New HTP Neuro Acute Pain
New HTP Neuro Acute Pain
New HTP Neuro Acute Pain
At the end of the 1 1) How pain affects The lecture is estimated at least Time: availability of the The goal of the health teaching is met
hour lecture, the client the body one hour client when the learner was able to
would be able to: Information regarding how comprehend the importance and be
pain is perceived by the The introduction would include Materials needed: Visual able to apply the teachings within their
KNOWLEDGE: human body and the types the basics of how one must cope aids like manila paper, daily lives
1) Explain the and causes of pain. with their pain whether it is handouts containing the
importance of acute or chronic pain and content of the lecture in They will be evaluated through
managing Pain acquired from a number of summary, flash cards, surveys such as interviews and
acute pain with Pain is a dynamic defense causes. questionnaires
pain system. It is a necessary Date: April 6, 2021
management aspect of evolution that We will also discuss measures
strategies such protects the body from by utilizing pharmacological and Manpower: Healthcare
as taking pain damage and risk. non-pharmacological methods provider
medication or on how to improve one’s
other factors. Pain receptors in the body capability of self-care and Online Sources: Website For
2) Verbalize the are linked to two groups of additional information regarding definition and information
understanding nerves that sense threat. One strategies on coping with pain regarding pain management
of stressors form of nerve sends signals with the utilization of techniques
from the rapidly, resulting in intense, and applying nursing
environment unexpected pain. The other interventions to improve the
which can slowly relays messages, client’s health and achieve a
increase the causing a dull, throbbing speedy recovery.
level of pain.
discomfort that
is causing them Pain can range from a dull
3) Explain how ache to a painful stab and
the differences can be moderate to serious.
from types of You may experience
pain affects the discomfort in only one area
body and of the body or it may be
requires widespread.
plan of care Types of pain
from utilizing
techniques Acute pain
such as non- a natural reaction to an
pharmacologic injury It generally begins
al methods to unexpectedly and lasts for a
promote pain brief period.
Chronic pain
SKILLS: continues for a longer period
4) Apply the of time than required for
proper habits healing It usually lasts more
and avoid bad than three months.
practices to
ensure Causes
improved - Injury
wound/injury - Medical Conditions
recovery. - Surgery
5) Apply the
techniques and 2) Key management
strategies on techniques/strategi
how to manage es
pain by means ● Pain relieving
of medicines
pharmacologic ● Physical Therapies
al or non- ● Psychological
pharmacologic Therapies
al methods. ● Mind and Body
● Occupational
6) Exhibit the ● Community Support
necessary Groups
actions when 3) Pain management
applying the without the use of
lecture to their medicines
day to day
lives ● Heat or cold
● Massage
● Acupuncture
● Cognitive behaviour
4) Pain management
with the use of
● Paracetamol
● Aspirin
● Opioids
● Local anesthetics
● Antidepressants
● Anti-epileptic
5) Additional nursing
● Assess client’s
perception of pain
● Ensuring no
stressors are present
that can increase
● Promote rest and
relaxation to
promote relief
● Providing assistance
via supporting
client’s positioning
and comfort level
● Promote non-
measures such as
a. Back rub
b. Breathing exercises
c. Guided imagery
d. Music therapy