General Cleaning Guide
General Cleaning Guide
General Cleaning Guide
Cleaning in General
Prior to introducing chemicals, all loos cargo residues should be flushed off with water, whether it is pet coke, oil or chemicals.
The targets for the chemicals are the stains and the remaining film, not thick layers of cargo.
Surfaces to be cleaned should be dry, as that would increase the efficiency of the chemicals. If the surface is wet, increased
concentration of chemicals should be used. In some cases as much as the double indicated in the manual may be required.
1. Apply the recommended water/chemical mixture from bottom and up, and make sure all areas to be cleaned are covered.
Remember that chemicals floating away are wasted. Solvent-based products must be used with care to prevent obvious
hazards whenever applied spraying or applied in enclosed spaces. Provide adequate ventilation and protective equipment.
2. Let the chemicals stand for a period of time to react. Recommended working-time may vary from time to time, depending
on the surfaces and product to be cleaned. 10 to 20 minutes represent a normal period. Wet surfaces need increased time.
Never let the chemicals dry on surfaces to be cleaned, especially not on bare coating. This may create discoloured stains.
3. The chemicals can be flushed off either by a high-pressure machine, a Maxi-Gun (fire hose) or by the onboard butterworth
machines. When using a high-pressure machine, the nozzle should have a fan-shaped spray of 20-300. Thoroughly flush
off the chemicals with clean water, systematic from bottom to top. This will boost up the result.
Increased washing pressure and temperature (60-700C) will further improve the result.
4. For stubborn deposits, agitation by scrubbing will assist the cleaning operation.
If large quantities of cargo/soot are remaining after pre-cleaning, spraying of the tank prior to re-circulation may be advisable.
1. Make a mixture of fresh water and the recommended concentration of chemicals into a suitable tank, such as a slop tank.
Add chemicals to water, not opposite. Too strong mixtures may damage the coating without gaining improved cleanness
2. Whether the solution should be preheated or not, depend on the products/tanks/holds to be cleaned. In most cases, a pre-
heated mixture is far more efficient than an ambient (cold). Read and understand the products/cargoes to be cleaned prior
to introducing heat. In some cases polarisation or hardening of cargoes will occur when introduced to heat.
3. The cleaning time will depend on the concentration of chemicals, the pressure in the butterworth lines/machines, the
filthiness in the tank/hold, and the area to be cleaned. It may vary from 1 hr to 12 hr. The steel temperature may play an
important role during the process. Thus, a cargo tank/hold will in most cases be fare more difficult to clean in cold areas.
In such situation, it is strongly recommended to avoid cold ballast in adjacent tanks. Reducing the volume of water in the
ballast tanks by 15-20 cm could solve that problem.
4. NOTE. A heated solution will open up the coating and extract residues from previously cargoes, which again could lead
into an everlasting process seeking wall-wash standard. In such cases, the coating should be given time for curing.
Further, a heated solution containing chemicals can over time damage or reduce the protection initially meant by the
5. The products should be flushed thorough off by seawater then freshwater. Leave the coating to cure prior to loading.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 2 of 11
1. The water is pumped directly from the sea, or another water source, via the butterworth heater prior to inserting
chemicals. Thus the temperature is easily controlled. Flush on deck until the correct temperature is achieved.
NEVER overheat. The consequences could be a costly experience.
2. By use of a barrel-pump, or similar device, the chemicals should be inserted by app. 0,2 percent, or an appropriate
concentration observed by experience onboard. This could be done via a drain valve prior to the butterworth machines (on
the main line).
Let time be a factor prior to increasing the concentration.
The benefit by this method compared to the re-circulation method it that only clean water/chemicals are introduced into
the tanks during the whole process. Further, if properly monitored, it reduces the quantity of chemicals required.
