Basic Rules of Basketball
Basic Rules of Basketball
Basic Rules of Basketball
1. The game consists 4 periods of 10 minutes and intervals of 2 minutes between the first and second
period, between the third and fourth period and before each extra period. Half time period is fifteen
2. Score tied at the end of playing time for the fourth period, the game is continued with an extra period
of five minutes or with as many such periods of five minutes as are necessary to break a tie.
3. During a penalty, the ball is awarded to opponents for a throw-in at the place of the original throw-in
4. Each charged time out lasts one minute. One charged time out is granted to each team during each of
the first three periods, two during the fourth period and one during each extra period. Unused time
outs may not be carried over the next period or extra period.
5. THREE-SECOND RULE – a player is not allowed to remain in the opponent’s restricted area for
more than three minutes
6. FIVE-SECOND RULE- a player who is holding a live ball on the court is closely guarded when a
opponent is in active guarding position at a distance of no more than one meter. A closely guarded
player, must pass, shoot, or dribble the ball within five minutes.
7. EIGHT-SECOND RULE- the team must within eight seconds cause the ball o go into the front
8. 24 -SECOND RULE- a shot for a field goal within 24 seconds.
9. PERSONAL FOULS- it involves illegal contacts with an opposing player whether the ball is live or
Blocking impedes the progress of an opposing player with or without the ball
Charging-is pushing or moving an opposing player torso, with or without the ball
Illegal guarding from the rear is personal contact with an opposing player by a defensive
player from behind
Holding is personal foul contact with an opposing player that interferes with his freedom of
Illegal screening is an illegal attempt to delay or prevent an opposing player who does not
control the ball from reaching a desired position on the playing court
Illegal use of hand occurs when a defensive player is in guarding opposing player with or
without the ball to impede his progress
Pushing is a personal contact with any part of the body which takes place when a player
forcibly moves or attempt to move an opposing player who has or does not have control of
the ball
10. Travelling- a player who is holding a live ball on the court steps once or more than once in any
direction with the same foot, while the pivot foot is kept in contact with the floor
11. Ball returned to the backcourt- a player who is in control of a live ball in his front court may not
cause the ball to be returned to his backcourt
12. Interference- with the occurs during a shot for a field goal when; a defensive player touches the ball
or the basket while the ball is in the basket, a player reaches through the basket from below and
touches the ball
13. Disqualifying Foul- any flagrantly unsportsmanlike behavior by a player, substitute, coach and
assistant coach or team’s followers.