Nanotechnology, Nanowaste and Their Effects On Ecosystems: A Need For Efficient Monitoring, Disposal and Recycling

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Brief for GSDR – 2016 Update

Nanotechnology, Nanowaste and Their Effects on Ecosystems: A

Need for Efficient Monitoring, Disposal and Recycling
Bartlomiej Kolodziejczyk, Carnegie Mellon University and IUCN CEM*

1. Introduction containing nanomaterials throughout their life

cycle. Clear and efficient strategies and
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter procedures are required for disposal and,
at the nano scale. The National where possible, recycling of these materials.
Nanotechnology Initiative defines
nanotechnology as the manipulation of
matter with one or more external dimensions
of less than 100 nanometres (one billionth of 2. Current and Future Markets
a metre). The field of nanotechnology (Figure Synthetic nanomaterials (Figure 1) are already
1) is a broad and multidisciplinary area that widely used in commercially available
includes a variety of scientific endeavours products such as cosmetics (hair products,
such as organic chemistry, molecular biology, skin hydration, cosmetic delivery agents and
materials engineering, semiconductor physics UV filters), paints and coatings (anti-static,
and fabrication, to name a few. anti-mist, anti-corrosion and UV filters),
Nanotechnology has the potential to create textiles (water repellents and anti-bacterial
numerous new solutions to current social, agents) and construction materials (self-
economic and technological challenges. Novel cleaning materials, fire-resistant materials and
materials and devices manufactured using self-healing materials). In the near future,
nanotechnology have applications in products based on nanotechnology and
medicine, electronics, energy conversion and nanomaterials (material with at least one
storage, water purification and consumer internal or external dimension of less than
products. However, the implications of 100 nm) will expand to other areas and will be
unethical and uncontrolled use of used in, but not limited to, medicine and
nanotechnology have created an ongoing pharmacology, energy and environmental
debate in the scientific community. For technology, food, and the water and
example, concerns about the toxicity and sanitation industries. The most common
environmental impact of these new solutions nanomaterials include carbon compounds
are fears commonly associated with this (carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene and
emerging field. The growing number of carbon dots), oxides (zinc oxide, silicon oxide,
applications that utilize nanotechnology has titanium oxide, copper oxide, etc.), metal
resulted in the generation of waste containing
synthetic (or engineered) nanomaterials. This [email protected]
so-called “nanowaste” is hard to monitor due * The International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) Commission on Ecosystem
to its nanoscale dimensions. It is critical to Management (CEM)
ensure that the disposal of such waste does
not cause adverse environmental and health
nanoparticles (silver, gold, platinum, etc.),
impacts. The rapidly growing nanotechnology
polymers and nanomaterials of biological
field currently lacks policies and frameworks origin (liposomes and proteins).
related to the monitoring of products

*The views and opinions expressed are the author's and do not represent those of the Secretariat of the United
Nations. Online publication or dissemination does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.
3. Ecological and health impacts potentially hazardous nature (e.g. carbon
nanotubes). The potential risks of these
Due to their tiny dimensions and different materials also depend on their solubility, size,
structures compared to their bulk shape and agglomeration among other
counterparts, engineered/synthetic physicochemical parameters (e.g. crystallinity,
nanomaterials can exhibit very different redox potential, etc.).
physical and chemical properties. Their
mechanical, optical, electrical and many other The use of asbestos is an example of a
properties may differ significantly from the commonly used nanomaterial that, without
properties of the bulk material. One such exercising proper precautions, became an
example is gold, which in its bulk form does enormous health disaster, culminating in
not absorb visible light efficiently. However, numerous deaths worldwide. Asbestos is a set
as a nanoparticle gold can be an efficient light of naturally occurring silicate mineral
absorber that can be used to facilitate certain nanomaterials consisting of long, thin, fibrous
chemical reactions as a catalyst. Due to this crystals. Each fiber is composed of millions of
revolutionary finding, new applications for microscopic fibrils that can be released to the
such nanomaterials may arise. Unfortunately, environment by abrasion (among other
the transition to the nano-scale dimensions processes) and pose serious human health
can also result in associated increases to the hazards. In some instances, it can be fatal.
toxicity and chemical reactivity. Due to its excellent mechanical and thermal
properties, asbestos was used for decades as
The effects of many engineered thermal insulation. However, a lack of
nanomaterials on human health and the preliminary toxicity- and health-hazard
environment are not yet well understood. Not assessments gave rise to the serious
all nanomaterials possess hazardous consequences felt recently. Today, many
properties. In fact, studies performed on the countries have banned the use of this
same type of nanomaterials are in material. Asbestos is only one of many
disagreement; some studies show their
biocompatibility, while others prove their

Figure 1. Definition of nanomaterial according to ISO TS 27687 (ISO, 2008).

