Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan on the first voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522. In his account of the journey, he documented encounters with indigenous peoples in the Philippines, including details about their socio-cultural traditions and political and economic systems. He observed that the Filipinos engaged in bartering local resources and goods due to the lack of a currency system. Pigafetta's documentation provided valuable historical and anthropological insights into 16th century Philippine society.
Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan on the first voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522. In his account of the journey, he documented encounters with indigenous peoples in the Philippines, including details about their socio-cultural traditions and political and economic systems. He observed that the Filipinos engaged in bartering local resources and goods due to the lack of a currency system. Pigafetta's documentation provided valuable historical and anthropological insights into 16th century Philippine society.
Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan on the first voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522. In his account of the journey, he documented encounters with indigenous peoples in the Philippines, including details about their socio-cultural traditions and political and economic systems. He observed that the Filipinos engaged in bartering local resources and goods due to the lack of a currency system. Pigafetta's documentation provided valuable historical and anthropological insights into 16th century Philippine society.
Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan on the first voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522. In his account of the journey, he documented encounters with indigenous peoples in the Philippines, including details about their socio-cultural traditions and political and economic systems. He observed that the Filipinos engaged in bartering local resources and goods due to the lack of a currency system. Pigafetta's documentation provided valuable historical and anthropological insights into 16th century Philippine society.
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Andrea Mikaela R.
Demata BSN 1-E
September 11, 2020 Content and Contextual Analysis: First Voyage Around the World
First Voyage Around the World
1. Author's background Born sometime in 1490 in Vicenza,
(Antonio Pigafetta (1490 – c.1534) Venice, Italy ) Eldest son of Giovanni Pigafetta to second wife Angela Zoga Studied astronomy, geography and cartography Worked in the ships owned by the Knights of Rhodes. Well educated young man, possessing an avid curiosity of the world around him. Joined the delegation of Monsignor Francesco Chieregati when he was assigned as Papal Nuncio to Spain in 1519. Due to this, he became acquainted with the lucrative spice trade and heard the news of the voyage to be undertaken by Ferdinand Magellan. Survived the challenges and catastrophes that the expedition encountered along the way and he even got wounded in the Battle of Mactan. Returned to Spain on September 6, 1522 aboard the Victoria with Juan Sebastian Elcano and more than a dozen more survivors. He presented himself to Charles V along with a. handwritten account of their journey. Unfortunately, his account was not published during his lifetime because he was not able to find a financer. 2. Historical background of the Spices became the most expensive and in document demand commodity among Europeans because of their numerous uses. Originally, they used them to preserve foods and keep them from spoiling. Later, they found out that spices have medicinal uses and may also be used for flavoring, coloring and as food additives. Since it was a very lucrative commodity, many merchants aspired to monopolize its supply and distribution in the European markets. The crusades led to the discovery of products not available in europe (euro-centric POV). Ex. Porcelain, silk, spices, incense, ―oriental‖ products in general). he rivalry between Spain and Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula was exacerbated by trade as both were interested in exploring and developing trade. Both were located in ideal places to start exploring Africa and trying to find a way to the Spice Islands in Asia. The competition between Spain and Portugal became heated enough that the two countries had to get the pope to divide up the New World into parts that would be Spanish and parts that would be Portuguese. Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) The Royal Crown of Spain supported the plan of Ferdinand Magellan to go to the east by sailing westward, a proposal that was not supported by Portugal. Along the way the expedition suffered natural and man-made challenges and out of the five ships that left Spain only three reached the Philippines. Magellan‘s voyage was instrumental in introducing Christianity in the Philippines but it also cost his life after the Spaniards lost in the Battle of Mactan. With only two ships, the survivors of Magellan were able to reach the Spice Island and on September 7, 1522, Juan Sebastian Elcano and 17 more mighty survivors arrived in Spain aboard the ship Victoria.