3. The cleaning time will depend on the concentration of chemicals, the pressure in the butterworth lines/machines, the
filthiness in the tank/hold, and the area to be cleaned. It may vary from 1 hr to 12 hr. The steel temperature may play an
important role during the process. Thus, a cargo tank/hold will in most cases be fare more difficult to clean in cold areas.
In such situation, it is strongly recommended to avoid cold ballast in adjacent tanks. Reducing the volume of water in the
ballast tanks by 15-20 cm could solve that problem.
4. NOTE. A heated solution will open up the coating and extract residues from previously cargoes, which again could lead
into an everlasting process seeking wall-wash standard. In such cases, the coating should be given time for curing.
Further, a heated solution containing chemicals can over time damage or reduce the protection initially meant by the
5. The products should be flushed thorough off by seawater then freshwater. Leave the coating to cure prior to loading.
Important note:
Always understand the effect the chemicals may have on the coating, and in which concentrations it may be used. Further, the
temperatures used during the cleaning operation can dramatically affect the final result. Polymerisation, oxidation, gumming or
hardening of cargo residues as a result of to high or to low temperatures could easily turn into a costly and time consuming
experience. A rule of thumb; never exceed 10-150C above cargo melting point. At least until all residues are removed.
Do NOT underestimate the quantity chemicals required for any operation, nor the time.
And remember, NO chemicals will make miracle happens. Only a proper pre-planning and a subsequent operation will enable the
required results.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 3 of 11
General Information
Temperatures involved in the cleaning operation will in one way or the other effect the final result.
It is a fact that several cargoes can change their physical and/or chemical characteristic depending temperatures involved. This
may occur if the temperature is raised or lowered to rapidly or if the temperatures exceed certain levels. The sources can just as
well be internal, such as from the heating coils, or external, from adjacent cargo, bunkers and/or ballast tanks or the deck. The
result could be polymerisation or oxidizing which again dramatically could effect the cargo it selves and the cleaning operation.
This is also seen when some cleaning chemicals, such as caustic soda, are overheated or dried on the bulkhead. Caustic soda will
then leave white harden spots (caustic stains).
As a general rule of thumb, the temperatures during any cleaning operation, while cargo still remaining in the system, should
never exceed 100 -150C above the cargo melting point. For sensitive cargoes, we recommend to slowly increase the temperature
during the operation.
Pre-washing of cargo tanks is a vital contribution to tank cleaning.
For animal, vegetable, fish oils and fats, the pre-wash will prevent the last cargo from creating a surface problem such as a layer
of white powder and baking-on of the oil.
The pre-wash is normally performed by using ambient seawater, which again is an unlimited and very efficient resource when
correctly used. (See Temperature)
Good pre-washing will in most cases reduce the quantity of cargo residues attached toe the bulkhead. Remaining cargo residues
will often affect cleaning chemicals and reduce their effect. Further, after the pre-wash, a pre-inspection of the tanks would give
the operator an indication to which level the need for chemicals and cleaning time is required.
Drying of cargoes is a phenomenon that occurs for several products depending on the chemical and/or physical characteristics.
Drying products on the bulkhead may dramatically effect the cleaning operation. For animal, vegetable, fish oils and fats, the
Poly Unsaturated fatty Acid Content (in %) will give a good indication whether the cargo will dry rapidly or not. A high
percentage of PUFAC indicate drying products and a low percentage indicate a semi or non-drying product.
Be also aware of ordinary chemicals that may create problems when dried on the bulkhead, such as acrylates or inhibited cargoes.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 4 of 11
The coating will influence on the cleaning operation in many ways.
First it may limit the type and concentration of cleaning chemicals to use, second the physical surface of the coating will effect
how easy the cargo will be flushed of, and third the history of 2-3 last cargoes and present cargo.
1. Today most ships use either Epoxy or Zinc coating. The type of coating will not only limit the cargoes to be transported but
also the chemicals to use for the cleaning operation. It is well know that strong alkaline chemicals cannot be used on Zinc
coating, but will be accepted on most common Epoxy coatings. Further chemicals with low pH value may damage both
coatings. Obviously the above will create a challenge for the mariner responsible for the cleaning operation. He or her choice
of chemicals and cleaning procedure may therefore dramatically affect the final result.
