Final CrudeOil and Petroleum Product Terminals
Final CrudeOil and Petroleum Product Terminals
Final CrudeOil and Petroleum Product Terminals
1.0 Industry-Specific Impacts control the emission of VOCs from storage and working losses
which apply to most bulk fuel storage tanks, as well as above-
and Management
ground piping and pump systems, include the following3,4:
The following section provides a summary of EHS issues
associated with crude oil and petroleum product terminals that
• Maintaining stable tank pressure and vapor space by:
occur during the operation phases of a facility, along with
o Coordinating filling and withdrawal schedules, and
recommendations for their management. Additional
implementing vapor balancing between tanks (a
recommendations for the management of environmental issues
process whereby vapor displaced during filling
common to the construction and decommissioning phase of activities is transferred to the vapor space of the tank
infrastructure and industrial facilities are provided in the being emptied or to other containment in preparation
General EHS Guidelines. for vapor recovery);
o Reducing breathing losses by using white or other
monitoring frequency and locations, as well as the trigger • Consider the use of double seal systems for floating roof
levels for repairs. tanks where appropriate based on the nature of the
material being stored, the size of the tank(s) in question,
Fixed Roof Tanks throughputs, location considerations, and meteorology.10
• Based on the nature of materials being stored, minimizing • Using sleeves to eliminate emissions from slotted guide
storage and working losses through installation of internal poles;
floating roof and seals;5 • Minimize losses from tank roof landing events by limiting
• Further minimizing working losses during filling and the number and durations of such events. Use practices
emptying through vapor balancing and vapor recovery that minimize the impact of tank roof landing events, such
• Maintaining the insulation of heavy fuel storage tanks evenings when temperatures are cooler and the potential
(which is necessary together with a heating source to for ozone formation is lower. Consider cone bottom drain
maintain fuel viscosity) in good condition in order to dry floor designs which reduce potential emissions when a
maintain the negligible levels of storage loss typically tank roof is landed.
• Installing decks, fittings, and rim seals according to design resulting from temperature and pressure changes and can
specifications of international standards to minimize function as integrated components of vapor systems for
evaporative losses.9 fixed roof tanks. Examples of variable vapor space tanks
• Protecting rim seals from wind and weather damage and are lifter roof tanks and flexible diaphragm tanks. These
conducting regular maintenance; systems minimize VOC emissions from storage losses.11
Pressurized tanks
5 American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 2610: Design, Construction,
Operation, and Maintenance of Terminal and Tank Facilities (2005) • Consistent with manufacturer’s recommended pressure /
6 Vapor recovery units typically employ adsorption, absorption, membrane
separation, and / or condensation. EC (2005) vacuum settings, low-pressure tanks which can emit
7 Environment Canada. Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release
working losses during filling operations should be
Inventory, Appendix Six: Storage Tanks and their Evaporation Implications
(2003) equipped with a pressure / vacuum vent that is set to
8 Floating roof tanks emit VOCs through both storage and working losses. To
minimize evaporative losses, both external and internal floating roof systems minimize breathing loss from temperature or pressure
use decks, fittings, and rim seals to allow the roof to adjust in relation to the
liquid level in the tank. Evaporative losses occur through the rim seal and deck changes. High-pressure storage tanks have next to no
fittings and residual liquid on the tank walls that is exposed during liquid
withdrawal activities.
evaporative or working losses.12
9 Examples include: API Standard 620: Design and Construction of Large,
Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks (2002); API Standard 650: Welded Steel
Tanks for Oil Storage (1998), and; European Union (EU) European Standard 10 API Standard 2610 (2005)
(EN) 12285-2:2005. Workshop fabricated steel tanks for the aboveground 11 Environment Canada (2003)
storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids (2005). 12
Environment Canada (2003)
13 See API Standard 653 (1995) for specific guidance on inspection frequency.
Storm and Process Wastewater Treatment 16 Guidelines, measures to manage these types of hazards
Depending on the type and quality of fuel product stored at the include:
terminal, effluents from tank bottom water, stormwater, and
• Storage tanks and components should meet international
other sources may contain separate phase and dissolved
standards for structural design integrity and operational
petroleum hydrocarbons such as benzene, tolulene,
performance to avoid catastrophic failures during normal
ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) and oxygenates (e.g. MTBE).
