Basic Skill
Basic Skill
Basic Skill
Basic Skills
- Ready Stance
- Grips
- Paddle motions and ball flight directions
- Footwork
- Ball Control
- Serves and Returns B. Performance-backhand (Photo 4.1b):
a. one foot away from the table
TECHNIQUES b. right foot slightly forward, weight on left foot
-Different type of Flat shots and returns c. left-hand holds the ball at left-front of body
-Different type of Short Shots d. right-hand holds the paddle at left-front of body
- Loop (top spin) shots
2. Basic returning stance
-Backspin (slice & chop) shots
-Combination shots
-single game strategy
-doubles game strategy
(Like any other sport, a ready stance is essential to movement and
skills. The basic stances include serving stances and receiving Performance:
stance.) a. feet apart shoulder-wide, weight in the middle
b. knees bent slightly, heels up slightly
1. Basic serving stance c. the paddle-arm bent naturally with the paddle in front of
d. watch the ball
This type of grip allows for strong forehand and backhand shots.
This grip is also better for loop style and slice style players.
A. Performance-forehand (Photo 4.1a):
a. one foot away from the table
b. left foot slightly forward, weight on right foot
c. left-hand holds the ball at right-front of body
d. right-hand holds the paddle at right-front of body
a. hold the paddle like shaking hands with someone
b. the thumb is in front and the index finger is at the back (The direction and pathway of a serve or a shot depends on how
c. hold the paddle loosely the paddle contacts the ball. There are several ways the paddle
contacts the ball and different contacts create different flight
2. The traditional pen-grip patterns of the ball.)
(This grip is usually used by Asian players, especially Chinese 1. Flat
In this motion, the paddle directly hits
This type of grip allows for quick shots, especially for close table the back of the ball perpendicularly
style players. But backhand shots from this grip are usually weak forward, upward or downward. The ball
since it cannot reach as far on the backhand side, especially for loop then travels straight forward in flat
and slice shots and off-the-table shots. serves or shots (drive shots), or travels
upward in lob shots, or goes down in
(Although this grip is much less used in the last 10 years, a Korean
smash or snap shots accordingly.
player used it in 2004 Olympic men’s single game and took the
2. Topspin
3. The new pen-grip In this motion, the paddle hits (half hit and
half scratch) low on the back of the ball
A trend of the pen grip is to imitate the tennis grip style and players
with a downward scratching motion. The
using this new style use the back of the paddle to smash, loop, and
ball then travels forward with a backward
slice. It is similar to the backhand technique of tennis grip players
spin in slice and chop shots and serves.
but still keep the advantage of the traditional style.
Then the ball bounces up low and slows
down with a backspin motion. If the paddle
hits the ball fast, it will be a long slice serve or shot. If the paddle
hits the ball slowly, then it will be a short and low chop serve or
1. Single Step
It is quick and simple in a small range
It is good for the shots close to the body
B. Stride steps to left
A. To right-front
A. Jump to right
(Significant improvement in ball control, coupled with an
understanding of touch, can be achieved off the table using the
following exercises:
1. Bouncing the ball on the forehand side of the bat, attempting to
achieve a uniform height.
2. As 1 but using the backhand side of the bat.
3. Bouncing the ball each side of the bat alternately.
4. Repeating exercises 1, 2 and 3 but varying the height of the
B. Jump to left
5. Repeating all exercises but with added movement such as walking
or light jogging.)
4. Slide Step
It can reach relatively far
The central gravity is stable when moving
5. Pivot steps
A. One step
It is used only when using forehand to return backhand
it is used when the ball coming to the body
• It is the base for other serves
• It has no spin or very little spin
• It travels fast and long
1. Forehand backspin serve
a. one foot away from the table
b. left foot slightly forward, weight on right foot
c. left hand holds the ball at right-front of body
d. right hand holds the paddle at right-front of body 42
• It is more like the flat serves.
