Optimal Design of A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Count
Optimal Design of A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Count
Optimal Design of A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Count
7, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2890872
ABSTRACT Multilevel inverters (MLIs) are a great development for industrial and renewable energy
applications due to their dominance over conventional two-level inverter with respect to size, rating of
switches, filter requirement, and efficiency. A new single-phase cascaded MLI topology is suggested in
this paper. The proposed MLI topology is designed with the aim of reducing the number of switches and the
number of dc voltage sources with modularity while having a higher number of levels at the output. For the
determination of the magnitude of dc voltage sources and a number of levels in the cascade connection, three
different algorithms are proposed. The optimization of the proposed topology is aimed at achieving a higher
number of levels while minimizing other parameters. A detailed comparison is made with other comparable
MLI topologies to prove the superiority of the proposed structure. A selective harmonic elimination pulse
width modulation technique is used to produce the pulses for the switches to achieve high-quality voltage at
the output. Finally, the experimental results are provided for the basic unit with 11 levels and for cascading
of two such units to achieve 71 levels at the output.
INDEX TERMS Basic unit, cascaded inverter, multilevel inverter (MLI), selective harmonic elimination,
SHEPWM, optimization, reduce switch count.
2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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M. D. Siddique et al.: Optimal Design of a New Cascaded MLI Topology With Reduced Switch Count
The voltage stress across each switch plays a significant role
in determining the cost and efficiency of an MLI. For this
purpose, total standing voltage (TSV) is considered as a key
parameter [16]. TSV is defined as the sum of maximum
voltage stress across each switch considering each level at the
output. For the proposed topology, TSV can be expressed as:
FIGURE 2. Generalized structure of the proposed topology.
TSV = TSV Cell1 + TSV Cell2 + TSV Cell3 (9)
where TSV Cell1 , TSV Cell2 , and TSV Cell3 are the TSV of cell
to bear maximum voltage stress. Cell 2 consist of all the inner
1, 2, and 3 respectively. All these values are given as
switches and each switch turns ON for any two levels in the
one-half cycle. Similarly, cell 3 consist of two switches S5 TSV Cell1 = 2 [V1 + (k − 1) V2 ] (10)
and S6 and both of them operate at a high frequency. TSV Cell2 = M × V2 (11)
The generalized equations for the proposed topology with
k number of dc voltage sources are given as: The value of M can be calculated as follows:
3k 2 − 2k − 1
Maximum number of Levels = N = 4k − 1 (1) M= for odd number of k
4 (12)
Number of Switches = Nswitch = 2k + 2 (2) 2
3k − 2k
M= for even number of k
Number of Driver Circuits = Ndriver = k + 4 (3) 4
Peak Output Voltage = Vo,max = V1 + (k − 1) V2 (4) Similarly, for cell 3
Variety of dc sources = Nvariety = 2 (5) TSV Cell3 = 2V1 (13)
FIGURE 3. Different switching states of the proposed basic unit with MODE I in positive half cycle.
V11 = V21 = Vm1 = Vdc (19)
V12 = V22 = Vm2 = 2V dc (20)
V11 = V12 = Vm1 = kV dc (21)
V21 = V22 = Vm2 = Vdc (22)
In both modes, the number of levels from the first algorithm
Nlevel,F at the output is given by:
Nlevel,F = [{m × (4k − 2)} + 1] (23)
Variety of dc sources = Nvariety = 2 (24)
Vom,max = (2k − 1) × (V o(m−1),max + Vo(m−2),max + Vdc ) Vm1 = k × (2V o1,max +2Vo2,max +. . .+2Vo(m−1),max + Vdc )
(39) (54)
Vm2 = (2V o1,max +2Vo2,max +. . .+2Vo(m−1),max +Vdc )
where Vo(m−1),max and Vo(m−2),max represent the peak output
voltage of (m-1)th and (m-2)th modules connected in cascade,
respectively. In both modes, the number of levels from the The maximum/peak output voltage of the mth module is given
second algorithm Nlevel,S at the output is given by by:
2 Vo1,max + Vo2,max + . . . + Vom,max Vom,max = (2k − 1)×(2V o1,max +. . .+2Vo(m−1),max +Vdc )
Nlevel,S = +1
Vdc (56)
Nlevel,S = 2 × (2k)m − 1 (40) where Vo(m−1),max represents the peak output voltage of (m-
Variety of dc sources = Nvariety = 2m (41) 1)th module connected in cascade. In both mode of operation,
the number of levels with the third algorithm Nlevel,T at the
C. THIRD ALGORITHM (TA) output is given by:
In this algorithm, the magnitude of the first module is same
Nlevel,T = (4k − 1)m (57)
as that of the first algorithm but for other modules, the selec-
tion is decided according to the following equations in both Variety of dc sources = Nvariety = 2m (58)
The optimization analysis of the proposed cascaded MLI in
V11 = Vdc (42) all three algorithms is presented in this section. The opti-
V12 = 2V dc (43) mization of a topology is helpful to minimize the number of
switches, number of driver circuit and number of dc voltage
In MODE II, sources required in order to generate a higher number of
levels at the output. Five different aspects of optimization
V11 = kVdc (44) is considered for the proposed topology and are discussed
V12 = Vdc (45) below.
