Liquid Bulk / Quantity Measurements and Other Challenges: Prepared by Jorge Pecci, Safewaters Um
Liquid Bulk / Quantity Measurements and Other Challenges: Prepared by Jorge Pecci, Safewaters Um
Liquid Bulk / Quantity Measurements and Other Challenges: Prepared by Jorge Pecci, Safewaters Um
Prepared by Jorge Pecci, SafeWaters UM
Disclaimer: AIMU is committed to advancing the educational, governmental, regulatory and technical interests of the ocean
marine insurance industry. One of the services AIMU provides for its members is the provision of education and publishing of
information for use by underwriters, loss control and claims specialists, and other interested parties. Volunteer members of a
committee and/or staff of AIMU have produced this information. Committee members abide by antitrust restrictions and all
other applicable laws and regulations while compiling information. It is generally not possible to treat any one subject in an
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Quantity of crude oil or petroleum product(s) loaded, assessed by measurements done ashore at the
terminal and afterwards shippers enter these figures in the bill of lading. On the other hand ship’s
figures ascertained on board by way of measurement of ship’s tanks and concomitant calculations done
by especially appointed surveyor together with responsible for cargo operations ship’s officer, normally
Chief Mate. These figures obtained ashore and on board of tanker, as a rule, differ from each other.
There are many factors contributing to these discrepancies such as superseded tables used by the
terminal in the calculation of Bill of Lading quantities, inaccurate vessel experience factor, Cargo Custody
transfer practices and the competency of Cargo Inspectors and crew. These discrepancies product of
errors in calculation eventually evolve in what is normally called in insurance “paper loss”.
When ship’s measurements show less cargo than stated in bill of lading the charterers are facing
potential liabilities for cargo shortage at the discharge port. Therefore they usually specifically provide in
their voyage instructions for actions required from the owners and the master of the vessel in such
These instructions, normally subject to tolerable margin, because small discrepancy is practically
inevitable, but sometimes not. Master’s should not sign the bill of lading until he first communicates
with the charterers/owners.
Usually, communication between all the parties concerned, i.e. the shippers, the charterers, the brokers
and the owners takes time, sometimes many hours, especially if loading has been completed on
weekend or after office hours. The owners can avoid liability for delays related to such communication
and disputes over the ship/bill of lading discrepancies if they show that the master acted reasonably and
he did not cause or contribute to the delay by any unreasonable act or omission on his part. On the
other hand courts and arbitrators have always been quick to support the owners who take a stand to
insert an accurate figure in the face of a shipper who is demanding a questionable figure.
Petroleum Tankers
Typical Typical
Class Length Beam Draft
Seawaymax 226 m (741 ft) 24 m (79 ft) 7.92 m (26.0 ft) 10,000 t 60,000 t
Panamax 228.6 (750 ft) 32.3 m (106 ft) 12.6 m (41 ft) 60,000 t 80,000 t
Aframax 253.0 m (830 ft) 44.2 m (145 ft) 11.6 m (38 ft) 80,000 t 120,000 t
330 m (1,080 ft) 60 m (200 ft) 20 m (66 ft) 200,000 t 315,000 t
In order to be able to understand how quantities are measured today on board a tanker it is critical
to recognize some basic vocabulary/definitions.
Observed Reference Height is the distance actually measured from the tank bottom or datum plate
to the established reference point.
Reference Height is the distance from the tank bottom to the established reference point or mark.
Reference Point is the point from which the reference height is determined and from which the
ullages / innages are taken.
Sediment and Water (S&W) is the non-hydrocarbon solid material and water in suspension in
petroleum liquid. Sediment and water is measured by the techniques described in MPMS Chapters
10.1 ~ 10.8 of Appendix A.
Slops are oil, oil/water/sediment, and emulsions contained in the slop tanks or designated cargo
tanks. The mixture usually results from tank stripping, tank washing, or dirty ballast phase
Water Washing involves the use of high-pressure water stream to dislodge clingage and sediment
from the bulkheads, bottom and internal tank structures of a vessel.
