Riph Prelim Reviewer
Riph Prelim Reviewer
Riph Prelim Reviewer
Official Reports
➢ an object from the past or testimony
➢ interpret and analyze primary sources.
concerning the past which historian’s
use to create their own depiction of the
➢ they are one or more steps removed
from the event. Examples are printed
Written Sources: are published materials (books,
journals etc.) and manuscript(handwritten and
❖ Books with endnotes and footnotes
unprinted like archival materials and memoirs)
❖ Biographies
❖ Reprint of artwork
Non written Sources: Oral history, artifacts,
❖ A journal/magazine article which
fossils, etc.
interprets or reviews previous findings
Primary Sources
Readings in Philippine History
Historical Method
➢ the process of critically examining and
analyzing the records and survivals of
the past.
❖ History is a reconstruction
Readings in Philippine History
➢ A Katipunan member
➢ A Filipino physician and a major figure ➢ They walked until they reached
during the Philippine Revolution Lavezares Street, Binondo. They met
with the Supremo Andres Bonifacio, his
➢ Took on the responsibility of wife Gregoria De Jesus, Jose Dizon, and
establishing factions of the secret Dr. Valenzuela himself.
society in different parts of Morong or
Rizal Province and Bulacan.
➢ Original member of Katipunan
➢ They establish a provincial council of
November 8, 1912
Teodoro A. Agoncillo
➢ a renowned Filipino historian and
national scientist, was born in Lemery,
➢ The large main cave where the only Chamber A - 7 meters wide and nine meters
Pleistocene human fossils in the length, has a large round mouth. It is light and
Philippines were found. dry throughout.
➢ During the initial excavation, June and ➢ Seventy-eight jars, jar covers, and
July 1962, The scattered fossil bones of smaller earthenware vessels were found
at least 3 individuals were excavated, in the surface and in the subsurface
including a large fragment of a frontal levels of this chamber. The range of
bone with the brows and portions of the forma and designs is remarkable and to
nasal bone. the writer at least, presents a clear
example of a funerary pottery: that is,
➢ The fossil bones are those of homo vessels which for the most part were
sapiens (Tabon Man) potted specifically for burial and ritual
➢ The burial jar with a cover featuring a
ship-of-the-dead (color Frontispiece and
➢ When first discovered, this cave Fig, 34) is perhaps unrivalled in
provided a breathtaking site with large Southeast Asia: the work of an artist and
fragments of at least 200 jars, jar covers, master potter
and smaller vessel scattered on the
surface and in the holes of tabon birds, Chamber B - is a tunnel like having a send
particularly along the left wall and sub - opening on the northeast side of the cliff. This
surface levels of Tabon Cave also sloping chamber averages about two and
yielded jade and stone beads, bracelets, one-half meters in width and ten meters in
earrings, a few glass beads, and bronze, length.
but no iron.
➢ This chamber yielded a developed metal
Manunggul Cave age assemblage of artifacts. And aC-14
➢ The setting of this burial cave is determination consistent with the past
spectacular, being tucked into the face of estimation for the date of the first
a sheer cliff overlooking the South appearance of iron in the Philippines -
China Sea on the western side of Lipuun 190 B.C. the open ledge in front of
Point. Manunggul Cave.
Readings in Philippine History
The Prehispanic Source Materials for the Datu Puti - leader of the expedition and a
Study of Philippine History relative of Makatunaw and his wife Pinangpang,
By William Henry Scott who return to Borneo.
➢ Published by the Kadapig sang Banwa CHAPTER 4: concludes the tale of ten Datus,
at the El Tiempo Press, Iloilo in 1907 telling their political arrangements and their
circumnavigation of the Island
➢ It is written in mixed Hiligaynon and
Kin-iraya CHAPTER 5: another anthropological sort of
treatise describing language, commerce, clothes
➢ The word maragtas is used by the , customs, marriages, funerals, mourning habits,
author as the equivalent of the Spanish cockfighting, timekeeping techniques and
historia and glossed in the 1957 edition calendars, and personal characteristics.
with Visayan (account), through
commentators have regularly sought CHAPTER 6: gives the list of Castilian officials
some Sanskrit origin of the word. between 1637 and 1808 and the epilogue
contains a few 18th century dates from Miag-ao.
The Maragtas consists of 6 Chapters:
➢ He was one of the 18 men who Out of the 5 ships only 3 ships reached the
returned to Spain in 1522, out of the Philippines. After the Battle of Mactan, their
approximately 240 men who set out man is enough to man two ships: Trinidad and
three years earlier. Victoria. Until they returned to Spain, only one
ship survived, which was Victoria, one of the
survivors was Antonio Pigafetta, who kept a
➢ He joined the expedition to the Spice journal about their expedition.
Islands led by explorer Ferdinand
Magellan under the flag of King Charles
I of Spain and, after Magellan's death in MARCH 16, 1521 - SATURDAY
the Philippines, the subsequent voyage
around the world. ➢ Arrived at daybreak in sight of a high
island, three hundred ;leagues distant
from the before-mentioned Thieves’
➢ During the expedition, he served as Island. This isle name is Zamal.
