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Received: 1 February 2020 Revised: 29 May 2020 Accepted: 8 June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/cta.2833


A three-phase inverter circuit using half-bridge cells and T-

NPC for medium-voltage applications

Abhilash Tirupathi | Kirubakaran Annamalai |

Somasekhar Veeramraju Tirumala

Department of Electrical Engineering,

National Institute of Technology,
Warangal, India Three-phase single DC-source based multilevel inverter topologies play a piv-
otal role in industrial applications due to the reduced number of components
Abhilash Tirupathi, Department of and higher efficiency. This paper emphasizes the inverter for medium-voltage
Electrical Engineering, National Institute of applications that employ a conventional three-phase T-type structure (T-NPC).
Technology, Warangal 506004 (T.S.), India.
The primary circuit of the proposed configuration consists of a T-NPC struc-
Email: [email protected]
ture connected to the half-bridge cells at the top and the bottom sides of each
phase. The secondary circuit consists of DC-link capacitors whose voltage
balancing is attained through a separate voltage balancing circuit (VBC). Using
the proposed configuration, the number of components and independent DC
supplies are reduced compared with the conventional topologies such as a neu-
tral point clamped (NPC) inverter, a flying capacitor (FC) inverter, and a cas-
caded H-bridge (CHB) inverter for the same number of output voltage levels.
Hence, the proposed topology results in the reduction of weight, volume, and
power losses of the inverter. A sine-triangle comparison method is employed
in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform to generate the firing
pulses of the circuit switches. The effectiveness of the proposed topology is ver-
ified with simulation studies and is experimentally validated with a scaled-
down prototype.

efficiency, T-type inverter, two-level cells, voltage balancing circuit


Multilevel inverters (MLIs) consist of several DC voltage sources and power semiconductor devices to synthesize an AC
output voltage waveform, which possesses a low harmonic content. They have become popular in various industrial
drives, flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTs), and renewable applications due to their improved
power quality, reduced electromagnetic interference, voltage stress (dv/dt) across the devices, and filter size.1–4 The MLI
technology started with the advent of three classical configurations: namely, neutral point clamped (NPC), flying capac-
itor (FC), and cascaded H-bridge (CHB). Though these topologies are standardized and can meet various applications,
they all suffer from the drawback of the higher component count to generate more than three-levels.5,6 The difficulty of
DC-link capacitor voltage balancing and the necessity of clamping diodes limit the use of the NPC-MLIs for higher-level
operations. On the other hand, the FC-MLIs require a more significant number of FCs and need higher switching

Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2020;1–22. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cta © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

