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The electronics component production industry plays a very significant role in obtaining national

income especially, in the pandemic crisis of Covid-19 in 2020 [1]. Consequently, there is a demand
for utilizing electronics components such as communication equipment, mobile devices,
etc. Therefore, companies that produce electronics components all around the world are required to
improve and develop their production process continually, control and maintain the product
quality, and also manage the production cost precisely to be able to accommodate the national
and international demand [2]. Most electronic goods are devices with installed transformers.

A transformer is a passive component that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to
another circuit, or multiple circuits. Hence, the higher demand for electronic devices, the more
demand for the transformers. In Thailand, human labor plays an important role in many
electronic manufacturing industries. Most small and medium unit producers usually face the problem
with low productivity in production processes due to the cause of workers lacking skill making the
small and medium producers face line production problems [3]. For instance, the area
workspace of the workers on the production line and also the problem of messy production areas
that obstruct workers movement while working [4]. For this reason, the workers will always be strain
and fatigue affecting the production and failing to work according to plan. Therefore, production
engineers and production management have to solve the problem by identifying waste and non-
value add processes throughout the entire operation. Because these problems will be a
reason for the business not being able to produce and deliver the product to the customers on time.
Most literatures, the Lean approach, VSM (value stream mapping) technique and motion time study
were used to improvement in production process.

Lean manufacturing as a set of concepts, principles, methods, procedures, and tools geared towards the
improvement of the production flow by reducing waste. The simple principle is identifying value-
added processes and those that do not add value to a company, and the just-in -time
production method that is presented by some connoisseurs and interested in the field in Romania
[5]. Lean manufacturing can be used as a good strategy of process improvements and an alternative to
increase the production output without a big amount of investment [6]. Lean is considered as a
major management approach for improving operational productivity and organizational
performance, the applied lean management principles in making sense of the transformation
processes involved in the use of digital innovation in higher education context. The findings
provide a holistic view of the process transformations [7] Lean-Kaizen means continuous elimination
of wastes through small-small improvements. The implementation of Lean-Kaizen concept in a
small- and medium-scale enterprise (SME) at a non-capital region in India by Kaizen events, reduced
inventory level, reduced lead time and reduced cycle time, rework elimination, improved productivity,
and improved product quality were achieved [8]. The kaizen events for productivity improvement
in a printing company that organize lean tools to improve productivity through the use of
organized kaizen to meet defined targets [9].
In the lean approach, the VSM can be highlighted since it provides a holistic view of
manufacturing processes and has become one of the most used tools in the applications of lean
thinking in industrial and service companies. VSM is a dominant tool that helps an organization to
improve the understand towards lean. A successful lean implementation was recorded in context to
Indian case study is an attempt to implement the Lean-Kaizen concept using VSM in order to
tackle all types of inefficiencies and wastes. The study reported benefits such as reduction in
machine setting time, manpower, production lead time and value-added time which smooth production
and ease working condition of the industry [4]. The implement VSM in axle beam housing processing
line to reveal obvious and hidden waste could reduce the lead time with able to up productivity
[10]. The identification of waste or MUDA [11] based on the seven kinds of waste, known from a
lean context [12], that affect the quality and productivity of the products. Improvement process
under Lean Manufacturing tools, for increase the performance in the value chain [13]. Thus,
the ability of the method to improve the overall productivity that the taken measures are
expected to reduce the lead time [12], significant reduction of cycle time, after implementing the
Kaizen event [13], and the personal cost of a tool exchange is reduced [12]. The VSM has been
improved using 5W1H techniques and ECRS principles as solution to reduce of lead time and take
an advantage of the remaining time to complete other orders without hiring more workers.
Moreover, the effectiveness of the proposed classification system was evaluated by using
thestandardized classification system to measure the VA and NVA by VSM [6][14][15].

Motion and time study by the Methods Time Measurement version2 (MTM2) used to analyses
human motions during work activity, and they are attempting to improve and optimize a given
process [16]. For the example, the MTM was also used to conform to the economic principles of
movement and work time measurement to improve the working system in order to get the standard
time at the cement bagging station to reach the production target [17].

