Sizing and Energy Management Strategy For Hybrid FC/Battery Electric Vehicle
Sizing and Energy Management Strategy For Hybrid FC/Battery Electric Vehicle
Sizing and Energy Management Strategy For Hybrid FC/Battery Electric Vehicle
sizing. Through this study, we can justify the hybridiza-
tion of fuel cell system with batteries by showing the 40
different gains (masses, volumes, costs, autonomy...).
This study also shows that the batteries power type is
needed in the hybridization, when the high energy bat- 0
1 2
teries can‟t supply the vehicle for long ranges without Battery Only Hybrid Source
hybridization. Figure 1: Sizing results of hybrid source and battery only
The Energy Management Strategy gives us the maxi-
mum and minimum power and energy for each compo- Figures (1) presents the size of the hybrid source com-
nent. According to these energy curves, three parameters posed by FC and KOKAM_HP_13 Li-ion technology
can influence the sizing of the ESS: the maximum con- and the mono_source which consists of 40HE_KOKAM
sumed power (Pbat_cons, PFC_cons), the recovered power Figure 1 shows that the VEHICLE (RED) is very im-
(Pbat_rec), and the maximum energy (Ebat_cons, EFC_cons). portant in case of supplying only with batteries but for
The parameters used in the fuel cell sizing system are: the hybrid source, it is shown that there is a gain of 35%
- Weight density; storage density and volumetric density; when the battery of power KOKAM HP can contribute
- The mass of hydrogen consumption from the needed as an auxiliary source. on the contrary, the volume of the
energy consumption. ESS is almost at the same range for the two categories.
Vehicle parameters The weight of HP Kokam associated to the fuel cell
increases the benefits of hybridization regarding the
The estimation of the needed power and energy for weight (blue) when the batteries source is heavier by
the proposed profile, a dynamic model of the vehicle is 200%.
simulated using Matlab-Simulink software. In the other hand the cos is reduced in the case of hybrid
source to the half, these results are expected for this
To size the ESS of the vehicle in real conditions, the
cycles range regarding the limitation of batteries as
urban and road Artemis cycles (Figure.1), with an aver-
primary source (energy), and the dynamic limitation of
age slope of 2.5% are chosen. This mixed cycle is re-
fuel cell systems.
peated 30 times to accomplish the autonomy of about
when current resulting from braking and/or from the fuel 0.3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Current Density (A/cm2)
( )
: the battery voltage (V)
: battery open voltage (V)
( ) (5) 0: battery resistance (Ω)
: battery current (A)
The figure 3 presents the cell voltage versus the K : polarization constant (V/Ah)
current density j. The fuel cell losses are attributed to Q : capacity of the battery (Ah)
three categories: the activation loss, Ohmic loss and :∫ :is the actual charge of battery (Ah)
concentration loss. Fuel cells are connected in series to A : exponential zone amplitude (V)
form the FC stack, then the total voltage of the stack is B : exponential zone time constant inverse
Vst=Vcell*Nss and the stack power is Pst=Vst*Ist. Nss is The variable resistance expression is validated exper-
the number of series cells. imentally:
R= Rinitial*(5.128 - 0.265*Soc + 67*10-4*Soc2 - 7.9*10-5 *Soc3
activation losses [V]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
- Soc: State Of Charge
Current Density (A/cm2)
The Figure 4 shows the simulation results of charging The behavior of both converters is described by the
and discharging characteristics curves (voltage, internal following equations system:
resistance and SOC) under various current profiles.
Q(A/h) Vbat(v) R(Ω) K(Ω) A(v) B(A/h) (9)
Table.2 Li-Ion Battery parameters [12] If the battery converter operates in "Buck" mode,the
2.5 model of both converters will be defined by the follow-
ing equations:
Battery current [A]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time [S]
(A) ( )
Internal resistance[Ohm]
- VFC: FC Voltage,
- iF: FC current,
0.02 - eB : Battery voltage ,
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time [S]
2500 3000 3500
- iB : Battery current,
(B) - rB : Battery Resistance,
- VDC: DC bus voltage,
State Of Cahrge [%]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(C) The objective of this strategy is to define the mission
of each source based on a frequency vision. Its principle
Battery voltage [V]
is illustrated in Figure. 8, a low pass filter is used to
filter the required power to propel the EV (PV). The part
2 made of low frequencies will be provided by the fuel
1 cell (PFC), and the harmonic high frequency portion is
0 500 1000 1500
2000 2500 3000 3500 returned to the battery pack (Pbat). So the cutoff frequen-
(D) cy value that determines the mission of each source.
