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Emilio Aguinaldo: Mga Gunita NG Himagsikan

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Emilio Aguinaldo 

Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan

Title of the Document and the name of

Emilio Aguinaldo, Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan
the Author

I. Background of the Author

Emilio Aguinaldo was the first president of the

Philippines and the one who proclaimed freedom in our
country. He was from an influential family in Kawit,
A. What is the occupation or position of
Cavite. He learned how to be a great leader at an early age
the author? Provide a brief description of
because he became a Cabeza de Barangay and at the age of
25 a Gobernadorcillo Capitan Municipal. Months later, he
joined the group ‘Katipunan’ and used the nom de guerre

B. What are some of the facts about the

The author is dependable not only because of his
position but because he played an important role in
author that makes him dependable in Philippine Revolution. Emilio Aguinaldo said that the
writing the document? memoirs of the book were from a diary he kept, documents
he preserved, and family lore gathered from his elders.

Emilio Aguinaldo’s motivation in writing this book

are: to help the Filipino historians in filling the field of
Philippine History that also links the fragments of its parts;
to help to preserve the memory of the present generation
C. What were the author’s motivation in
and for the future of the hardships and tribulations of the
writing the document?
people of our time that contribute to the welfare of all; and
to remember the native heroism of every Filipino in
defending the freedom that is cherished beyond any
foreigner's efforts to conquer.

II. Historical Background of the Document

In between 1869, Philippine Revolution has begun,

to 1964 Emilio Aguinaldo wrote the first volume of his
reminiscence, “Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan” that was
A. What period in Philippine History did translated as “Memoirs of the Revolution” in 1967.  
the document tackled? In Aguninaldo’s prelude, it is said that the memoirs
were based on the events that he still remembered, on the
documents that he preserved, and a diary in which he kept
and protect, but it doesn’t know if the said diary was still

B. What are some facts that the

document tells about Filipinos and life in Based in Emilio Aguinaldo’s autobiography, a lot
the Philippines at the time it was written? of Filipino qualities were shown but these were the ones
that stand out among them, starting with Filipinos
practicing “bayanihan” and patriotism. Second, how much
Filipinos value their freedom and independence in their
own country, for example Emilio Aguinaldo and other
national heroes who fought for their country’s freedom.
Third, Filipinos love to have fun and celebrate different
occasions, if you roam around their islands, fiestas are
celebrated everyday. In addition, they're known for being
religious and piousness as well as being family-oriented
people. Lastly, the most praised and known quality of being
Filipino is their hospitality; a trait displayed by every
Filipino until this very day. 
The life in the Philippines during that time were
hard, unacceptable and unfair. For starters, the Philippines
was invaded and enslaved for how many years by different
countries. Filipinos can’t even move or simply didn’t have
freedom in their own country.

Filipino revolutionaries defeated the Spanish forces

in a battle in Alapan, Imus, Cavite, with the first
appearance of the Philippine flag. 
The Philippine Independence from Spain is declared
C. What world/regional/ domestic events
by Filipino revolutionaries, led by Pres. Aguinaldo, in
affected the Philippines in general during
Kawit, Cavite.
this period?
The Spanish-American War and its aftermath
delayed Philippine independence until after World War II,
which established a relationship that fostered a substantial
Filipino population within U.S. borders and other countries
III. Content Presentation and Analysis of the Important Historical Information

Filipinos and Philippines portrayed as revolutionist

because they are aiming for freedom and independency
among the Spaniards. As we all know, Filipinos were
A. How were the Filipinos and the
colonized by Spaniards for many years, and Emilio
Philippines portrayed in the document
Aguinaldo has his own plan for independency. As it
and why do you think so?
goes along, he collaborated with Andres Bonifacio to alter
the governance/government in the Philippines.