4. Disposal and recycling of products marketplace and their further disposal after
containing nanotechnology use. Where possible, recycling of
nanomaterials is the most desirable outcome.
Disposal of nanomaterials and products in Governments must implement assessments,
which they are containing should be regulations and monitoring measures for
performed with particular care to ensure that nanotechnology manufacturers. Prior to
nanomaterials have the potential to pose a placing nanomaterials-based products on the
threat to human health and the environment
market, extensive environmental and health
are not released. Nanomaterials that are impact studies must be performed; these
hazardous, toxic or chemically reactive should must include studies related to the toxicity
be neutralized. Where possible, nanowaste and chemical reactivity of any new
should be recycled. nanomaterials. From this, safe disposal and
Nanowaste can be the result or by-product of recycling procedures can be established.
industrial or commercial processes. Due to Nanomaterial manufacturers (or an
the broad range of existing nanomaterials, a independent body, or EPA) must also
single procedure for disposal will not suffice determine whether these substances or
for all classes of nanomaterials. Hence, it is manufacturing techniques could pose a risk to
important to understand the properties of public health or the environment. Products
specific nanowastes before developing should only be allowed into the marketplace if
effective disposal practices. The developed there is no risk, or if the risk can be controlled
safety measures and disposal procedures through protective measures.
necessary for handling nanowaste must be Concentrated industrial nanowaste should be
based on current knowledge and take into diluted and deactivated prior to disposal.
account existing legislation. The disposal Additionally, companies producing such waste
procedures must ensure that the waste is as a by-product of their industrial operations
deactivated of its hazardous properties. must be required to prove EPA that their
Depending on the type of the material, nanowaste is non-hazardous to the
thermal, chemical or physical processing of environment and to human health. Newly
nanotechnology-containing waste are possible developed nanomaterials must not be
deactivation solutions. released to the market in the absence of
appropriate disposal procedures. Newly
developed nanowaste disposal procedures
5. Call to Action must be examined and approved by
government agencies based on undisputed
The lack of strict policies and regulations
evidence provided by the claim-lodging
related to the use and disposal of
organization. To provide sufficient evidence,
nanotechnology, in addition to the recycling
the organization may carry out tests itself or
of nanomaterial-containing products, are
refer to existing scientific procedures and
critical issues. Nanowaste is notoriously
difficult to contain and monitor; due to its
small size, it can spread in water systems or Consumers and the broader community must
become airborne, causing harm to human understand that while nanotechnology can
health and the environment. Legislation is solve many current challenges, when used
required in order to regulate the sale of inappropriately or irresponsibly it can pose
products containing nanomaterials in the serious, often irreversible consequences to

human health and the environment. M., Saner D., Sigg A., Hellweg S., Gunther D.
Awareness-raising campaigns, communication and Stark W.J. (2012) Persistence of
and education are key to building engineered nanoparticles in a municipal solid-
understanding and preventing hazardous waste incineration plant. Nature
situations. Nanotechnology, 7: 520-524.

Government funding, industry funding, and Hincapie I., Caballero-Guzman A. and Nowack
research grants should be allocated to B. (2015) Nanomaterials in Landfills Module 3:
accredited research institutions in order to Nanomaterials in Construction Waste. EMPA,
continuously evaluate existing protocols and Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials
develop new disposal and recycling processes Science and Technology.
for nanowaste and/or products containing
nanomaterials. The grants should also support Muller N., Nowack B., Wang J., Ulrich A. and
the identification of OHSE hazards related to Bucha J. (2012) Nanomaterials in waste
use of these products. A substantial, and incineration and landfills. EMPA, Swiss Federal
rapidly growing, amount of funding is Laboratories for Materials Science and
provided for development of new Technology.
nanomaterials, but not enough attention is Hornyak G.L., Moore J.J., Tibbals H.F., Dutta J.
being paid to the development of nanowaste (2008) Fundamentals of Nanotechnology. CRC
disposal procedures. Press
Several governments and international Part, F., Zecha, G., Causon, T., Sinner, E. and
organizations such as the OECD and IUCN are Humer, M. (2015). Current limitations and
currently investigating this growing problem challenges in nanowaste detection,
in an attempt to develop suitable and efficient characterisation and monitoring. Waste
regulations and policies. However, a more Management, 43: 407–420.
unified and collaborative approach at all levels
is required to address this growing and Vejerano E.P., Ma Y., Holder A.L., Pruden A.,
potentially very hazardous issue. Experience- Elankumarana S. and Marr L.C. (2015) Toxicity
and knowledge-sharing, coordinated research of particulate matter from incineration of
activities, the development of guidelines for nanowaste. Environmental Science: Nano, 2:
producers, users and waste-processing 143 – 154.
facilities, and the examination of existing
Kim Y. (2014) Nanowastes treatment in
guidelines or policies are only a few of the
environmental media. Environmental Health
ways to move the nanowaste management
and Toxicology, 29: e2014015.
agenda forward.
Part F., Zecha G., Causon T., Sinner E.K., and
Nanotechnology is growing at an exponential
Huber-Humer M. (2015) Current limitations
rate, but it is clear that issues related to the
and challenges in nanowaste detection,
disposal and recycling of nanowaste will grow
characterisation and monitoring. Waste
at an even faster rate if left unchecked.
Management, 43: 407–420.
6. References
Boldrin A., Hansen S.F., Baun A., Bloch
Walser T., Limbach L.K., Brogioli R., Erismann Hartmann N.I, Astrup T.F. (2014)
E., Flamigni L., Hattendorf B., Juchli M., Environmental exposure assessment
Krumeich F., Ludwig C., Prikopsky K., Rossier

framework for nanoparticles in solid waste. OECD Environment Policy Committee (2015)
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16:2394. Landfilling of Waste Containing Nanomaterials
and Nanowaste. Organisation for Economic
Musee N. (2011) Nanowastes and the Co-operation and Development (OECD).
environment: Potential new waste
management paradigm. Environment OECD Environment Policy Committee (2015)
International, 37 (1): 112–128. Incineration of Waste Containing
Nanomaterials. Organisation for Economic Co-
Amit Patwa A., Thiery A., Lombard F., Lilley operation and Development (OECD).
M.K.S, Boisset C., Bramard J.F., Bottero J.Y.
and Barthelemy P. (2015) Accumulation of
nanoparticles in “jellyfish” mucus: a bio-
inspired route to decontamination of nano-
waste. Scientific Reports 5: 11387.

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