40 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
Newton's First Law: Unless acted upon by a force, a point mass is either
not moving or moves in a straight line with constant speed. This law is also
called the Law of I n e r t i a or G a l i l e o ' s P r i n c i p l e .
Newton's Second Law: The acceleration of the point mass is directly
proportional to the net force exerted and inversely proportional to the mass.
Newton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite
Mathematically, the Second Law is
o9r(t) _ F
dt2 m
where r = r(t) is the position of the point mass at time t.
EXERCISE 2.1.1. c Show that the Second Law implies the First Law. In
other words, show that if (2.1.1) holds, then the point mass m acted on by
zero external force will move with constant velocity v. Hint: find the general
solution of equation (2.1.1) when F = 0.
The notion of momentum provides an alternative formulation of New-
ton's Second Law. Consider a point mass m moving along the path r — r(t)
with velocity r(t) relative to a reference frame with origin at O. The (linear)
momentum p is the vector
p = mr. (2.1-2)
p = F, (2.1.3)
and the force is now interpreted as the rate of change of the linear momen-
tum. Incidentally, the Latin word momentum means "motion" or "cause of
motion." One advantage of (2.1.3) over (2.1.1) is the possibility of variable
Similarly, the study of circular motion suggest the definition of the
angular momentum about the point O as the vector
Lo = mr x r. (2-1-4)
Note that both p and Lo depend on the reference point O, but do not
depend on the coordinate system.
Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation 41
T0 = rxF. (2.1.5)
m(rxr + rxr) = mrxf.
If the frame O is inertial, then r — F/m and
= r x F = T0. (2.1.6)
Relation (2.1.6) describes the rotational motion just as (2.1.3) describes the
translational motion.
As an example, consider the SIMPLE RIGID PENDULUM, which is a
massless thin rigid rod of length £ connected to a point mass m at one
end. The other end of the rod is connected to a frictionless pin-joint at a
point O, which is a zero-diameter bearing that permits rotation in a fixed
plane. We select a cartesian coordinate system (i, j , K) with center at O
and i, j fixed in the plane of the rotation (Figure 2.1.1), and assume that
the corresponding frame is inertial.
^=m£r6k. (2.1.7)
The forces acting on the pendulum are the weight W of m, the air resistance
Fa and the force Fp exerted by the pin at O. Clearly, W = mgi, where
g is the acceleration of gravity. Physical considerations suggest that the
force Fa on m may be assumed to act tangentially to the circular path and
to be proportional to the tangential velocity: Fa = —c£9 6, where c is the
damping constant. The total torque T about O exerted by these forces is
T = r xW + r x Fa + Ox Fp, = £rxmgi-£rxc£9 8,
Since the frame O is inertial, equation (2.1.6) applies, and by (2.1.7) and
(2.1.8) above, we obtain ml? 6 = —mg£sin6 — l2c6, or
6 = -{g/£)6 (2.1.10)
The period of the small undamped oscillations is 2n(£/g)1/2, and the value
of £ can be adjusted to provide a desired ticking rate for a clock mechanism.
The idea to use a pendulum for time-keeping was studied by the Italian
scientist GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642) during the last years of his life,
but it was only in 1656 that the Dutch scientist CHRISTIAAN HUYGENS
(1629-1695) patented the first pendulum clock.
Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation 43
EXERCISE 2.1.2r Let point mass m move in a planar path C given by r(t),
where r is the position vector with origin O.
(a) Use formulas (1.3.24), Pa9^ 35, and (2.1.4) to express the angular mo-
mentum of the point mass about O in the coordinate system {r,6).
(b) Suppose that the point mass moves in a circular path C with radius R
and center O. Denote the angular speed by w(i). (i) Compute the angular
momentum LQ of the point mass about O and the corresponding torque,
(ii) Find the force F that is required to produce this motion, assuming the
frame O is inertial. (Hi) Write F as a linear combination ofr and 6. (iv)
How will the expressions simplify ifui(t) does not depend on time?
As we saw in Exercise 2.1.1, the Second Law of Newton implies the
First Law. For further discussion of the logic of Newton's Laws see the
book Foundations of Physics by H. Margenau and R. Lindsay, 1957. Re-
garding the First Law, they quote A. S. Eddington's remark from his book
Nature of the Physical World, first published in the 1920s, that the law,
in effect, says that "every particle continues in its state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line, except insofar as it doesn't." This is a somewhat
facetious commentary on the logical circularity of Newton's original formu-
lation, which depends on the notion of zero force acting, which can only
be observed in terms of the motion being at constant velocity. The same
logical difficulty arises in the definition of an i n e r t i a l frame as a frame
in which the three laws of Newton hold. We do not concentrate on these
questions here and simply assume that the primary i n e r t i a l frame, that
is, a frame attached to far-away, and approximately fixed, stars is a good
approximation of an inertial frame for all motions in the vicinity of the
Earth. The idea of this frame goes back to the Irish bishop and philoso-
pher G. Berkeley. The deep question "What is a force?" is also beyond the
scope of our presentation; for the discussion of this question, see the above-
mentioned book Foundations of Physics by H. Margenau and R. Lindsay,
or else take as given that there are four basic kinds of forces: gravitational,
electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. In inertial frames, all
other forces result from these four.
Newton discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation by combining his
laws of motion with Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. The history behind
this discovery is a lot more complex than the familiar legend about the apple
falling from the tree and hitting Newton on the head. As many similar
stories, this "apple incident" is questioned by modern historians. Below,
we present some of the highlights of the actual development.
44 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
K e p l e r ' s First Law: The planets have elliptical orbits with the Sun at
one focus.
K e p l e r ' s Second Law: The radius vector from the Sun to a planet
sweeps over equal areas in equal time intervals.
K e p l e r ' s T h i r d Law: For every planet p, the square of its period Tp of
revolution around the Sun is proportional to the cube of the average distance
Rp from the planet to the Sun. In other words, T% = KsRl, where the
number Ks is the same for every planet.
A planetary orbit has a very small eccentricity and so is close to a
circle of some mean radius R. Kepler speculated that a planet is held
in its orbit by a force of attraction between the Sun and the planet, and
Newton quantified Kepler's qualitative idea. In modern terms, we can
Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation 45
F = ma = -moj2r(t) = -mw2Rr{t),
where r = r/\\r\\ is the unit radius vector pointing from the Sun to the
planet. On the other hand, u> — 2n/T, and therefore the magnitude
of F is ||F|| = m(4rr2/T2)R. Applying Kepler's Third Law, we obtain
||F|| = m{Air2/KsR?)R = Cm/R2, where C = 4n2/Ks. In other words,
the gravitational force exerted by the Sun on the planet of mass m at a
distance R is proportional to m and R~2. By Newton's third law, there
must be an equal and opposite force exerted by m on the Sun. By the
same argument, we conclude that the magnitude of the force must also be
proportional to M and R~2, where M is the mass of the Sun. Therefore,
11*11 = ^ , (2.1.11)
where G is a constant. Newton postulated that G is a u n i v e r s a l
g r a v i t a t i o n a l constant , that is, has the same value for any two masses,
and therefor (2.1.11) is a Universal Law of G r a v i t a t i o n . In 1798, the
English scientist HENRY CAVENDISH (1731-1810), in his quest to determine
the mass and density of Earth, verified the relation (2.1.11) experimentally
and determined a numerical value of G: G « 6.67 x 1 0 - 1 1 m 3 /(kg- sec 2 ).
Since then, the Universal Law of Gravitation has been tested and verified
on many occasions. An extremely small discrepancy has been discovered
in the orbit of Mercury that cannot be derived from (2.1.11), and is ex-
plained by Einstein's law of gravitation in the theory of general relativity;
see Problem 2.2 on page 414.
to study the motion of bodies under Earth's gravity. Even though many
modern historians question whether indeed, around 1590, he was dropping
different objects from the leaning tower of Pisa, in 1604 Galileo did con-
duct related experiments using an inclined plane; in 1608, he formulated
mathematically the basic laws of accelerated motion under the gravitational
force. The conjecture of Galilei that the acceleration due to gravity is es-
sentially the same for all kinds of matter has been verified experimentally.
