Inherent Dignity of The Person

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
College of Teachers Education – Graduate Studies and Applied Research
Center of Development
CHED Memo #17 s. 2016

Program/ Major : Master of Arts in Education Major in Social Science

Course Code : Soc Sci 204
Course Title : Social Philosophy
Topic : The Inherent Dignity of the person
Reporter : Jet Emerson S. Gezun
Professor : Dr. Ruby Brion

What is Human Dignity?
According to Catholic Social Teaching;
-Grounded in the idea that persons are created by God in God’s image and likeness
-Dignity means to be worthy of self-esteem and respect
-Human dignity is inherent, inviolable, and inalienable

Human Dignity is INHERENT

-Dignity is an essential characteristic of being human; one can’t be human without dignity.
-We inherent dignity by being chosen to be worthwhile by a loving God.

Human Dignity is INVIOLABLE

-For something to be inviolable it means it can’t be violated; no one has the right to violate it.

Human Dignity is INALIENABLE

-This means it can’t be taken away by anyone

The protection of human rights and basic freedom stems from the recognition and
appreciation of the innate dignity of the human person.

The international Bill of Rights states in its preamble that the recognition of “the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation
of freedom, justice and peace in the whole world.”

Also stated in the preamble is the affirmation of faith in fundamental human rights, in the
dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of man and woman.

The concept of person, however, is very abstract and so practical efforts must be initiated in
order to draw the youth to the recognition and appreciation of the self-dignity or that “person” in
them which identifies with the other selves of the human community.

“I” as a Person

Recall that as a child you must have loved to wear masks and experience the strange but
exciting feeling when you came beneath the masks of another person. You were Batman, the
versatile here in the metropolis; or Superman, the flying man of steel; for the girls, a Wonder
Woman whose beauty is equaled only by her power to defeat the forces of evil.
Use of the word person evolved over several centuries in the ancient Greek and Roman
worlds. Originally person (prosopon or persona) meant a mask or "something added to one's being,
or it referred to the eyes" (Clark 1992, p.11).

Masks were originally worn in Greek theater during the early days of Greek Civilization.
Through the masks, the theoretical “person” is realized and demonstrated before the stage
audiences. Realizing bad and evil manifestation of self, one need not to be disheartened. The
individual is a changing person who can change for the better physically, emotionally, intellectually
and spiritually.

“You as a Person”

Yes, a PERSON but this time in a deeper and more meaningful way and not in the
superficial putting on the masks or cover, and not delivering words concocted by stage writers, also
not acting out of character role:

You as a Person:
A unique self, such that spiritual writers say: “God Himself cannot create another
A self with great capacity for self-achievement in this world within your lifetime.
A self-able to generously extend out and influence others and the world and cause
universal cyclic change.

“Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless
and worth far more than things”.

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