Crude Oil Washing (COW) involves the use of a high-pressure stream of the crude oil cargo to
dislodge or dissolve the clingage and sediment from the bulkheads, bottom and internal tank
structures of a vessel during the discharge operation.
It must be noted that regulatory agencies (including most ship / facility internal documented
procedures require the tanks to be inerted during tank cleaning.
Trim is the condition of a vessel with reference to its longitudinal position in the water. It is the
difference between the forward and aft drafts and expressed "by the head" if the forward draft is
deeper than the aft draft or "by the stern".
Trim Correction is the correction applied to the observed gauge or observed volume when a vessel
is not on an even keel (equal forward and aft drafts), provided that the liquid is in contact with all
bulkheads in the tank. Correction for trim may be made by referencing trim tables for each
individual tank or by mathematical calculation.
Ullage Gauge (Outage) is the measured distance from the cargo liquid surface to the reference
Vessel Experience Factor (VEF) is a compilation of the history of the total calculated volume (TCV)
vessel measurements, adjusted for on-board quantity (OBQ) or remaining on board (ROB),
compared with the TCV shore measurements. Separate VEFs should be developed for loadings and
discharges. The information used to calculate VEF should preferably be based on documents that
follow accepted industry standards and practices, such as inspection company reports.
It may be noted that for the purpose of calculating a load or discharge vessel ratio, the TCV on board
the vessel includes all petroleum liquids, sediment and water, free water and slops found after
loading (TCV sailing volume) or before discharge (TCV arrival volumes). However, if in the
completion of the Sequential Voyage Log, a TCV ratio (vessel - shore) appears to be in gross error,
the ratio may be deleted with the agreement of both parties. If all qualified voyages are based on
load/discharge data from the same terminal, the applicability of those VEF data to the
loads/discharges at other terminals should be evaluated.
Vessel Load Ration (VLR) is the total calculated volume (TCV) by the vessel measurement upon
sailing, less on-board quantity (OBQ), divided by the TCV by shore measurement at loading -
Volume Correction Factor (VCF) is the numerical value determined by laboratory analysis or by
standardized computer arithmetic that when multiplied by the Gross Observed Volume at tank
temperature results in the volume of the product at its standard temperature (15oC or 60oF). The
factors applicable for bands of API (relative density) and temperature are available in standard
tables booklets or may be computed using a standardized format. If the VCF is below 1 it is shown
accurate to 5 places of decimal otherwise it is shown in 4 places of decimal.
After safely grounding, the innage tape and bob should be lowered into the tank until the bob is
a short distance from the bottom, as determined by the tape reading at the reference point
The tape should then be unwound slowly until the tip of the bob just touches the bottom or
datum plate. If the tape is lowered too far, the bob will tilt and an incorrect gauge will be
The tape reading at the reference point should be recorded, as well as any variance from the
reference height.
The liquid cut on the tape should be read and recorded as the innage. (A suitable oil-indicating
paste or grease or a light lubricating oil may be used to facilitate reading the cut. The use of
chalk or talcum powder is not recommended, since oil or product has a tendency to creep on a
chalked tape.)
The tape should then be unwound slowly until the tip of the bob just touches the bottom or datum
plate. If the tape is lowered too far, the bob will tilt and an incorrect gauge will be obtained.
Once the bob touches bottom, keep it there long enough for the paste to react to the water.
Withdraw the tape and read and record the highest, clearly defined water cut (see notes 4 and 6).
There are many brands of water-indicating pastes available that change color on contact with free
water. It should be noted, however, that all brands may not react the same in the presence of
water. Accordingly, the following qualities should be known before selecting a water paste:
Allow the paste-coated bar to remain in the gauging position for a minimum of ten seconds for
gasoline, kerosene, and similar light products, and one-to-five minutes for heavy, viscous products
(or as otherwise specified by the manufacturer). This amount of time is required to shed the
petroleum that adheres to the paste. in heavy viscous petroleum, apply an even film of light
lubricating oil over the paste to facilitate the shedding of the petroleum from the paste (see 9.1).