Between 1905 and 1908, the Hungarian physicist VASAROSNAMENYI BARO
E O T V O S LORAND (1848-1919), also known as ROLAND E O T V O S , measured
a variation of about 5 x 10~ 9 in the Earth's pull on wood and platinum;
somehow, the result was published only in 1922. In the 1950s, the Ameri-
can physicist ROBERT HENRY DiCKE (1916-1997) measured a difference of
(1.3 ± 1.0) x 1 0 - 1 1 for the Sun's attraction of aluminum and gold objects.
In effect, there are two forces acting on m in the frame 0\. One is the force
F. The other, — mroi, is called a t r a n s l a t i o n a l a c c e l e r a t i o n force.
It is an example of an apparent, or i n e r t i a l , force, that is, a force that
appears because of the relative motion of frames and is not of any of the
four types described on page 43. If roi(t) is constant, then roi(t) = 0 and
the Second Law of Newton holds in 0\, that is, Oi is also an inertial frame.
Thus, all frames moving with constant velocity relative to an inertial frame
are also inertial frames.
48 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
' * — • -
0 0[ r
path r\(t) — votr of the point mass relative to the car is a straight line,
since there is no angular displacement of m relative to the car. Thus,
o(t) = (R + vot)r(t). Note that the polar coordinates of m in frame
O are (r(t),9(t)), where r(t) = R + v0t. Hence r(t) = v0 and f(t) = 0.
Also, Q(t) = OJQ and 6(t) = 0. Formulas (1.3.26) on page 36 provide the
acceleration a = ar + a# of the mass in the frame O, where, with f — Q
and 6 = 0,
We see that the simple relation (2.1.12) between the accelerations in trans-
lated frames does not correctly describe acceleration of the point mass in
the frame O in terms of the acceleration in the frame 0\.
If O is an inertial frame and J 1 is a force acting on the point mass in
O to produce the motion, then, by the Newton's Second Law, m ro = F .
According to (2.1.15),
the design of water-wheels. More familiar effects of the Coriolis force, such
as rotation of the swing plane of the Poucault pendulum and the special
directions of atmospheric winds, were discovered in the 1850s and will be
discussed in the next section.
Recall that in our example r\ = 0. From (2.1.16) we conclude that
F + Fc + Fcor = 0. The real (as opposite to inertial) force F must balance
the effects of the inertial forces to ensure the required motion of the object in
the rotating frame. For a passenger sliding outward with constant velocity
VQ r in a turning car, this real force is the reaction of the seat in the form
of friction and forward pressure of the back of the seat. .
EXERCISE 2.1.3? Find the vector function describing the trajectory ofm in
the O frame. What is the shape of this trajectory? Verify your conclusion
using a computer algebra system.
EXERCISE 2 . 1 . 4 . A
Suppose a point mass m is fixed at a point P in the O
frame, that is, m remains at P in the O frame for all times. Find the vector
function describing the trajectory ofm in the 0\ frame. What is the shape
of this trajectory? Verify your conclusion using a computer algebra system.
Hint. This is the path of m relative to the car seen by a passenger riding in the
car. Show that O is fixed in Ox.
Coming back to Figure 2.1.3, note that the coordinate vectors in the
frame 0\ spin around 0\ with constant angular speed WQ, while the origin
0\ rotates around O with the same angular speed WQ. This observation
leads to further generalization by allowing different speeds of spinning and
EXERCISE 2.I.5.' 4 Suppose the origin 0% rotates around the point O with
angular speed U>Q, while the coordinate vectors (r, 9) spin around 0\ with
constant angular speed 2WQ. Suppose a point mass is fixed at a point P in
the 0 frame. Find the vector function describing the trajectory of m in
the 0\ frame. What is the shape of this trajectory? Verify your conclusion
using a computer algebra system.
Our motivational example with the car illustrated some of the main
effects that arise in rotating frames. The example was two-dimensional in
nature, and now we move on to uniform rotations in space. There are many
different ways to describe rotations in R 3 . We present an approach using
vectors and linear algebra.
We start with a simple problem. Consider a point P moving around a
Uniform Rotation of Frames 51
To solve this problem, consider the plane that contains the circle of
rotation and define the r o t a t i o n v e c t o r u> as follows (see Figure 2.1.4).
The vector u> is perpendicular to the plane of the rotation; the direction
of the vector u> is such that the rotation is counterclockwise as seen from
the tip of the vector (alternatively, the rotation is clockwise as seen in the
direction of the vector); the length of the vector u: is w, the angular speed
of the rotation. As seen from Figure 2.1.4, r(t) = r(t) + r* and the vector
r* does not change in time, so that r(t) = r'(t). Consider a cartesian
coordinate system (?, j) with the origin at the center O of the circle in the
plane of rotation so that r(t) = Rcoscjti + Rsinwtj. Direct computations
show that
on page 62. Let the frame 0\ rotate relative to the frame O so that the
corresponding rotation vector u> is fixed in the frame O. Because of this
rotation, the basis vectors in Oi depend on time when considered in the
frame O: ti = »i(t), Jx =J 1 (*), *i = M * ) - % (2-1.18),
dii/dt = u> x ii, djx/dt = u> x j 1 , dki/dt = u> x k\. (2.1.19)
Denote by ro(t) and ri(t) the position vectors of the point mass in O and
Oi, respectively. If P is the position of the point mass, then ro(t) = OP,
r\(t) = 0\P, and, with O = 0\, we have ro(t) — r\(t) for all t. Still, the
time derivatives of the vectors are different: ro(t) ^ ri(t) because of the
rotation of the frames. Indeed,
ri {t) = xx (t) §i + yi (t) j x + zx (t) ku
r0(t) = x1(t)i1{t)+y1(t)j1{t)+zl(t)K1{t);
recall that the vectors i%, j x , k\ are fixed relative to Oi, but are moving
relative to O. Let us differentiate both equalities in (2.1.20) with respect to
time t. For the computations of ri(t), the basis vectors are constants. For
the computations of ro(t), we use the product rule (1.3.4) and the relations
(2.1.19). The result is
r 0 (t) = r i ( t ) + u ; x r 1 ( t ) . (2.1.21)
EXERCISE 2.1.1? Verify (2.1.21).
There is nothing in the derivation of (2.1.21) that requires us to treat ro
as a position vector of a point. Accordingly, an alternative form of (2.1.21)
can be stated as follows. Introduce the notations Do and D\ for the time
derivatives in the frames O and 0\, respectively. Then, for every vector
function R = R(t), the derivation of (2.1.21) yields
ro = r i + 2 u x r i + w x ( w x j ' i ) . (2.1.23)
Therefore, the acceleration in the fixed frame has three components: the
acceleration fi in the moving frame, the C o r i o l i s a c c e l e r a t i o n acor =
Uniform Rotation of Frames 53
2u> x r i , and the centripetal acceleration o,c — u} x [u) x f i ) . Note that o,c
is orthogonal to both u> and w x r i .
Assume that the fixed frame O is inertial, and let F be the force acting
on the point mass m in O. By Newton's Second Law, we have mro = F in
the inertial frame O and, by (2.1.23),
Denote by P the current position of the point, and consider the plane
(NOP) Relative to the Earth, that is, in the frame Ox, the plane (NOP)
is fixed, and the motion of m is a simple circular rotation in this plane
with constant angular speed 7 so that 6(t) = jt. Relative to the fixed
frame O, the plane (NOP) is rotating, and the rotation vector is u>. We
will determine the three components of the acceleration of the point in the
frame O according to (2.1.23).
