Consequently, ample
consideration was rendered in an inquiry on personalism.
Values Formation Through Community Service All
Personalism, as a philosophical movement, was found by Bordos Parker Browne and was
Filipino parents hope to pass on to their children the values and words of wisdom that have been developed later by Max Scheier. Emmanuel Mounic Henri Bergson, and Martin Buber. As a
passed to them. They can do a lot of things for their value formation. philosophical movement, personalisra is a study of man as a person. Thus, it pays much interest on
But, no matter how much the parents would like to inculcate to them the positive or right values, the personhood of man and not so much on the nature of man.
their environment could influence their children since VALUES ARE CAUGHT AND NOT TAUGHT. Since personalism takes man as its main concern, it rejects the legalistic connotation of the
Whatever we have learned at home, in school and in the environment are internalizing ourselves) term person as that which refers to any thing or any reality which is endowed with rights since this
What if some of us have learned negative om? Values Transformation comes in. So, what is now the definition treats of person both in the context of things, establishments, or institutions and human
role of the NSTP and envirene.. in the value transformation of our youths. beings. Thus, in personalism the term person is solely attributed to man inasmuch as it requires
freedom and rationality as defined by Beothius."
Values are said to be worth the importance we attach to different factors in our lives. The
word values comes from a the Latin word "valere" which means to measure the worth of something. Man as a person, then, means that man is unique, a who, a subject, and a self; man is never
These are ideas and norms an considers relevant and good. Max Scheler (1874-1923) is the foremost alone in his existence in the world; man has that indelible trademark of his being-with existence in
exponent of axiology. Axiology is defined as the philosophical science and values. the world.
A VALUE HAS BEEN DEFINED AS ANY OBJECT. ACTIVITY OR FRAME OF MIND THAT A PERSON Since man is person, his "being-with" existence should not be confused with a "being-for"
CONSIDERS TO BE VERY IMPORTANT TO HIS OR HER LIFE. Unlike attitudes, values come in, as an kind of existence. "Being-for" is the opposite of "being- with" in the sense that the latter is heading
unconscious list of priorities. All of our values taken together are called a VALUE SYSTEM which exist in a direction of treating man as a person. Thus, in man's intersubjectivity, man is called to treat his
not only on an individual level, but on an organization-wide level as well. Hence, the community fellowinan as a person; this is made possible only in the context of man's "being-with" existence.
where your NSTP Students will be assigned could greatly contribute to their vahies transformation. Man's personhood should not be contracted to man's humanity.and individuality. The
A CORPORATE CULTURE is a system of values shared throughout any given place or organization. personhood (pagkatawo or pagkatao). And man's individuality (pagka siya sa iyong pagkatawo or
Values are especially important to understanding human behavior. Conflicts between them pagiging siya sa kanyang pagkatao) manifests man's individual unique personhood, inasmuch as the
are often based on differences in values: When you seem to be at odds with another person; take a individual is. tho porson, and the person is he individuaai..
look at how your basic values differ. And when you seem in conflict with the members of the group, Man's "being-with-others" can be viewed from to standpoints, viz.. general and specific.
examine the group's value system against your own. Generally, man's being-with-others as a person is man's intrinsic "being-with" to both things and
Values education is founded on a sound philosophy of the human person with all its man's fellow human person. Specifically, man's being-with-others as a person is man's irrefutable
philosophical ramifications and implications. The supreme and overarching value that characterizes "being- with" his fellowmen only because in the specific sphere, man's "being-with his fellowmen
education is HUMAN DIGNITY. only because in the specific sphere, man's "being-with-" is treated in the existential perspective.
Because things do not exist, man alone has the capacity to co-exist with fellow, human persons.