2. The surface of the coating will effect the cleaning operation. Whether it is smooth, rough, soft, hard or cracked. Needless to
say, the worse surface will give a more difficult cleaning operation. Easy to say, but hard to accomplish, a preplanning of
loading to avoid sticky cargoes on rough or damaged coating will help the cleaning operation.
3. The history of the tank, and consequently the coating, will in many cases influence on the result of the cleaning operation.
Some cargoes leave residues in the coating which may not be a problem in the first place, but which later may loosen and
create contamination. This will very much depend on the dissolving property on the latest cargo. Some cargoes will soften
the coating when introduced to moisture / water. A cleaning operation performed on a soft coating can be a very expensive
experience. Some chemicals will during the cleaning operation open the coating and free residues from prior cargoes.
This will in some cases end in a never-ending nightmare for the operator, which sooner or later will have to give away to
avoid damaging the coating. This is often experienced when last or prior cargoes have contained dye.
Chemical Process
When tank-cleaning chemicals are used in the cleaning operation, the cleaning action or process involved is mainly either
Emulsification or Saponification, depending on the nature of the chemical.
Emulsifying agent, also called emulsifier, is a stable mixture of two or more immiscible liquids held in suspension by small
percentages of substances called emulsifiers. These are of two types: (1) Proteins or carbohydrate polymers which act by coating
the surfaces of the dispersed fat or oil particles, thus preventing them from coalescing; these are sometimes called protective
coalescing. (2) Long chain alcohols and fatty acids, which are able to reduce the surface tension at the interface of the suspended
particles because of the solubility properties of their molecules. Soaps behave in this manner; they exert cleaning action be
emulsifying the oily components of soils. All such substances, both natural and synthetic are known collectively as detergents.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 5 of 11
Saponification is the chemical reaction in which an ester is heated with aqueous alkali such as sodium hydroxide to form an
alcohol and the sodium salt of the acid corresponding to the ester. The process is usually carried out on fats (glycerol esters of
fatty acids). The sodium salt formed is called soap. This type of cleaning is ideal for animal, fish and vegetable oils and fats as
they are esters and are composed of glycerols and fatty acids which can be broken down by an alkali such as caustic soda.
Caustic is reacting with fatty acids and are forming a soapy mixture.
For certain cargoes, a combined operation, involving both Saponification and Emulsifying agent may be required to gain required
cleaning result.
In addition, many cleaning chemicals contain surfactants and wetting agents. A surface-active agent that, when added to water,
causes it to penetrate more easily into, or to spread over the surface of, another material by reducing the surface tension of the
water. Soaps, alcohols, and fatty acids are examples.
Mineral Oils, Petrochemical and Solvents do normally use Emulsification, while Animal, Vegetable, Fish Oil and Fats normally
use Saponification/Emulsification
1. Drying oils are an organic liquid, which readily absorb oxygen from the air and polymerises to form a relatively hard and
elastic film. A polymerisation is a chemical reaction in which a large number of relatively simple molecules combine to
form of chain-like macromolecules. The reaction occurs spontaneously, and a warm and dry atmosphere will accelerate
the process. Drying oils are usually natural products such as linseed, tung, perilla, soyabean, fish and dehydrated castor
oils, but are also prepared by combination of natural oils and their fatty acids with various synthetic resins. The drying
ability is due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids.
1) Semi-drying oils are generally vegetable, animal or fish origin, such as groundnut oil, sesame oil, cottonseed oil,
sunflower seed and herring oil or sardine oils. The oils react similar to the drying oils. The oxidation (polymerisation)
occurs in three phases: liquid, gum and solid. Again, high temperatures will accelerate the process. The formation of
cargo residues is often seen below main deck, stringer deck etc. where the cargo has refrigerated/oxidized during voyage
or discharging operation. The polymerisation process will occur more rapidly the thinner the layer left on the
2) Non Drying Oils are oils with a low melting point, such as tallow, lard, rapeseed, palm oil and coconut oil.