Introduce the polar coordinate vectors r, 6 in the plane (NOP). By
54 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
ac = -(<Jj2Rcos'yt)b. (2.1.28)
Both forces FQ and Fc act in the meridian plane (NOP). Indeed, by the
Law of Universal Gravitation, the gravitational force FQ acts along the
line OP, where P is the current location of the point. The centrifugal force
Fc = mijj x (u> x n ) acts in the direction of the vector b, as follows from
the properties of the cross product; see Figure 2.1.5.
To analyze the effects of the Coriolis force Fcor = —macor = - 2 m u x
f i on the motion of the point mass, we again assume that the point is in
the Northern Hemisphere and moves north along a meridian with constant
angular speed. According to (2.1.26), the force Fcor is perpendicular to
the meridian plane and is acting in the eastward direction. The magnitude
of the force is proportional to sin#, with the angle 6 measured from the
equator; see Figure 2.1.5. In particular, the force is the strongest on the
North pole, and the force is zero on the equator. By (2.1.25) and (2.1.31), to
maintain the motion along a meridian, the force Fp must have a westward
component to balance Fcor. Thus, to move due North, the mass must be
subject to a propulsive force Fp having a westward component. The other
component of Fp is in the meridian plane.
The following exercise analyzes the Coriolis force when the motion is
parallel to the equator.
EXERCISE 2.1.9. Let ii, be the northward vector along the axis through
the North and South poles. We assume that the Earth rotates around this
axis, and denote by u> k the corresponding rotation vector. Let O be the
fixed inertial frame and 0\, the frame rotating with the Earth; the origins
56 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
of both frames are at the Earth center. Suppose that a point mass m is in
the Northern hemisphere and moves East along a p a r a l l e l ( a circle cut on
the surface of the Earth by a plane perpendicular to the line through the poles).
Denote by fi the velocity of the point relative to the frame 0\ so that r x
is perpendicular to the meridian plane; see Figure 2.1.6. By (2.1.24), the
Coriolis force acting on the point mass is Fcor = —2mu)h x f\.
(a)c Assume that both ||ri|| and 9 stay (approximately) constant during
the travel and that there is zero propulsion force Fp, as after a missile has
been fired. Ignore air resistance.
(i) Show that the point mass is deflected to the South, and the magnitude of
the deflection isu\\ri\\ sin9t2, wheret is the time of travel. Hint: verify that
Fcor • 9 = — 2mw||ri||sin0 ) and so 2mw||ri||sin6 | is the force pushing the point
mass to the South, (ii) Suppose that 9 = 41°, ||ri || = 1000 meters per second,
and the point mass travels 1000 kilometers. Verify that the point mass will
be deflected by about 50 kilometers to the South: if the target is due East,
the missile will miss the target if aimed due East. Hint: 2o>sin0 « 10~4.
(b)A Compute the deflection of the point mass taking into account the
change of \\ri\\ and 9 caused by the Coriolis force.
We now summarize the effects of the Coriolis force on the motion of a
point mass near the Earth.
• The force is equal to zero on the equator and is the strongest on the poles.
• For motion in the Northern Hemisphere:
Uniform Rotation of Frames 57
EXERCISE 2.\.Yl.c Draw a picture and convince yourself that, if the pen-
58 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
The pendulum is suspended at the point 0\, and the points PN, PS are
the two extreme positions of the weight. The angle 9 is the latitude of the
support point 0\. Denote the distance \PNPS\ by 2r. As seen from the
picture, the point PN is closer to the axis ON of the rotation of the Earth
than the point 0\, and the amount of this difference is \QNPQ\ = rsm9.
Similarly, the point Ps is farther from the axis than 0\ by the same amount.
Since the Earth is rotating around the axis ON with angular speed u, the
points PN, 0\, and Ps will all move in the direction perpendicular to the
meridian plane. The point PN will move slower than Oi, and the point Ps,
faster, causing the plane of the swing to turn. The speed of Ps relative to
0\ and of 0\ relative to PN is ruj sin 9. If we assume that these relative
Uniform Rotation of Frames 59
speeds stay the same throughout the revolution of the swing plane, then
the weight will be rotating around the point Po with the speed rusinO,
and we can find the time T of one complete turn. In time T, the weight
will move the full circle of radius r, covering the distance 2nr. The speed
of this motion is ru sin#, and so
T = - ^ = ^ , (2.1.32)
ru sin 8 sin f)
where To = 27r/o; « 24 hours is the period of Earth's revolution around its
axis. The plane of the swing will rotate 2n sin 0 radians every 24 hours. For
the original Foucault pendulum in Paris, we have 6 « 48.6°, which results
in T = 32 hours, or a 270° turn every 24 hours.
Note that the result (2.1.32) is true, at least formally, on the poles and
on the equator. Still,
EXERCISE 2.1.13. B Find the period T for the Foucault pendulum in your
home town.
The Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation has greater effects on the
motion than might be deduced from an intuitive approach based on the
relative velocities of the moving object and the Earth. In particular, these
effects must be taken into account when computing trajectories of long-
range missiles. With all that, we must keep in mind that the effects of the
Coriolis force due to the Earth rotation are noticeable only for large-scale
motions. In particular, the Coriolis force contributes to the erosion of the
river banks, but has nothing to do with the direction of water swirling in
the toilet bowl.
The Coriolis force also influences the direction of the ATMOSPHERIC
WINDS. This was first theorized in 1856 by the American meteorologist
WILLIAM F E R R E L (1817-1891) and formalized in 1857 by the Dutch me-
60 Kinematics and Dynamics of a Point Mass
/• / Polar Easterlies
60° /
//y'Temperate Westerlies/ /
30°/ Calms of Cancer
/ / Easterly Trade Winds / /
X^Easterly Trade Winds \ ^ \ ,
Calms of Capricorn
\ \ \Temperate Westerlies\\/
Polar Easterlies '
x i + y j + z k = xi ii + yi j 1 + zi ki. (2.1.33)
We now take the dot product of both sides of (2.1.33) with i to get
• Frame O and its coordinate system (i, j , k) are fixed (not moving).
• Oi(t) = 0 for alii.
• The coordinate system (?i, j x , k{) in frame 0\ is moving (rotating)
relative to (i, j , k).
• The point P is fixed in frame 0\ relative to (ii, j l y k\).
Thus, xi,yi,z\ are constants and P is rotating in the (?, j , k) frame. Then
(2.1.33) becomes
Define the matrix U = U(t) according to (2.1.38), and assume that the
entries of the matrix U are differentiable functions of time; it is a reasonable
assumption if the rotation is without jerking. Since U(t)UT(t) = I for all t,
it follows that d/dt(UUT) = 0, the zero matrix. The product rule applies
to matrix differentiation and therefore
/ 0 -w 3 (i) W2(t) \
EXERCISE 2.1.17? (a) Verify that, for every vector R = Rii + R^j+R3k
and each t,
/O - w 3 0 \
n = w3 0 0 .
\o 0 0/
For the point P fixed in the rotating frame and having the position vector
in the fixed frame ro(t) = x(t) i + y(t) j + z(t) k\ show that
r0{t) = Cl,ro{t) = -u3y{t)i + u>3x(t)3 = w x r0(t).
As a result, you recover relation (2.1.18) we derived geometrically on page
To continue our analysis of rotation, assume that the vector function
w = u){t) is differentiable in t. Then we can set R = ro = A)f*o in (2.1.43)
and use (2.1.42) to derive the relation between the accelerations of the point
in the two frames:
rotation of the frame 0\ relative to this translated frame O'. We can now
combine relation (2.1.44) for rotation with relation (2.1.12) on page 47 for
parallel translation to get
ro(*) = r o i ( * ) + r i ( t )
+ 2 u ( t ) x fi(t) +w(f) x (u(t) x r i ( t ) ) + u ( J ) x n ( t ) .