In this study, researchers studied and collected data from one small Japanese company in Lamphun
province of Thailand which has the potential to produce transformers around 15,000 per day. This
company is a branch of one Japan Company. The firm manufactures and sells semiconductors,
electrical equipment and power supply products. The company has been operating for a long
time and has many employees (around 1020). Researchers have a team that work for this
company and hold a position as transformer line production executives who are able to decide
experiments and decisions for this research. The study showed methods for improving production
processes by reducing cost, time and waste, instead of increasing budgets by applying industrial
engineering tools and Lean manufacturing approach [19]. All operations and procedures of
transformer production in the case study firm were analyzed by principles of Lean with the time study
measurement of workers by MTM2 technique [20][21][22]. The rest of the article consists of four
topics: related work by literature review, materials and method, results, discussion and conclusion.
Firstly, the theories and related works about lean approach and motion time study were studied.
Secondly, the experiments by Lean approach and industrial engineering tools were used to
estimate operations and processes. Thirdly, the results in the study showed that the improvement of
the production process was able to eliminate "Waste" and "Non Value" in the transformer
production and alsoincreased the production capacity of the case study firm. As a result, the
problem of delays was reduced in the manufacturing process and would help the company
deliver products to customers on time. In conclusion, a summary explaining how to make new
standards and methods for line production will lead to more potential in industrial competition

Nowadays, production plant facing the capacity problems, they instantaneously decide to increase
overtime, purchase new equipment or add shifts. As an alternative they should decide to improve the pe
rformance of their present machines to improve equipment reliability, improve operator performance
and minimize the whole idle time.All these things can be prepared to increase capacity and will pay
greater expenses by allowing a production plant to devote its valuable time and money on their
production process as an alternative of new machine procurements.

Manufacturing firms are more focusing on improving the production performance in term of
productivity output in order to survive in the competitive market, because a high productivity
performance has a direct relationship with the equipment efficiency and process control.

A competitive market demands continuous improvement in both productivity and efficiency. The rate of
development of technology means there is always someone asking ‘how can this be done better /
cheaper / faster’ and in order for a business to ensure longevity, a culture of doing more with less must
prevail. Productivity and efficiency improvements should therefore not be seen as a once off goal, rather
a way of doing business in order for a company to stay competitive, be sustainable and grow.

Regardless of the size of the company, efficient management is the most important. Efficient
management covers well defined and conducted processes, which is the daily reality of each enterprise.

Production optimization is a constant introduction of the best practices that affect the efficiency of
manufacturing processes. By optimizing production processes, companies have the opportunity to

improve their productivity, which in the time of tremendous competition is critical. Effective
development of enterprises generally hinder daily struggles with problems in the field of operational
activities, flow of information and the lack of a smooth connection of business processes taking place in
the company. The growing demands of the market and the need to ensure high quality products
generate the need to optimize manufacturing processes while maintaining optimal level of raw material
consumption and the use of available resources. The aim of the study is to present possibilities of
increasing the efficiency of the researched companies thanks to the optimization of the production
process, taking into account identified functional problems.

Enhance productivity, deliver quality on time

Align quality standards with productivity and ensure on-time delivery

Focus on Productivity, On-Time Delivery, and Alignment with Quality Standards

Productivity improvement without compromising on the timely delivery of quality goods is a constant
challenge that manufacturers face. For this to happen, you need to focus on optimized operations and
improved efficiency without affecting the profit margins. The idea is to reduce wastage to curb costs.

On the other hand, the challenge is also to meet quality standards, reduce failures, defects, and
deviations to ensure that your operations are compliant with the applicable standards. Working on all
these aspects will also ensure that you have lesser downtime for repairs and maintenance. The
opportunity cost from rework due to errors in the process can also be cut down.

Nowadays, the major daily problems that encountered by many manufacturing companies are
equipment breakdown, repair, and quality defects. These problems have great impact on the quality
cost and delivery time [1]. The quality of maintenance significantly affect the company profitability as
25- 30% of total production cost that is attributed to maintenance activities in the plant [2].
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the statistical method to monitor and control the production
performance as well as continuously improve the quality of the product [3]. The purpose of SPC
implementation is to improve the product quality, improve productivity, reduce wastes, reduce
defects and improve customer values [4]. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures how
effective the machine used for manufacturing in practically as opposed to in theory [5].
Availability, performance rate, and quality rate are the three important parameters which form
the product of OEE [6]. The six big losses such as breakdowns, setup and adjustments, small
stops, reduced speed, start-up rejects and the production rejects are the main contribution that
affect the performance the machines [7]. A case study has been conducted in XYZ tiles
manufacturing company in Pahang, Malaysia. This company manufactures and sells tiles and mosaics to
worldwide. The major problem of this company in the production process is low production productivity
performance caused by the high machine breakdown. The purpose of applying SPC in the process is
to identify the significant defect and reduce the process variations to consistently produce more
conforming products whereas OEE is used as a key performance indicator to measure the
effectiveness of the machine. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is crucial to maximize the utilization
of the machine by eliminating breakdown, and promote Autonomous Maintenance (AM) by operators
through day to day activities involving total workforce.

