Chapter 8 Virtue Ethics
Chapter 8 Virtue Ethics
Chapter 8 Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics
– theory that can possibly
provide a comprehensive
understanding of how an
individual can develop
moral character
– ethical framework concerned
with understanding the good
as a matter of developing the
virtuous character of a person
– major proponent of virtue ethics
– his book Nichomachean Ethics is the
first comprehensive and
programmatic study of virtues ethics
Happiness and
Ultimate Purpose
– Individuals agree that the
highest purpose and ultimate
good of man is happiness or
Greek word called eudaimonia
– Every act that person does is
directed toward a particular
purpose, aim or Greek word
called telos
Virtues as
- The excellent way of doing thing is called virtue
or arete by the Greeks
- According to Aristotle virtue is something that
one strives for in time, one does not become
an excellent person overnight
2 Ways To Attain
Intellectual Excellence
1. Philosophic Wisdom
o deals with attaining knowledge about the
fundamental principles of truth that govern the
universe (e.g. theory on the origins of things)
2. Practical Wisdom
o an excellence in knowing the right conduct in
carrying out a particular act, in other word one
can attain a wisdom that provide us with a guide
on how to behave in our daily loves
• Exces – mesotes – deficiency
• Excess and deficiency = vices
• Mesotes, the middle, the mean = virtue
• Phronesis
– practical intelligence
– prudential judgment or practical
- the middle or the intermediary point in
between extremes.
Virtues * Excesses * Deficiency
Excess Middle Deficiency
Impulsiveness Self-control Indecisiveness