EXERCISE 2.1.21? Verify (2.146). Hint: Apply (2.1.45) ton, replacing frame
O with O'.
Suppose that the frame O is inertial, and a force F is acting on the
point mass m. Then, by Newton's Second Law, mro{t) = F; to simplify
the notations we will no longer write the time dependence explicitly. By
As before in (2.1.13), page 47, and in (2.1.24), page 53, we have several
corrections to Newton's Second Law in the non-inertial frame 0\. These
corrections are the t r a n s l a t i o n a l a c c e l e r a t i o n force Fta = —in^oi,
the C o r i o l i s force Fcor = —2mu> x r i , the c e n t r i f u g a l force Fc =
—rawx ( w x r i ) , and the angular a c c e l e r a t i o n f o r c e F a a = - m w x r i .
The motion of a system of point masses can be decomposed into the motion
of one point, the center of mass, and the rotational motion of the system
around the center of mass. In what follows, we study this decomposition,
first for a finite collection of point masses, and then for certain infinite
collections, namely, rigid bodies.
We will see that some information about the motion of S can be obtained
by considering a single point mass M with position vector TCM-
EXERCISE 2.2.1. c Verify that a change of the reference point O does
not change either the location in space of the center of mass or formula
(2.2.1) for determining the location: if O' is any other frame and fj is
the position vector of rtij in O', then the position vector of CM in O' is
n > ^
rcM = (1/-W) 5Z j Tj. Hint: fj = Vj + O'O and so TCM = TCM + O'O,
which is the same point in space.
EXERCISE 2.2.2. (a)B Show that the center of mass for three equal
masses not on the same line is at the intersection of the medians of the
corresponding triangle. (b)A Four equal masses are at the vertices of a
regular tetrahedron. Locate the center of mass.
The velocity and acceleration of the center of mass are TCM and fcM,
respectively. Differentiating (2.2.1) with respect to t, we obtain the relations
m i
rcM = jjYl i 'i> (2-2-2)
1 "
fCM = jf^Zmjfj. (2.2.3)
3= 1
MfCM = Yl 3 *3 =J2Fi = F
3=1 3=1
= itFJ = Y, F<JE) + £ FT = p{B)+F{1) •
j=l j=l j=l
With this definition, equation (2.2.5) becomes pCM = F^E\ and if the net
external force F^ ' is zero, then PCM ls constant. By (2.2.2),
n n
PCM = J2 ^ =
12PJ> (2-2-6)
For the purpose of the definition, it is not necessary to assume that the
frame O is inertial. Note that, unlike the relation (2.2.6) for the linear
momentum, in general LQ ^ rCM x Mr CM-
Non-Rigid Systems of Points 69
3= 1 j=l 3= 1
^ = r0. (2.2.8)
Equation (2.2.8) is an extension of (2.1.6), page 41, to finite systems of
point masses. If To = 0, then Lo is constant, that is, angular momentum
is conserved.
In general, unlike the equation for the linear momentum (2.2.5), the
torque To in (2.2.8) includes both the internal and external forces. If
the internal forces are central, then only external forces appear in (2.2.8).
Indeed, let us compute the total torque in the case of CENTRAL INTERNAL
FORCES. The internal force FJ J ) acting on particle j is FJ 7 ) = f^ F^. By
Newton's Third Law, we have F$ = -F$. Then
, j- n n n n
-^ = J2rjX F> = £ - , x Ff> + J > x X>g>
j=i j=i j ' = i k=i
n n . .
The terms in the product Yl rj x 2 -^k can
^ e arranged as a sum of
J'=I fc=i
pairs r j x FJj/ + r^ x FJy for each (j, k) with j ^ /c. Also, TJ X FJ fc ' +
rk x FJL- = (r^ — rk) x Fjk- The vector rk — T"j is on the line joining rrij
and rrik- If the forces F-k are central, as in the cases of gravitational and
electrostatic forces, then the vector F L is parallel to the vector (rj —rk),
and (rj — rk) x F k ' = 0. In other words, the internal forces do not
contribute to the torque, and (2.2.8) becomes
^ = ±rjxFf=±T^=T^, (2.2.9)
3= 1 .7 = 1
70 Systems of Point Masses
N e x t , we look a t t h e A N G U L A R M O M E N T U M O F A S Y S T E M RELATIVE
TO THE CENTER OP MASS. Again, let O b e a n arbitrary frame of reference,
let r j (t) be t h e position of mass rrij, 1 < j < n, a n d let TCM (*) D e t h e
position of the center of mass. Define by Xj the position of rrij relative t o
the center of mass:
tj = ^ - rCM. (2.2.10)
n n
3=1 3=1
n n n
= ^2 rrij rCM x rcM + ^ rrij Xj x rCM + ^ rrij TCM X ij (2.2.11)
3= 1 3= 1 3=1
+ ^mjr j xij.
Y^mjXj = 0, (2.2.12)
where Xj is the position vector of the point mass rrij relative to the center
n n n n
of mass. Hint: ]>2 rrij tj = ^2 rrijrj — ^2 rrij rcM = ^2 mi ri ~ Mr CM — 0.
3=1 3=1 3=1 3=1
(b) Use (2.2.11) and (2.2.12) to conclude that
L0 = M rCM x rc'M + ^ rrij Xj x ij. (2.2.13)
that is, the angular momentum of the system relative to a point O is equal to
the angular momentum of the center of mass relative to that point plus the
angular momentum of the system relative to the center of mass. Once again,
we see that the center of mass plays a very special role in the description
of the motion of a system of points.
We emphasize that LQ ^ Mr CM X rcM as long as LCM ^ 0. Note
also that the vector functions Xj (t) and ij (t) depend on the choice of the
reference frame.
Let us now compute the time derivative of LcM{t) using the differen-
tiation rules of vector calculus (1.3.3), (1.3.4), (1.3.6) (see page 26). Since
ij x ij = 0, we have
j n n n
rn x x m x =
—LCM = y~} i i *•»' "*" 5 Z J *•» ^' 5 Z m J xi x X
J' (2-2.16)
3= 1 j=l j= l
By (2.2.16) above,
dLcM n 1 / " \
dt j=i \j=i j
= Y,XjXFj. (2.2.17)
If the internal forces i^L are central, then, by (2.2.9), these forces do not
contribute to the total torque. Since Xj —Xk = Tj — TCM — (>*fc — I"CM) =
72 Systems of Point Masses
where TCM, is the external torque of Fj ' about the center of mass and
TQM ^S t n e total torque by the external forces. Using (2.2.16) above, we
^ = ±mjvj,ij=TcSM. (2.2.19)
EXERCISE 2.2.4. B Assume that mi = m^. Show that the two stars move
in a circular orbit around their center of mass. Hint: you can complete the
following argument. By (2.2.1), rcM = (1/2)(T*I -\-T2). SO CM is the midpoint
between m\ and m.2. Hence, t i = —12, i i = —12, t i = —12- By (2.2.20) above,
2ri x Vi = 0 . This implies that ti and vi are parallel (assuming ti ^= 0). Since
dLcM/dt = 0, LCM is constant. By (2.2.14) on page 70, 2m\X\ x ti is constant
as well. Together with X\ x ti = 0, this is consistent with equations (1.3.27),
(1.3.28), and (1.3.29), page 36, for uniform circular motion.
Binary stars provide one of the primary settings in which astronomers
can directly measure the mass. It is estimated that about half of the fifty
stars nearest to the Sun are actually binary stars. The term "binary star"
was suggested in 1802 by the British astronomer Sir WILLIAM HERSCHEL
Rigid Systems of Points 73
(1738-1822), who also discovered the planet Uranus (1781) and infra-red
radiation (around 1800).