When the bob or bar is removed to read the water cut, do not blow or wipe the petroleum off the
paste as this may distort the clarity of the water cut. If the water cut is obscured by the petroleum
(black oils), wash the surface of the paste with a suitable solvent. The solvent should be poured or
lightly sprayed on the paste-covered bar well above the anticipated cut and allowed to rinse down
over the cut area. Pouring directly on the paste may distort the clarity of the water cut.
Wipe the bar clean after gauging each tank and re-apply paste before gauging subsequent tanks.
If the paste on one side is spotted or lower than the other, record the highest level reading as the
official measurement of free water level. Oil adhesion may cause low readings, but will not cause
high readings. Spotting may indicate a layer of emulsified oil and water or that the product did not
completely shed off the paste.
If water cuts indicate that an emulsion layer may be present, read and record both the clear cut and
the height of the spotting measurement
Safety and operational considerations must always be factors in determining what actions can be
taken, but in all situations, existing conditions and the specific actions taken to measure ROB and
OBQ must be noted in the report.
Liquid cargo should only be trim and/or list corrected if the liquid is in contact with all
bulkheads. When the liquid is not in contact with all bulkheads, a wedge correction should be
Wedge, trim, and list corrections do not normally apply to sediment and sludge but may apply to
solidified (non-liquid) cargo. In addition, when the wedge formula or wedge tables are used,
extreme care must be exercised to ensure that wedge does exist, that the measured material is not
just a puddle under the gauge hatch, and that the formula used is applicable to the actual shape of
the tank (that is, it accounts for the curve of the bilge). Measures to be taken in such a case should
include-but are not necessarily limited to-taking ROB measurements at more than one point in the
tank. This would verify the existence of a wedge and the extent of cargo solidification.
All thermometers used for custody transfer measurements should be verified for accuracy before
initial use, and at least once a year thereafter. In addition, before each use or once per day
(whichever is less frequent) the thermometer should be spot-checked.
Mercury-in-Glass Thermometers
Glass stem thermometers should be verified for accuracy before initial use and at least once a year
thereafter. In addition before each use or once a day (whichever is less frequent) the thermometer
should be field checked by visually checking the glass capillary for breakage and separation of the
mercury column. Glass stem thermometers with abnormally worn etched faces or broken mercury
column should not be used. If the column is rejoined, it may be used provided that it successfully
passes a bench inspection. For additional technical details see API MPMS Chapter 7.1.
Modern equipment for measurement: (includes thermometer and interface measuring see video)
Temperatures should be determined at the same time gauging is performed. Temperatures should
be taken in all tanks, and upper, middle, and lower temperatures should be taken in each tank
whenever the liquid level is greater than 10 feet (3 metres). For vessel tanks with less than 5000
barrels (795 cubic metres), a single temperature measurement at the middle of the liquid will
suffice. The total vessel volume should be corrected to the standard temperature on a tank-by-tank
basis, using the average temperature determined for each tank. By agreement of all parties
involved, more or less than three temperatures may be taken to calculate an average tank
It may be noted that when temperature differentials greater than 5°F (3°C) are found, additional
temperatures should be taken. The number of additional temperatures will vary with the
temperature differential. However, they must always be equally spaced and averaged accordingly.
The immersion time required for the thermometer reading to reach equilibrium will vary depending
on the type of liquid and equipment.
In addition to the steps described earlier, the following procedure is recommended for measuring
temperatures with a portable electronic thermometer (PET):
Attach an electrical ground between the thermometer and the tank before the hatch is opened.
Check the ground to ensure that it is securely attached to the thermometer.
Set the temperature range selector as appropriate.
Lower the sensing probe to the predetermined level.
Raise and lower the probe 1 foot (0.3 metre) above and below the predetermined level to allow
rapid stabilization.
After stabilization, read and record individual temperatures to the nearest 0.1°F or 0.°C,
Determine the average tank temperature to a tenth of a degree.
