A Nine-Switch Three-Level Inverter For Electric Vehicle Applications
A Nine-Switch Three-Level Inverter For Electric Vehicle Applications
A Nine-Switch Three-Level Inverter For Electric Vehicle Applications
Abstract—This paper presents a nine-switch three-level and cascade inverters, have been used as EV/HEV motor
inverter used as an application for all-electric vehicle (EV) drives in some literatures [4-6]. Multilevel inverters have
and hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) motor drives. The shown the superiority over two-level inverters in EV/HEV
proposed three-level inverter consists of a three-phase two- motor drive applications, but the use of a large number of
level inverter and three bidirectional power switches. The power switches in these topologies is a main drawback
proposed inverter overcomes some shortcomings of two- which will increase the system cost, control complexity
level inverters, such as high switching frequency, high dv/dt and reduce the system reliability.
and electromagnetic interference (EMI). The proposed This paper presents a nine-switch three-level inverter
inverter also reduces the number of power switches from used for EV/HEV motor drives. The proposed inverter
twelve to nine compared with conventional three-level
overcomes some shortcomings of two-level inverters, such
inverters. Fewer switches reduce system cost and improve
as high switching frequency, high dv/dt and EMI. The
system reliability. The proposed three-level inverter is
proposed inverter also reduces the number of power
suitable for low voltage applications because the voltage
stress across part of power switches in this circuit is full of
switches from twelve to nine compared with conventional
the DC bus voltage. Losses of the proposed inverter are
three-level inverters. The reduction of power switches
analyzed and compared with other two inverters. The basic
could reduce system cost and improve system reliability.
principle and control scheme of the proposed three-level The novel inverter has all advantages of the conventional
inverter are introduced. Analytical, simulation, and three-level inverters except that the voltage stresses across
experimental results show the superiority of the proposed part of power switches are full the DC bus voltage, so it is
three-level inverter for electric vehicle applications. suitable for low voltage applications, such as for electric
vehicle motor drives.
Keywords — New Topology; Nine-Switch Three-Level This paper includes: 1) system configuration and
Inverter; EV Motor Drive analysis of the proposed three-level inverter; 2) space
vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) and neutral-
I. INTRODUCTION point potential balancing for the proposed inverter; 3)
losses analysis and comparison with other two inverters;
The development of electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid-
4) simulation and experimental results; 5) conclusion.
electric vehicles (HEV) has offered many challenges to
the power electronics industry, especially in the II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND ANALYSIS
development of the main traction motor drives [1]. Many
current and future designs will incorporate the use of A. Main Circuit of Three-Level Inverter
induction motors as the primary source for traction in The proposed nine-switch three-level inverter used as
electric vehicles. EV motor drives is shown in Fig. 1.
Three-phase two-level inverter, known as six switches The nine-switch three-level inverter consists of one
inverter, is widely used. This topology has the merits of conventional six-switch two-level inverter, three
low cost, easily controlled and high reliability, but it also bidirectional switches and two dc power supplies in series.
has some shortcomings such as: high switching frequency, The bidirectional switch is consists of four power diodes
high dv/dt and electromagnetic interference (EMI) [2]. and one power switch. Voltage stress across the power
Motor damage and failure has been reported by industry diodes and switches in the bidirectional switches when
as a result of adjustable speed drive inverters’ high they are switched off is half of the DC bus voltage, and
switching frequency PWM. The main problems reported voltage stress across other six switches is full the DC bus
have been “motor bearing failure” and “motor winding
insulation breakdown” because of the high dv/dt [3]. High
switching frequency also causes high switching loss and
EMI. These shortcomings are not in accord with the
design requirements of EV/HEV propulsion systems.
To overcome these shortcomings of conventional two-
level inverter motor drives, some multilevel inverters,
such as conventional three-level diode-clamped inverters
Project Supported by Postdoctoral Fund of Heilongjiang Province,
China Figure 1. The proposed nine-switch three-level inverter
C 2008 IEEE
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China
neutral-point potential balance should be assured when the IV. LOSSES ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON
inverter is used as EV motor drives.