Xj=uxxj, (2.2.22)
After summation over all j , the right-hand side of the last equality does
not look very promising, and to proceed we need some new ideas. Let
us look at (2.2.26) in the most simple yet non-trivial situation, when the
rotation axis is fixed in space, and all the point masses rrij are in the plane
perpendicular to that axis. Then w • tj = 0 for all j , and <ii = Co Q, where
Q is the unit vector in the direction of u>; note that since the rotation axis
is fixed, the vectors w and w are parallel. Accordingly, equality (2.2.24)
becomes U}X(LJ xxj) = —co2Xj, and since d(toCj)/dt = u u), equality (2.2.25)
becomes Xj X(UJXXJ) = ||tj || 2 wQ. Summing over all j in (2.2.26) and taking
into account these simplifications, we find from (2.2.16) on page 71
Rigid Systems of Points 75
and it is therefore natural to introduce the quantity ICM = 2 jll*j|| 2 !
which is called the moment of inertia of S around the line that passes
through the center of mass and is parallel to Q. Then
dLcM T . ~ ,„ „ „_*
dt = ICMUU. (2.2.27)
VCM = \ J2m^x^2 u
-J2mi(xi ' w ) r J- (2.2.28)
^'=1 / 3=1
As written, equality (2.2.28) does not depend on the basis in the frame
OCM- To calculate LCM, we now choose a cartesian coordinate system
(i, j , k) in the frame OCM- Let Xj(t) = Xj(t)i + Vj(t)j+ Zj(t)k and
w(t) = wx(t) i + ojy(t)j + LJz(t) k. From (2.2.28) above,
LCM = ( J2mi(x2i +
$ + **) I w - I ^2mixi v
i I w*
* I (2.2.29)
rrijZjXj wz,
u=i / \j=i
•iyz — *zy — / J jVizj-
EXERCISE 2.2.9. C ' Assume that all the point masses are in the (i, j) plane.
Show that Ixz = Iyz = 0 and Ixx + Iyy = Izz.
We can easily rewrite (2.2.28) in the matrix-vector form:
body occupies the region H in R 3 , then the mass M of the body is given
by the triple (or volume) integral
Af = III p{r)dV.
Without going into the details, let us note that rigid bodies can also be
two-dimensional, for example, a (hard) spherical shell, or one-dimensional,
for example, a piece of hard-to-bend wire. In these cases, we use surface
and line integrals rather then volume integrals. In what follows, we focus
on solid three-dimensional objects.
All the formulas for the motion of a rigid body can be derived from the
corresponding formulas for a finite number of points by replacing rrij with
the mass density function, and summation with integration. For example,
the center of mass of a rigid body is the point with the position vector
L0(t) = MrCM(t) x rCM(t) + [[[*(!) *(*) P(r(t))dV, (2.2.39)
Rigid Bodies 81
( J-xx
~~±xy *xz \
Iyy —IyZ I •
~*zy *zz /
tion p. The principal axes frame, with center at the center of mass and
basis vectors i*, j * , k*, is attached to the body and rotates with it. If
u>(t) = u* i* + LJ*J* + w* k*, then the Euler equations (2.2.35) describe
the rotation of the body about the center of mass. Equations (2.2.37) and
(2.2.35) provide a complete description of the motion of a rigid body.
As an example, consider the DISTRIBUTED RIGID PENDULUM. Recall
that in the simple rigid pendulum (page 41), a point mass is attached to the
end of a weightless rod. In the distributed rigid pendulum, a uniform rod
of mass M and length I is suspended by one end with a pin joint (Figure
We assume that the cross-section of the rod is a square with side a. Then
the volume of the rod is la2 and the density is constant: p(r) = M/(£a2).
EXERCISE 2.2.15. c Verify that the center of mass CM of the rod is the
mid-points of the axis of the rod.
Consider the cartesian coordinates (z*, j * , k*) with the origin at the
center of mass (Figure 2.2.1). As usual, k* = i* x j * .
Let us compute I*z, as this is the only entry of the matrix 7£ M we will
+ y2)p(r)dV
EXERCISE 2.2.16. C Verify that the vectors i*, j * , k* define a principal axis
frame. Hint: I*y = I*z = I*z = 0, as seen from (2.2.41) and the symmetry of
the rod.
The motion of the rod is a 2-D rotation around the pin at O, and the
vector k* is not rotating. There are no internal forces in the rod to affect
the motion. As a result, the angular velocity vector is UJ = ui*z k* —Ok*,
and the Euler equations (2.2.35) simplify to I*z —^ = T^MI, or
M{P+a?).. (B)
^ V~1CMz' (2.2.44)
where TQM'Z is the rc*-component of the external torque around the center
of mass.
To simplify the analysis, we ignore air resistance. Then the external
torque T*jM' around the center of mass is produced by two forces: the force
of gravity W and the force Fpin exerted by the pin at O. Since the rod
is uniform, the torque due to gravity is zero around the CM. To compute
Fpin we now assume that the frame fixed at O is inertial and Newton's
Second Law (2.2.5) applies. The external force on mass M at the CM is the
sum of the total gravity force, W = Mgi, and the reaction of the pin FPin.
Hence, Fpin = M rcM — W. Since CM moves around O in a circle of radius
£/2 we use (1.3.27) on page 36 to obtain the components ar, ag of TCM
in polar coordinates with origin at O: ar = {—1/2)UJ2 r, a$ = (^/2)w 6.
The point of application of Fpin relative to CM has the position vector
-rCM = -{i/2)r. Then
CM = ~rCM x Fpin + 0xW = --rx Fpin.
? X {MV,CM
T*C(M = 4 -W) = ^(^Lbrx0-gvxi^
-IM (I . . „ , .»
2 V2-uj + gsmv IK .
{21/3)0+ g0 = 0. (2.2.46)
Comparing this with a similar approximation for the simple rigid pendu-
lum (2.1.10), page 42, we conclude that a thin uniform stick of length £
suspended at one end oscillates at about the same frequency as a simple
rigid pendulum of length (2/3)1
The objective of the above example was to illustrate how the Euler
equations work. Because of the simple nature of the problem, the system
of three equations (2.2.35) degenerates to one equation (2.2.45). In fact, an
alternative derivation of (2.2.45) is possible by avoiding (2.2.35) altogether;
the details are in Problem 2.4, page 417.
Note that if the frame O is fixed on the Earth, then this frame is not
inertial, and the Coriolis force will act on the pendulum, but a good pin
joint can minimize the effects of this force.
For two more examples of rigid body motion, see Problems 2.7 and 2.8
starting on page 419.
Fi = m i , F2 = my. (2.3.1)
dx . dx . . dy . dy . ,„ „ „,
x = —qi + —q2, y=~-qi + ^-q2. (2.3.3)
dqi dq2 dqi dq2
We call qi,q2,q\,q2 the g e n e r a l i z e d coordinates, since their values de-
termine the state (x,y,x,y) by (2.3.2) and (2.3.3). Note that the partial
derivatives dx/dqi, dy/dqi, i = 1,2, depend only on q\ and q2. We then
differentiate (2.3.3) to find
dx _ dx dx _ dx dy dy dy dy
dq\ dq\' dq2 dq2 ' dq\ dqi' dq2 dq2 '
d / dx \ dx d ( dy\ _ dy
dt\dqi) dqi' dt \dqiJ dqi'
d ( dx \ _ dx d f dy\ _ dy
dt \dq2J dq2 dt \dq2J dq2'
EXERCISE 2.3.1. C Verify (2.3.7).
By definition, the kinetic energy £K of m is
Recall that the work W done by the force F is the line integral JcF • dr.