A1. Pigafetta classified the people he
3. Content Analysis: Understanding encountered in the Philippines: the historical information. Women go naked with just only a A. Identify and describe the customs piece of strip covering their intimate area. and traditions mentioned in the Most are bearded, long hair, and document that have: have red and black teeth. 1. Socio-cultural significance In terms of gender roles, women don’t
2. Political significance work in fields. Instead, they’re more
focused into household chores, 3. Economic significance weaving mats and baskets and other stuff that relates to their home. Pigafetta showed appreciation how they can produce products like oil, vingar and milk out of their natural resources. He acknowledged our natives for being resourceful and creative when it comes to their work. They encountered different tribes with different cultures and practices which are increasingly being civilized each time the Spaniards see another tribe. Their practice also mandated that their king should be presented elegantly with all of the finest gold including their dishes and clothing that was only made available for him. As a sign of respect, and as an act of politeness, the king kissed their hands with great joy before they left. A2. Our native’s hierarchy were classified by their leader called as “datu” who had plenty of tattoos and also wore gold. During the time of Magellan, it was ruled by a monarchical government wherein their leader was being called as “captain general” or “king”. Another political tie made by the Spaniards and the king was their mission to demolish the ship of the king’s opponents and the Sandugo. Politics were also recognized through the offerings they gave to each other. Wherein, these offerings was a way of reconciliation of relationships for different countries which is a sign of early political agenda. Religion in the form of cross was also observed and was made as a symbol for their friendship. A3. At that time, the natives did not have any currency to offer, so they settled to trade their resources. The country is rich in terms of its resources. The people brought an ample amount of porringer full of rice and also bananas to trade or “barter” them for a knife which costs approximately 3 Calzini. No wonder why many neighboring countries have traded with us even before the Spaniards navigated the Philippines. The barter that happened in Zamal where they requested food to be sent before them and offered them mirrors, combs, bells, red caps, ivory and other stuff. They even put up a jar of palm wine which they call “urraca”. It was evident in every part of Pigafetta’s account that the Philippines has abundant resources to offer like gold, armlets, amd earrings, oil and milk. Wherein natural resources are in the form of cats, swine, fowls, goats, rice, ginger, coconuts, figs [i.e., bananas], oranges, lemons, millet, panicum, sorgo, wax, and a quantity of gold. A. DATES B. Identify and describe the March 16, 1521 (dawn of Saturday) – mentioned: the Spanish colonizers arrived at a. Dates Zamal
b. Places March 17, 1521 – their captain
desired to land at Humunu c. Personalities (Homonhon) and which he named, Acquada da li buoni Segnialli (―the Watering-place of Good Signs) and later the entire group of island as Archepalago of St. Lazaro. March 18, 1521 – they met and exchanged goods with our ancestors from the island of Zuluan March 25, 1521 – they weight anchored and changed course toward west southwest. March 28, 1521, they anchored near the island of Mazaua (Limasawa) and they met the king who came in balanghai. March 29, 1521 (Holy Friday) – they finally met the king who entered their ship March 31, 1521 (Easter Sunday) – they went ashore to say mass and set up cross on the summit of the mountain April 7, 1521 (Sunday) – they entered the port of Zubu (Cebu) Monday – their notary together with their interpreter went ashore to met with the king of Zubu Tuesday – the king of Mazaua and later the prince of Zubu went aboard their ship Wednesday – they consecrated the place and buried their two dead crews Friday – they showed our ancestors with different merchandise April 14, 1521 (Sunday) – they baptized our ancestors from Zubu and few from neighboring islands April 26, 1521 (Friday) – Raia Zula came to seek help to fight the other chief of Matan, Cilapulapu April 27, 1521 (Saturday) – the Spaniards wave ashore in the island of Mactan and fighting commenced between them and men of Raia Cilapulapu and led to the death of Magallanes. May 1, 1521 (Wednesday) – 21 Spaniards were massacred by the Zubuanos thus forcing the remaining Spaniards to depart Zubu immediatel. B. PLACES In the book, the first arrival of the Navigators in the Philippines was in Zamal, but the other presented that it was in Humunu, the small desert island in which they called the “The watering place of good signs” because of the first traces of gold were found there near at Samar. The Mazzava in the book was translated into Limasaua which is used only as a place of recreation by the two kings, who go there visit one another and hunt. The Molucca was Molucho in the article. They differ in spelling but garnering the same meaning, the place were Magellan looking for. The book didn’t mentioned regarding fate of the ships of the navigators along their circumnavigation while the article I’ve had read stated that the Conception