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Dodgeball Lesson Plan 2

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Name: Amanda Carter Grade/Subject: Grade 7 Phys Ed Unit: Dodgeball

Date: Mar. 7th, 2018 Length of Lesson: 45 min. Class Size: 30 Students

General Learning Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
Outcomes (P.O.S.) activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment.
Specific Leaning  A7–5: demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying
Outcomes (P.O.S.) speeds and accuracy in skills specific to an activity
 A7–6: demonstrate manipulative skills by using elements of space awareness,
effort and relationships, with and without objects, to improve performance
Learning Students will:
Objectives 1) Demonstrate a variety of throws to use in dodgeball
2) Identify strategies to use in dodgeball
3) Demonstrate their application of strategies in dodgeball
Equipment  Dodgeballs

Procedure Assessment Methods

Early Activity  Prior to the start of class, ensure that the gym is safe Who is appropriately
(5 - 8 min) (previous equipment put away, potential obstacles dressed? Who is not?
removed, space available for activity) and place the
container of dodgeballs at the side of the gym. How many students are
 Students that enter early will go to their designated present? Will I need to
training centre and begin stretching. Any that are not adjust the lesson if too
properly changed will be asked to do so. many are absent?
 When all are present, I will blow my whistle,
indicating that they are to come sit in front of me. Are students stretching
 Once everyone has arrived, I will inform them that like they were told? Is
we are continuing our dodgeball unit, and that we’ll anyone acting
be learning different strategies to use in dodgeball. unsafely?
 Review the types of throws we learned and why
they’re important.
Are students engaged?
Looking at facial
language to check.
Body of Lesson Sideways Passing (7 – 10 min)
(25 – 30 min)  I will briefly explain the purpose and technique of Do students
sideways passing. understand the
 Like yesterday, they are to pair up within their purpose of this activity?
groups and practice these new throws. As proficiency
increases, students will be encouraged to focus more How many students can
on the accuracy of their throw. throw and then catch a
 As students experience more success, I will instruct ball?
them to throw with their opposite hands.
 Throughout the activity, I will circulate and provide What’s the level of
both positive feedback and constructive criticism, enthusiasm? Are
paying attention to proper form.
Partner passing/lobbing (5 – 8 min) students enjoying
 I will choose a student group to help me themselves?
demonstrate. Students will get into groups of 3
within their training centres. Two students have Are most students
balls. One partner lobs the ball towards their partner, experiencing success
the other throws the ball at the third person like they with this activity? Do I
would to get them out. Whoever receives the balls need to change
continue the pattern. anything?
 Introduce the quick double handed throw and what
its purpose is.
 Throughout the activity, I will circulate and provide
both positive feedback and constructive criticism, Are students practicing
paying attention to technique. the timing between
 Transition: I will blow my whistle once, indicating throwing and catching?
that students should stop what they’re doing and Is one skill offsetting
focus on me. Afterwards, I will teach them to look the other?
away from their target.

Dodgeball Game (10 – 15 min) Are all students

 The game will be a large-scale match between two participating and
large teams. Students will be sent to each side in practicing their
their respective teams – one may be split to even different throws?
things out.
 I will remind them of the different types of throws Are they adhering to
they can use in the game. the rules of dodgeball
 If the game ends quickly, reset the match and begin that they learned?
 I will join in on a team and participate in the match Are any sticking close
and provide feedback and encouragement. to the wall?
 Transition: Give a 1-minute warning till the end of
the game. I will then blow my whistle once, Are students listening
indicating that students should stop what they’re to instruction and
doing and focus on me. ending the class as they
were told?
Closure (5 min)  Student Feedback: Ask students why it’s important to How are students able
use different throws in dodgeball. to answer the
 Commend the class on their enthusiasm and working questions?
on their throwing skills.
 Inform the class that we will be using these news Do the students seem
throws tomorrow and learn some strategies for happy to have engaged
dodgeball. in this activity and learn
 Dismiss the students to go and change. Remain to these new skills?
talk to any students who may have questions or
ideas for the future.
Sponge Activity If the class shows proficiency the dodgeball game, they will
be instructed to throw with their non-dominant hand. They
will be told to practice their different throws throughout.

Alberta Education. (2006). Daily physical activity handbook.

Alberta Learning. (2000). Physical education guide to implementation.
Alberta Learning. (2000). Physical education program of studies.


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