frequencies to balance the capacitor voltages. The CHB converter overcomes these limitations up to a certain extent,
with its modular structure. However, it demands more independent DC sources for higher voltage levels. Therefore, in
the recent literature,7–15 several new MLI topologies are reported with a reduced component count, novel voltage
balancing methods, and the reduced number of independent DC sources in comparison with the aforesaid conventional
topologies. The topology proposed in Babaei et al7 can produce a seven-level output with reduced component count as
compared with CHB, but it has no common DC-link to operate for three phases. A novel three-section-based cascaded
single-phase nine-level inverter is proposed in Tirupathi et al8 with reduced component count and using a single DC
source. This topology has the limitation of a higher number of conducting switches and demands separate DC sources
to operate for three-phase. To address this problem, a novel three-phase, five-level (5-L) inverter is proposed with the
combination of diode clamped and FC MLIs using a common DC-link with two DC sources of Vdc/2 each.9 Another
3-phase 5-L topology with the limited component count is proposed in Masaoud et al.10 However, the demand for a
higher number of clamping diodes and DC power supplies increases the cost and complexity of these topologies.
Moreover, in most of the MLI topologies, the primary difficulty lies in balancing the DC-link and FC voltages. To
alleviate this issue, a novel pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme is proposed in Lee et al.11 It has not become popular
due to the control complexity. In Sandeep and Udaykumar12 and Yu et al,13 it is demonstrated that the voltage
balancing of the FCs could be achieved using redundant switching combinations. However, this method reduces the
effective utilization of the DC-bus voltage due to the reduced fundamental output component because of the reduction
in the modulation index. To alleviate this problem, the employment of front-end DC-DC converters is proposed for
higher-level MLIs to achieve the reference DC-bus capacitor voltages. Consequently, the introduction of the DC-DC
converter demands more semiconductor devices and reduces reliability.14 A six-level inverter reported in Le and Lee15
employs the combination of two two-level cells with an FC in each phase along with the DC-bus capacitors. In this
topology, the DC-bus capacitor voltages are maintained constantly with the use of a VBC, and the FCs are charged
using the redundant states. As a result, this circuit is more complex, and the initial charging of the FCs also needs
special attention.
Recently, a modified 5-L hybrid inverter topology that is referred to as 5-L HFC was proposed in Dao and Lee,16
which is similar to Le and Lee.15 More conducting devices, complex control, and additional need for FCs increase the
size and cost with a reduction in the efficiency of the system. Moreover, the requirement of a voltage sensing device in
each phase of Le and Lee15 and Dao and Lee16 limits their applicability for a cost-effective prototype. A 5-L hybrid
clamped (5-LHC) converter is reported in Wang et al17 to avoid the series-connected switches and low-frequency ripples
of the FC voltages. These features make the converter adaptable for medium-voltage applications. This topology
demands more capacitor and switch count; hence, it is not preferable. A 5-L inverter based on a stacked cell approach
is proposed in Karthik and Loganathan18, this configuration requires a smaller number of capacitors compared with
Wang et al.17 But, it demands increased switch count per phase and two DC sources. A single DC-source based 5-L
inverter using capacitor fed H-bridges is introduced in Davis and Dey.19 This topology has the additional advantage of
increasing the DC-bus utilization. Contrary to it, this configuration also requires additional voltage sensors to control
the FC voltages similar to Wang et al17 and Karthik and Loganathan.18 Therefore, an optimized topology with reduced
switch count using novel basic units and a T-type structure is proposed in Hota et al.20 This topology avoids the FCs
and DC-link capacitors while providing an output of better quality. But, the overall system cost is expensive due to the
requirement of asymmetrical DC sources Vdc and 2Vdc. A 5-L back-to-back E-type converter that is presented in Di
Benedetto et al21,22 without using FCs has the advantages of reduced switching losses. Consequently, it uses a complex
auxiliary circuit with more devices to balance the capacitor voltages; this work also lacks design criteria and dynamic
analysis of the configuration.
The shortcomings mentioned in these power circuit configurations demand further research. Authors are motivated
from the reported literature to develop a single DC-source based, reduced switch count with less conducting switches of
3-phase, 5-L inverter topology. It is also aimed to eliminate the FCs to overcome the requirement of independent sen-
sors in each phase. The recommended topology in this paper is configured by combining the T-NPC and half-bridge
cells. The proposed work contributes to the reduction of device count compared with NPC and FC9,17,23 and the reduc-
tion of conduction losses due to a lower number of conducting switches/phase. A minimum component count VBC is
chosen from Rojas et al24 to achieve the DC-link capacitor voltage balancing. The performance of the VBC in equalizing
the two midpoint capacitor voltages is proposed in this work. The steady-state and dynamic behavior of the proposed
topology and the application of VBC in balancing two midpoint capacitor voltages are stringently investigated by creat-
ing several disturbances in the control algorithm. Moreover, the significant advantages of the proposed topology include
the following: (i) common DC-link for all the three phases, (ii) absence of FCs, (iii) a simple auxiliary circuit is used to

control the capacitor voltages; (iv) reduced component count and simple structure, and (v) higher efficiency compared
with conventional MLIs.
Further, the proposed topology is evaluated in simulation and the results are validated using an experimental proto-
type at steady-state, as well as, dynamic conditions.


Figure 1 illustrates the proposed hybrid 5-L inverter of phase-A with the advantage of a reduced number of semicon-
ductor devices. This structure has a common DC-link for all three phases and built by connecting a two-level cell at the
top and the bottom capacitors. The T-NPC structure is located at the center that is connected to the midpoint of the
DC-link with a four-quadrant switch (antiseries connection of two IGBTs with antiparallel diodes), as well as to the out-
puts of top and bottom two-level cells.

