Publicizing ISO9001-2000 or ISO14001-2004
Publicizing ISO9001-2000 or ISO14001-2004
Publicizing ISO9001-2000 or ISO14001-2004
of the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
families of quality and environmental
management standards and some
15 000 International Standards for
business, government and society.
ISO is a network of national standards
institutes from 146 countries working
in partnership with international
organizations, governments,
industry, business and consumer
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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ISBN 92-67-10400-4
© ISO, 2005
Printed in Switzerland
2 Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
ISO’s logo
Remember !
ISO has no “ ISO 9001:2000 logo ” or
“ ISO 14001:2004 logo ”. In addition, you
are not allowed to use ISO’s logo, which
ISO is not an auditor, assessor, is copyrighted. ISO will take whatever
registrar, or certifier of manage- actions it considers necessary to
ment systems, products, services, prevent the misuse of its logo.
materials or personnel, nor does it
Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
What logo can I use ?
Your organization may well want to
Be precise !
communicate its certification visually in
the form of a logo which can be used, for Formerly, when there were
example, in advertisements, in company three certification standards in
literature, on company flags or vehicle the ISO 9000 family, the phrase
fleets. What can you do and not do ? «ISO 9000 certification» was often
Certified organizations cannot use ISO’s
used as a convenient short way of
logo, adapt or modify the ISO logo.
referring to certification to the 1994
versions of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 or
One option is to use your ISO 9003. References to «ISO 14000
Remember ! organization’s own logo, certification» have also been com-
adapting it by embedding mon, even though ISO 14001:1996
You can’t use ISO’s logo, was the only certification standard
the information that your
nor adapt or modify in the ISO 14000 family.
organization is certified
it. If you adapt your
to ISO 9001:2000 or ISO
organization’s existing Now, both the ISO 9000 and
14001:2004. A second
logo to communicate ISO 14000 families contain only
option is to create a new
its certification, or if one certification standard each.
logo with this information.
you have a new logo ISO 9001:2000 has replaced the
However, if you choose
designed to convey 1994 versions and ISO 14001:2004
either of these options, is now replacing ISO 14001:1996.
this, they should not
the logos should not be
be capable of being In order to avoid any ambiguity
designed in such a way that
mistaken for the ISO about whether the old or new ver-
they could be interpreted as
logo. If you want to sions are being referred to, use of
being ISO’s logo.
use the logo of your the phrases «ISO 9000 certifica-
certification body, you A third option is to tion» and «ISO 14000 certification»
will need to ask for the apply to use the logo of should now be discontinued. For the
latter’s authorization. the certification body same reason, «ISO 9001 certifica-
tion» and «ISO 14001 certification»
organization and should also now be discontinued.
issued an
From now on, only «ISO 9001:2000
certificate of conformity. The logo
certification» and «ISO 14001:2004
belongs to the certification body and,
certification» should be used to refer
to the latest, improved versions.
therefore, you will need its permission
to use its logo, and to respect whatever
guidelines it has for the logo’s use. A
Remember !
possible extra benefit will be that if the
certification body is accredited*, you may It is time to stop using references
also be authorized to use the logo of the to «ISO 9000 certification»,
accreditation body. «ISO 14000 certification»,
«ISO 9001 certification» and
* See section headlined “ Certification, registration
«ISO 14001 certification». The
and accreditation ”.
only accurate way to refer to
certification to the latest versions of
the unique certification standards
is «ISO 9001:2000 certification» and
4 Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or «ISO 14001:2004 certification».
ISO 14001:2004 certification
Certification, registration
and accreditation
ISO 14001:2004, “ certification ” refers
to the issuing of written assurance
(the certificate) by an independent
external body that has audited your
management system and verified
that it conforms to the requirements
specified in the standard. “ Registra-
tion ” means that the auditing body
then records your certification in its
client register.
Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
The little difference Process, not
that means a lot product standards
Can you see a difference between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:
“ ISO certified ” and “ ISO 9001:2000 2004 state generic requirements for
certified ”, or between “ ISO certifica- management systems implemented
tion ” and “ ISO 14001:2004 certifica- by any organization, in any sector
tion ” ? Does the difference appear of activity. They apply to the proc-
minimal ? Maybe, but the possibility esses that an organization employs
for misunderstanding is substantial. to realize its products or services
– in other words, the way it ac-
For example, when your organiza- complishes its work and meets the
tion puts out a press release to an- customers’ requirements. ISO 9001:
nounce its certification, you may be 2000 applies to the processes that
clear in your own head that where the influence product or service quality,
text refers to your “ ISO certification ”, and ISO 14001:2004 to the proc-
you of course mean “ ISO 9001:2000 esses that influence the organiza-
(or ISO 14001:2004) certification ”. tion’s environmental performance.
But what about your audience ? They ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004
could certainly understand “ ISO cer- do not give specific requirements for
tification ” as meaning “ certification specific products or services.
carried out by ISO ”. You would there-
fore be adding to the common mis- Therefore, ISO 9001:2000 and
conception that it is ISO which issues
ISO 14001:2004 certifications must
ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 not be presented in any way that
certificates, or which controls the may be interpreted as their being
bodies that do so. You need to take product certifications or product
care not to imply that ISO audited guarantees. For example, customers
your organization and certified it and consumers must not be misled
– although it is perfectly okay to give
into believing that ISO 9001:2000
information on ISO as the source of is a product quality guarantee, or
ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004. that ISO 14001:2004 guarantees a
“ green ” or environmentally friendly
ISO recommends that, in the in- product.
terests of transparency, you specify
which certification body has award- Such misunderstandings can oc-
ed your certificate. cur if a product has phrases such
as “ ISO 9001:2000 certified ”, or
“ ISO 14001:2004 certified ” stamped
Remember !
on it, or included on the product la-
The terms “ISO certified” and “ISO bel, or in an advertisement, or in oth-
certification” should not be used er product-related information. This
because they carry the potential for is unacceptable because it is not the
misleading people into thinking that product that has been certified, but
it is ISO which has carried out the the management system covering
certification. Use instead “ISO 9001: the processes through which it has
2000 certified”, “ISO 9001:2000 been realized.
certification”, “ISO 14001:2004 certified”,
or “ISO 14001:2004 certification”.
6 Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
Therefore, ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO 14001:2004 certification marks The organization –
of conformity should not appear on or the system ?
products, product labels or product
packaging, or in any way that might With ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 14001:2004,
be interpreted as denoting product it is the management system that is
conformity. certified, not the organization that
implements the system. However,
When your organization wants to since the management system has no
communicate its certification via prod- independent existence, it is acceptable
uct-related material (excluding product for organizations with certified systems
packaging, the product label, or the to describe themselves as certified on
product itself), special care must be condition that they specify the extent of
taken to avoid the above misinterpre- the certification *.
tation and to communicate accurately
by phrases such as the following : Certified organizations may therefore
promote themselves via media such
“ The management system gov- as company flags, paintwork of vehicle
erning the manufacture of this fleets, advertisements and letterheads
product is ISO 9001:2000 (or as ISO 9001:2000 – or ISO 14001:2004
ISO 14001:2004) certified. ” – certified.
“ The management system A number of certification bodies
governing the provision of this authorize certified clients to use special
service is ISO 14001:2004 (or logos developed by the former which
ISO 9001:2000) certified. ” include phrases such as “ quality
“ ISO 9001:2000-certifi ed quality assured firm ”, “ quality assured ” and
management system”, or variants. These are derived from the
“ISO 14001:2004-certified environ- standardized definition of “ assurance ”
mental management system. ” which denotes a statement giving
confidence that something fulfils
“ ISO 9001:2000 QMS ”, or
specified requirements – such uses are
“ ISO 14001:2004 EMS. ”
“ ISO 9001:2000-certified
* See section headlined “ Scope of certification ”.
processes ”, or “ ISO 14001:2004-
certified processes. ”
Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
Scope of certification
8 Publicizing your
ISO 9001:2000 or
ISO 14001:2004 certification
ISO Central Secretariat
1, rue de Varembé
Case postale 56
CH -1211 Genève 20
Telephone + 41 22 749 01 11
Telefax + 41 22 733 34 30
E-mail central @
ISBN 92-67-10400-4
2005-01/ 2000