Time and motion study (TMS) assist management to determine how much is produced by workers in a
specific period of time, therefore making it easier to predict work schedules and output. TMS became a
necessary tool for businesses to be successful today. Both the manufacturing and service sectors utilizes
its advantages. In this research time and motion study is applied in a manufacturing setup (i.e. a match
production processes) which are highly repetitive. In repetitive tasks process time reduction and worker
satisfaction and productivity are major concerns of management, as these tasks are boring,
monotonous, fatiguing, de-motivating and consequently affect productivity and satisfaction (Shikdar and
Das, 2003).

An extensive study has evolved over the years which is designed to enhance productivity of
organizations and individuals making up the organizations. Design of methods and procedures and
elimination of unnecessary tasks and are the most significant objectives of TMS (Barnes, 1980, Meyers
and Stewart, 2002).

In today’s competitive environment, as manufacturing industries face additional pressure to meet the
dynamic nature of customer demand, lean manufacturing is an essential tool to reduce this burden to a
great extent. Various lean methodologies exist like value stream mapping, 5S, Kaizen, line balancing,
just-in-time, poka-yoke, Kanban, total preventive maintenance, and single-minute exchange of die,
which are currently being implemented in industries for the improvement of productivity and reduction
of overall cycle time.

The concept of lean manufacturing was introduced in Japan, and the Toyota production system was the
first to use lean practices. The concept is developed from socio-integrated system. TPS is renowned for
its focus on reduction of the original Toyota seven wastes to improve overall customer value, but there
are varying perspectives on how this is best achieved. The steady growth of Toyota, from a small
company to the world's largest automaker, has focused attention on how it has achieved this success.
Lean manufacturing when implemented successfully results in an increase in

production the output per person and a reduction in the finished goods inventory and work in process.
Main goal of

a lean manufacturing system is to produce products of higher quality at the lowest possible cost and in
the least time by eliminating wastes it helps in efficient use of
layout, improve cycle time, reduce cost and increase overall productivity.

Productivity is a measure of how well the production unit uses the resources. We measure productivity
as units of qualitative output per unit of input. Where output includes quality goods and services
produced and sold. Input includes all of the materials , services, machinery usage and efforts expended
in the production of the output.[1] Work-study concept with lean manufacturing tools, kaizen problems
solving concept and cell manufacturing concept can be the possible way to solve the problems
concerning and governing productivity in small and medium scale industries. With implementing the
further stated techniques as suited to the firm would definitely solve interdependent problems
governing the productivity. This can be the better way to improve the productivity by eliminating or
reducing time consuming actions which generally do not contribute in actual production and also the
cost of manufacturing can also be reduced.

In the industrial world, competition today is far more dynamic and rapidly changing. Therefore, it is
necessary to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation performance [1]. One of the
common problems in manufacturing industry is how to carry out the production process as effectively
and efficiently as possible without wasting time and production cost so that the company will be able to
sell its product in a more competitive price.

Every company have a goal to earn maximum profit. Accordingly, the company must arrange its goal
very well with guidance from management function consists of planning, organizing, mobilizing and
controlling. In carrying out its activities, the company needs to compile a series of activities that all series
of activities must be completed in accordance with the deadline of completion time [2]. The completion
time that takes longer than the deadline will disrupt the company’s operation. In order to finish work on
time, it is necessary to determine the sequence of activities and completion time of each activity. A late
completion time will affect increase of the time and cost.

Improvement can be in the form of elimination, correction (repair) of ineffective processing, simplifying
the process, optimizing the system, reducing variation, maximizing throughput, reducing cost, improving
quality or responsiveness and reducing set-up time our business relies on meeting quotas and
benchmarks to thrive, but knowing what the end goal is and knowing how to get there most efficiently
isn’t easy without the proper guidance. In fact, without truly improving your company’s process
efficiency, your bottom line could face irreparable damage, and your employees (not to mention your
customers) could become fed up with the way your business operates. Evaluating the processes existing
within your company and then tracking them, improving them, and measuring their success is vital to
any business.
In the changing economic environment, global competition where the customer demands are changing
continuously, the enterprises have to focus on cost reduction, efficiency improvement, higher
productivity and profitability. In the production, the resources (raw materials, humans, machines,
equipment, etc.) are always limited. It is very important for the manufacturing companies to produce
cost effective final products in a short lead time which can be achieved by minimized cost and higher
effectiveness, and therefore, efficiency improving methods are needed.

With the increased global competitiveness, manufacturing companies are working hard to improve their
productivity, and also provide their teeming customers with high quality products and services that will
guarantee continual patronage. Defined as a ratio of output to input in manufacturing, productivity is
the key indicator that measures an organization’s efficiency and also enables a firm to beat the

This was the reason to conduct the present research to optimize

To analyze the setup operations and identify the targets for improvement

2. To eliminate non-value-added activities and simplify changeover activities.

3. To reduce idle time of equipment and labor in order to optimize the resource utilization.

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