When handling above oils it is vital to closely monitor the cargo during the voyage and discharging and to pre-plan the cleaning
operation. This will save cleaning time and reduce amount of cleaning chemicals required.
If ballast tanks below cargo tanks are used during discharging, avoid to filling the ballast tanks 100%, as this will cause freezing
of cargo.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 6 of 11
Mineral Oils
Mineral Oils is normally separated into two groups:
1. Heavy mineral oils include crude oils, heavy blended diesel fuels, residual fuel etc. To day, the most common cargo
transported is crude oil. Crude oil is divided into three categories; light, medium and heavy. The variation between the three
categories is great, from the black highly viscous, waxy oils, containing large amounts of sediments and hydrogen sulphide to
the light low-viscous crude oils. Redwoods viscosity meter and scale is used to decide the viscosity of a liquid. All liquid
have a viscosity that decrease with increased temperature.
Normally, on board dedicated crude oil carriers, the only cleaning operation performed is a standard crude oil washing
(COW) as per regulation and shippers requirements. Such operation will, when correctly performed, reduce the quantity of
sediments and sludge residues in the tanks.
When a vessel is swapping from dirty cargoes to lighter cargoes, or when the wax content, or the nature of the cargo itself
may create reaction between the previous and next cargo, more complex cleaning operation is required. This is also seen
when the vessel is upgrading the cargo tanks from heavy fuel to light mineral oils or for dry dock.
These operations can be very time consuming and may require using cleaning chemicals.
As a rule, the more hydrogen the molecules contains, the thicker the oils become. Fu, a high pour point rather crude indicates
crude with high wax content. This waxeous nature of some oils will create waxy residues that will complicate the cleaning
operation unless correct cleaning procedures is used. Therefore a cleaning operation should always start with ambient water.
2. Light Mineral Oils include gasoline (petrol), kerosene, jet fuel, diesel fuel, petroleum naphtha etc. Due to the nature of these
products, a less complex cleaning operation is required for upgrading the tanks. But as the cleanness requirements for some
cargoes are more rigorous, the use of cleaning chemicals is necessary.
For both heavy and light mineral oils, inerting is required. This will in most cases leave a dark layer of hydrocarbons on the
bulkhead (soot), which again can be dissolved by next cargo and result in discoloration, to high hydrocarbon values and
consequently off speck cargoes. In these cases, cleaning chemicals are required.
Leaded Cargoes
Many grades of gasoline contain minute quantities of the toxic compounds, Tetry-Ethyl-Leas (TEL) and Tetry-Methyl-Lead
(TML). The cleaning of uncoated (mils steel) tanks, in which leaded cargoes have been transported or stored, for any period of
time, requires very special attention and treatment.
Organic compounds of lead, in liquid, solid or vapour form, are very poisonous to any living form.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
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TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 7 of 11
Pure Water
Water that contains no detergents or other additives (pure water) can be a very effective cleaning agent. It can remove aqueous-
based (water-based) machining coolants, chlorides, and other ionic contaminants and bulk soils such as dirt, grit, and grease. Pure
water is most frequently used in steam systems and in high- and low-pressure spray systems. Some water supplies need to be de-
mineralised before use to prevent water spots or other residues. Water used in precision cleaning applications may need to be
demonised and highly filtered.
The water can often be recycled and reused, especially water from rinse steps. The waste stream may need to be treated,
depending on the type of soil that is mixed with the water.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
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TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 8 of 11
Terpenes are organic solvents that are usually derived from natural sources such as pine trees or citrus fruit. They generally have
strong characteristic odours. Specific terpenes used in cleaning are -pinene, d-limonene, and turpentine, which is a mixture of
terpenes. Terpenes are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and are flammable or combustible.