operation and during exposure to natural hazards and to
Wastewater may also contain metals and phenols, in addition to
prevent fires and explosions.18 Applicable international
common wastewater contaminants including total suspended
standards typically include provisions for overfill protection,
solids (TSS), and fecal coliforms.
metering and flow control, fire protection (including flame
As the major wastewater sources are tank bottom water and arresting devises), and grounding (to prevent electrostatic
stormwater runoff, wastewater flows in this sector typically charge).19 Overfill protection equipment include level
occur in batches, not lending themselves to on-site biological gauges, alarms, and automatic cutoff systems. Other
treatment. These types of effluents may need to be pre-treated standard equipment include the use of “breakaway” hose
via oil / water separators, with further on-site or off-site connections in fuel dispensing equipment which provide
biological and chemical treatment and activated carbon emergency shutdown of flow should the fueling connection
systems,17 depending on the volume of contaminants present, be broken through movement;20
and whether the facility is discharging the wastewater into a • Storage tanks should have appropriate secondary
municipal system or directly to surface waters. Additional containment21 as discussed in the General EHS
guidance on wastewater treatment, including sanitary sewage Guidelines, including procedures for the management of
discharge, is provided in the General EHS Guidelines. containment systems. Secondary containment design
needs depend on the type of tank, the nature and volume
Hazardous Materials and Oil of the material(s) being stored, and site configuration, and
The storage and transfer of liquid materials in crude oil and includes:
petroleum product terminals creates the potential for leaks or o Depending on the size and location of the tanks, use
accidentally releases from tanks, pipes, hoses, and pumps of double bottom and double wall containment,
during loading and unloading of products. The storage and
transfer of these materials also poses a risk of fire and
explosion due to the flammable and combustible nature of the
18 Examples include API Standard 620; API Standard 650, and; European
materials stored. In addition to the recommendations for Standard (EN) 12285-2:2005.
19 Examples of industry practice for loading and unloading of tankers includes
hazardous materials and oil management in the General EHS
the latest edition of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
Terminals (ISGOTT) and API 2610 (2005).
20 EC (2005)
21 Secondary containment may include a wide variety of structures such as
impervious linings underneath tanks, or internal tank • For unloading / loading activities involving marine vessels
liners22 and terminals, preparing and implementing spill prevention
o Installation of impervious asphalt or concrete surfaces procedures for tanker loading and off-loading according to
with polyethylene sheeting underneath in areas of applicable international standards and guidelines which
potential petroleum leaks and spills, including below specifically address advance communications and
gauges, pipes, and pumps,23 and below rail and truck planning with the receiving terminal;26
loading / unloading areas • Facilities should develop a spill prevention and control
o Secondary containment in rail and truck tanker plan that addresses significant scenarios and magnitudes
loading areas should be appropriate for the size of of releases. The plan should be supported by the
the railcar or truck, level, curbed, sealed, and draining necessary resources and training. Adequate spill response
to a sump connected to a spill retention area. The equipment should be conveniently available to address the
spill retention area should also be equipped with an most likely types of spills. Spill cleanup materials should
oil / water separator to allow the routine discharge of be managed as discussed below;
collected rainwater24 • Where appropriate, spill control and response plans
• Storage tanks and components (e.g. roofs and seals) should be developed in coordination with the relevant local
should undergo periodic inspection for corrosion and regulatory agencies;27, 28
structural integrity and be subject to regular maintenance • Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs) should be located in
and replacement of equipment (e.g. pipes, seals, a secure area, protected from potential collisions by
connectors, and valves);25 vehicles, vandalism, and other hazards. Additional
• Loading / unloading activities should be conducted by guidance on ASTs is presented in the General EHS
properly trained personnel according to pre-established Guidelines.
