership Training for SSG,
selected Teachers and Homeroom Officers. After a series of lectures and workshops for one
day, the participants are expected to do the following:
1. Gain wider perspective and deeper understanding on the nature of leadership and its
core values.
2. Develop necessary communication and leadership skills; and
3. Acquire thorough knowledge or parliamentary procedure and other undertakings.
A. Expected Participants
This training workshop will be attended by the SSG adviser, SSG officers, selected
Club Teachers and Homeroom Presidents of Panipuan High School who are expected have
active leadership roles in Various students’ activities.
B. Resource Speakers
To meet the goals of this training-workshop, the school tapped expert in the field of
leadership and parliamentary procedures as its resource speaker.
To ensure a smooth and organized flow of the training, different working committees were
created. The following are to facilitate in the duration of the seminar-workshop:
Nikko Masbang
8:17 – 8:20 AM Introduction of Resource Speaker 1
SSG President
Ms. Daphne Rashid – Tadeo
Creating Safe and Inclusive
8:21 – 10:00 AM Asst. Professor – Assumption
Environment for Young Leaders
Charlene Mae Torres
10:01 – 10:03 AM Introduction of Resource Speaker 2
SSG Secretary
Prepared By:
Approved By:
Principal III