The Meaning of Man as a Person
The Self
The term 'person' cannot be exclusively attached to human beings since not all persons are
considered human beings and vice-versa. A business enterprise is a person, although, it is not a Everybody has an obligation to himself, but there are times that we are facing difficulties in
human being. On the other hand, a slave is a human being, but he is not a person by virtue of his understanding these obligations. One of the reasons is how we understand exactly what 'self is.
being divested of his nights as a human being- although he is still a human being. In this case, lave is On way to understand this selfhood is to conceive it as a personal role that one plays in the
not considered as an existing subject but a mere object. general drama of life. In the totality of human history, I have my own unique role to play because of
the presence of individual differences. It is a role that includes responsibilities that are to be faced,
decisions that are to be made, relationships and involvements that are to be lived and work that is LESSON 4: CRIME
to be performed.
What is a Crime?
In understanding our selfhood there are certain moral obligations that arise. If a person has
a particular life to live then he has a basic responsibility toward that life. He has the obligation to see CRIME PREVENTION
that life is 'lived' to its fullest. He should play his role as well as he can and not neglect it. As cited by Gregorio (1988), a crime is the commission or omission by a person having capacity, of
Where Values Come From any act, which is either prohibited or compelled by law and the commission or omission of which is
punishable by a proceeding brought in the name of the government whose law has been violated.
Our personal values are formed in early childhood and are affected strongly by both the (Wharton's Criminal Law, 1957, Vol. 1, p. 11). (begonation)
values of our parents, the environment, the school, the church and the government. The place and
time of the first few years of our lives have a great effect on the formation of our values. What is Crime Prevention?
Core and Related Values It is an act to be done in order that a crime could not happen. Crime prevention is everybody's
concem. We have to join hands in order to lessen crime in our community if not totally eradicate it.
Conceived and enunciated in this book are EIGHT CORE AND RELATED VALUES that
everybody - not only the youths - should have and nurture. How can we minimize Crime?
It is through crime prevention where we can lessen crimes in our society. Don't be a victim! Take
note of the following preventive measures! and share them with the community you are residing in
or in the place. where your NSTP Coordinator/Professor will assign you
Community Involvement:
1. A conscious collective effort to maintain peace and order in the neighborhood is far more
effective than self or family-oriented approach to crime prevention.
2. Good leadership and the active participation of community members are vital.
3. Regular crime prevention meetings should be held to discuss the most: common modus operandi
of criminals and thieves and the countermeasures against them,
4. Resident volunteers, in groups of two or three, can walk the streets in designated areas at specific
hours. t
5. When a crime is in progress, volunteers should call "117."
6. A witness to an ongoing crime can ale neighbors by making noise or giving pre-arranged signals.
He shot call "117"
7. If the Ronda group is small, only the leader of the volunteers should know the time and area of
the neighborhood walk.
How to Keep Your Family Safe 4. Teach your children not to talk to strangers, especially in school. Should they be approached, tell
them to run to the principal's office and report the incident.
1. Make sure you and your family know the general whereabouts of all members for the day. If
possible, have a schedule board in the kitchen where family members can post their schedules or 5. Ask your children's school to help provide security by not giving out any information on your
destinations. children to anybody and avoiding publicity in which students are named or their pictures shown.
2. Instruct all family members and household help not to entertain strangers at the gate or on the 6. Insist that strict guidelines be followed as to the persons authorized to pick up your children. They
phone. Children should be especially trained not to converse with strangers on the phone. should not be allowed to leave with any other person without your prior authorization. To ensure
Transactions should be done outside: the gate. This will prevent closer visual observation of your maximum safety, children should be allowed to speak on the phone to the one authorizing the
premises or the household lay out. release. This practice provides protection against kidnappers who call and claim to be the child's
3. Teach your family and household help to verify the identity of the phone callers before identifying
themselves. 7. Instruct children on how to call "117" in case strangers or suspicious characters hang around the
house. -
4. Never give out information on the whereabouts of family members to just anyone on the phone.
Friends or relatives should be politely asked to call again so they can personally talk to the person 8. At night, keep the door to the children's room open so that any unusual noise may be easily heard:
they are looking for. Should the unknown caller insist on asking to speak to each family member, ask
for his name, and politely say that the message will be relayed and that he should call back. Call the 9.Keep the house well-lighted if it is necessary to leave the children home
police for assistance if you repeatedly receive anonymous phone calls. Pointers for Children
5. Have a standing order that a designated family member be contacted in an emergency or if there 1. Do not accept invitations or gifts from strangers or mere acquaintances.
are dubious characters at your door or on your phone.