2.1 | Proposed configuration

Figure 2 shows the complete three-phase circuit along with the star-connected load at the output terminals of the T-
NPC. The DC-bus capacitors are connected in series and charged from an isolated DC-source; each capacitor is charged
to a voltage of Vdc/4 with the aid of a VBC. Five-level output voltage waveform can be produced at the output within
the limits of −Vdc/2 to +Vdc/2, at a Vdc/4 step size, by properly triggering the semiconductor devices. The output voltage
levels may vary from 5-L to 3-L by a decrease in modulation index (ma).
The off-state voltage stress across the devices S1, S2, S6, and S7 is Vdc/4; across S51 and S52 is Vdc/2; and across S3 and
S4 is 3Vdc/4. From Figure 2, it can be noted that the proposed three-phase configuration consists of 12 switches with
voltage stress of Vdc/4, six switches with Vdc/2, and six switches with 3Vdc/4. Hence, the sum of the total voltage stress
(TVS) of the inverter switches in the proposed circuit is 3.5Vdc per phase, which is less than 4.25Vdc in the topology,
introduced in Tirupathi et al.25 The TVS in the proposed configuration is reduced due to the difference in the inverter
structure and avoidance of bi-directional voltage blocking switches, compared with Tirupathi et al.25 The reduction in
TVS of the switching devices decreases the switching power losses, which results in improved efficiency of the configu-
ration. Moreover, in contrast with Tirupathi et al,25 this paper provides the mathematical analysis for the design of
inverter and balancing circuit components and analyzes the performance of the circuit to operate at medium-voltage

F I G U R E 1 Proposed five-
level configuration in phase-A
[Colour figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 2 Three-phase structure of
the proposed configuration [Colour figure
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

and high power levels. Also, it investigates the ability of the circuit to withstand several transient disturbances and pro-
vides the efficiency comparison with respect to several other configurations.

2.2 | Modes of operation

The operation of the proposed 5-L inverter is described through five modes to achieve the various output voltage levels.
The proposed MLI generates five levels in pole-voltage (VAO), namely, −Vdc/2, −Vdc/4, 0, Vdc/4, and Vdc/2. Figure 3
illustrates the working modes and the conducting devices with respect to the line current (iA) path.
Mode-0 [VAO = 0]: During this mode, switches S51 and S52 are continuously gated for zero output voltage. One of
the devices among switch or its body diode conducts that is determined by the path of iA. If iA is +ve, S51 and D52 con-
duct, on the other hand, when iA is −ve, it flows through S52 and D51.
Mode-1 [VAO = Vdc/4]: If S2 and S3 are gated, VAO = VC2. Assuming that C2 is initially charged to Vdc/4, then
VAO = Vdc/4. For +ve and −ve directions of iA, the group of devices D2, S3 and D3, S2 conduct, respectively.
Mode-2 [VAO = Vdc/2]: When the switches S1 and S3 are turned on, the sum of the voltages of the DC-link capacitors
C1 and C2 appears across the load, ie, VAO = VC1 + VC2 = Vdc/2. It may be noted that the devices S1, S3 conduct when iA
is +ve. Similarly, the devices D3 and D1 conduct when iA is −ve.
Mode-3 [VAO = −Vdc/4]: If S4 and S6 are gated, VAO = VC3. Assuming that C3 is initially charged to Vdc/4, then
VAO = −Vdc/4. For +ve and −ve directions of iA, the group of devices S6, D4 and D6, S4 conduct, respectively.
Mode-4 [VAO = −Vdc/2]: By gating the devices S4 and S7, it is possible to make VAO = VC3 + VC4 = −Vdc/2. It may
be noted that the devices D4 and D7 conduct when iA is +ve. Similarly, the devices S4 and S7 conduct when iA is −ve.



Table 1 illustrates the switching order for 5-L output in the pole-voltage (VAO). The switching states ON and OFF are
shown by the digits “1” and “0,” respectively. It can be observed that the number of conducting switches in the pro-
posed topology during peak voltage levels (V2 dc ) is only two. At V2 dc level, four switching devices conduct for any direc-
tion of load current in 5L-NPC or 5L-FC topologies. Table 1 demonstrates that only 6 (ie, 2 × 3) switches from
24 conduct for a specified voltage level and the number of switching changes among any two voltage levels are only
two. Therefore, higher efficiency can be expected from the proposed topology in view of the lower on-state and
switching transition losses.

FIGURE 3 Operating states of the phase-A leg in a fundamental cycle [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

TABLE 1 Switching sequence of the proposed converter

VAO S1 S2 S3 S4 S51 S52 S6 S7 No. of Conducting Devices/Phase

Vdc/2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Vdc/4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2
−Vdc/4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
−Vdc/2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

3.1 | PWM technique

Several modulation and control techniques have been reported for MLIs such as sine PWM (SPWM), hybrid modula-
tion technique, and space vector modulation. Whereas, the universally accepted level shifted in-phase disposition sinu-
soidal pulse-width modulation (LSIPD-SPWM) scheme26,27 as shown in Figure 4 is used in the proposed topology. This
method has the advantages of the lowest harmonic content28 and reduced complexity in implementation. A fundamen-
tal sine wave is compared with four carrier waves to generate the control pulses at each voltage level in a fundamental
cycle. FPGA Xilinx blocks are used to build suitable logic to drive the inverter switches. In this context, the modulation
index (ma) is defined as

FIGURE 4 Sine-triangle modulation scheme [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

ma = ð1Þ

where Ar is amplitude of the reference signal and Ac is amplitude of the carrier signal.