Round off and report the average tank temperature in accordance with the most recent edition
of API MPMS round off and report average tank temperature to 1°F or 0.5°C [round 0.5°F up].
Temperatures may be reported in units less than whole degrees by mutual agreement.
If the probe is allowed to remain stationary, contact with a convection current of colder oil will
cause low readings. With a moving probe, however, the thermometer may be considered
stabilized if the readout varies by no more than 0.2°F (0.1°C) for 30 seconds.
Mercury Thermometers In addition to the steps described earlier, the following procedure is
recommended for measuring temperatures with a mercury thermometer.
Lower the thermometer assembly through the gauge hatch to the required level.
Manual equipment can be used to obtain levels of liquid cargo and free water, cargo temperatures,
and samples; whereas automatic systems are primarily used to obtain the levels and temperatures
of liquid cargo only. While either type of equipment can be used for custody transfer
measurements, it must be understood that not all automatic equipment was designed and installed
on vessels for that purpose.
Some systems were designed to be used for shipboard operational purposes only (i.e., for
determination of proper trim and stability and cargo loading/discharging). Accordingly, both parties
should be aware of the limitations of any shipboard measurement system and agree on the method
of measurement to be used to determine the "official" custody transfer volumes.
This section describes the equipment to be used and the procedures to be followed when measuring
cargoes on ships that have manual closed or restricted systems.
Manual equipment consists of a Portable Measurement Unit (PMU) which must be carried from
tank to tank to obtain the appropriate measurements through a Vapor Control Valve (VCV) located
at each tank. Generally, PMUs and VCVs made by the same manufacturer are designed to be used
together. However, equipment made by different manufacturers may be used together with an
appropriate adapter.
These valves are generally found on standpipes, flanges, existing ullage hatches, expansion trunks,
or fitted flush to the vessel's deck.
Vapor control valves come in varying diameters from 1 in. (25.4 mm) to 4 in. (101.6 mm). The valve
sizes and types are specified by the manufacturer and the vessel owner. However, if the VCV is too
narrow, it will not allow adequate sampling to be conducted.
The location and size of the VCV is critical to the ability to be able to measure tank contents and to
take sufficient samples. In order to be able to measure small quantities in a tank when the vessel is
not on an even keel, a VCV must be located as close as possible to the bulkhead that is in the
direction of the vessel's normal operating trim and list when the vessel is in an OBQ/ROB
condition. In placing the VCV, care must be given to assure its location will not cause the
measurement equipment to touch the tank bulkhead when in use.
It may be noted that since many vessels have been retrofitted with vapor control valves that are not in the exact location as
the existing "open" gauge points, tank capacity tables should be adjusted to take in consideration any new gauge location
for PMU equipment. Also, the vapor control valve locations should be placed in accordance MPMS Chapter 2.8B. If the
tables have not been adjusted for these location changes, some corrective action may have to be taken to obtain correct
measurements. Such corrective action must take into consideration the use of adapters that allow the use of different
manufacturers' portable measurement units with varying vapor control configurations.
The following procedures are recommended to ensure that a proper record is made of the loading,
carriage and discharge:
1. The ship should compile and retain a report on the condition of the vessel’s tanks prior to
loading, including a record of the ullages in slop tanks. Once the ship’s officers are satisfied
about the cleanliness of the tanks, cargo interests and/or representatives of the terminal should
be invited to inspect the tanks and confirm their acceptability in writing prior to the
commencement of loading.
2. A loading/discharge programme should be planned in advance and agreed with cargo interests
and the terminal staff. This should cover the order in which tanks are to be loaded/discharged,
tank/pump/pipe work allocation and loading/discharge rates in order to minimise the stress on
the vessel and the risk of cross-contamination of different grades of cargo.
3. An efficient system of communication should be established between the vessel and the
terminal and the start-up/shut-down procedures for cargo operations agreed. A close watch
should be maintained on weather conditions in order that cargo operations can be shut down in
good time, and, if necessary, so that the vessel can depart from the terminal prior to the onset
of adverse weather. A comprehensive ship/shore checklist will ensure that these details are
given the appropriate attention and will provide evidence if needed that this is the case. For
further information check the Steamship/Videotel training programme 'The Ship/Shore
Interface' on this section of this website under Onboard Safety Training.