Terpenes are good solvents for rosin fluxes, fingerprints, heavy petroleum greases, and oils. They can be used as a component of
semi aqueous cleaning solutions or by themselves. Terpenes are strong solvents and are not compatible with some elastomers.
They can be used with immersion and ultrasonic systems, often working well at room temperature. Because terpenes may produce
explosive mists when sprayed, they should only be used in spray applications with proper safety precautions, such as inert gas
In semi aqueous systems, the terpene can often be separated and reused. Terpenes are considered biodegradable, but should not be
sent to the drain. One method of disposal is by incineration at an approved facility.
Emulsifiers allow non-water-soluble soils to be cleaned with aqueous solutions. For example, an emulsion cleaner can be used to
clean petroleum-based soils. The emulsion cleaner is then rinsed off using an aqueous rinse.
Most emulsion cleaners use a solvent suspended in an aqueous base. The solvents may include alcohol, methylene chloride,
methyl chloroform (TCA), terpenes, or petroleum products such as kerosene or petroleum oil.
Emulsion cleaners are effective at removing organic contaminants. They are recommended for removing carbonised grease and
oil and for buffing or lapping compounds.
Spray application and immersion cleaning are the most common cleaning processes that use emulsifying agents.
An Emulsion can be broken by an acid or a salt, causing the solvent to separate from the water. This can be an effective way to
control waste streams; i.e., contaminated solvent can be separated from water and be reused or disposed of separately.
Emulsion cleaners are very similar to semi aqueous cleaners. Emulsifying agents may be added to aqueous solutions to help clean
no soluble soils.
Petroleum Distillates
Petroleum distillates are hydrocarbon solvents produced from crude oil. These solvents include mineral spirits, kerosene, white
spirits, naphtha, and Stoddard solvent.
Petroleum distillates are good for removal of heavy oil and grease, tar and waxes. The low surface tension of many of these
solvents allows them to penetrate and clean small spaces. They are flammable, so they are usually used at or near room
temperature. They are typically used in heavy tank cleaning, immersion and hand-wipe processes. They are also found as the
solvent portion of some semi aqueous solutions.
Petroleum distillates are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and may be regulated in your area. Toxicity levels are considered
low, but vary with the specific material. For example, kerosene is a possible carcinogen.
These solvents may be reclaimed in oily water separators and recycled by distillation. Disposal is by chemical incineration in an
approved facility.
Acetone is a highly volatile organic solvent used mainly as a hand-wipe solvent in cleaning applications. It is also a good drying
agent for wet parts.
Acetone effectively removes some greases, oils, waxes, and inks. It is commonly used to remove uncured fibreglass resins,
varnish, and lacquer and may be useful for applications that require a highly volatile cleaner.
Acetone is extremely flammable, with a flash point of -17 C. Acetone is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and has a
vapour pressure of 245 mbar at 20 C.
Acetone may be applied by hand wipe or immersion in an unheated tank. It should not be sprayed or heated without extensive
safety precautions, including explosion-proof wiring and an inert atmosphere blanket. Acetone should not be poured down the
water drain. It must be shipped to an approved incinerator for burning.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 9 of 11
Surfactants are also known as wetting agents. They may be liquids or powders. Surfactants are used in aqueous cleaners to
provide detergency, emulsification, and wetting action. Surfactants used in aqueous cleaners are usually biodegradable. The
various soils and parts used in your process and the concentrations of your cleaner will affect biodegradability.
Lowering the surface tension of the cleaning solution helps the solution drain from the part being cleaned. Surfactants have
several roles: they modify or "wet-out" the surface being cleaned or the soil being removed, and they help form an emulsion of
solvent in water for cleaning or of soil in water for flushing away.
