Assessment 4 Comparative Analysis (Done)
Assessment 4 Comparative Analysis (Done)
Assessment 4 Comparative Analysis (Done)
Author’s He was born on July 25, 1872 in Teodoro A. Agoncillo was born
Background Imus, Cavite. He is the son of in Lemery, Batangas, on
Mariano Alvarez, a Filipino November 9, 1912. He is a
general. He was a member of noted Filipino historian, poet,
the Katipunan secret society short story writer, editor, and
and later became General of the professor. He earned his
military under the Magdiwang Bachelor in Philosophy degree
side. He was called Kidlat ng in 1934 and Master of Arts in
Apoy (Lightning of Fire) because 1939 at the University of the
of his bravery and fearlessness Philippines. He was conferred
in the battle of Dalhican, Cavite. the degree of Doctor of Letters,
He was popularly acclaimed the “Honoris Causa,” by the Central
"Hero of the Battle of Philippines University in 1969
Dalahican" because of his Before his career as an
defense against the Spanish historian, he first worked as a
enemy. After the revolution, he technical assistant in the
went to the Colegio de San Juan Institute of National Language,
de Letran where he obtained a and started writing Tagalog
Bachelor of Arts, and then took poems and short stories until
up law at the Liceo de Manila. 1940s. Agoncillo’s career as a
Upon establishment of the historian started only in 1941
American civil government in when he published his historical
the Philippines, he is one of the work. Some of his distinguished
founders of the Nacionalista books are History of the Filipino
arty wherein he later became People, The Revolt of the
president. He died October 30, Masses: The Story of Bonifacio
1930, at age 58 in San Pablo and the Katipunan, Malolos:
City. The Crisis of the Republic, and
The Fateful Years: Japan’s
Adventure in the Philippines.
Because of his outstanding
works as a historian, he was
conferred as a National Scientist
in 1985. He died on January 14,
Objective of the The goal of Santiago Alvarez Despite the fact that Santiago
Author was to write a book for young Alvarez had already supplied a
people that would tell a new source of historical research on
story about the revolution and the revolution, Teodoro
might be used as a historical Agoncillo sought to include
account in the future. what transpired before and
after the Tejeros Convention to
connect the present with the
Date written or He wrote the account when he The Seeds of Discontent was
published was 50 years old, in 1927. It was written in 1947 as the winning
serialized in 36 installments in submission in a nationwide
the Tagalog weekly Sampaguita Bonifacio biography
from July 24, 1927 to April 15, competition conducted in 1948.
1928. The memoirs were based This was published in 1956 by
on his Revolutionary War the University of the
notebooks and diaries provided Philippines' College of Liberal
to him by the Katipunan's initial Arts.
founders. The recollections
begin on March 14, 1896, when
he accompanied Emilio
Aguinaldo and Raymond Mata
to Manila for their Katipunan
initiation, and end with
Aguinaldo's and his comrades'
voluntary exile to Hong Kong.
Mention of *MARCH 25, 1897 – The *DECEMBER 1896 – Bonifacio
dates Assembly at Tejeros was accepted the invitation to visit
eventually convened, with the Cavite, together with his wife
two councils, Magdiwang and and two brothers, Ciriaco and
Magdalo, debating their own Procopio.
issues regarding the type of
government they had before *JANUARY 1897 - San Francisco
proceeding with the election of de Malabon's fiesta was
new officials for the Republic of interrupted by a succession of
the Philippines. rifle shots, which were
subsequently determined to be
* MARCH 27, 1897 – A meeting fired by the men of Captain
was called at the Tanza parish Mariano San Gabriel, a
home, and the Supremo's Magdiwang, resulting in a
decision to annul the election dispute between him and
was rejected. General Alvarez.
two articles. Which do you think provides a more accurate and detailed information on
the story? State and justify your claim. Use an extra sheet of paper if needed.
• Alvarez's account was insufficiently detailed to fully comprehend what occurred both before
and after the incident. It simply gave a cursory explanation of the scenario, as opposed to
the second reading, which goes into considerably greater detail about the events. Alvarez's
story concentrates on the election that took place and how the officers fought Bonifacio's
decision to declare the election null and void. He believes Bonifacio's death when he was
writing the letter to his uncle in law was unjust. Mr. Agoncillo's report was highly detailed,
and he explained how the election was declared invalid and then discarded. The important
events in Agoncillo's report focused on the conflicts they faced and the election's
A heroic act is an extraordinary feat done during extraordinary times that inspired others. What
qualities should we develop as Filipinos in order to get rid of animosities and rivalries descriptive of
• I believed that the qualities Filipinos should have is being altruistic or not being greedy,
having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power. If
we become unselfish, concern for other people, doing things simply out of a desire to help,
not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. It involves acting
out of concern for the well-being of other people. Especially on person who is in power