4. The sea valves and their seals should be checked in the presence of cargo/terminal
representatives prior to loading and checked and sealed again after departure.
5. All operations undertaken during loading and discharge should be logged by the ship including
details of all valve positions, changes in valve usage, pumping rates, manifold pressures and
vessel’s draught and trim.
6. Ullage and temperature measurement of all the vessel's cargo tanks should be carried out in the
presence of the terminal and cargo representatives upon completion of loading and
immediately prior to discharge. The results should be carefully recorded and countersigned by
cargo interests.
7. A calculation of the loaded quantity should be made, based upon the vessel's ullage and
temperature figures, and the result compared with the shore figure to ensure that any
difference falls within the vessel's experience factor. If it does not, a Note of Protest should be
issued by the Master and an acknowledgement obtained from the shippers and/or charterers.
Bills of lading should wherever possible be endorsed to show that the volume and weight
8. Samples should be taken from the top, middle and bottom of each of the vessel's cargo tanks in
the presence of a representative of the terminal and cargo interests. Similar samples should be
drawn prior to discharge. It is also useful whenever possible to obtain samples of cargo
immediately prior to loading, including samples from a point as near to the ship's manifold as
possible. All samples should be sealed, labelled and stored for possible future reference. This
can obviously lead to a storage problem, particularly since the samples should be retained for at
least 12 months. However, such evidence is essential for the defense of any contamination
claims that might arise. Often samples are taken at the commencement of loading after a small
quantity has been pumped, in order to check if any contamination is revealed. If contamination
is present, the cause of this must be fully checked and eliminated before the Master allows
loading to continue. In case of doubt the Master or Member should contact either the P&I Club.
9. When loading crude oil cargoes, dips should be taken of all the vessel's cargo tanks upon
completion of loading to check for the presence of free water. If any free water is found, a Note
of Protest should be issued and an acknowledgement obtained from the shippers/charterers. As
an additional precaution, further dips should be taken on the following day, by which time the
majority any water in suspension in the cargo will have separated out.
10. Samples should be taken from the vessel's bunker tanks upon completion of loading and prior to
11. During the voyage daily checks should be made of the cargo tank ullages and temperatures, and
the results should be recorded. Constant checks should also be made on the inert gas pressures,
and any marked drop in pressure in individual tanks investigated. Records should also be kept of
the loading or discharge of any ballast or of any internal cargo transfers.
12. On completion of discharge all tanks, including empty ballast tanks, should be dipped and,
where possible, visually inspected in the presence of a representative of the terminal or cargo
interests, to ensure that no cargo remains on board. The terminal or cargo interests'
representative should be requested to sign a dry tank certificate and only after this has been
signed should shore hoses be disconnected. Using these procedures will establish a written
record of the voyage which will be invaluable in reconstructing events when a claim is made.
Shortage Claims
Many shortage claims are based on incorrect calculations. With a standard operating procedure and
full records it should be possible in cases involving routine voyages to show that all the cargo loaded
was discharged, and that the carrier is not responsible for differences between the shore loading
and discharge figures.
Claims for shortage are often based on a comparison of shore tank figures, but in most countries the
carrier's liability only commences at the point where the cargo passes through the vessel's
permanent manifold connections, and terminates when the cargo passes out through the manifold
connections at the port of discharge.
A comparison between the ship’s figures at loading and discharge, and not the terminals' figures, is
necessary to determine if any loss has occurred onboard the vessel. To verify the quantities actually
received on board and discharged from the vessel the following documents are usually required:
A dry tank certificate reporting on the condition of the vessel's tanks prior to loading.
A record of the quantity of material already in the slop tanks.
An ullage report prepared on completion of loading.
A statement of the vessel's draught on departure from the loading port. This may be
contained in the ullage report, as in the example above.
A statement of the vessel's draught on arrival at the port of discharge, which again may be
contained in the ullage report.