was burned when the three ships vessels proceed to Bohol together with Victoria and Trinidad. Moreover, they experienced the pushing on amid stormy weather in the island of Sarangani, while on the other hand, according to Lord Stanley’s translation about night fall whilst coasting the island of Birabam Batolac where they met the very great storm that made themselves bestowed in prayer. The Zzubu, place where there are many villages and houses built on trees was written Cébu in James Robertson’s translation. Thus, mainly, there are only few confusing places of arrivals and happenings of the voyagers vary that springs from the two sources of information. C. PERSONALITIES Ferdinand Magellan (Portugese – Fernao de Magalhaes) – captain- general (leader) of the expedition. Antonio Pigafetta (Italian) – official chronicler of the expedition. Raia Colambu (Raja Kulambu) – king of Mazaua (Limasawa) Raia Siaui (Raja Siagu) – king of Butuan Raia Humabon – king of Zubu (Cebu) Raia Cilapulapu and Raia Zula - chiefs (kings) of Matan (Mactan) His work was acknowledged as the 4. Contextual Analysis: world’s first documentation of What are the factors that could have circumnavigation. It was Pigafetta’s venture influenced Antonio Pigafetta in the to inscribe the details of their expedition. His writing of the document? Explain. voyage was considered as the greatest single achievement of possessing bravery in sailing the perilous sea to discover the new world and the island of spice, the Molucca. The description and leagues of each places, appearances, attributes and personalities of the people, the foods, events, vocabularies, and different happenings were detailed by the Italian Chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta on his hand written journal in every occurred day by day of their voyage and circumnavigation dynamically from east to west along their western route to the Molucca Island. There were five ships sailed across the venturesome and parlous ocean such as Trinidad (110 tons, 55 crew), Conception (90 tons, 45 crew) , Santiago (75 tons, 32 crew), and San Antonio (120 tons, 60 crew) and Victoria (85 tons, 42 Crew) a Spanish carrack and the first ship to successfully circumnavigate the world who were composed of only 18 men that were able to return alive, including Antonio Pigafetta. This navigation of the Spaniards in the Philippines simply implies the cultures and victuals of the Filipino people during this era and served as proof of the Philosophy of Pythagoras, an early Greek philosopher alluded to a spherical Earth. 5. What is the relevance / contribution The Pigafetta document gave a detailed of the document in Philippine history? chronicle of the significant events of the exploration of Ferdinand Magellan. It provided a description, location and distances of the places visited thereby enhancing the knowledge of cartography at that time. The chronicle contributed immensely to European historiography because it preserved and popularized the achievements of the Magellan-Elcano expedition. There was an evidence of agricultural activities based on their product. They engaged in trade with neighboring countries such as China. As described, Filipinos have their unique musical instruments; They have arts as seen in their bodies being tattooed (in some villages); Performed rituals during dining and some gatherings; Worship of anitos (wooden idols) and ritual for healing of ill persons. The documents narrated the conversion of early Filipinos into Christianity. These documents are being used in today’s generation as source of historical information every time they discuss the beginning of Christianity in the Philippines. Their accounts about the first mass in the Philippines, the conversion of Rajah Humabon and his wife and the story of the image of the Sto. Nino were mostly taken from Pigafetta‘s document. The main argument of the author is mainly the three G’s of the Spanish expedition; Glory, Gold, and God. The voyage itself was also his main point with their experiences 6. What are the author's main during their journey as they encounter arguments? different lands to gather spices across the world and that also includes the culture and the society of the Philippines as this document was able to record their first interaction with our ancestors. 7. Your own overall observation and Antonio Pigafetta was one of the survivors insights on the primary source who kept a journal that became the main source about the first encounter of the Spaniards and the Filipinos. This account is widely circulated in the Philippines. Pigafetta's travelogue contributed immensely to the enrichment of Philippine historiography. His writing described vividly the physical appearance, social life, religious beliefs, and cultural practices of the people they encountered in the islands of Samar, Leyte and Cebu. His account also contains information about the economic activities of the local folks and the goods they offered for trade. Lastly, Pigatfetta’s served as an eyewitness account of the Battle of Mactan which resulted to the death of Magellan and him getting wounded. To conclude, the account shows how the Spaniards were very interested of the Philippines since they also respect and value our culture and traditions, how they were able to build a good relationship despite of how culture-shocked they were when they first arrive in the Philippines.