Hence, the differential is dW = F • dr. Since dr — dxi + dyj, we have
n - p _u F Qy - T? dr
Ql = r\- V t2 — = t • ——,
91 Ql qi
(2 3 16)
Q2 = Flp. + F2^=F.^L.
oq2 aq2 aq2
The functions Q\ and Q2 are called g e n e r a l i z e d forces corresponding to
the generalized coordinates q\,q2. Substituting in (2.3.14), we obtain the
Lagrange equations of motion,
two for each degree of freedom. Equations of the type (2.3.1)-(2.3.8) can
be written for Xi, qi, Xi, qi. The kinetic energy is then given by
£K = J2(mi/2)(x2i+yf + zf) or
£K = £ * ( ? i , . • • ,9fc,9i, • • •,«*)• (2-3.18)
1 k <2 323)
*(%)-%-*>• ' - - '
Let us now look at the particular case of CONSERVATIVE FORCE FIELDS.
By definition, we say that the force F is c o n s e r v a t i v e or defines a
c o n s e r v a t i v e force f i e l d if the vector F is a gradient of some scalar
Lagrange's Equations 89
w= / F-rdt
= /
L = SK-V, (2.3.26)
and re-write equation (2.3.25) as
d fdL\ dL
dtvdqj-wr0- (2 3 27)
Equation (2.3.27) has at least three advantages over (2.3.23): (a) a more
compact form; (b) a higher level of abstraction; (c) a possibility to include
To conclude this section on Lagrange's equations, let us look briefly
at some NON-CONSERVATIVE FORCES. AS before, q = (q\,...,qk) is the
vector of generalized coordinates and q = (gi, • • • ,<7fc), the vector of the
90 The Lagrange-Hamilton Method
Q = Q ( 1 ) + Q ( 2 ) , Q ( 1 ) = - W i , Q ( 2 ) = jVV2 (2.3.28)
see also Exercise 2.3.4 below. A bead of mass m placed on the wire will slide
down under the force of gravity. Note that the two equations in (2.3.32),
describing the helix, define two constraints and leave the bead with only
one degree of freedom. We assume that the friction force is negligible, so
that the restraining force N = (N\,N2,Ns), exerted by the wire on the
bead, is orthogonal to the velocity vector at every point of the motion. Our
objective is to derive the equations of the motion of the bead along the
First, let us look at what the Newton-Euler method will produce. By
Newton's Second Law, we get three equations
with the six unknowns x,y,z,Ni,N2,Ns. Equations (2.3.32) are the two
constraint equations on x, y, z. The sixth equation comes from the orthog-
onality condition for frictionless motion:
p = N -mgk. (2.3.36)
^ = -2mvr^----e, (2.3.38)
and by (2.3.35),
(2 3 42)
*=!£• --
and assume that equations (2.3.42) are solvable in the form
q = f(p,q) (2.3.43)
H(p,q)=£K + V. (2.3.48)
Proof. By assumption,
* b
Hamilton's Equations 95
1 ™
results in
£K = Yl MiQi = QTAq, (2.3.51)
1 v^ dri dri
~i dqj dqe
V f ^ = 2£K. (2.3.52)
Since ff = J2i=i PiQi ~ L d L = £K -V, equality (2.3.48) follows. D
aether existed, then the Earth's motion around the Sun, at the speed of
about 30km/sec, would affect the speed of light depending on the direction
of the light beam. Michelson and Morley emitted a beam of light, first in
the direction of the Earth's motion and then perpendicular to it. They used
mirrors and an interferometer to measure the speed of light in each case,
and failed to detect any significant difference; see Problem 3.3 on page 424
for details. As a result, contrary to its initial intent, the Michelson-Morley
experiment provided the first evidence against the existence of the aether,
and in that respect became the most famous failed experiment in history.
The experiment certainly had a profound effect on the further development
of natural sciences, and in 1907 Michelson became the first American to
receive a Nobel prize in physics.
In 1905, Albert Einstein, who was 26 at the time, made the result of the
Michelson-Morley experiment the basis of a new theory of relative motion,
special relativity. He proposed two postulates:
(i) An observer measures the speed of light to be the same in any direction
regardless of the observer's motion relative to other bodies; this is a
consequence of the Michelson-Morley experiment,
(ii) Any two observers moving with constant relative velocity can agree on
all observed data and mathematical relations (laws) between the data;
this is the postulate of mathematical invariance.
According to Postulate (i), all observers measure the same value for the
speed of light in a vacuum: c = 3 x 108 meters/second. It follows that
absolute motion (in some special frame) is unobservable, hence physically
meaningless. In other words, Einstein sided with Berkeley against Newton
on the question of relative motion. The letter c in the notation for the
speed of light is for celerity (swiftness).
According to Postulate (ii), for two observers in frames O and 0\, math-
ematical relations which hold in the frame O are to be transformed into
corresponding relations in the other frame 0\ by a transformation of the
variables (x,y,z,t) to the variables (xi,yi,zi,t\); the experimental study
of light propagation suggests that this transformation should be linear.
The result, called the Lorentz transformation, is a necessary consequence
of Einstein's two postulates.
The Lorentz Transformation 99
l ^l
O / Ox
R, ki
Fig. 2.4.1 Fixed and Moving Frames
t = 7 H + ati (2.4.2)
for some real numbers a, (3, ~f,a. Equation (2.4.2) means that time is no
more absolute than space: each frame has its own time coordinate as well
as space coordinates. Equations (2.4.1) and (2.4.2) also demonstrate that
space and time are bound together in one space-time continuum. We will
see that Postulate (i) cannot hold without relation (2.4.2) with appropriate
7 and a.
Consider point 0\, the origin of the moving frame. It has the f i coordi-
nate x\ = 0 in the 0\ frame at all times t\. In the fixed O frame, by (2.4.1),
the i coordinate of 0\ is x = @t\; by (2.4.2), we also have t = at\. Note
that /3 > 0. If v = ||u|| is the speed of 0\ relative to O, then v = x/t = f3/a.
A light impulse emitted at the instant when O = 0\ will reach, at time t,
a point P, where the coordinates (x, y, z) of P in O satisfy
A + y\ + *\ = cH\ (2.4.4)
a2 - c 2 7 2 = 1, (2.4.5)
a/3 - c 7<7 = 0, (2.4.6)
2 2 2
a - p /c = 1. (2.4.7)
These three equation together with 0/a — v can be solved easily for
a,P, 7,<T. Prom (2.4.6), (5/a — c2^/a = v. So 7 = va/c2. Substitut-
ing in (2.4.5), we get a = (1 -v2/c2)~* and so 7 = (v/c2)(l — v2/c2)~2. In
(2.4.7), substitute /? = va and solve for a to get a = a. Therefore, (2.4.1)
and (2.4.2) become y — yi, z = z\ and
x= . t =—==£=. (2.4.8)
a = [ l - - } , 7=^«, (2A9)
One can verify this directly or use the physical argument that the inverse
transformation must be obtained from (2.4.10) by switching the roles of
{x,t), {x\,t\) and replacing v with —v.
The Lorentz Transformation 101
* = W l ~ ("Vc 2 ), A t = ° =• (2.4.12)
y/1 - {V2/C2)
m0 £ = mc 2 . (2.4.13)
Vl-(« 2 /c 2 )
EXERCISE 2.4.1? Verify (24-12). Hint: Use the Lorentz transformation. For
£, use (2.4.11), since £0 = Axi = (AT - vAt)(l - {v/c)2))~1/2 with At = 0,
because the difference of the coordinates is recorded at the same time in the fixed
frame. Similarly, for At, use (2.4-8) with Ax\ = 0, as the events happen at the
same point of the moving frame.
p = mr = . , (2.4.14)
x/i-(IHI/c) 2 '
where m is the relativistic mass from (2.4.13). The relativistic form of
Newton's Second Law is therefore
F = ^ , or F = * ( * ) . (2.4.15)
dt> ^Wi-dHIA)2/
Equation (2.4.15) is the main equation of relativistic kinematics. It is invari-
ant under the Lorentz transformation, just as the non-relativistic Second
Law of Newton is invariant under the Galilean transformation; see Problem
3.2 on page 423. Note that, in the limits c ^ o o o r |jdr||/c —> 0, meaning
speed of motion much smaller than the speed of light, equation (2.4.14)
becomes the familiar Second Law of Newton (2.1.1): F = mo r.