The four major classifications of surfactants are: anionic, non-ionic, cationic, and amphoteric. Anionic surfactants are water-
soluble and have positive ions. Cationic surfactants have negative ions and are considered to be poor cleaners. Non-ionic
surfactants are the most widely used for surface cleaning and have no charge. Amphoteric surfactants develop a negative or
positive charge depending on whether the solution is alkaline or acidic. Anionic surfactants are good detergents; however, they
are made insoluble by many hard water metal ions, such as calcium and magnesium.
Non-ionic surfactants are a class of synthetic surfactants. They are prepared by attaching ethylene oxide molecules to a water-
insoluble molecule. The ethylene oxide molecules, derived from petroleum, are water-soluble polymers. Depending on the
number of ethylene oxides and the number of carbon atoms, the synthetic surfactants can be classified as a wetting agent, a
detergent, or an emulsifier.
Foams can be used with neutral, alkaline, or acid detergents. Foams can be used to increase contact time with a vertical surface.
Foams may vary in stability. The more stable foams remain in position for longer periods but it appears that the interaction of
detergent or germicide and the surface is not as good as with wet foam, which slides off in short times of 15 to 60 seconds. One
advantage of foam cleaning is that the operator can easily see where the solution has been applied.
Another use for foams is to provide volume where cost prevents filling the entire volume with liquid cleaner. The foam
effectively spreads out the cleaner allowing small amounts of clean large volumes, especially in upper areas.
Foam is usually a nuisance. It prevents the use of high agitation in many applications and can create wastewater disposal
Foam derived from the soil must be considered. If the soil was originally an emulsion, it still contains soaps or other emulsifiers
that will be re-dissolved and become potent foamers. They may even assist cleaning.
Soils rich in fatty acids, such as buffing or drawing compounds or fats and fatty oils in foodstuffs, react with alkali
(Saponification) in the cleaner to form soaps that may be foamy when sprayed. Cleaners of low alkalinity reduce saponification of
fats, but high alkalinity may be necessary to obtain good bath life. Soils derived from petroleum reduce foaming. Finely divided
soil particles may stabilise foam. Methods for breaking the foam:
One way is to add volatile petroleum solvent to the solution. Higher boiling solvents reduce foam more slowly and permanently
but may deactivate the cleaner. Silicone-type antifoaming agents are extremely effective but may be expensive and can interfere
with downstream paint adhesion.
Heavy metal ions will decrease foam. Temperature control range depends on foaming components. Other ways is to use cold-
water spray, especially applied to overflow.
Soft soaps foam a lot at moderate temperatures; high-titer soaps, e.g., tallow soap, may not foam much at low temperatures but
may form copious stable foams at > 700 C.
Rosin soap (sodium resinate) foams copiously at lower temperatures but relatively little at higher temperatures, above 750 C.
Wetting agents, as contrasted with detergent or emulsifier surfactants, form copious but fragile foams.
Branched chain surfactants that cannot form close-packed films form brittle foams that tend to be unstable. Most non-ionic
surfactants are modest foamers. Low-foaming non-ionic surfactants exist but are poor detergents. Mixing with other surfactants
gives acceptable detergency if some foam can be tolerated. Sodium lauryl sulphate and lithium lauryl sulphate give very dry
foams that are sometimes stabilised by small quantities of lauryl alcohol. These materials are used to produce dry foams in carpet
shampoos. The type of surfactant will affect waste treatment plans. Foaming of the effluent stream may be unacceptable under
local law.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this bulletin is correct, but since the circumstances and conditions to which these cleaning advices and product
is used and handled are beyond our control, we do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, nor do we offer any warranty or immunity against
patent infringement
TECO Maritime AS
P.O.Box 462, N-1327 Lysaker, Norway. Tel: +47 67 200 380, Fax: +47 67 200 381, e-mail: [email protected] Web: Page 10 of 11
Builders are the most common component in alkaline cleaners. Builders aid in suspending soils and in preventing soil from re-
Typical builders are sodium salts of phosphates, carbonates, silicates, hydroxides, zeolites, sodium silicates and EDTA (ethylene-
diaminetetraacetic acid). Builders may also act as water softeners and as sequestering and buffering agents. The phosphate-based
builders are used less frequently than they once were because of the effect phosphate has on the eutrophication of lakes and rivers.