FIGURE 5. Curves related to optimization for (a) constant number of FIGURE 6. Curves related to optimization for (a) minimization of switches
switches and (b) constant number of dc voltage sources for maximum and (b) minimization of driver circuit with constant number of levels.
number of level generation.
FIGURE 8. Variation of (a) number of switches and (b) number of driver FIGURE 9. Variation of (a) number of dc voltage sources and (b) TSV
circuit against number of levels. against number of levels.
VI. MODULATION TECHNIQUE FIGURE 10. 11 level staircase output voltage waveform.
The PWM technique used for the gate pulse generation has
been classified into two categories based on the switching
frequency namely high switching frequency PWM and fun- harmonics attain zero value. Therefore, the equation for out-
damental switching frequency PWM techniques. Sinusoidal put voltage modifies to:
PWM, space vector PWM and hybrid modulation PWM are Xn
some of the examples of high switching frequency tech- vo (t) = bn sin (nαi ) (77)
niques. In these PWM techniques, the number of turn ON For a staircase output voltage, bn can be expressed as:
and turn OFF are high. This results in higher switching losses
which reduce the efficiency [9], [30], [31]. 4Vdc Xn
bn = cos (nαi ) (78)
Fundamental switching frequency is preferred for multi- nπ i=1,3,5,...
level inverters due to reduced switching losses. In this paper, The proposed basic unit generates 11 levels at the output.
SHEPWM method is used for the computation of switching With 11 levels, four harmonics can be eliminated. Several
angles. The Fourier series for the staircase output voltage combinations of these four harmonic orders can be made to
waveform shown in Fig. 10 is expressed as: be eliminated. Generally, lower order harmonic orders are
ao Xn
2π nt
eliminated. In this paper, 3rd , 5th , 7th , and 9th order harmonics
vo (t) = + an cos + bn sin are chosen to eliminate from the output voltage waveform
2 i=0 T T
of the proposed MLI. In SHEPWM technique, firing angles
(θ 1 , θ2 , . . . , θ5 ) are calculated using (79) by maintaining the
where ao , an , and bn represents the dc, even harmonic and relationship (0 < θ 1 < θ2 , . . . , < θ 5 < π 2) (79), as shown
odd harmonic components of the output voltage respectively, at the bottom of the next page.
and n is the harmonic order. As the staircase output voltage Where b1 = V D is the fundamental component and gives
have quarter wave symmetry, ao , an and sine terms of odd the desire output voltage VD . b3 , b5 , b7 , andb9 are the
FIGURE 11. Variation of (a) switching angles and (b) harmonics with
variation in modulation index.
b1 = [cos (θ1 ) + cos (θ2 ) + cos (θ3 ) + cos (θ4 ) + cos (θ5 )] = VD
[cos (3θ 1 ) + cos (3θ2 ) + cos (3θ3 ) + cos (3θ4 ) + cos (3θ5 )] = 0
b3 =
b5 = [cos (5θ1 ) + cos (5θ 2 ) + cos (5θ 3 ) + cos (5θ4 ) + cos (5θ 5 )] = 0 (79)
[cos (7θ 1 ) + cos (7θ2 ) + cos (7θ3 ) + cos (7θ4 ) + cos (7θ5 )] = 0
b7 =
[cos (9θ 1 ) + cos (9θ2 ) + cos (9θ3 ) + cos (9θ4 ) + cos (9θ5 )] = 0
b9 =
FIGURE 15. (a) Output voltage of first module (20V/div) (b) zoomed
voltage view (20V/div) of first module and (c) output voltage of second
module with 100V/div.
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