The Lorentz Transformation 103
m V
£K= J F-dr= f rd{mr)= f' ydl ° , ., ) =mc2-m0c2,
Jc Jo Jo V C1 - (l/7c 2 )) ' /
where the last equality follows after integration by parts.
One consequence of the second equality in (2.4.12) is the Twin Paradox,
which is often described as follows. Consider two identical twin brothers,
Peter and Paul, who live in an inertial frame O. Peter stays in that frame
O, and Paul makes a round trip in a spaceship, travelling out and back in
a fixed direction with fixed speed v = (24/25)c. Then the total travel time
A*o = 2*i, as measured by Paul in the moving spaceship's frame, will be
A* = 25A*o/7 in the frame O as measured by Peter; the key relation here,
beside (2.4.12), is 25 2 = 242 + 7 2 . In particular, if A*0 = 14 years, then
A* = 50 years, that is, Peter will be waiting for 50 years for Paul to return
from what is 14-year long trip for Paul. If Paul's biological clock also obeys
(2.4.12), then, by the end of the trip, Paul will be 26 year younger than
For further discussions of (2.4.12) and (2.4.13), including the Twin Para-
dox, see, for example, the books Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser,
2002, and Spacetime Physics by E. F. Taylor and J. A. Wheeler, 1992.
We conclude this section with a brief discussion of the geometry of
relativistic space-time. The reader will see that this geometry is not exactly
Euclidean, thus getting a gentle introduction to general relativity.
R e l a t i v i s t i c space-time is a combination of time with the three spa-
cial dimensions of our physical space, and is modelled mathematically as a
four-dimensional vector space. Fixing a coordinate system in this space
represents every point by four coordinates (x,y,z,t). A curve r(s) =
(x(s),y(s), z(s),t(s)), so < s < si, in this space is called a world l i n e . If
this were a truly Euclidean space with cartesian coordinates, then, by anal-
ogy with formula (1.3.10) for the arc length on page 29, the length of this
104 Theory of Relativity
As a result, the general form of ds, invariant under the Lorentz trans-
formation, is (ds)2 = a((dx)2 + (dy)2 + (dz)2 -c2(dt)2), and the two n a t u r a l
choices of a are 1 and — 1; other choices would introduce uniform stretching
or compressing. Both a = 1 and a = — 1 are used in different areas of
physics. In what follows, our selection will be a = 1, corresponding to
(ds)2 = {dx, dy, dz, dt) g (dx, dy, dz, dt)T', (2.4.20)
relativity, the frames can move with variable relative velocities, for exam-
ple, rotate, and there are many admissible coordinate transformations. To
achieve this general invariance, he used tensor analysis and non-Euclidean
geometry. Thus,the mathematical foundation of general relativity is ten-
sor analysis and pseudo-Riemannian geometry, and the main result is a
system of ten nonlinear partial differential equations. This is more than
enough to scare most people away from even trying to understand the sub-
ject. The good news is that, while deriving the equations indeed requires
all this advanced knowledge, solving these equations often requires little
beyond the basic theory of ordinary differential equations. Accordingly,
we start by introducing the equations. We will then describe the mean-
ing of all components of the equations, and finally derive and analyze one
particular solution, known as the Schwarzschild solution. For the sake of
completeness, we summarize the main facts about tensors in Section 8.3 in
At the end of Section 2.4.2, we discussed the metric geometry of rela-
tivistic space-time. This geometry is characterized by the matrix, or the
metric t e n s o r , Q in equation (2.4.20), page 105. In special relativity, the
metric is flat, that is, the matrix g is the same at every point, see (2.4.18)
on page 104.
In general relativity, the metric tensor can be different at different points
and is determined by the gravitational field. The corresponding metric in
space-time is no longer flat, but curved. This equivalence between gravita-
tion and curvature of space-time is the mathematical expression of the main
idea of general relativity. Let us e m p h a s i z e t h a t general relativity
deals only with gravitational forces.
Einstein's field equations, also known as E i n s t e i n ' s g r a v i t a t i o n
equations, or the field equations of general relativity, describe the rela-
tion between the metric tensor g and the gravitational field at every point
of relativistic space-time. To state these equations, we switch from the
(x,y,z,t) variables to (a:1 ) variables:
Note the use of super-scripts rather than sub-scripts in this definition. The
position of indices is important in tensor calculus; for example, in tensor
calculus, g y is an object very different from Qij. The reader should pay
special attention to position of indices in all formulas in this section.
The equations, introduced by A. Einstein in 1915, are written as follows:
Einstein's Field Equations 107
where Rij, R, and T^- are non-linear partial differential operators acting
on the metric tensor Q.
Our most immediate goal now is to understand the meaning of every
component of (2.4.22).
• The metric tensor a = (gij(x), i,j = 1,...,4) is a symmetric 4 x 4
matrix defined at the points x = (a;1, a;2, a;3, a;4) of relativistic space-time.
This matrix has a nonzero determinant and continuous second-order partial
derivatives of all components %%j(x) for most x (say, all but finitely many).
This matrix defines a metric on space-time by defining the l i n e element
ar every point x according to the formula
(ds)2(x)= ] T gij(x)dxidxj; (2.4.23)
compare this with (2.4.20) on page 105. Summations of this kind will
appear frequently in our discussion. To minimize the amount of writing,
we will use E i n s t e i n ' s summation convention, assuming summation in
an expression over an index from 1 to 4 if the index appears in the expression
twice. With this convention, (2.4.23) becomes
' (2.4.25)
i 4
rS(-)-j.~(«)(^ + ^ - ^ ) P«7)
and gmn(x), m,n = 1,...,4, are the components of the inverse matrix
g~1(x), that is, gmn(x)g„j(x) = 6™ for every x, with 6™ defined in
108 Theory of Relativity
R[B](x)=aij(*)Rij[B\(.x)- (2-4.28)
EXERCISE 2.4.6. (a) With the summation convention now in force, write
all the missing sums in (24.26), (2.4.27), and (2.4.28). (b)B Verify that,
for all x and all i,j,k,m, TJ™- = V%, and so there are at most 40 distinct
values of T™y Hint: all you need is that flij(x) = Qji(x). (c)A Verify that
Rij[o\(x) — Rji[g](x). Hint: find a function f so that r ^ = df/dxj.
(d)B Verify that
EXERCISE 2 . 4 . 7 . C
Verify that (2.4-22) is a system of ten equations for the
ten components gy, 1 < i < j < 4 of the metric tensor.
The system of equations (2.4.22) does not depend on the particular
choice of the coordinate system (ar ) in space-time; in fact, the
functions g^, T™fc, Ri3 [g], and R[g] can be defined in a coordinate-free way,
and the formulas (2.4.26)-(2.4.28) turn out the same in every coordinate
system (of course, the particular form of fly will depend on the coordinate
system). The resulting independence of the field equations (2.4.22) of the
coordinate system is the very foundation of general relativity.
Equations (2.4.22) are too complicated to justify as a postulate or as
a generalization of experimental facts. Instead, the main postulate of gen-
Einstein's Field Equations 109
eral relativity is that the physical laws are independent of a particular frame,
inertial or not, in space-time, that is, the equations are invariant under gen-
eral coordinate transformations from one frame to another; what makes spe-
cial relativity special is the restriction of this invariance to inertial frames.