3.2 | Capacitor voltage balancing

A voltage balancing circuit (VBC) is connected prior to the DC-link to solve the problem of capacitor voltage balancing.
Figure 5 shows the auxiliary circuit constituted by two inductors and power switches with a diode. The VBC reported
in previous studies15,16,24 to control the single midpoint DC-bus capacitor voltage is employed in this work to balance
two midpoint capacitor voltages.
The capacitor voltage balancing is achieved by simultaneous control of the VBC switches (SB1 and SB2), by measur-
ing the capacitor voltages VC2 and VC3 as shown in Figure 5. The VBC ensures the voltage regulation of C2 and C3 and
also the voltage balancing of C1 and C4. Since C2 and C3 are located between C1 and C4, the charging and discharging
currents of C1 and C4 should flow through C2 and C3. Thus, the direct voltage regulation of C2 and C3 results in an indirect
voltage regulation across C1 and C4.29 The complete operation of the balancing circuit consists of the following steps:

Step-1: The sum of the midpoint capacitor voltages, ie, VC2 + VC3 is measured using a voltage sensor.
This quantity (ie, VC2 + VC3) is denoted as Vα.
Step-2: When Vα < Vdc/2, SB1 and SB2 are turned on.
Step-3: When Vα = Vdc/2, the balancing switches SB1 and SB2 are turned off.

The step-by-step operation of the VBC is also described in the form of a flow-chart, as shown in Figure 6B. It shows
that after measuring the voltage “Vα” by a voltage sensor, it is compared with a voltage magnitude of Vdc/2. If it satisfies

F I G U R E 5 DC-link capacitor voltage

control using voltage balancing circuit
[Colour figure can be viewed at

the condition (Vα = Vdc/2), gate pulses to the balancing switches are withdrawn; otherwise, they are kept gated. Hence,
this process is continuous and brings the voltage (Vα) approximately to Vdc/2. In the circuit shown in Figure 6A, if the
initial voltage across the Ceq is assumed as V0, it charges from Vdc source and attains its desired magnitude of Vdc/2.
The operation of the VBC is separated into two modes.
Mode-1: When V α < V2dc , SB1 and SB2 are turned-on.
During this period, the midpoint DC-bus capacitors get charged from the DC supply through the path Vdc-LB1-C2-
C3-LB2 as shown in Figure 7A. Inductors also store the energy during this period, due to the connection of the DC-
source through the VBC switches.
Mode-2: When V α = V2dc , SB1 and SB2 are turned-off.
During this period, the inductors are disconnected from the DC-source; hence, they become source free. The stored
energy in the inductors during Mode-1 is discharged and supplied to the midpoint capacitors through the path LB1-C2-
C3-LB2-DB as shown in Figure 7B. In this way, the midpoint capacitor voltages are maintained constantly.
When the stored energy in both the inductors is completely discharged, the midpoint capacitor voltages (VC2 and
VC3) tend to drift from their nominal values that cause V α < V2dc . By sensing this condition, the VBC switches are trig-
gered at the same instant; this pulls the VBC to operate in Mode-1, which results in the repetition of the same cycle.

F I G U R E 6 A, Equivalent circuit
for DC-link capacitor voltage
balancing. B, Flow-chart for capacitor
voltage balancing algorithm [Colour
figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 7 Operating modes of voltage balancing circuit: (A) Mode-1 and (B) Mode-2 [Colour figure can be viewed at


4.1 | DC-link capacitance

The size of the capacitors in the proposed topology is designed from the mathematical expression reported in Kjaer
et al.30 The size of each DC-link capacitor is designed as

Cd = C
2 × ωr × ΔV C

The value of the capacitors used in simulation studies and the experimental setup is designed based on the
above expression.
The inverter output voltage (vo), within a linear modulation range, can be expressed using Equation (1) as.