Alcohols commonly used in cleaning include methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol (IPA). IPA is the most widely used. They are
all Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), with vapour pressures ranging from 44 to 122 mbar at 20 C. They are also flammable
and must be handled accordingly.
Alcohols are often used to dry parts after water-based cleaning and as cleaners in precision applications. IPA is common in
semiconductor and optics cleaning and is a very common solvent for wiping in clean rooms.
Alcohols are used for removal of rosin fluxes, fingerprints, light oils, and plasticizers. They are often blended with other solvents
to increase cleaning effectiveness. Alcohols are not effective on any polar soils such as waxes and heavy oils.
Alcohols can be used with hand-wipe processes and cold dip tanks, and with heated tanks if proper safety precautions are taken.
Alcohols should not be sprayed unless extensive safety equipment is provided, such as inert gas blanketing and explosion-proof
Alcohols can be distilled for reuse. Consult the treatment works locally for disposal requirements. Otherwise, alcohols must be
shipped to an approved incineration facility.
Inhibiting Agents
Inhibiting agents is a compound (usually organic) that retards or stops an undesired chemical reaction, such as corrosion,
oxidation, or polymerisation. Examples are acetanilide, which retards decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid,
used to prevent pre-vulcanisation of rubber. Such substances are sometimes called negative catalysts.
Inhibiting agents are commonly added to alkaline cleaners to minimise the effect cleaners have on metal substrates. Inhibitors
may also be used to prevent oxidation (rusting). The addition of inhibitors to a cleaner can make it more difficult to rinse the
cleaner from the part being cleaned.
Inhibitors may deposit a film on a part as soon as the soil has been removed or displaced. This film can interfere with future steps
in processing such as plating and conversion coatings. Rust inhibitors may be used to prevent rusting of cleaned parts. They may
also be used to prevent rust in cleaning equipment that is not made of stainless steel. Inhibitors are commonly added to high-pH
cleaners to reduce their effect on non-ferrous materials.
Sequestering Agents
Sequestering agents combine with calcium and magnesium ions and other heavy metal ions in hard water. They form molecules
in which the ions are held so securely (sequestered) that they can no longer react.
The sequestering agents prevent salts from re-contaminating parts. The sequestering agents may also tie up the active chemicals in
a detergent that may decrease the cleaning efficiency and life of a wash bath. Common sequestering agents include
orthophosphate, orthosilicate, and phosphates. Sequestering agents are produced as powder or in liquid form. Phosphates are a
wastewater problem since they contribute to eutrophication, the enrichment of water with nutrients that increase plant growth in
waterways and sewer systems. The highly alkaline cleaners do not usually attack ferrous metals, magnesium, and titanium alloys;
thus, the use of an inhibitor may not be required with these materials. Low-pH or neutral cleaners do not usually require
inhibitors. Inhibitors may be used in the wash stage of a single-stage cleaning process. They may also be used in the rinse stage of
a multiple step process. Inhibitors may be used in all types of immersion spray machines.
Chelating Agents
Chelating agents are used to solubilize hard water salts so that they stay in solution. Chelating agents are used in alkaline cleaners.
Chelating agents do not decompose or lose their effectiveness at high temperatures. A major disadvantage of chelating agents is
that they impair the ability of other chemicals to remove emulsified oil and dissolved metals from the solution. This can create a
waste disposal problem.
Chelating agents are produced in both powder and liquid form. The most common chelating agents are Ethylene Diamine
Tetracetic Acid (EDTA) and Nitrilo Triacetate (NTA).
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