When combined with differential geometry and tensor calculus, whose con-
structions do not depend on a particular coordinate system and are valid
in every space, Euclidean or not, this invariance assumption motivates the
formulation of equations (2.4.22). Before formulating the equations in 1915,
Einstein studied Riemannian geometry and also learned tensor calculus di-
rectly from one of the creators of the theory, the Italian mathematician
TULLIO LEVI-CIVITA (1873-1941). We give a brief and elementary sum-
mary of tensors on page 457 in Appendix.
In classical Newtonian theory, the gravitational field is described by the
partial differential equation <pxx + (pyy + tpzz = 4irGp, where <p is the poten-
tial of the field and p is the density of the gravitating mass; see Exercise 3.3.8
on page 168 below. Einstein started with a relation, -Ayfe] = 4irGTij[g],
with g instead of <p and the stress-energy tensor instead of the usual mass
density, and assumed that the tensor Aij depends linearly on the second-
order partial derivatives of 0. In tensor analysis, it is proved that such a
tensor A^ [g] must have the form
Ai:j [g\ = a Ri:j [g] + (3 R[g]gij + 7 0y
where the r*-fc are from (2.4.27) on page 107. Below, we outline the proof
that a curve defined by (2.4.30) is a path of shortest distance between two
Therefore, a trajectory of a moving object in a gravitational field in
general relativity is computed as follows:
(a) Find the metric tensor g by solving the field equations (2.4.22) for the
specified stress-energy tensor T y ;
(b) Compute the functions Tljk according to (2.4.27);
(c) Solve the system of equations (2.4.30).
d ( . , ..dxUs) dxi(s)\
Ts{ ^ -dir^r)=0-
3 s))
Hint: differentiate and use (2.4-27). (b) Conclude that 5 = as + f3, where s
is the arc length of the curve and a, j3 are real numbers. Hint: the left-hand
side of (2.4.31) is d2s(s)/ds2.
By following the steps below, the reader can prove that the geodesic,
as defined by (2.4.30), can be interpreted as the shortest path between two
points in a curved space.
Step 1. It is easier to do the basic computations in an abstract setting in IRn.
Let A and B be two fixed points in Mn and F = F(q,p), a smooth M-valued
function of 2n variables q1,..., qn,px,... ,pn; we keep the convention of this
section and write the indices as superscripts. Let x — x(s), a < s < b, be
a smooth function with values in R n . Consider the f u n c t i o n a l
L(x)= I F(x(s),x'(s))ds,
fb fdF(x(s),x'(s)) aF(£(3),x'(s))dy'(a)\
n V{S)+ d S
'~Ja V W d^ ds ) -
112 Theory of Relativity
m dF(x(s),x'(s)) d dF(x(s),x'(s))\
-I.( W Ts W
(d) Argue that, since /'(0) = 0 and y = y{s) is an arbitrary smooth
function, the expression in the big parentheses in the last equality must
vanish for all s and so, for all i = 1 , . . . , n,
Rij[g]=0. (2.4.34)
Hint: use (2.4-28) and (2.4-29); the matrices g and j? - 1 are non-singular.
Einstein's Field Equations 113
Ra = ™i (2.4.36)
57ep 5. Using formulas (2.4.26), verify that, out of 10 values of R^, only
four are non-zero:
_ H"(r) (H'(r))2 F'(r) F'(r)H'(r)
~ 2H(r) 4H2(r) rF(r) AF(r)H(r)'
, , 1 rF'(r) rH'ir) \ . ,
_1 rF'(r) rH'(r) _ R22
F(r) 2F2(r) +
F(r)H(r) ~ sin2<p]
H"(r) F'(r)H'(r) H'(r) (H'(r))2
2F(r) AF2(r) rF(r) 4F(r)H(r)'
Step 4- (a) Multiply by 4rF(r)H2(r) the equation Rn = 0, multiply by
4rF2(r)H(r) the equation R44 — 0, and take the difference to conclude
that AH(r)(H(r)F(r))' = 0 or F(r)H(r) = A for some real number A. (b)
Multiply by 2F2(r)H(r) the equation R33 = 0 and use F(r)H(r) = A to
conclude that r F ' ( r ) = F(r)(l - F(r)) or F(r) = (1 + lf(Br))-1 for some
real number B.
Step 5. We have lim^oo F(r) = lim,.-^ H(r) = 1 and, by (2.4.18) on page
104, far away from the gravitating mass the metric should be flat, that is
Einstein's Field Equations 115
[S) +
2F(r(s))[V {S))
F(r(s)) {° [S
>> 2F(s) °'
9"(s) + -r'(s)9'(s) = 0;
j (2.4.39)
¥>"(*) + -ri:r'(s)ip'(s) - sin<p{s) cosip(s)(6'(s))2 = 0;
t"(s) + ^r'(s)t'(s) = 0.
Keep in mind that, since rf- = T^, the terms in (2.4.30) often come in
Step 7. Consider the circular trajectory of radius R in the equatorial
plane (<p = 7r/2) in the Newtonian approximation, so that r(s) = R,
ip(s) = 7r/2, t'(s) — 1; the absolute time t'(s) = 1 is the key feature
of Newtonian mechanics. Use the function H(r) = —c2(l + l/(Br)) we
found in Steps 4 and 5, to conclude from the first equation in (2.4.39)
(6'(s))2 = -H'(R)/(2R) = -c2/(2BR3). On the other hand, Newton's
laws imply that, for the circular trajectory in the gravitational field of
mass M, (6»'(s))2 = MG/R3. Conclude that B = -c2/(2MG) = -1/R0.
This completes the derivation of (2.4.35).
Step 2. From (2.4.40) conclude that r2(s)6(s) — a, with the real number
a independent of s; from (2.4.41), that <p(s) = n/2 is a possible solution;
from (2.4.42), that i(s) = /?F(r(s)), with j3 independent of s.
Step 3. Keeping in mind that the geodesic is parameterized by the arc
length, take ds — cds to have s in time units, and then, with <p(s) = TT/2,
conclude that (2.4.35) implies
EXERCISE 2.4.14. (a)c Estimate the gravitational red shift for the Sun.
(take M = 2 • 10 30 kg, R — 7 • 109 m). (b)c Consider the radiation emitted
at the surface of the Earth and received H meters above the surface, with H
much smaller than the radius of the Earth. Denote by g the gravitational
acceleration on the Earth surface. Show that the observed red shift should
£ -f • <*".>
(c)A Explain how the slow-down of the clock and shrinking of length in
the gravitational field can be deduced from the Schwarzschild solution, and
connect these effects with the gravitational red shift. Hint: for example, with
dO = d<p = dt = 0 in (24.35), we have ds = (1 - {Ra/r))~1/2dr.
Einstein predicted the gravitational red shift eight years before formu-
lating the theory of general relativity, but, because of the need for very high
accuracy, both in the generation of the radiation and in the measurements,
it was only in the 1960s that the gravitational red shift was observed in an
experiment (for H = 90m, the right-hand side of (2.4.45) is about 10~ 14 ).
The famous Pound-Rebka-Snider experiment was first conducted in 1960
at Harvard University by R. V. Pound and G. A. Rebka Jr.; in 1964, R.
V. Pound and J. L. Snider carried out a more accurate experiment; as of
2005, Robert V. Pound is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Harvard.
For an observer on the Earth, the clock on an orbiting satellite will
appear to be running slow because of the special relativity effects, see for-
mula (2.4.12) on page 101, and because of the gravitational red shift: the
Einstein's Field Equations 119
to conclude that
At 0 A£i
R(h) RihY
Hint: r(ti) - r(t0) = r(h + Ati) - r(t0 + At0).
By observing the light from distant galaxies, Hubble determined that
Ato < A^i or 1/Ato > 1/Ati, that is, the frequency of the received radi-
ation shifts toward the lower-frequency, or red, part of the spectrum. By
(2.4.47), this observation implies R(t0) < R(h), that is, the Universe is