vo = ma V dc sinðωt Þ ð3Þ

where ma is the modulation index, Vdc is the DC-link voltage, and ω is the fundamental angular frequency.
The inverter output current (io) can be expressed as

io = I O sinðωt −∅Þ ð4Þ

where IO is the output current amplitude and ∅ is the load power factor (PF) angle. By substituting Equations 3 and 4
in 2, and rewriting the equation for capacitor voltage ripple (ΔVC),

ma V dc I 0 ðcos∅ −cosð2ωt −∅ÞÞ

ΔV C = ð5Þ
4ωV C Cd

Equation 5 gives the dependency of capacitor voltage ripple on load current and load PF. It can be noted that the
load current has a direct impact on capacitor voltage ripple; ie, if the load current increases, ΔVC also increases. By test-
ing at various values of load PFs, it is estimated that the load PF has an inverse relation with the ΔVC; ie, if the load PF
decreases, ΔVC increases. The increase in ΔVC, due to either an increase in load current or decrease in PF, can be con-
trolled by either decreasing the modulation index (ma) or increasing the size of the capacitance (Cd).

4.2 | Balancing inductors

The expression for the design of balancing inductors (LB1 and LB2) based on the magnitude of ripple current (ΔIL) and
switching frequency30 is as follows.
LB1 = LB2 = LB = ð6Þ
ΔI L f sw

where VL is the voltage appearing across the inductor and D is the duty ratio of the VBC switches (SB1 and SB2). It is to
be noted that the SB1 and SB2 operate with the same duty ratio (D). The size of the inductors used in simulation and in
experimentation is decided using the above formula.
The current rating (iL)max of the inductors can be estimated by applying kirchoff's current law (KCL) at node-1 in
Figure 7A.

iL = iC1 + iC2 + iO ð7Þ

iC1 ffi iC2 = iC ðin steady −stateÞ ð8Þ

ðio Þmax
V AO = V dc=4, io ffi

dV C ðio Þmax
ðiL Þmax = 2C + ð9Þ
dt 2

By limiting the capacitor voltage ripple to 14% of its nominal value (Vdc/4),

V dc ðio Þmax
ðiL Þmax = 2C × 0:14 × f sw + ð10Þ
4 2

4.3 | Balancing switches and diode

The voltage stress across the switches (SB1 and SB2) can be obtained by writing kirchoff's voltage law (KVL) equation in
Figure 7A.

V dc
V SB1 = V SB2 = V SB = + VL ð11Þ

V dc diL
ðV SB Þmax = + LB ð12Þ
4 dt max

V dc
ðV SB Þmax = + LB × f sw × ðiL Þmax ð13Þ

The voltage across the balancing diode (DB) can be obtained by writing KVL in Figure 7B.

V dc
V DB = 2V L + ð14Þ

By substituting the value of (VL)max obtained from Equation 13 in Equation 14.


V dc
ðV DB Þmax = 2LB × f sw × ðiL Þmax + ð15Þ

V dc
ðV DB Þmax = 2ðV L Þmax + ð16Þ

For the chosen values of LB and fsw, it is calculated theoretically and verified in the simulation that the
maximum switching stress across the VBC switches and diode is approximately 2Vdc/4 and Vdc, respectively.
The current rating of the VBC switches is to be determined during their conduction period. It is to be noted
that both the switches carry equal current, when they are turned-on, due to the symmetrical nature of the
circuit. Therefore,

iSB1 = iSB2 = iSB ð17Þ

When SB1 and SB2 are turned-on, the current carried by the switches is the same as the inductor currents; hence,

ðiSB Þmax = ðiL Þmax ð18Þ

When SB1 and SB2 are turned-off, the diode (DB) joins into the conduction path of inductor currents; hence,

ðiDB Þmax = ðiL Þmax ð19Þ

It is to be noted that the maximum inductor current flowing through the VBC switches and diode is the charging
current and the discharging current of the inductors respectively.


The requirement of clamping diodes and FCs in a NPC and FC inverters, respectively, results in an increased
component count. In contrast, the proposed topology results in a compact system due to the absence of the
clamping diodes and FCs. The advantage of using only one DC supply renders the proposed configuration suitable
for grid-connected applications. The number of independent DC supplies in the proposed configuration reduces by
83% with respect to conventional CHB, 50% compared with topologies reported in Narimani et al9 and Karthik
and Loganathan18 and 33% compared with Masaoud et al10 and Sanchez-Ruiz et al.23 The number of capacitors
required in the proposed configuration is four, which are operated from a single DC source.
In order to control the capacitor voltages, the proposed circuit additionally requires two switches, two induc-
tors, and a diode to form the VBC. A CHB inverter requires two independent DC sources per phase, ie, in total
six independent sources to produce the three-phase 5-L output, which is not economical. Due to the presence of
VBC in the proposed configuration, it appears that the total device count in the proposed configuration is more
than a CHB inverter. However, the requirement of only one DC source and a few low-cost components of VBC
in the proposed topology results in an economical, compact, and flexible system compared with a CHB inverter,
which demands six independent DC sources.
Table 2 provides a comparative analysis of the proposed circuit with respect to the other MLIs in terms of the
number of switching devices, device ratings, the number of DC sources, etc. Table 2 clearly shows that the pro-
posed topology avoids the use of FCs, which are required in an FC inverter9 and other circuit configurations
reported in previous studies.16–20,31 The avoidance of FCs eliminates additional voltage sensors and reduces the
ripple content in the output voltage waveforms. The complexity in the operation of the circuit is reduced due to
the lower number of devices. In addition, the proposed topology can be operated for higher modulation indices as
compared with the configuration presented in.13