Figure. 4 Dynamic caracterestics of a 2.3Ah, 3.3V Li-Ion battery This value is related to the characteristics of the storage
(A)-Battery current, (B)-Internal resistance, (C)-State Of Charge, (D)
battery Cell Voltage
system and is expressed as a function of the specific
A critical test for the dynamic battery model is to switch power (dP) and energy density (ED).
between tow charge and discharge modes in order to It is mentioned in recent works that it is crucial to im-
verify the model‟s continuity. Figure 4 shows four dis- pose to the battery a zero energy balance during a cycle
charge-charge cycles for the Li-Ion battery. [10]. This is reasoned by, that this is benefic to the stor-
This figures show that the battery current affect di- age system life time and the fuel consumption.
rectly the State Of Charge (SOC), resistance and the
voltage battery characteristics. For this reason, it‟s nec-
essary to take into account this point in the energy man-
agement strategy and in the global system control to
avoid eventual battery damaging.
The modeled sources present dissimilar behaviors and
dynamic characteristics, for this reason each source is
dedicated for a special running mode of the vehicle -
(starting, braking, and constants speeds). +
The Modeling of the DC/DC converters "Boost and
Figure. 5 EMS basic principle scheme
Buck-Boost" is a crucial task to simulate the system.
Speed achieved by the vehicle
Speed requedted by the vehicle
others simulation parameters are summarized on Ta- 60
in simulation. 20
Frontal area S 2 Figure. 6 NEDC profile with the measured vehicle speed.
2m 4
x 10
Drag coefficient Cd 0.335 4
Vehicle power
Coefficient of rolling friction fr 0.009 3 FC power
Battery power
Air density ρ 1.2 kg.m3 2
Parameter Value -1
used to control the DC bus (VDC) voltage, FC and batter-
Tension (V)
ies currents. the PWM strategy is used to send the con- 200
trol pulses to the IGBT of the boost chopper and bidi- 150
erence is well followed, this is can be explained by that, 0 200 400 600
Temps (s)
800 1000 1200
the sum of the sources powers (Fuel Cell and provided Figure. 8 DC bus Voltage
by the pack of the batteries or absorbed) ensures the Two DC motors are used to emulate the propulsion
required traction power with respecting the constraints and the regenerative phases of the electric vehicle. These
imposed by source‟s sizes. motors are controlled by a separate control loop and
From the power profile figure, it is clear that the sum calculator (PCI card), this is to not perturb the hybrid
of the powers provided by the FC and/or recovered by source operation.
the battery ensures the required vehicle traction power Because we have a problem of hydrogen availability
with respecting the constraints imposed on power in our laboratory, an FC emulator is used in this work.
sources. It‟s a Buck chopper controlled with a voltage loop, its
In the power flow figure, it‟s remarkable that there are task is to reproduce the same FC characteristic (voltage-
some phases, the FC supplies the load fully at steady current). The chopper output current is measured and
states. In other, the load is supplied by both FC and the used in the FC model to obtain the voltage reference
batteries, because the primary power source (green) is using Matlab/Simulink and adapted PCI Card. The
lower than then load power (blue). In this time the bat- chopper control signal (pulses) is obtained by regulation
tery current (red) (Figure 7), becomes positive to ensure of fc voltage voltage.
the required power to the load. For the second source, Lead-Acid batteries
From the DC bus regulation figure, it‟s notable that (12V/150Ah) are available in the laboratory and are
the Vdc is controlled at the desired voltage (400V), and used in the test bench as shown in the figure 9.
it‟s affected slowly at each load variation (Figure 8), we From the figure 11, it is clear that FC supplies the
can improve this problem by using robust controller for load totally in the steady state phases, and sometimes
DC bus control out loop. provides the batteries, when its power exceeds the re-
To confirm the obtained results from numerical simu- The storage system (batteries) contributes in the sys-
lation, an experimental test bench is used to evaluate the tem stability by recovering the difference of power at
performance of the energy management strategy in a each transient period (acceleration and decelerating).
Hardwar In the Loop approach as close to the real oper-
ating condition.
bridization‟) weight is more important compared with
2 the hybrid source. The HP technology can enhance
3 greatly the hybrid ESS weight and the cost in the same
4 6
The separation frequency EMS is used, when the op-
timal cutoff frequency is chosen based on studying its
effect on the dynamic and other performances of the
global system. Its effectiveness and robustness is con-
firmed firstly, by the simulation results. As a result, the
batteries pack can reduce powerfully the imposed power
stress on the main source and assist it correctly using the
proposed EMS. An FC emulator is presented and used,
the validation of the proposed approaches is achieved
successfully and the simulation results are confirmed.
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