A New Transistor Clamped 5-Level H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Voltage Boosting Capacity
A New Transistor Clamped 5-Level H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Voltage Boosting Capacity
A New Transistor Clamped 5-Level H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Voltage Boosting Capacity
Abstract — Multilevel converters offer high power capability, (capacitor-clamped) and cascaded H-bridge multilevel
resulting with lower output harmonics and lower commutation inverter. There are also various other topologies which have
losses. Their main disadvantage is their complexity, requiring a been proposed and have successfully adopted in various
great number of power devices and passive components, and a industrial applications. The novel universal multi-carrier
rather complex control circuitry. This paper presents a new PWM control scheme is used .This paper mainly focuses
topology of the multilevel inverter with feature like output
mainly on the cascaded H-bridge inverter topology. The
voltage boosting capability along with capacitor voltage
balancing .The proposed multilevel inverter uses transistor cascaded multilevel inverter has the potential to be the most
clamped H-bridge (TCHB) with an bidirectional switch and reliable out of three topologies. It has the best fault tolerance
four auxillary switches producing a boost output voltage . The owing to its modularity a feature that enables the inverter to
single unit of new topology produces five-level output with continue operate at lower power levels after cells
output voltage double the input DC voltage where as a single failure[2]-[4]. Due to the modularity of the cascaded
unit of conventional H-bridge produces three-level output multilevel inverter it can be stacked easily for high power and
voltage similar to input DC voltage. The comparison has made high voltage applications. The cascaded multilevel inverter
between the proposed five-level inverter and conventional mainly consists of several identical H-bridge cells which are
cascaded five-level inverter in terms of the output voltage , total
cascaded in series from the output side. The cascaded
harmonic distortion (THD) , No. of switching devices used etc.
The analysis of the output voltage harmonics is carried out and H-bridge (CHB) may further be classified as symmetrical if
compared with conventional cascaded H-bridge inverter the DC bus voltage is equal in all the series power cells and as
topology. The proposed multilevel inverter topology is modeled asymmetrical if the DC bus voltage is not same for each
using matlab / simulink. From the results the proposed inverter power cell. The symmetrical CHB is more advantageous over
provides more output voltage. the asymmetrical CHB in terms of modularity, maintenance
and cost. In case of the asymmetrical CHB DC bus voltage is
Keywords— multilevel inverter; cascaded H-bridge; varied in each power as per the requirement to increase the
multicarrier pulse width modulation; transistor clamped inverter, voltage levels [2], [5]. In case of the symmetrical CHB the
cascaded neutral –point clamped inverter
voltage level can be increased without varying the DC
I. INTRODUCTION voltage with same number of power cells. The transistor
clamped topology is popular now a days as it provides
There are various application varying from medium voltage
provision to increase the output levels by taking different
to high voltage high power application which requires DC to
voltage levels from the series stacked capacitors [6], [7]. In
AC conversion using multilevel inverters. The research on
this paper the new configuration of the (symmetrical
multilevel inverter is ongoing further to reduce the number of
H-bridge) single phase 5-level inverter is proposed which
switching devices count to reduce the manufacturing cost,
produces a five-level output voltage instead of three-level as
capacitor voltage balancing. The inverters with number of
in case of conventional H-bridge. Also this new proposed
voltage levels equal to three or above than that are known as
topology produces the boost output voltage in comparison to
the multilevel inverters. Multilevel inverters are capable of
conventional H-bridge topology which requires two H-bridge
producing high power high voltage as the unique structure of
cells producing the five-level output voltage but the output
the multilevel voltage source inverter allows to reach high
voltage equal to the input DC voltage.
voltages with low harmonics without the use of transformers
or series connected synchronized switching devices. As the
number of voltage levels increases, the harmonic content of
the output voltage waveform decreases. The synthesized
multilevel outputs are superior in quality which results in The conventional H-bridge inverter consists of DC voltage
reduced filter requirements [1].There are three major for each H-bridge and only four switching devices. The
multilevel voltage source inverter topologies neutral-point value of the DC voltage in each bridge depends whether the
clamped inverter (i.e. diode clamped), flying capacitor configuration is symmetric or unsymmetric.Fig.1 shows the
conventional H-bridge. The general block diagram for the
proposed inverter is shown in fig.2 and the general
Fig.10 THD in % for single phase 5-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel [7] L. M. Tolbert, F. Z. Peng, T. G. Habetler, “Multilevel PWM methods
inverter at low modulation indices,” IEEE Transactions on power electronics, vol. 15,
no. 4, July 2000, pp. 719-725
[10] Nasrudin Abd. Rahim, Mohamad Fathi Mohamad Elias, Wooi Ping
Hew, “Transistor-Clamped H-Bridge Based Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
with New Method of Capacitor Voltage Balancing” August 2, 2011; revised
November 22, 2011 and February 27, 2012. Accepted for publication April 8,
[11] Gupta, Krishna Kumar; Jain, Shailendra; , "A novel universal control
scheme for multilevel inverters," Power Electronics, Machines and Drives
(PEMD 2012), 6th IET International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-6, 27-29
March 2012