2. Go straight home after classes, do not linger on school grounds unless required.
List the important phone numbers in the front or back page of your directory for easy access.
3. Report suspicious characters around the house or school to someone, in authority.
6. Be aware of phone swindlers who call in and report that one family member has been in an
accident and is asking for the family member or household help to bring cash or other valuables to a 4. Make sure you are with someone when you see a movie:
certain place. Verify with another family member before acting on this. 5. Inform your parents/guardians/elders about your whereabouts and whom you are with for
7. Househelp applicants should be asked for clearance and ID pictures. would be better if they are communication and safety purposes.
recommended by a relative or friend. 6. Be wary of drug pushers; report them immediately to school authorities, police, or your parents.
How to Keep the Children Safe You may also text "117."
1.Advice children to refrain from playing/loitering on the roads outside your residence where they 7. Always attend parties in groups.
are highly vulnerable to abduction. Also, advice. them never to leave home without telling you of 8. Hard drinks and drugs poison the body and mind. Avoid drinking sprees or pot sessions.
their destination and expected arrival time.
9. Smoking, drinking and gambling are vices, which attract bad elements. They are best avoided.
2. Carefully "back-check" references of anyone you intend to employ baby-sitter, domestic helper,
gardener, driver or even security guard. It is very possible that the kidnappers would be utilizing 10. Keep your personal belongings safe before leaving your dormitories/ boarding houses,
such persons to infiltrate your residence so as to acquire vital information on household valuables,
11. Keep your books, equipment, or tools in safe places like lockers.
layouts and patterns.
12. Avoid loitering in dark areas. Criminals lurk in such places.
3-Hiring a security guard for the street will greatly improve the security situation of your residence.
How to keep Strangers Out 7. If you and your family are going on vacation, ask a neighbor to watch your home, or ask a
relative to stay in your home for the duration of your. vacation. An empty house is a prime
1.Verify the identity of callers at your gue before opening the door. Use peepholes provided on target for criminal elements.
gates and doors for this purpose. Should the stranger be a repairman, electrician or the like, very
identity by calling the service office. Do Not Fall to Cellphone Snatching
2.Never admit strangers under any pretz Transactions should be made at the door to minimize view The increasing number of cellphone users in Metro Manila and other areas in the country has
of house layout. given rise to a seemingly lucrative but illegal business by unscrupulous individuals and gangs.
Cellphone theft.is on the rise and cellphone snatchers are getting bolder everyday. Easy prey are
3. Ensure that all doors and windows have locks that are in working condition. teenagers, students, employees and just about any cellphone owner who carelessly use or carry
4. Keep only the door that is used to enter the house open; all other entry points to your household around their cellphone units in public places without due regard to their security or safety. The
should be securely locked to prevent unnoticed entry into your home: situation continues to worsen as snatchers resort. to violence when their victims resist or fight
back. There have been reports of injuries and death resulting from such incidents and the
5. Make it a habit to check that all doors and windows are locked at night before going to sleep. The statistics are rising.
dark of might is a most ready camouflage for robbers and other criminals.
The Philippine National Police recognizes the gravity of this problem and the dangers it
6. During stormy weather, double check door and window locks; put empty cans in strategic places, continues to pose on the general public. While the police is doing its best to contain this
which will alert you in case an intruder has entered. problem, the active involvement of the general public in putting a stop to this menace is just as
7. Never tempt potential offenders with a full view of your house, install curtains or cover appliances vital. Vigilance, more than anything else, spells the big difference. Hence, the cellphone owners
and other expensive equipment; do not leave clothes on the clothesline at night. are gencouraged to stay alert at all times and to keep in mind the following tips:
1. Keep a record of the important information (especially make, model #, products serial 1.Buy cellphones only from authorized dealers:
number) of all houserid facilities and equipment, such as TV, radio, audio system, videocassee 2.Record your cellphone serial numbers immediately after purchase. Serial numbers are
recorder/player, refrigerator, and washing machine. Have an inventory of your jewelry and available in the retail packs of brand new units. If you unit brand new, failed to record the
other precious items and documents like birth, baptismal and marriage certificates. numbers or if you didn't buy your you could retrieve the serial numbers by pressing certain keys.
