Diethylene Glycol Cargo Handling Sheet

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Cargo Handling Sheet

Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2

Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2
Product Details:
Product Name: Diethylene Glycol (All grades)
IMO Shipping Name: Diethylene Glycol
Chemical Family: Glycols
Product Code: U1237, U1239
Physical Properties:
Density: 1.116 gm/cm3 @ 20 deg C.
Specific Gravity:
Kinematic Viscosity: 33mm2/s @ 20 deg C.
Vapor Pressure: <1.3 (Pa) @ 20 deg C.
Boiling Point: 244 250 deg C.
Melting Point: -10 deg C.
Flash Point: 149 deg C.
Transshipments are not permitted unless the responsible Shell Chemical charterer has been Transshipments are not permitted unless the responsible Shell Chemical charterer has been Transshipments are not permitted unless the responsible Shell Chemical charterer has been Transshipments are not permitted unless the responsible Shell Chemical charterer has been
consulted and th consulted and th consulted and th consulted and the operation approved by the Regional Marine Technical Advisor. e operation approved by the Regional Marine Technical Advisor. e operation approved by the Regional Marine Technical Advisor. e operation approved by the Regional Marine Technical Advisor.
Marpol Details:
Marpol Annex: II
IMO Ship Type: 3, Shell Chemicals requires a ship type 2
IMO Pollution Category: Z
Oil Like: No
High Viscosity: No
Solidifying: No
USCG: USCG group 40. Not compatible with group 12 Isocyanates
Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2
Cargo Handling Requirements:
Prepurging of Vessels Tanks: No
Pre-purge Oxygen Content: N/A
Pre-purge Dew Point: N/A
Blanket Required: Yes see Regional requirements EU.
Percent Oxygen in Nitrogen Blanket: 5%
Vapor Space Purge: No
Loading Temperature Range: Ambient
Transit Temperature Range: Ambient
Discharge Temperature Range: Ambient
Maximum Heating Coil Temperature: Blanked off
Adjacent Maximum Cargo Temperature: Ambient
Regional Requirements:
Notes: For voyages within the EU inland waterways and for short sea voyages to North Sea and UK ports, nitrogen
blanket is not required.
Notes: If Nitrogen blanket is in place and Carrier chooses to transship, carrier must reapply nitrogen blanket on the
cargo, both on the discharging and receiving ship, at their time, risk, and expense.
Tank Acceptance Requirements:
All shore and ship cargo lines and tanks are to be presented clean (residual free), dry, odor free,
and rust free, with good gaskets and pressure tested heating coils.

Stainless Steel or Coated Tanks: Stainless preferred. Coated tanks to be in very good condition
with minimal blistering or breakdown. All blisters to be
scraped to hard coating. All defects to be noted by the
Carrier to verify suitability of coating for product.

Wall Wash Required: Yes

Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2
Tank Acceptance Requirements cont:

Wash Specifications: An ASTM E2664-09 standard methanol wallwash
should be taken from at least four spots (at least 6
width and 6 height) on each bulkhead, and also four
spots on the tank top. The following composite tests
should be run.
Appearance, Chlorides, Hydrocarbons, Color,
Acidity, Iron
Results Appearance Clear bright and particle free
Chlorides 0.549 ug/g(ppm) max
Hydrocarbons Pass (ASTM D-1722)
Color 10 max Pt-Co (ASTM D-1209)

Cargo Sampling, Testing and Sample Retain Requirements.
Unless alternative written instructions have been provided by Shell locally, the requirements
described here should be met. For each sample which will be tested, a duplicate sample should
be taken, retained and sealed in surveyor custody, in a temperature controlled environment. All
samples should be stored in clear glass bottles with airtight closures.

Samples at loading which must be on a 180 day minimum retain:
Shore tank
Shore Manifold (end of shore line)
Ship Manifold
First foot in each ship tank.
Ship tank final.

Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2
Ships tanks will be loaded to approximately 1foot and stopped. The product will then be sampled
and tested for color, appearance, Specific Gravity and Water. If tanks fail initial test they will be
re-sampled and retested. If samples fail second test, Surveyor to contact Shell for further instructions.

Surveyor Test Requirements

Specification Properties (Test at 1 foot)
DEG DEG DEG DEG Global Global Global Global
U237 U237 U237 U237 Test Methods Test Methods Test Methods Test Methods

Appearance (CFFSM) Appearance (CFFSM) Appearance (CFFSM) Appearance (CFFSM) Pass Pass Pass Pass ASTM D4176 ASTM D4176 ASTM D4176 ASTM D4176
Color, Pt Color, Pt Color, Pt Color, Pt- -- -Co, max Co, max Co, max Co, max 10 10 10 10 ASTM D1209 ASTM D1209 ASTM D1209 ASTM D1209
Specific Gravity, 20/20C Specific Gravity, 20/20C Specific Gravity, 20/20C Specific Gravity, 20/20C 1.1170 1.1170 1.1170 1.1170- -- -1.1200 1.1200 1.1200 1.1200 ASTM D4052 ASTM D4052 ASTM D4052 ASTM D4052
Wa Wa Wa Water, %w, max ter, %w, max ter, %w, max ter, %w, max 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ASTM E1064 ASTM E1064 ASTM E1064 ASTM E1064

Final samples are to be drawn on completion of loading, and prior to padding, for retention only.

Cargo Sampling, Testing and Sample Retain Requirements cont.
Shore tank prior to discharge.
Ship tanks on arrival
Ship manifold. (each individual manifold if jump hoses are used)
Shore manifold.
Shore line at shore tank.
Shore tank after discharge.

Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2
Sample Testing and Product release/ Acceptance Requirements.
Loading: Loading: Loading: Loading: Shore tank approved by location based on local process. Manifold samples tested in the
field for appearance only. Product release based on one (1) foot samples from each tank loaded.
Discharge: Discharge: Discharge: Discharge: Product acceptance based on key tests on arrival samples from each tank discharging.
Manifold and pump stack samples tested in field for appearance only.
Maintenance of heating coils is to be verified in the ships log. If product is to be heated, heating
coils are to be confirmed leak free. If product is not heated, heating coils are to be drained, dried
and blanked off.
Quality of the shore line to be checked prior to the ship berthing. If necessary the line to be flushed
until an on spec. sample is obtained at the shore manifold.
Shore hose, if not a dedicated hose must be cleaned. Hose to be clean and dry prior to use.
Surveyor to carry out a visual inspection. Prior to opening the ships manifold, the shore hose to be
pressed up and sampled for a visual check of color and particulates.
Ship lines should be flushed through the drain cocks, include also where there are dead ends. A
clear sample should be drawn from these points.

Safety Information and Incident Reporting.
Safety Information: Safety Information: Safety Information: Safety Information:
For more detailed information, refer to the MSDS or e-SDS for reportable spill/release quantities
whether in the water, air or ground.
Inc Inc Inc Incident Reporting: ident Reporting: ident Reporting: ident Reporting:
If an incident occurs outside the territorial limits of the USA, call Shell International Trading and
Shipping in London on (44) 207-934-7777. If the spill/release marine incident occurs within the
territorial limits of the USA, call the Shell 24 hr. incident number at 713-241-2532. The USA
National response center telephone number is 1-800-424-8802

For additional marine cargo handling advice or information, contact Captain Eddie Trotter at (+1
713 241 3535)

Cargo handling Sheet: Diethylene Glycol
Document date: 12 January 2012
Revision 2

Shell Chemical LP
PO Box 4407
Texas 77210
Tel +1 866 897 4355
The information contained in this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate, but any recommendations or suggestions that
may be made are without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall be
construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing patents covering any material or its use.
Shell Chemicals
The expression Shell Chemicals refers to the companies of the Shell Group of companies that are engaged in the chemical businesses.
Each of the companies that make up the Shell Group of companies is an independent entity and has its own separate identity.

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