National Service Training Program: Ic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Batangas State University

National Service Training Program
Batangas City

Project Proposal
I. Title of the Project
II. Location
III. Duration/Time of implementation
IV. Type of Community Extension Services
(choose from the following:
A. Capability Building Training
1. Livelihood/Technical/Vocational Skills Training
2. Literacy/Professional Development
3. Technology Transfer
B. Food, Health And Sanitation
C. Collaborative Manpower Development
1. Community Needs Assessment
2. Consultancy Services
D. Environmental/Ecological Program
1. Environmental Management
2. Waste Management)
V. Department Involved/College Involved
A. Non-teaching staff
B. Faculty
C. Student
VI. Project Leader and Coordinators
(list of leaders and contact information)
VII. Cooperating Agencies/Partners
VIII. Beneficiaries
(choose from the following:
1. Out-of school youth
2. Parents
3. Businessman
4. Farmers
5. Industrial Workers (Skilled and Semi-Skilled)
6. Technologists
7. Professionals
8. Administrators/Managers
9. Community
10. Students)
IX. Total Cost of the Project
X. Rationale of the Project (Brief Description Of The Situation)
XI. Objectives (General And Specific)
XII. Description of the Project, Strategies and Methods/ Plan of Action
XIII. Financial Plan/ Proposed Expenditures/ Fund Raising Activities
XIV. Functional Relationship with the Collaborating Agencies/ Duties/ Responsibilities of
Agencies Involved
XV. Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanics
XVI. Plans for Ensuring the Sustainability of the Project

Prepared By:
(Name of proponents)

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