2. Store cash and other valuables in the bank. Hiding them inside locked drawers does not (For Nokia units, press *#06# to retrieve the serial number.) Cellphone companies can block calls
guarantee that they will be safe from the knowing eyes and practiced moves of robbers. to and from stolen units if the serial numbers are reported to them.
3. Bring in all outdoor equipment (bicycles, garden hose, mower, etc.) at night. Leaving these 3. As much as possible, bring your cellphone with you only if you urgently need it during the day.
valuables out in the garden or the streets is an open invitation to robbers and thieves. Otherwise, it is best that you leave it at home.
4. Protect your household facilities and valuables from prying eyes by using curtains or drapes. 4. Always place your cellphone in your pocket or your bag where it is not visible.
5. Check all electrical appliances to make sure they are turned off before leaving your home, 5. Set your cellphone in "silent" mode when you are in public places and inside public vehicles.
ensuring that a fire will not break out while you are away. 6. If there is an urgent need for you to use your cellphone while outside. go to a place where
6.Provide family members with their own keys to the household. This is safer than leaving the you are more secure - inside stores, near security guards, near police stations, inside offices, or
key in a secret" place, one that can be discovered by any person who takes the time to watch even in comfort cubicles.
your movements when you. leave your home and come back at night. 7. Always walk in well-lighted places. When walking alone, be on guard for persons following
you-walk towards areas where there are people in case you might need help.
8. Keep your bag containing your cellphone close to your body. 2. If you are awakened by the sound of intruders, you have several options. One, lie quietly to
avoid attracting attention, hoping that they will leave you undisturbed. Two, you may choose to
9.When in public vehicles, be alert for snatchers; beuspicious of passengers who come in threes open lights and make noise by moving around, thereby warning them that you are awake and
or fours and who position themselves beside behind the driver, near the "estribo", and one scaring them into leaving your home. Even if you are alone in the house, you may speak loudly
among the passengers. to an imaginary companion
10. If you fall victim to snatchers, report to the police and to your cellphone providers 3. If you see signs of a break-in or suspicious persons inside your home, do not attempt to go in
immediately. as the robbers may still be inside. Go to your nearest neighbor and call the local police or call
11. Always cooperate with the police and barangay authorities. 117 for immediate assistance.
12. If you wish to own a second hand cellphone, ask for the complete kit and receipt. 4.Remain calm and do not panic. Although robbers would prefer to avoid 2 confrontation, they
are easily agitated and more prone to uncalled for abuse or violence.
5. Try to talk it out with robbers, if you are up to it This will delay them, and allow for alternative
1. When in public places, refrain from displaying your cellphone unnecessarily. Avoid using it in action on your par if the situation crops up.
public. Do not clip it on your waist or carry it while walking or while inside public vehicles. This
will only give snatchers the opportunity to grab it from you. 6. Note all peculiarities and mannerisms of the robbers if you come face- to-face with them.
Tattoo marks, physical defects, moles and speech mannerism will help in giving the police a
2. Never lend your cellphones to strangers who may approach you to make. emergency calls. more solid description of the robber/s
3. Do not resist hold-up men or snatchers. Do not panic. Follow their instructions but remain 7. Call the police immediately after the robbers leave your home. You may also text 117 for this
calm enough to remember their description and the directions they took in escaping. purpose.