TABLE 2 Component comparison of the proposed MLI with respect to other MLIs

Voltage Proposed
9 10 16 17 18 19 31 23 25
Component Rating NPC FC CHB Topology
Switches Vdc -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- 6 -- -- 6 --
3Vdc/4 -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 6
2Vdc/4 -- -- -- -- 2 6 6 12 6 12 24 3 6
Vdc/4 24 24 24 24 2 18 24 8 12 12 -- 12 12
Clamping diodes Vdc -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3Vdc/4 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2Vdc/4 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- 12 -- --
Vdc/4 6 -- -- 6 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Flying capacitors 3Vdc/4 -- 3 -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2Vdc/4 -- 3 -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- --
Vdc/4 -- 3 -- 6 -- 3 3 2 3 3 -- -- --
DC sources Vdc 1 1 -- -- -- 1 1 -- 1 1 3 1 1
2Vdc/4 -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- --
Vdc/4 -- -- 6 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DC-link Vdc/4 4 4 -- -- -- 2 4 -- -- -- -- 4 4
capacitors 2Vdc/4 -- -- -- 2 -- 1 -- -- 2 2 6 -- --
Total components 47 38 30 43 31 31 41 30 30 30 45 29 29


6.1 | Steady-state performance

In this paper, the proposed three-phase inverter and its control scheme are modeled with the MATLAB software using
Xilinx blocks. In simulation studies, 6200 V of DC bus voltage is considered to produce 3.4 kV (L-L) at the output. The
gating pulses are developed at a carrier switching frequency of 4 kHz. The proposed prototype is implemented at a
power rating, PF, and modulation index of 1000 kW, 0.9, and 0.9, respectively. The load PF of 0.9 is obtained using
restive-inductive (R-L) elements. Figure 8A–D shows the inverter output quantities consisting of the pole voltages, line
voltage, 3-phase line currents, and steady-state DC-link capacitor voltage waveforms, respectively. In the proposed con-
figuration, the mathematical expression for DC source current (Idc) is defined as

I dc = Load current ðiO Þ + Capacitor charging current ðiC Þ ð20Þ

It can be observed from Figure 8E that the peak value of Idc is 310 A and its average value is measured as 165 A.
From the peak value of Idc, the load current share is 260 A from Figure 8C. The remaining 50 A of Idc is used for charg-
ing the DC-link capacitors.
Figure 8F illustrates the harmonic spectrum of the synthesized inverter output pole-voltage waveform. The line-
voltage and current THDs are observed in fast Fourier transform analysis and denoted in Figure 8B and 8C,
respectively. It is observed that the current THD is 1.2%, which is below the nominal value as per the IEEE 1547
grid standard.

6.2 | Dynamic performance

The proposed 5-L converter and the balancing circuit are tested for several disturbances by a step-change in (i) load,
(ii) load PF, and (iii) switching frequency (fsw). A sudden change in load is applied at 0.8 seconds as shown in

F I G U R E 8 Simulation results for ma = 0.9: (A) pole-voltages, (B) line-voltage (VAB), (C) 3-ph line-currents, (D) steady-state capacitor
voltages, (E) DC source current (Idc), and (F) fast Fourier transform spectrum of pole-A voltage [Colour figure can be viewed at

Figure 9A. To facilitate a better visualization, the zoomed waveforms of Figure 9A are shown in Figure 9B. It can be
observed that the capacitor voltages are balanced constantly for a load change from 124 to 248 A. Figure 10 shows the
variation of capacitor voltages for a step-change in switching frequency (fsw). It is evident that the DC-link capacitor
voltages are maintained constantly and the ripples are varying slightly with respect to change in fsw. It is also evident
from Figure 11 that the slight variation in capacitor voltage has a negligible effect on output voltage and currents.