Contamination Claims
The most important evidence in the handling of contamination claims is that represented by cargo
samples. Much of the documentation and evidence required for shortage claims is also necessary to
contest contamination claims. In addition, the following documentation should be obtained:
The vessel’s maintenance records, including details of previous cargoes, surveys and
cleaning operations.
A record of all cargo operations carried out on board the vessel during the relevant voyage,
including pumping operations and inter-tank transfers.
New Technology apply to quantity measurement (at present only for bunkering)
There are lot of discussions going on for adopting the mass flow metering system known as
the Coriolis flow meters (based on the Coriolis Principle – named after Gustave Coriolis, a French
mathematician) in the bunkering industry to improve upon existing measurement technologies and
to prevent fuel-pilferage.
Thousands of vessels stem bunkers around the world every day and every now and then we come
across news about bunker theft either by the supply vessel (bunker tanker or barge).
In order to understand how the Coriolis flow meter work, we first need to understand the Coriolis
The Coriolis flow meters work on a basic principle of Coriolis Effect or ‘Force’ – which is essentially a
veering or deflection of a moving object when viewed from a rotating reference frame. In the
Northern Hemisphere a moving object will appear to deflect to the right (facing the direction of
motion) and vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. Note that Coriolis force is actually not a force
but since the objects tend to veer to the left or right of its path, it is assumed that a force has acted
upon it to cause this deflection because of the Earth’s movement underneath it.
Mass flow meters are based on this principle and a simplified explanation is as follows:
Imagine a jet of water e.g. from a pressure hose pointed straight ahead – the jet of water will move
in a straight line but when viewed from a rotating reference the jet will appear to be veering to the
right or left depending on the hemisphere. If the same jet of water was now enclosed in a measuring
tube rotating around a fixed point with its axis perpendicular to the direction of flow of water; the
measuring tube would appear to twist/deform due to the change in angular velocity from the
Coriolis Effect. However, it’s not practical to make the tube rotate so instead, the tube is oscillated
electromagnetically causing it to vibrate achieving the same effect as if the tube was rotating. This
The mass flow meters come in different varieties – such as straight tube type, twin tube type, bent
tube type – with each having its own advantages and disadvantages; however, discussion on these
types is beyond the scope of this article.
The question we all face today is whether the Coriolis meters could be an alternative solution to
existing volumetric flow meters (also called positive displacement meters) and manual
measurements (where a bunker surveyor would measure the quantity of fuel transferred using the
‘dip’ method and look-up tables).
1) Experience of the surveyor / ship crew to carry out accurate calculations – there are many factors
that can contribute to errors like incorrect temperature, density etc. and these errors can be
compounded quickly giving rise to large errors in the final quantity of mass delivered. In other
words, the final results will only be as good as the surveyor who performed the calculations.
Whereas the Coriolis mass flow meters measures the mass directly taking into account various
temperature and pressure change automatically and thus eliminating any guess work and need
for any look-up tables, trim corrections etc.
2) Faulty Moving Parts of Volumetric Type Meters – Existing flow meters i.e. volumetric type meters
have moving parts which can be degraded / clogged over time and thus giving inaccurate readings.
Whereas the mass flow meters have no moving parts and thus does not require much maintenance.
This inherent advantage is shared among all mass flow meters currently available from several
3) Gauge Glasses of Flow Measurement Systems Can be Tampered With: Existing flow measurement
systems will have a separate temperature and pressure gauges where these could easily be
tampered with or gauges not being accurate like non-aqueous liquid filled gauges with glycerine and
silicone oils often seen with broken sight glass. The whole purpose of a liquid filled gauge is for the
liquid to absorb vibrations, thus providing a dampening effect to enable accurate readings and also
to reduce wear and tear by lubricating all moving parts – in other words this affects the integrity and
reliability of the gauge readings over time. On the other hand, mass flow meters have another
inherent advantage of measuring temperature, pressure, temperature and density simultaneously
via built-in sensors and displayed on an LCD display.
