Chapter 8 Virtue Ethics

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Virtue Ethics
– theory that can possibly
provide a comprehensive
understanding of how an
individual can develop
moral character
– ethical framework concerned
with understanding the good
as a matter of developing the
virtuous character of a person
– major proponent of virtue ethics
– his book Nichomachean Ethics is the
first comprehensive and
programmatic study of virtues ethics
Happiness and
Ultimate Purpose
– Individuals agree that the
highest purpose and ultimate
good of man is happiness or
Greek word called eudaimonia
– Every act that person does is
directed toward a particular
purpose, aim or Greek word
called telos
Virtues as
- The excellent way of doing thing is called virtue
or arete by the Greeks
- According to Aristotle virtue is something that
one strives for in time, one does not become
an excellent person overnight
2 Ways To Attain
Intellectual Excellence
1. Philosophic Wisdom
o deals with attaining knowledge about the
fundamental principles of truth that govern the
universe (e.g. theory on the origins of things)
2. Practical Wisdom
o an excellence in knowing the right conduct in
carrying out a particular act, in other word one
can attain a wisdom that provide us with a guide
on how to behave in our daily loves
• Exces – mesotes – deficiency
• Excess and deficiency = vices
• Mesotes, the middle, the mean = virtue

• terminus of ancient philosophy introduced

by Aristotle into ethics.
• the most appropriate decision or action that
results in the best circumstances based on
good judgment.
What is needed to find the Mesotes?

• Phronesis
– practical intelligence
– prudential judgment or practical

• one needs phronesis to find the

“right thing” (mesotes)
Morally Virtuous

– concerned with achieving her appropriate

action in a manner that is neither
excessive nor deficient.

- the middle or the intermediary point in
between extremes.
Virtues * Excesses * Deficiency
Excess Middle Deficiency
Impulsiveness Self-control Indecisiveness

Recklessness Courage Cowardice

Prodigality Liberality Meanness

Moral Virtue
– according to Aristotle, it is a “state
of character” which habitually acts
according to the middle measure that
practical wisdom identifies as the
moral choice that should be acted
upon, given the concrete situation
that presents to the person.
Goal of Virtue Ethics
– is to promote the maturity of the
character of the person.
– Building a good character is a task
and responsibility of every person.

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