Course Outline - English - 2017 - (2nd Ed.)

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English Language - Course Outline

- Tutors use grammar-translation, audio-lingual, or communicative approach.
- Each class focuses on essential grammar and skills to use language.
- Students learn most topics twice within the two years. Some topics, however, are not included in
M.2 classes.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Reading Skills Practice’ and ‘Integrated Skills Practice’ can be taught several times.
1) Verb to Be
2) Verb to Have
3) There is/are
4) Present Simple
5) Present Continuous
6) Past Simple
7) Future Simple
8) Quantity Words (much/many/etc.)
9) Modal Verbs
10) Adjectives
11) Adverbs
12) Personal Pronouns (I/me/my)
13) Question Words
14) Reading Skills Practice
15) Integrated Skills Practice

English Language - Course Outline


- Tutors use grammar-translation, audio-lingual, or communicative approach.
- A class focuses on reviews of grammar lessons which students have learned in their M.1-2 classes.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on levels of difficulty and
- The topics ‘Reading Skills Practice’ and ‘Integrated Skills Practice’ can be taught several times.
- The topic ‘O-NET Practice Test’ can be taught several times.
1) Present Simple
2) Present Continuous
3) Past Simple
4) Past Continuous
5) Present Perfect
6) Past Perfect
7) Future Simple
8) Active and Passive Voice
9) Adjectives
10) Adverbs
11) Comparison of Adjectives
12) Personal Pronouns
13) Reading Skills Practice
14) Integrated Skills Practice
15) O-NET Practice Test

- Tutors use grammar-translation, audio-lingual, or communicative approach.

English Language - Course Outline


- Each class focuses on grammar and skills to use language.

- Students learn most topics twice within the two years. Some topics, however, are not included in
M.4 classes.
- For each class tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Reading Skills Practice’ and ‘Integrated Skills Practice’ can be taught several times.
1) Present Tenses
2) Past Tenses
3) Future Tenses
4) Perfect Tenses
5) Active and Passive Voice
6) Adjectives and Adverbs
7) Comparisons of Adjectives and Adverbs
8) Conditional Sentences
9) Gerunds
10) Infinitives
11) Participles
12) Simple Sentences
13) Compound Sentences
14) Complex Sentences (Adjective Clauses)
15) Complex Sentences (Adverb Clauses)
16) Complex Sentences (Noun Clauses)
17) Reduced Adjective Clauses
18) Reading Skills Practice
19) Integrated Skills Practice

- Tutors summarize grammar topics which are usually found in university examinations and teach
English Language - Course Outline

students how to deal with the grammar-based tests as well as other kinds of tests such as reading,
vocabulary, and speaking tests.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Practice Test’ can be taught several times.
1) Verbs - Tenses, Voice, Agreement
2) Non-Finite Verbs
3) Connectors
4) Parts of Speech
5) Sentence Structure
6) Reading Practice Test
7) Vocabulary Practice Test
8) Speaking Practice Test
9) Grammar Practice Test

- Tutors use grammar-translation, audio-lingual, or communicative approach.
- Each class focuses on essential grammar and ability to use language.
- Students learn most topics twice within the two years. Some topics, however, are not included in
M.4 classes.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Reading Skills Practice’ and ‘Integrated Skills Practice’ can be taught several times.
1) Present Tenses
2) Past Tenses
3) Future Tenses
4) Perfect Tenses
5) Active and Passive Voice
6) Subject-Verb Agreement

English Language - Course Outline


6) Gerunds
7) Infinitives
8) Participles
9) Modal Verbs
10) Adjectives and Adverbs
11) Comparison of Adjectives
12) Conditional Sentences
13) Simple Sentences
14) Compound Sentences
15) Complex Sentences (Adjective Clauses)
16) Complex Sentences (Adverb Clauses)
17) Complex Sentences (Noun Clauses)
18) Reduced Adjective Clauses
19) Reading Skills Practice
20) Integrated Skills Practice

- Tutors summarize grammar topics which are usually found in university examinations and teach
students how to deal with the grammar-based tests as well as other kinds of tests such as reading,
vocabulary, and speaking tests.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Practice Test’ can be taught several times.
1) Verbs - Tenses, Voice, Agreement
2) Non-Finite Verbs
3) Connectors
4) Parts of Speech
5) Sentence Structure

English Language - Course Outline


6) Reading Practice Test

7) Vocabulary Practice Test
8) Speaking Practice Test
9) Grammar Practice Test

- Tutors use grammar-translation, audio-lingual, or communicative approach.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
1) Tenses
2) Active and Passive Voice
3) Midterm 1 Exam Review (Mega Goal U.1-3) Grammar Part
4) Final 1 Exam Review (Mega Goal U.4-5) Grammar Part
5) Conditional Sentences
6) Connectors
7) Gerunds
8) Infinitives
9) Participles
10) Midterm 2 Exam Review (Mega Goal U.6- Grammar Part
11) Final 2 Exam Review (Mega Goal U.9-10) Grammar Part

- Tutors use grammar-translation approach.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Reading Skills Practice’ and ‘Integrated Skills Practice’ can be taught several times.
1) Tenses

English Language - Course Outline


2) Active and Passive Voice

3) Subject-Verb Agreement
4) Gerunds
5) Infinitives
6) Participles
7) Simple Sentences
8) Compound Sentences
9) Complex Sentences (Adjective Clauses)
10) Complex Sentences (Adverb Clauses)
11) Complex Sentences (Noun Clauses)
12) Reduced Adjective Clauses
13) Reading Skills Practice
14) Integrated Skills Practice

- Tutors summarize grammar topics which are usually found in university examinations and teach
students how to deal with the grammar-based tests as well as other kinds of tests such as reading,
vocabulary, and speaking tests.
- For each class, tutors can choose one topic or more than, depending on difficulty and time.
- The topics ‘Practice Test’ can be taught several times.
1) Verbs - Tenses, Voice, Agreement
2) Non-Finite Verbs
3) Connectors
4) Parts of Speech
5) Sentence Structure
6) Reading Practice Test
7) Vocabulary Practice Test

English Language - Course Outline


8) Speaking Practice Test

9) Grammar Practice Test

English Language - Course Outline

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