The proposed three-phase 5-L inverter is developed on a lower scale prototype to validate the simulation results
using Digilent SPARTAN-6 (XC6SLX45) FPGA processor as shown in Figure 12. The detailed specifications of the
proposed inverter components and controller parameters are given in Table 3. It can be seen that the proposed
5-L inverter comprises a power circuit, balancing circuit, control circuit, and driver circuit. The proposed model
is tested at a power rating, PF, and ma of 400 W, 0.9, and 0.9 respectively. A single DC power source is con-
nected to the power circuit, and a four-channel DPO3034 Tektronix Oscilloscope is used for the measurement of
various waveforms.

F I G U R E 9 A, Capacitor voltages with respect to step-change in load. B, Zoomed waveforms of Figure 9A [Colour figure can be viewed
at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

F I G U R E 1 0 Capacitor voltages with respect to change in PWM frequency (fsw): (A) 2 to 4 k Hz and (B) 4 to 2 k Hz [Colour figure can
be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

F I G U R E 1 1 VAO and iA with respect to change in pulse width modulation frequency (fsw): (A) 2 to 4 k Hz and (B) 4 to 2 k Hz [Colour
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

FIGURE 12 Experimental setup [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

7.1 | Steady-state performance

Figure 13A,B illustrates the measured output waveforms of pole voltages, line voltage, and load current at a modulation
index (ma) of 0.9, respectively. Figure 13C depicts the steady-state capacitor voltages. It can be noted that the VBC effec-
tively balances the capacitor voltages. Figure 13D depicts the experimentally obtained harmonic profile of pole-A

TABLE 3 Configuration parameters

Parameter/Device Simulation Experimentation

DC-bus voltage 6200 V 200 V
Capacitors (C1, C2, C3, C4) 2 mF/ 1 mF/
C44UOGT7200G5SK Electrolytic (450 V-DC)
Balancing inductors 1 mH/195C100 1 mH/CRNGO steel core (10 A)
Output power 1,000 kW 400 W
Switching frequency 4 kHz 4 kHz
Fundamental frequency (fm) 50 Hz 50 Hz
IGBT switches FF200R33KF2C IKW40T120
Balancing diode (DB) DD200S33K2C MUR1560
Load resistance (R)/phase 10 Ω 26 Ω
Load resistance (L)/phase 15 mH 10 mH

F I G U R E 1 3 Experimental results at ma = 0.9: (A) pole-voltages, (B) VAB and iA, (C) steady-state capacitor voltages with respect to iA,
and (D) fast Fourier transform spectrum of pole-A voltage [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

voltage. The percentage total harmonic distortion (%THD) is 36.6% in the output pole-voltage, and the current THD is
1.5%, which is within the limits of IEEE 1547 grid standard. Moreover, the %THD and the order of harmonics are
approximately equal in the simulation and the experimental results. The close agreement between the simulation and
experimental results validates the developed prototype.

7.2 | Dynamic performance

The robustness of the proposed configuration and the ability of the VBC in controlling the capacitor voltages are
tested by applying various disturbances in the control algorithm. Firstly, Figure 14A,B reveals the load-voltage
(VAN) and DC-bus capacitor voltages, respectively, for a load disturbance. It can be observed that VAN remains rel-
atively unaltered with respect to the change in load. The voltage ripple in the capacitors is small except that a
small increment in the voltage ripple results when the load is increased. Figure 15A,B demonstrates the pole-volt-
age, load current, and voltage across capacitors, respectively, for a change in switching frequency (fsw). It reveals
that the increase or decrease in fsw has a negligible impact on the operation of the converter. Figure 16A,B depicts

F I G U R E 1 4 Dynamic results for a

step-change in load: A, load-voltage (VAN)
with respect to load-current (iA); B, DC-link
capacitor voltages (VC1, VC2, VC3 and VC4)
with respect to iA [Colour figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

F I G U R E 1 5 Dynamic results for a step-change in switching frequency (fsw): A, pole-voltage (VAO) and load-current (iA); B, DC-link
capacitor voltages (VC1, VC2, VC3, and VC4) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

the pole-voltage, load current, and capacitor voltages, respectively, for a change in the fundamental frequency (fm).
The decrease in fm causes the increase in capacitor voltage ripple, which in turn affects the quality of the output
voltages and currents. Therefore, it is recommended to operate the converter at higher fundamental frequencies to
deliver an output of better quality. Finally, Figure 17A,B presents the converter pole-voltage, load current, and
voltage across capacitors, respectively, for a change in modulation index (ma). It is observed that the pole-voltage
(VAO) is varying from a 5-L to a 3-: output when ma is decreased from 0.9 to 0.45. The voltage ripple in C1 and
C4 decreases with the reduction in ma, which is due to the reduction in the utilization of C1 and C4. Whereas,
the voltage ripple in C2 and C3 is decreasing due to the decrease in load current. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the proposed topology has the ability to tackle several types of disturbances, which verifies the adequacy of
its dynamic behavior.