A. Losses Analysis
Neutral-point potential unbalance is a key problem
widely known in back-to-back-connected three-level Converter efficiency is one of the fundamental
inverters. Obviously when the proposed inverter is used as performance indices. Losses produced by the switching
series HEV motor drives shown in Fig.2, the neutral-point elements are usually considered as a main challenge
potential balancing control should be made. during converter design. Voltage stresses across the
To assure the neutral-point potential balance, a neutral- switches directly influence their power rating, thus their
point potential balancing technique which is based on zero size, weight and cost. System losses consist of two parts:
average neutral-point current in a switching period is conduction losses and switching losses, so two part losses
introduced in this sect. The control scheme of neutral- should be analyzed.
point potential is shown in Fig. 4. t0, t1, t2 are the operation The switch conduction losses dissipated during single
times of vector V0, V1, V2. iinvz0, iinvz1, iinvz2, iinvz3 are PWM cycle is expressed by (10). The diode conduction
neutral-point currents when negative small vector V0, losses dissipated during single PWM cycle is expressed by
vector V1, V2 and positive small vector V0 act on inverter. (11).
The control aim in the nth period is expressed with (4). Pcond = U ce I c dTi (10)
Qn −1 + ΔQn = 0 (4) Pcond = U ce I c d Di (11)
where Qn −1 is the remaining charges in neutral-point at where Uce, Ic is the collector-to-emitter on-state voltage
the end of (n-1) period, and Qn −1 could be got by (5). ΔQn and collector current, and dTi and dDi is the duty cycle of
is new charges produced in nth period, and it could be power switches and diodes. The duty cycle of power
calculated with (6) and (7). ρ is a parameter which is switches could be achieved from the calculation of
reference vector synthesis in section III. For the first leg,
used to regulate the ΔQn . With the parameter ρ , duty to calculate the duty cycle dTi, define the power switch
cycle of negative small vector is d 0 (1 + ρ ) / 2 , and duty switching function STi as (11).
cycle of positive small vector is d 0 (1 − ρ ) / 2 . ⎧ ST 1 = Sa ( Sa + 1) / 2
Qn −1 = Q2 − Q1 = C *(Vdc2 − Vdc1 ) = C * ΔVdc (5) ⎨ ST 7 = −( S a − 1)( Sa + 1) (11)
(1 + ρ ) t0 (1 − ρ ) t0
⎪ S = S ( S − 1) / 2
ΔQn = * * iinvZ0 + t1 * iinvZ1 + t2 * iinvZ2 + * *iinvZ3 (6) ⎩ T2 a a
2 2 2 2 then dTi could be expressed as (12).
ΔQn == ρ * t0 * iinvZ0 + t1 * iinvZ1 + t2 * iinvZ2 (7) dTi = STi (V0 ) d0 + STi (V1 ) d1 + STi (V2 ) d 2 (i = 1, 2, 7) (12)
According to (4~7), the ρ can be calculated out with
There are always two diodes turned on in diodes Du1, Du2,
(8) in a switching period. Du3, Du4 when power switch T7 is turned on, and all the
four diodes are turned off when power switch T7 is turned
C * ΔVdc + t1 * iinvZ1 + t2 * iinvZ2 off, so dDui could be expressed as (13).
ρ=− (8) d Dui = dT 7 (i = 1, 4 or 2,3) (13)
t0 * iinvZ0
The parameter ρ is limited by (9) to avoid the duty The switching loss Psw could be easily obtained from
datasheets. The total losses in a period could be expressed
cycle of space vectors become negative. as (14).