4. When inside establishments, offices or restaurants, do not leave your cellphone lying around How to Avoid Rape
on tables, on top of cabinets, or even on chairs beside you. You'll never know when strangers, or
thieves posing as visitors, may come and take your cellphone when you are least aware. Here are few precautions, which will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim.
5. When paying for purchases in stores or supermarkets, do not leave your cellphone on the 1. Be alert when you are alone..
counter. Place it in your bag or pocket. 2. Avoid walking alone. Walk on the streets where there are other people.
REMEMBER, BUYING OR SELLING STOLEN PROPERTY IS PUNISHABLE UNDER THE "ANTI- 3. Stay out of alleys, vacant lots, and buildings.
4. Walk near the curb and don't pass too close to shrubbery, dark doorways, and other places of
The ANTI-FENCING LAW is a special law, which imposes penalties on people who sell, concealment. Avoid shortcuts.
dispose, buy or acquire anything of value which are solen.
5. Be discreet. Don't broadcast details of your personal plans to casual acquaintances or strangers.
People caught possessing stolen property or articles will be punished with imprisonment of
6-12 years to a maximum of 20 years depending on the value of the stolen property or articles. 6. If you must work late in an office building, alert a friend or relative or the security guard so he will
know where you are and when to expect you. Ask your employer to provide an escort, arrange to
What to do if you are Under Threat leave in a group. Don't walk to your vehicle alone if you can avoid it.
1. If there are suspicious sounds or shadows in your home, try to contact the police or call. 117 7. Carry a shrill whistle in your hand ready to use.
quietly, so as not to let the intruders know that you are aware of their presence. Most robbers
are after the property inside your home, and are more prone to working swiftly and quietly to 8. If someone is following you, cross the street ahead for bright lights and people, then be ready to
avoid any physical or violent encounters. use your whistle.
9. Do not hitchhike or accept rides from strangers. If a vehicle approaches and you are threatened, fragmentation, heat and blast wave; and incendiary, which generate fire-producing heat without a
turn and run in the opposite direction. The driver will have to turn around to pursue you. Make your substantial explosion when ignited.
screams loud and long.
Responding to Bomb Threats
Remember, the opportunity for rape is increased when you accept an offer of a ride home
or a late smack from someone whom you've just met at a lounge, club or party. Being aware will Each threat received through any means of communication should be treated as real and
lessen your chances of being assaulted. must be forwarded immediately to the proper authorities.
10. When arriving home by taxi or private car, request the driver to wait until you are inside. a. Telephone Bomb Threats - The receiving party must remain calm and courteous. Try to obtain as
much information as possible from the caller. Take note of the following procedures:
The object is to get away with the least injury to you.
1. Get the identity of the caller.
Violence is seldom far from the rapist's mixed-up mind Rape is much more a crime of
violence than of sex. The rapist deals with threats in just two ways. Fight or Flight. 2. Take note of the following characteristics: male or female voice, accent of voice, speech
impediments or peculiar voice characteristics, any background noise, does the voice sound familiar.
If your assailant has a weapon don't resist. You will have to gain his confidence. If you are to
escape the assault, gaining the men's confidence is an essential step in attaining your freedom 3. The exact words of the person placing the call.
unharmed. 4. Show no emotion on the phone.
Your best chance to react is when your assailant's guard is down. To stall for time, you may 5. Know the exact location of the bomb.
need to give the impression that you are going along with him. Your need to go along will end when
you devise a chance to react safely. 6.Ask for a description of the bomb/composition of the explosive.
What will you do if you are being attacked? 7.Repeat the message to the caller whenever possible and ask for confirmation.