4) Inability Of Volumetric Meters to Detect Entrained Air in the System: Amongst other things, one
major flaw in volumetric meters is and will always remain – is its inability to detect entrained air in
the system which may be introduced inadvertently like during tank stripping, changing tanks, leaking
valves to an empty tank; turbulence during high loading rates or deliberately leaving a valve open to
an empty tank or blowing compressed air into the system through the delivery hose. This
malpractice is known as ‘cappuccino bunkers’.
The cappuccino or aerated bunkers (often with froth and bubbles) when sounded will give the
impression that the fuel is delivered as ordered. In fact after sometime when the entrapped air in
suspension settles out of the fuel oil the fuel level drops and a short fall is discovered. In other
words the existing flow meters in use today will only measure the volume of throughput and not the
actual mass of fuel being delivered. As a result when air introduced into the system, which is
essentially ‘small air bubbles’ – the flow meter will register it as volume and when this volume
converted to mass (because fuel is always sold by weight but delivered by volume) will result in a
substantial loss, especially in large bunker deliveries this could be considerable, with huge financial
Further, the entrained air is also likely to produce a lot of additional noise and since the Coriolis
meters flow measurement is based on signal processing then this will tend to interfere with the
readings and thus further reduce the accuracy of flow measurement.
In short, even if the manufacturers claim to have solved the entrained air problem; we believe this
issue is here to stay. Because even though Coriolis mass flow meters will outperform any other
volumetric meter type on the market, it would be extremely difficult for the manufacturers to claim
100% accuracy and reliability of the measurement in the presence of entrained air.
5) Traditional Methods of Surveying Can Give Less Quantity Tolerance Level: Lot of manufacturers’
of mass flow meters claim a quantity tolerance level of less than 0.5% and some stating tolerance
levels to be as low as 0.1%. Considering a stem of 2000 tons of bunker; 0.5% would mean a loss of
10 tons (in a large fleet this can easily be compounded to a huge loss –10 t x $600 = $6000 per
vessel) whereas comparing this to traditional method of surveying can give errors of less than 0.1%
or better (this is from own experience) most of the time.
6) Vibrations Can Affect Coriolis Meters: Coriolis meters would also need to be compensated against
external vibrations and be corrosion resistant. Because flow rates are measured by vibrating tubes;
therefore the readings could be affected by external forces or vibrations transmitted through
pipelines and also due to the operating environment where pitting, cracking, coating erosion is
common place; corrosion resistant meters would need to be considered like stainless steel, titanium
etc. Again some of the manufacturers’ claim to have solved this issue but will this hold up to the
harsh marine environment and constant vibrations that is felt on a vessel during cargo operations
In conclusion Coriolis meters will definitely reduce the amount of bunker quantity disputes as these
meters are less prone to tampering and can be used as an anti-pilferage tool in deterring cappuccino
bunkers and at the same time increase the transparency during a stem operation. The present
method of manually gauging the tanks and calculations are of course not only more prone to error
but also time consuming especially in an event of a dispute but when diligently carried out
the quantity tolerance can be less than 0.1% most of the time.
As technology advances and mass flow meters are more perfected (quantity tolerance-wise) vessel
operators and bunker suppliers will see tangible benefits in form of high level of transparency,
To achieve global acceptability manufacturers’ may need to provide and install these meters at own
cost on vessels and barges in order to conduct trials and document results. Some manufacturers’ are
already engaged in trials with ship operators and suppliers but more needs to be done in order to
win the confidence and trust of the end users.
Unless the use of mass flow meters is mandated disputes could still arise. For example, a vessel is
fitted with a mass flow meter but the barge is not and in case of a short delivery (caused other than
the cappuccino effect or other dubious practices); the barge could still stand ground that the full
ordered quantity was delivered! What would you do in a situation like this? Therefore until such
time, the use of mass flow meter should complement the existing method of manual surveying.
Lastly, even though often the buyers (ship operators) may be tempted to buy bunkers from those
offering the lowest price per ton; they should continue to use only the most trusted and reliable
bunker suppliers.
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