• It has more power and is fast
• It is often used to return flat serves and shots
• It controls placement well and hits bigger angles
D. Pen-grip drive
• It uses the back of paddle and it is similar to the tennis grip
• It has more power than push shot
a. Slice Shot
1. Forehand fast loop shot
2. Backhand fast loop shots
b. High Loop
1. Forehand snap chop
2. Backhand snap chop
1. Forehand off-table slice shot
2. Backhand off-table slice shot Applications of the backspin shots
a. Return low and backspin shots and serves
b. Chop shots b. Keep the shots low and short to avoid attacks
- is a slice shot except slice shot is usually long and the chop shot is c. Reduce mistakes and force opponent to slow down or make
short. mistakes
-usually performed with the off-table technique and travel far while d. Change the angles and length of the backspin
the chop shot is low and short. e. Attack when there is an opportunity
-The chops usually hit and land close to the net. The chop shot is not
as powerful or fast, but it is more consistent and makes fewer Return backspin shots
mistakes. a. Slice or chop back
-The chop shot also flies with a backspin motion and bounces very b. Loop it up and attack
low and short, thus it gives opponent no chance to smash or to be
aggressive. Combination shots
-Most players often use the chop shot in games to avoid being
smashed and to create chances to smash. (Very often players have to combine several skills together with
- Players also use chop shots to reduce their own mistakes while strategic purposes to win an inning. Players usually develop their
force opponent to make opponent less patience and consequently own style of combinations and based these combinations establish
make more mistakes, to make the opponent less aggressive, and to their unique styles
force offensive players to change their play style to defensive play.
a. Push then pivot attack
It mainly uses the backhand to push the ball for good placement,
and then catch any chances to use forehand to smash or loop.
• It is aggressive at the forehand and backhand sides
• It effectively controls the placements before the attack
• It is consistent and make fewer mistakes
• It uses short chops in rally to create chances for attacks
• It lifts the ball up for offensive shots Features: This style mainly uses push shots to place the ball with
• It changes the play from defense to offense speed and placement and then uses forehand aggressive shots to
attack. Backhand push and forehand attack players mainly use this
d. Chop and snap style to deal with an aggressive opponent of the same or loop style.
It mainly uses short and low chops to prevent any smashes from an
opponent and catches any chances to snap or smash if opponent’s Techniques: This style can use continuous backhand push and
return is high. forehand attack. It can also use backhand push and pivot attack
General basic strategies Techniques: Alternatively use backhand and forehand attacks
1. Use your best serves and shots in games to ensure your best play continuously. When the ball is low or there is no chance to attack,
and reduce mistakes. use push or block shots and wait for opportunities
2. Players can change serves and shots to keep opponent guessing
what your next motion will be. Tactics:
3. Change speed, power, lines and placement of the shots and • Attack the backhand then smash the forehand.
serves to avoid opponent getting used to them. • Attack two corners then smash the middle.
4. Combine spin and flat serves to force opponent make more
mistakes. Tips:
5. Attack opponent's weakness. • Change lines and placement.
6. Avoid the strength of opponent. For example, hit to the backhand • Mainly attack opponent's backhand to create chance to smash
if the opponent is strong at forehand, or use more short chop shots forehand or middle.
if opponent is very aggressive. • Catch every chance to smash.
7. Hit to the openings, weak side, and weak spots (such as • Stay close to the table when in offense, and stay back when in
opponent's body). defense.
• Stay close to the table when dealing with loop style players. Use
Different styles and their strategies quick push to press the loop shots then use more power to smash.
1. Both players of the same styles. This pairing can make both 4. Triangle Rotations
players work together very well. Examples include two fast Each player using this rotation
style players, two slice style players, or two loop players. pattern moves to sides to return
shot, then step back to the middle
2. Two players of different styles. This pairing can confuse for the next shot in a triangle way.
opponents and make it difficult for opponents to get used to It is used often to return angles
the changes. Examples include one fast style player and one shots to sides and it is similar to the
loop player, or a loop player and a slice player. circular rotation.
3. One right-handed and one left-handed style. This pairing Teamwork and Strategies
can reduce the movement and avoid bumping into each 1. Establish a good rotation and movement patterns.
other. 2. Create chances for your partner when returning a shot or
3. Cover your partner's weaknesses.
4. Attack the weaker opponent.
5. Hit to the opponent who just finished the shot and is
moving away.
6. Use your best serves and shots in games to ensure your
best play and reduce mistakes.
7. Change serves and shots to keep opponents guessing what
the next motion will be.
8. Change speed, power, lines and placement of the shots
and serves to avoid opponents adapting to them.
9. Combine spin and flat serves to force opponent make
more mistakes.
10. Attack opponents’ weaknesses.
11. Avoid the strength of opponent. For example, hit to the
backhand if opponent is strong at forehand, or use more short
chop shots if opponent is very aggressive.
12. Hit to the openings, weak side, and an opponent's body.