1. Be prepared to defend yourself phy 8.The receiving party should remain calm and courteous.
2. Think! Don't panic! 9. Ilc should listen carefully and white down accurately ref the caller provides.
3. Look for a way to escape! 10. If possible, refer the caller to a supervisor or a person in authority to extract more information
4. Your best defense is noise - loud screaming. If there is no response, try screaming "Fire!" People 11. Take note of the exact time the suspect hung up
may pay more attention to "Fire!" because it could affect them. 12. The person receiving the bomb threat should attempt to ask the caller certain questions: When
5. If you have exhausted all other possibilities for immediate escan to the rapist. Talk about his its the bomb going to explode? Where is the bomb right now? What type of bomb is it? What does
family, how he doesn't want to upset them or involve them. Getting him to talk may give you an the -bomb look like? What will cause it to explode? Why did you place the bomb?
opportunity to escape. More women escape by talking than by fighting. 13 Remember that the caller my not answer your questions, but any additional information that he
If you physically resist your attacker, don't hold back. You must totally incapacitate him to may relate will be helpful.
enable you to escape. 14. It may be advisable to inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a
Protection from Bomb Threats bomb could result in death or serious injury. to many innocent people.
A BOMB is a device capable of producing damage to property and injury or death to people 15. Once the telephone threat is received, notify your local police at
when detonated or ignited: Bombs are classified as explosive, which cause damage by
b. Hand Written or Typed Notes - Documents and other materials which are received shoute Text "117", on the other hand, officers, terrorism tips, drug trafficking and other public safety and
carefully handled to preserve marks, fingerprints, etc., for examination by competent authorities. security may be used for non-emergency situations like tips on illegal gambling, abusive concerns
These items should be forwarded immediately the proper authorities for analysis and evaluation. which may require further emification and surveillance activities.
Written messages should never be ignored.
When not to call "117'?
Person-to-Person or Direct Threat
Do not call "117 for directory assistance, personal inquiries, information prank. If you have
1. Notify your security supeor immediately.. any information on crimes committed or illegal activities, you text "117" or call your Incal police
station directly. If you call "117" by mistake, say so immediately to avoid unnecessary dispatch of
2. Keep the person making the threat or indicating knowledge of a threat under surveillance il responders or minimize queuing of calls.
relieved by your supervisor.
What "117" calls are considered prank or illegitimate?
3. Take note of the age, heise, color of the eyes air skin, clothing, and unusual characteristics such
as lameness, twitching or any peculiarities of the person. A prank call is one that tells us, asks for a date, or hangs up as soon as an operator answers.
To eradicate prank calls, the DILG has called on provincial, city and municipal coils to pass respective
How to Save Lives ordinances to eradicate prank calls. Prank calls log lines and prevent the connection of real
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself is one of the commandments of God. We can do this by emergency calls, which may save lives. To educate the public about the responsible use of the
saving lives of other people by calling or texting 117 during EMERGENCIES such as: hotline, information and advocacy campaigns are being done by the Foundation for Crime
Prevention (FCP) and the Department of Interior and Local Government (LG) and their partner
Crimes, Accidents, Fires, Disasters, Road Traffic Hazards, and Other Safety Concerns agencies.
What is "117"? How do you call "117"?
"117" is the number to call when one needs help in a police, fire or medical emergency In any emergency, call "1177un your landline, mobile phone or public payphone. In Metro
situation. Having expanded its service to text messaging. it can also receive complaints and tips to Manila, the Eamkers Association of the Philippines has set up close to 30 emergency phone booths
assist in the anti-illegal drug and terrorism campaign. In fact, it has linked up with PDEA, the Task located in PNP- pinpointed crime-prone areas.
Force on the Security of Critical Infrastructure for the purpose, and the National Anti- Kidnappings
Task Force. Set up as a round-the-clock emergency call/message center. It connects the caller/texter
to the most appropriate responding unit and/or relays complains, tips and messages to the proper
Is "117" the universal emergency number for the Philippines?
Yes. Executive Order 226, signed by President Arroyo on July 14, 2003. designated "117" as
the official emergency access code of the Philippines.
Prior to this, then President Estrada signed Administrative Order 124 for the creation of a
Joint Commission on Street Watch and Administrative Order 36 on the Institutionalization of the
Patrol Program.
When should you use "117
#117" should be used only for emergency. An emergency situation is when one needs the
immediate assistance of police, fire and jail operatives. and/or when in need of medical assistance.