formal procedures to prevent accidental releases and fire /
explosion hazards. Procedures should include all aspects Waste Management
of the delivery or loading operation from arrival to Wastes generated at terminals may include tank bottom sludge,
departure, including wheel blocking to avoid vehicle which must be periodically removed to maintain product quality
movement, connection of grounding systems, verification or tank storage capacity, as well as spill cleanup materials and
of proper hose connection and disconnection, adherence soils contaminated with oil. Typically, sludge is composed of
to no-smoking and no-naked light policies for visiting water, residual product, and various solids including sand,
22 EC (2005)
23 US EPA. SPCC Requirements. practice includes API Standard 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and
24 API Standard 2610 (2005). Reconstruction (1995).
26 API Standard 2610 (2005). For details about basic precautions, including
25 Several methods exist for inspecting tanks. Visual inspection may reveal
those related to fire safety, refer to the latest version of ISGOTT, which includes
cracks and leaks in tanks. X-ray or ultrasonic analysis can be used to measure a Ship / Shore Safety Checklist for overall safety and spill prevention.
wall thickness and pinpoint crack locations. Hydrostatic testing may indicate 27 For relevant components for spill response and planning, see US EPA Code
leaks caused by pressure, while a combination of magnetic flux eddy current
and ultrasonic analysis can be used to detect pitting. An example of good of Federal Regulations (CFR) 40 CFR Part 112: Oil Pollution Prevention and
Response (2002).
28 EC (2005)
scale, and rust.29 Tank sludge and spill cleanup materials • Residual fuel should be removed from the tank and all
should be managed via re-processing for product recovery or associated pipes and managed as a hazardous waste;
as a waste at a facility licensed to handle this type of material in • Before commencing tank removal operations the tanks
an environmentally sound manner. Small quantities of oil should be inerted so as to remove the risk of explosion.
contaminated soils should be managed via land treatment or as Proven inerting methods include hydrophobic foam fill,
a waste at a facility licensed to handle this type of material. nitrogen foam fill, nitrogen gas purging, water fill, dry ice,
Larger quantities of affected soils and other environmental combustion of gas, and cleaning-degassing;
media, including sediment and groundwater, may require • All vent pipes and risers associated with the tank should
management according to guidance applicable to contaminated be dismantled and / or capped-off and clearly labeled;
land provided in the General EHS Guidelines. • Tank dismantling should be carried out off-site, if the
facility is currently used to store fuel and there is not
Site Upgrade and Decommissioning sufficient space to carry out the dismantling work safely;
Contaminated soils and water may be encountered around fuel • If tanks and piping are left in situ, recommended closure
dispensers, piping, and tanks during excavation for repairs, methods should include cleaning and removing contents,
upgrades or decommissioning. Depending on the type and inerting, and filling with sand and cement slurry,
concentration of contaminants present, small quantities of soils hydrophobic foams, or foamed concrete.
or liquids may need to be managed as a hazardous waste as
described in the General EHS Guidelines. Larger quantities of
1.2 Occupational Health and Safety
affected soils and other environmental media, including
sediment and groundwater, may require management Occupational health and safety issues associated with crude oil
according to guidance applicable to contaminated land provided and petroleum product terminals primarily include the following:
in the General EHS Guidelines.
• Chemical hazards
Terminals should have formal procedures to address and • Fire and explosions
manage the planned or unplanned discovery of site upgrade • Confined spaces
and decommissioning waste, as well as to address the
discovery of more extensive evidence of environmental Chemicals Hazards
Occupational exposures may be most likely related to the
dermal contact with fuels and inhalation of fuel vapors during
Removal operations of any tanks and connected piping should
fuel loading and unloading. Exposure should be prevented
include the following procedures:
through the implementation of occupational health and safety
management programs and measures described in the
29 US EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
Section 313. Industry Guidance: Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage General EHS Guidelines as applicable to hazardous materials
Facilities (2000).