⎧1, ρ >1 1 2π
ρ0 = ⎨ ρ ,
ρ ≤1 (9)
Ploss =
2π ∫0
( Pcond + Psw )d ωt (14)
⎪−1, ρ < −1
⎩ B. Losses Comparison
The neutral-point potential balancing method could To show the efficiency of the proposed three-level
assure the balance of voltage Vdc1 and Vdc2. Balanced inverter, following discussion takes into consideration
neutral-point potential could guarantee the performance of three inverter topologies: conventional two-level inverter,
inverter. conventional three-level neutral point clamped (NPC)
inverter, and the proposed nine-switch three-level inverter.
s For comparison purposes, it was assumed that each
topology is built of the same IGBT (MGY25N120D), the
V −V 0 same diode bridge (GBJ2510). The DC bus voltage
dc2 dc1 Vdc=500V. Fig.5 shows total losses generated by three
t0 t1 t2 t0 t2 t1 t0 different inverters. The curves present the losses versus
(1+ρ) (1− ρ) (1+ρ) output current magnitude. Total harmonic distortions
4 2 2 2 2 2 4
(THD) of the three type inverters are given in Fig.6.
i These three topology inverters are compared under the
invZ 0 same switching frequency (fsw=3.24kHz) firstly. The
losses of conventional three-level inverter are the largest.
iinvZ0 iinvZ1 iinvZ2 iinvZ3 iinvZ2 iinvZ1 iinvZ0 The losses of conventional two-level inverter are the
smallest. The losses of the proposed inverter are between
Figure 4. The control scheme of neutral-point potential that of conventional two-level and three-level inverters.
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China
The proposed inverter, f sw=3.24kHz 10
50 -10
40 -15
0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1
30 time (s)
To show voltage stress on switches and diodes, the
voltage stress waveforms of power switches T1, T7 and
0.8 diode Du1 are given in Fig. 10, Fig. 11, and Fig. 12
respectively. The voltage stresses on power switches T1
has three different levels: 0, Vdc/2, and Vdc. The voltage
0.6 stresses on power switch T1 and diode Du1 all have two
0 2 4 6 8 10 levels: 0 and Vdc/2. Although the maximal voltage stress
Current magnitude(A)
on switch T1 is Vdc, the dv/dt is Vdc/2 which is half that of
Figure 6. THD of three different inverter two-level inverters.
The THD of conventional two-level inverter is the 500
highest. When switching frequency is increased to 3fsw 400
(9.72kHz), two-level inverter’s THD is reduced, while its
VT1 (V)
total losses are smaller than the proposed inverter’s when 200
current is large, but larger than the proposed inverter’s
when current is small. The loss comparison shows that the
proposed inverter’s losses are acceptable when current is 0
The output line voltage, current and phase voltage are 0.095 0.096 0.097 0.098 0.099 0.1
given in Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively. The line time (s)
voltage has five voltage levels, while phase voltage has Figure 11. Voltage stress on switch T7
three voltage levels. The current is nearly sinusoidal.
Output line voltage (V)
V Du1 (V)
-500 -300
0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1 0.095 0.096 0.097 0.098 0.099 0.1
time (s) time (s)
Figure 7. Output line voltage of inverter Figure 12. Voltage stress on diode Du1
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China
Simulation results show that the proposed inverter is The line voltage has five voltage levels and phase
correct and effective. voltage has three voltage levels. The current is nearly
sinusoidal. The experimental results show that the
B. Experimental Results proposed nine-switch three-level inverter is correct.
The proposed inverter is experimented with a 27V DC
bus voltage and an asynchronous motor as load. The VI. CONCLUSION
inverter output line voltage and current are shown in Fig. This paper presents a nine-switch three-level inverter
13. The inverter output phase voltage is shown in Fig. 14. used as an application for EV/HEV motor drives. The
proposed inverter overcomes some shortcomings of two-
level inverters, such as high switching frequency, high
dv/dt and EMI. The proposed inverter also reduces the
number of power switches from twelve to nine compared
with conventional three-level inverter. Fewer switches
reduce system cost and improve system reliability. Losses
analysis and comparison show that the proposed inverter’s
losses are acceptable when current is not too large.
Simulation and experimental results show that the
proposed nine-switch three-level inverter is correct and
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Figure 14. Output phase voltage of the three-level inverter
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