Oil Terminal
Oil Terminal
Oil Terminal
Oil terminals may be located close to, or be part of, oil refineries; or An oil depot in Kowloon, Hong Kong
be located in coastal locations where marine tankers can discharge around the mid-1980s. The depot
or load cargo.[3] Some terminals are connected to pipelines from was redeveloped into a residential
which they draw or discharge their products. Terminals can also be area Laguna City in the late 80s and
served by rail, barge and road tanker (sometimes known as early 90s.
"bridging"). Oil terminals are also located near cities from which
road tankers transport products to petrol stations or other domestic,
commercial or industrial users.[3]
In most oil terminals there is no processing or other product
transformation on site. The products from a refinery which are
stored in the terminal are in their final form suitable for delivery to
customers.[1] Blending of products may be undertaken, and
additives may be injected into products, but there is usually no
manufacturing plant on site. Modern terminals have a high degree
of site automation.[4]
Marine oil terminals have jetties to provide a deep water mooring Tank farm at McMurdo Station,
for tankers. Jetties have loading/unloading arms for transferring Antarctica
cargo to/from ship to shore. Facilities for vapor recovery may be
The storage tanks at an oil terminal may include fixed roof tanks, internal floating roof tanks[10] and
external floating roof tanks.[1] Floating roof tanks are generally used for more volatile products to reduce
evaporation loss. Fixed roof tanks which have a vapor space above the product and which breathes in or
out as the product is removed or the tank is filled. Some tank may be fitted with internal heating coils using
hot water or steam to keep the contents warm. This reduces the viscosity of the product to ease transfer and
pumping. Terminals may also have ‘Horton spheres’ which are used to store liquefied petroleum gases such
as propane and butane (see left foreground of the above Kowloon oil depot).
The design, construction, operation and maintenance of an oil terminal must be in accordance with local,
national, regional and international codes, standards, and legal and statutory requirements. Relevant
standards include:
Safety Guidelines and Good Industry Practices for Oil Terminals, United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe (ECE), 2013.[11]
Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Crude Oil and Petroleum Product
Terminals, World Bank Group (April 2007).[12]
Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal and Tank
Facilities, American Petroleum Institute, API STD 2610.[13]
Guidance for Oil Terminal Operators, International Maritime Organization (IMO) International
Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (2003).[14]
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry, Basle Chemical Industry (BCI, 2009).[15]
OECD Guidance Concerning Chemical Safety in Port Areas (OCDE/GD(96)39),
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 1996).[16]
Design Code for Aboveground Atmospheric Storage Tanks, American Petroleum Institute,
API 650.[17]
Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities, American Petroleum Institute,
API Recommended Practice 2350, 4th edition.[18]
Prevention Of Tank Bottom Leakage - A Guide For The Design And Repair Of Foundations
And Bottoms Of Vertical, Cylindrical, Steel Storage Tanks, EEMUA 183:2011, Engineering
Equipment and Materials Users' Association (EEMUA, 2011).[19]
Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, American Petroleum Institute, API
standard 653, 4th edition, April 2009.[20]
Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector, International
Society of Automation (September 2004).[4]
Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals standard, 29 CFR 1910.119,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA, February 1992).[21]
Safety Guidelines and Good Practices for Pipelines, ECE/CP.TEIA/2006/11, United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (December 2008).[22]
The ownership of oil depots falls into three main categories:
Single oil company ownership. When one company owns and operates a depot on its own
Joint or consortium ownership, where two or more companies own a depot together and
share its operating costs.
Independent ownership, where a depot is owned not by an oil company but by a separate
business which charges oil companies (and others) a fee to store and handle products. The
Royal Vopak from the Netherlands is the largest independent terminal operator with 80
terminals in 30 countries.[25]
In all cases the owners may also provide "hospitality" or "pick up rights" at the facility to other companies.
Most airports also have their own dedicated oil depots (usually
called "fuel farms") where aviation fuel (Jet A or 100LL) is stored
prior to being discharged into aircraft fuel tanks. Fuel is transported
from the depot to the aircraft either by road tanker or via a hydrant
See also
Oil production plant Aircraft refueller at Vancouver airport
Oil-storage trade
Onshore (hydrocarbon)
Oil terminals in India
Oil terminals in the United Kingdom
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