30 Host country regulations may require specific approaches to screening of management and chemical occupational health and safety
soils during excavation as well as further assessment of contaminated media in
retail petroleum sites (for examples see CETESB regulations in the State of
Sao Paulo, Brazil).
Fire and Explosions and vessels35), including use of fail safe control valves and
Fire and explosion hazards at crude oil and petroleum product emergency shutdown equipment;
terminals may result from the presence of combustible gases • Prevention of potential ignition sources such as:
and liquids, oxygen, and ignition sources during loading and o Proper grounding to avoid static electricity buildup
unloading activities, and / or leaks and spills of flammable and lightning hazards (including formal procedures
products. Possible ignition sources include sparks associated for the use and maintenance of grounding
with the buildup of static electricity31, lightning, and open connections)36
flames.32 In addition to recommendations for hazardous
o Use of intrinsically safe electrical installations and
materials and oil management, and emergency preparedness
non-sparking tools37
and response provided in the General EHS Guidelines, the
o Implementation of permit systems and formal
following measures are specific to terminal facilities:
procedures for conducting any hot work during
• Crude oil and petroleum product terminals storage facilities maintenance activities,38 including proper tank
should be designed, constructed, and operated according cleaning and venting
to international standards33 for the prevention and control • Preparation of a fire response plan supported by the
of fire and explosion hazards, including provisions for necessary resources and training, including training in the
distances between tanks in the facility and between the use of fire suppression equipment and evacuation.
facility and adjacent buildings, provision of additional Procedures may include coordination activities with local
cooling water capacity for adjacent tanks, or other risk- authorities or neighboring facilities. Further
based management approaches;34 recommendations for emergency preparedness and
• Implementing safety procedures for loading and unloading response are addressed in the General EHS Guidelines;
of product to transport systems (e.g. rail and tanker trucks, • Facilities should be properly equipped with fire
suppression equipment that meets internationally
recognized technical specifications for the type and
amount of flammable and combustible materials stored at
the facility.39 Examples of fire suppression equipment
31 Static electricity may be generated by liquids moving in contact with other include mobile / portable equipment such as fire
materials, including pipes and fuel tanks during loading and unloading of
product. In addition, water mist and steam generated during tank and extinguishers, and specialized vehicles, as well as
equipment cleaning can be come electrically charged, in particular with the
presence of chemical cleaning agents.
32 A number of products stored at terminal facilities are listed as “accumulator
35 For an example refer to the latest edition of the International Safety Guide for
oils” including natural gasolines, kerosenes, white spirits, motor and aviation
Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT).
gasolines, jet fuels, naphthas, heating oils, clean diesel oils, and 36 For an example refer to the latest edition of ISGOTT.
lubricating oils. Accumulator oils take longer to dissipate electric charges and
hence represent a higher risk of ignition from static electricity. 37 For an example refer to the latest edition of ISGOTT.
33 An example of good practice includes the US National Fire Protection 38 Control of ignition sources is especially relevant in areas of potential
Association (NFPA) Code 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids. Further flammable vapor-air mixtures such as within vapor space of tanks, within vapor
guidance to minimize exposure to static electricity and lightening is available in space of rail / truck tankers during loading / unloading, near vapor disposal /
API Recommended Practice 2003: Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of recovery systems, near discharge vents of atmospheric tanks, in proximity to a
Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents (1998). leak or spill.
34 Safety distances also can be derived from industry and trade association 39 Such as the US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or other
standards, insurance providers, and specific safety analyses. equivalent standards.
automatic or manually operated fixed fire suppression specifically to the sections on “Hazardous Materials
systems.40 Management” and “Traffic Safety”). Guidance applicable to
transport by rail is provided EHS Guidelines for Railways
Confined Spaces while transport by sea is covered in the EHS Guidelines for
Confined space hazards, as in any other industry sector, can, in Shipping.