The important terms or concepts in the account of

Emilio Aguinaldo were first, the revolution towards
Spaniards, it is known that it is not the first attempt to fight
back against Spaniards but Filipinos were determined to
B. Provide important terms or concepts free the land of the Philippines in the Spanish regiment.
and their meanings in relation to the Second is the independency of the Philippines from spain
content of the document. on June 12, 1892; the creation of flag and national anthem.
Thus, making the Philippines was colonized by the
Spaniards for 333 years, it is not surprising if Spaniards
alter the Filipinos belief and the way they live. Some
examples are religion, vocabulary, and cuisine.

C. What previous misconception in

Philippine History was debunked? What Referring to some confused accounts, Emilio
new information have you learned Aguinaldo showed some altered events because for those
that were written, other details had been forgotten and most
of the details were documented in lack of reliable
For instance, the right day of the First Cry of
Balintawak (“Unang Sigaw sa Balintawak”) could not be
ascertained. Some claimed that this event took place on
August 23, 1896 at the old Bonifacio Monument in
through the document?
Balintawak, others claim it happened on August 24, 1896;
August 26, 1896 in a different place. Another example was
the date of the Philippine’s Declaration of Independence
(“Araw ng Kalayaan”). It was originally declared in July 4,
thus nowadays the Philippine Independence Day was
proclaimed in June 12. 

IV. Contribution and Relevance of the Document

The document is relevant in reconstructing the past

of the Philippines and its people for the reason it gave us an
important information and an overview of the event that had
happened during the foreign colonization made by the
Spaniards. The document specifies some details of the
A. How relevant the document in situation experienced by our Ancestors under the spanish
reconstructing the past of the Philippines regime which is helpful in understanding their situation
and its people? during that period. It tells us what the Filipino did during
that time to fight the foreign invaders by showing an act of
heroism in defending the country. It is important for us to
know or to study our history to acknowledge all the
sacrifices and bravery made by our heroes just to protect the

B. Provide the significance of the Scholars/Historians/Analysts 

document with the following (Choose all   It is significant for the Historians since it
that applies); gives a wide overview of what are the events that
1.Scholars/Historians/Analysts took place before, our past, or during the times when
2. Economy the Philippines was colonized by other countries. It
3. Socio-cultural is also important for them because the document can
4. Political help them to reconstruct the past.
5. Religious
6. Geography 2. Economy 
7. Filipino Youth              It is very important to understand the
economy they have before to understand or
compare on why we have this kind of economy
right now. It can also help us to improve or will
help us to identify what kind of economy we need
or what we will have to create for our country at
this time and probably in the near future.
3. Socio-cultural 
            Since we have been colonized by some
foreign countries most of our customs, traditions,
culture and beliefs were influenced by them and it is
relevant since up to this time we are doing and still
practicing it. It is important for us because it is
already a part of us.

4. Political 
The Political strategy made by our heroes
that were implied in the document is significant
today since the document showed their strengths and
weaknesses in fighting for the independence of our
country. It can serve as a guide for our government
today such as strengthening the armed forces,
creating and improving laws that should be abided
by the citizens of our nation. Lastly, having strong
leadership that will lead a nation.

5. Religious  
            As we all know, We Filipinos were
colonized by Spaniards for years. In fact, the
Spaniards taught us the religion, Catholicism. Up
until now, Filipinos we’re still living and practicing
Catholicism and Philippines were categorized as
catholic country.

6. Geography 
In the past, most lands, hectares and states
in the Philippines were owned by Spanish friars
who manipulated and tricked Filipinos in thinking
that the religious orders are the rightful owners and
gradually, stealing properties from Filipinos. If it
weren’t for Aguinaldo’s and other national heroes,
Filipinos won’t be able to have and reclaim their
own land/s or properties where in the first place
were originally owned by them.

7. Filipino Youth
            It is really significant to the Filipino Youth,
for the reason that this document is an eye-opener
for everyone because it unveiled the condition of
the Filipinos during that time. We may never
experience that kind of situation but knowing it is
already enough for us to value, respect and
understand the freedom that we have. The
document teaches us to love, protect and
nationalize our country. Just like what Dr Jose
Rizal said “Ang kabataan ay pag-asa ng bayan.” It
is our responsibility to protect and fight for our

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