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West Visayas State University

Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: * Email Address: [email protected]


Name of Patient: ________________________ Ward/Bed Number: _______ Attending Physician: _______________
Age: __________ Impression/Diagnosis:_________________

Clustered Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Outcome Criteria Nursing Rationale Evaluation
08 / 23 / 19 Ineffective Health Pattern of regulating 1. The client will 1. Provide health 1. Patients who understand 08 / 23 / 19
10:00 a.m. Management r/t and integrating into verbalize an education in an the effectiveness of the 1:00 p.m.
insufficient financial the daily living a aim to follow understandable suggested treatment to
manner by reduce risk or to promote
Verbalized: “Indi ko resources therapeutic regimen the prescribed 1. Goal met. The
telling the their health are more
mainom tanan nga for the treatment of therapeutic benefits of likely to engage in it client
mga gin resita nga illness and its regimen (diet compliance to (Wayne, G., 2018). verbalized:
bulong sa akon kay sequelae that is and drug the prescribed “Testingan ko
wala ko kwarta pang unsatisfactory for therapy) given regimen and Reference: gid to nga
bakal”; Verbalized: meeting specific to him after 3 the possible imnon na sang
“Kung ano lang ang health goals. hours. effects if not therapeutic-regimen- intsakto ang
completed. management/
ara sa lamesa amo akon mga
man lang na ang Reference: Doenges bulong kag
kanon ko”; et al. (2016). Nurse’s magkaon sang
consumption of high Pocket Guide: tama nga mga
fat and cholesterol Diagnoses, Prioritized pagakaon.
food (e.g. pork and Interventions, and Gamay –
dried fish); regular Rationales. gamayon ko
consumption of rice Philadelphia, na lang nga
and pastry products; Pennsylvania: F.A. kaon sang
improper dosage Davis Company. mga bawal
intake of prescribed parehos sang
medications; BP = uga.”
200 / 100 mmHg; 2. The client and 2. Provide 2. It is one way of the 2. Goal met.
CBG = > 120 mg / his family will suggestions for client’s coping mechanism Client
dL; RR = be able to referral to to seek help if needed and verbalized:
social services to let him/her be more
identify and “Mamangkot –
or community motivated and capable to
recognize organizations comply with the treatment mangkot ko to
available for financial prescribed. Community sa munisipyo
resources to assistance and organizations can increase kung pwede
supply their social support the client’s social support nila ako
therapeutic if necessary. regarding his/her health mabuligan
regimen after restoration (Daily RN, sang akon
3 hours. mga bulong”;
Reference: the wife verbalized:
health-maintenance-nursing- “Magkadto
diagnosis-care-plan/ gani ko sa
mahapit gid ko
sa sentro kag
kung may
nahatag man
gid nga bulong
di gani
assistance sa
nga bulong”.

Name of Student: __________________________________

Clinical Instructor: _________________________________

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