the worse case scenario, potentially lead to fatalities if not
properly managed. Confined space entry by workers and the Visual Impacts
potential for accidents may vary among terminal facilities
One of the most significant visual changes attributable to crude
depending on design, on-site equipment, and infrastructure.
oil and petroleum product terminals is the size of bulk storage
Confined spaces in crude oil and petroleum product terminals
tanks. Visual impacts should be prevented during the planning
may include storage tanks, some secondary containment
process for new facilities or managed during operations through
areas, and stormwater / wastewater management the installation of natural visual barriers such as vegetation.
infrastructure. Facilities should develop and implement confined The location and color of bulk storage facilities also should be
space entry procedures as described in the General EHS
selected with consideration of visual impacts.
Guidelines. 41
Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines Additional guidance on occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety performance should be monitoring programs is provided in the General EHS
47 Accredited professionals may include Certified Industrial Hygienists,
42 Available at: and Registered Occupational Hygienists, or Certified Safety Professionals or their
43 Available at: equivalent.
API. Standard 2015: Safe Entry and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks. US EPA. 2002. Code of Federal Regulations. 40 CFR Part 112. Oil Pollution
Washington, DC: API. Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and
Offshore Facilities. Available at
API. 1998. Standard 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. Washington,
US EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
API. 2001. Standard 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Section 313. Industry Guidance: Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage
Reconstruction. Washington, DC: API. Facilities (2000). Washington, DC: US EPA. Available at
API. 1994. Standard 4602: Minimization, Handling, Treatment and Disposal
of Petroleum Products Terminal Wastewater. Washington, DC: API. US EPA. 2000. Industrial Guidance, Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage
Facilities. Washington, DC: US EPA.
Environment Canada, 2003. Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant
Release Inventory. Appendix 6: Storage Tanks and their Evaporation US EPA. 2002. 40 CFR 112. Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-
Implications. Gatineau, QC: Environment Canada. Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities. Washington, DC: US
EPA. Available at
European Commission (EC). 2005. Integrated Pollution Prevention and
Control Bureau: Reference Document on Best Available Techniques on US EPA. AP 42, Fifth Edition, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors,
Emissions from Storage. Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources. Washington, DC: US EPA.
European Commission. 1996. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control US EPA. 1995. APR 42, Fifth Edition, Chapter 7, Liquid Storage Tanks.
(IPPC). EU Council Directive 96/61/EC. Available at http://eur- Washington, DC: US EPA.
US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Code 30: Flammable and
European Commission. 1996. Seveso II Directive - Prevention, Preparedness Combustible Liquids.
and Response. EU Council Directive 96/82/EC. Available at
Crude oil and petroleum product terminals generally employ In addition to water drainage, the interior of tanks should be
above ground piping systems, consisting of pipelines, hoses / clean and corrosion free to avoid product contamination. Tanks
loading arms, valves, instrumentation connections, meters, and are typically cleaned and inspected according to an established
pump stations, to transfer the product between tanks and maintenance schedule based on the characteristics of the
transport links. Other equipment includes vapor recovery product being stored. For most petroleum products, an internal
systems and components of secondary containment zones in inspection interval based on the condition of the tank at the
the loading bays for rail / tank trucks. Depending on the product, previous internal inspection is suitable (typically 10 years). For
handling systems involving gravity, pump, compressor, and inert jet kerosene products, the inspection and cleaning regime for
gas techniques are employed to move the product in and out of tanks should be performed with greater regularity due to the
tanks. The design, construction, and operation of these systems high purity requirements of the product. Tanks used for jet
are subject to international standards.50 Terminals involving kerosene are typically cleaned every second year.
tanker ships have distinct loading and unloading considerations
and equipment.
Additive Blending
During storage, a product sample is typically analyzed to ensure
quality control. Various additives may be employed to increase
product performance and other characteristics. For example, an
additive to increase conductivity is typically added to jet
kerosene while it is in the fuel storage tank. Other additives,
such as gasoline oxygenates, including MTBE, may be
employed at the time of loading to a truck or rail tanker for
Oil receiving
Storage tanks separator water