Magellan's assistant and kept an
accurate journal which later assisted ➢ Arrival in Zamal (now Samar)
him in translating the Cebuano
language. It is the first recorded
document concerning the language. MARCH 18, 1521 - MONDAY
MARCH 22, 1521 - FRIDAY understood his talk, and came near to
the side of the ship, but they withdrew
immediately, and would not enter the
➢ the above-mentioned people, who had ship from fear of us.
promised us to return, came about
midday, with two boats laden with the Long boats - “Balanghai”
said fruit cochi, sweet oranges, a vessel
of palm wine, and a cock, to give us to
understand that they had poultry in their
MARCH 31, 1521
country, so that we bought all that they
brought. The lord of these people was
old, and had his face painted, and had ➢ The first Holy Mass in the country
gold rings suspended to his ears, which (Easter Sunday) was held on March
they name Schione, and the others had 31, 1521 in Limasawa Island.
many bracelets and rings of gold on
their arms, with a wrapper of linen ➢ Attended by local islanders, Spanish
round their head.
Voyagers, the two Rajas, and
MARCH 25, 1521 - MONDAY
APRIL 7, 1521
➢ feast of our Lady, in the afternoon, and
being ready to depart from this place, I
went to the side of our ship to fish, and ➢ Entered Zubu Port
putting my feet on a spar to go down to
the store room, my feet slipped, because ➢ Pigafetta described the inhabitants
it had rained, and I fell into the sea houses that were made of logs
without any one seeing me, and being
near drowning by luck I found at my left ➢ Fired mortars as a "sign of peace and
hand the sheet of the large sail which friendship"
was in the sea, I caught hold of it and
began to cry out till they came to help
and pick me up with the boat. I was
➢ Tension between the king of Zubu
assisted not by my merits, but by the and the voyagers and Magellan
mercy and grace of the fountain of pity. threatened them to a rage war.
➢ having seen the night before fire upon ➢ Held mass with Raja Humabon and
an island, at the morning we came to baptized 800 souls
anchor at this island; where we saw a
small boat which they call Boloto, with ➢ Pigafetta showed the image of Child
eight men inside, which approached the Jesus and a cross to the queen and
ship of the captain-general. Then a slave
asked to keep in place of her idols
of the captain's, who was from Sumatra,
otherwise named Traprobana, spoke
from afar to these people, who
Readings in Philippine History
BAYOGUIN - signified a "cotquean". The There were also ghosts, which they called
nature inclined toward that of a woman. vibit; and phantoms, which they called
Tigbalaang. They had another
Their manner of burying the dead was as deception—namely, that if any woman died in
follows: childbirth, she and the child suffered
punishment; and that, at night, she could be
➢ The deceased was buried beside his heard lamenting. This was called patianac.
house; and, if he were a chief, he was
placed beneath a little house or porch
which they constructed for this purpose.
➢ Was one of the highest ranking officers ➢ Seasoned Generals - candido Trias
during the Philippine Revolution. Tirona and Pio del Pilar and Vito
➢ Joining the KKK or Katipunan at the
age of 19. ➢ Tagaytay, Iruhin, and talisay finalized
for the attack
➢ Served as the advisor on fiscal matters
and secretary to Andres Bonifacio. ➢ Aguinaldo sent a message to go home
because a large number of Spanish
➢ He edited the revolutionary newspaper soldiers had landed at Polvorin,
of the Katipunan called Kalayaan under Binakayan
the pseudonym ‘Dimasilaw’ and used
the monicker ‘Pingkian’ in the secret ➢ 4:00 am started for homeward and
society. noticed that the soldiers were almost
running to reach destination "refrain
➢ Brain of the Katipunan. from running and conserve your energy"
He said
The Magdiwang Council was very lucky for it were Ministers Diego Mojica and
figured in only one battle from the time war Severino de las Alas. This time he won
was declared until April, 1897. This was the and everybody began congratulating
victory at Dalahikan, Noveleta, where many
him. But General Daniel Tirona
Spaniards were killed and 100 guns captured.
Credit for this victory goes to Generals Pascual objected to his election on the ground
Alvarez, Mariano Riego de Dios, Santiago that Bonifacio was not a lawyer and
Alavarez, and Aguedo Montoya Captain proposed that the position be given
Francisco Montoya and others. instead to Jose del Rosario, a lawyer
from Tanza.
➢ For the position of Captain General, ➢ But what a bitter disappointment and
Captain General Santiago Alvarez and sorrow, we learned that our troops
General Artemio Ricarte were bound for Pasong Santol were all
nominated. General Ricarte won. intercepted by Gen. Ricarte, upon orders
of the supremo.
➢ For Secretary of War, Andres Bonifacio
was nominated for the third time, but ➢ They were also instructed to kidnap me
General Emiliano Riego de Dios beat on my way to Imus
➢ what I learned about this plot I said,
➢ For Secretary of Interior, Bonifacio "our Revolution is bound to fail because
was again nominated. His opponents
Readings in Philippine History
➢ I was plunged into deep thinking about
the fate of our Revolution. ENEMY ATTACK ON NAIC
➢ I had to go over the event with regret ➢ A PEACEFUL month had barely past
and remorse when suddenly Timalan, a barrio of
Naic, was attacked by thousand
cazadores belongin to Infantry
➢ added to this depressing state of affairs Battalion 14 under the leadership of
was the news that Supremo had ordered General Don Fernando Primo de
my capture on my way home to Pasong Rivera, successor of Captain General
Santol Camilo de Polaviej.
Apolinario Mabini
➢ Filipino revolutionary leader,
educator, lawyer and statesman who
served first as a legal and
constitutional adviser to the
Revolutionary Government, and then as
the first Prime Minister of the
Philippines upon the establishment of
the First Philippine Republic.