7.3 | Operating under highly inductive load

The performance of the converter and the ability of the VBC are tested during the extreme condition of 0.1 lag-
ging PF load by using a highly inductive load. Figure 18A shows the line-voltage (VAB) and the line-current (iA)

F I G U R E 1 6 Dynamic results for a step-change in fundamental frequency (fm): A, pole-voltage (VAO) and load-current (iA); B DC-link
capacitor voltages (VC1, VC2, VC3, and VC4) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

during a low PF condition. It is evident that the current waveform is smooth and ripple-free approximating to a
pure sinusoidal wave. Figure 18B demonstrates the charging currents of each capacitor during a low PF condition.
It also presents the dynamic variations of charging currents when the VBC is switching from the off-state to the
on-state. It may be noted that during the instant when the VBC is switched on, the set of currents iC1, iC4 and
iC2, iC3 are increasing in opposite directions, which reduces the current supplied by the source to equalize the
capacitor voltages.


The performance of the proposed MLI is evaluated for different output power conditions. The determination of
efficiency from the low-scale prototype model is error-prone and impracticable for comparison on account of more
losses at light-load conditions. As a result, simulation work is carried out to assess all losses and efficiency.
Figure 19 illustrates the efficiency curves of various power circuit configurations. The efficiency curves for different
topologies were plotted using PSIM32 models by loading various characteristics of the required devices listed in
Table 3. The determination of efficiency of all the topologies shown in Figure 19 is performed for an output volt-
age of 3.4 kV and a rated power of 1 MW. The losses incurred in all of the inverter components, including the
losses in the VBC, are computed. It can be observed that a maximum efficiency of 95.8% is achieved in the pro-
posed topology in comparison with the 5L-NPC, 5L-FC, and 5L-HFC MLIs. The higher efficiency in the proposed
topology may be attributed to the elimination of clamping diodes and FCs involving high-frequency operated
switching devices compared with NPC, FC, and HFC topologies, respectively.
The potential applications of the proposed inverter are listed as follows:

F I G U R E 1 7 Dynamic results for a step-change in modulation index (ma): A, pole-voltage (VAO) and load-current (iA); B, DC-link
capacitor voltages (VC1, VC2, VC3, and VC4) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

1 The proposed topology has the capability to absorb or deliver the reactive power; hence, it is suitable for Static
Var Compensators.33
2 The proposed topology can also use solar photovoltaic panels as the DC input to produce AC output from the
inverter for grid integration. Hence, the proposed topology is suitable for grid integration of renewable
energy sources.34
3 The input DC voltage can be scaled to higher values to produce an output voltage of 3.3 kV/6.6 kV, which makes the
proposed topology suitable for medium-voltage industrial drives.16

9 | C ON C L US I ON

The presented work proposes a new circuit configuration of a 3-phase 5-L inverter suitable for medium-voltage
level applications. This topology has been configured with the combination of half-bridge cells and the T-type
structure with the aim of achieving a common DC-link, as well as to eliminate the FCs with reduced device
count. The sinusoidal modulation and the voltage balance control schemes are implemented in a Xilinx processor
to produce the 5-L output and to balance the capacitor voltages, respectively. The modes of operation, modulation
technique, and the working of the balancing circuit of the proposed topology have been addressed in detail. The
proposed topology has been compared with the traditional and recently proposed topologies, and its advantages
have been explained in detail in terms of component count and other aspects. The viability of the proposed circuit
is demonstrated through simulation and experimentation studies under steady-state and dynamic conditions.

F I G U R E 1 8 Inverter performance
under a highly inductive load: A, line-
voltage (VAB) and load-current (iA); B,
DC-link capacitor currents (iC1, iC2, iC3,
and iC4) [Colour figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 1 9 Simulated efficiency curves

of the proposed and other topologies with
respect to percentage output power [Colour
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Abhilash Tirupathi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7555-425X
Kirubakaran Annamalai https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3800-1776

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How to cite this article: Tirupathi A, Annamalai K, Veeramraju Tirumala S. A three-phase inverter circuit
using half-bridge cells and T-NPC for medium-voltage applications. Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2020;1–22. https://doi.

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