Direct and Indirect Strategies
Direct and Indirect Strategies
Direct and Indirect Strategies
Kamila Chilkiewicz
Department of English Language, Szczecin College of Modern Language,
13 Mazowiecka Street, Szczecin, Poland
E-mail address: [email protected]
An unwritten rule in many countries says that it is very important or even necessary to know at
least one foreign language. Undoubtedly, there are many factors which influence our language
acquisition and have been extensively researched in order to ensure that they address the needs of
different students. The elements which affect our language abilities are motivation, techniques,
methods but also appropriate language strategy. For many years experts have paid attention to the
plans that students use in order to achieve results in their study. In their research they have decided to
reject the way of study based on particular principles or methods and they have decided to concentrate
on students. Moreover, they have started to explore the nature of Language Learning Strategies and
the matter how they influence receiving foreign language. The results of their investigations are
considered to be the greatest causes in the process of language acquisition, by focusing on differences
in language realisation.
1.1. Different definitions and various classifications of language learning strategies
1.2. Learning language strategies in theory by Rebecca Oxford
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
The main purpose of my work is to reveal which direct language strategies, in the
theory by Rebecca Oxford are the most favored at the age group of 11-12 year olds.
The work is composed of three chapters, one of them presents theoretical issues and two
contain the methodology of research.
Chapter 1 deals briefly with different definitions and various classifications of language
learning strategies. It also reveals the classification of language learning strategies in theory
by Rebecca Oxford.
Chapter 2 presents and confers with the methodology of research.
Chapter 3 shows the findings from my survey.
Finally, the conclusion copes with some key points, and my own deductions from the
surveys dealing with Direct Language Learning Strategies in the theory by Rebecca Oxford in
English vocabulary acquisition by primary English students aged 11-12.
Droździał – Szelest. K. (1997). Language learning strategies in the process of acquiring a foreign
Droździał – Szelest. K. (1997). Language learning strategies in the process of acquiring a foreign
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Cook wrote that “A learning strategies ... refers to a choice that a learner makes while
learning or using the second language that affects learning” (Cook 1993: 79).
According to Dicinson “Learning strategy is concerned with actual activities and techniques
which lead to learn” (Dicinson 1987: 20).
Oxford emphasized them as “... behaviors or actions which learners use to make language
learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable” (Oxford 1989: 235).
Researchers agree that “...there is no agreement on exactly what strategies are, how
many strategies there are, how they should be defined and classified. There are evident
problems with developing coherent taxonomies of learning strategy types. Most researchers
develop their own list. The reliable identification of strategies is quite difficult, which is
indicated by the continuous modification of strategies as a result of various studies.
Researchers admit that identifying the different strategies in second language acquisition is
difficult due to a variety of factors” ( Droździał-Szelest 1997: 44).
To begin with Rubin’s classification, through Carver, Ellis, O’Malley, I am going to
reveal varied taxonomies on the authority of few researchers which contain contracting
factors, groups and categories.
Rubin’s categorization
Rubin presents her own model of learning strategies and she bases on “...her research
and subsequent analysis, she identified some major cognitive process used in second language
target with specific strategies which exemplify these processes” (Droździał-Szelest 1997: 36).
She has classified strategies in the following way ( Rubin 1981: 124-126):
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production tricks
Carver’s distinction
Carver reveals language learning strategies in below categories ( Carver 1984:125-
1. strategies for coping with TL rules ( neutral with regard to production or reception) –
e.g. generalization, transfer from Ll, hypercorrection;
2. strategies for receiving performance – e.g. inferring, predicting, checking;
3. strategies for producing performance – repeating, labeling, monitoring reception;
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4. Strategies for organizing learning – repetition, cognition, whole or part learning ( cf.
2.1.4. for Carver’s taxonomy of language teaching methodology).
Ellis’ categorisation
Ellis decided to put the strategies into three main board process types: hypothesis
formation, hypothesis testing and automatisation. “Hypothesis formation includes such
strategies as simplification (overgeneralization and transfer) and inference. It refers to
strategies by means of which learners come to conclusions about the structure of the target
language. Hypothesis testing includes receptive, productive, multilingual, and interaction
strategies which are responsible for trying out rules while communicating. Automatisation
includes strategies for practicing the language, that is formal and functional practice”
(Droździał-Szelest 1997:37).
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receptive productive
strategies strategies
Formal practice
functional practice
Figure 3. Ellis’s categorization (Ellis 1985: 175).
According to O’Malley and his colleagues “...there are three major types of learning
strategies, in accordance with the information-processing model of learning: metacognitive
strategies (performing an executive function), cognitive strategies (functioning operatively),
and socioaffective strategies (performing social-mediating function)” (Droździał-Szelest
1997: 38).
Metacognitive strategies are “higher order executive skills that may involve planning
for, monitoring, or evaluating the success of a learning activity (they are an attempt to
regulate language learning). They are applicable in a variety of tasks” (Droździał-Szelest
1997: 38).
Cognitive strategies “...are more directly related to individual learning task and entail
direct manipulation or transformation of the learning materials in ways that enhance learning.
Socioaffective strategies describe the ways in which people learn to interact with other
people” (Droździał-Szelest 1997: 38).
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Droździał – Szelest. K. ( 1997). Language learning strategies in the process of acquiring a foreign
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Figure 5. Diagram of the strategy system: Direct and Indirect strategy groups and sets
(Oxford 1990: 17).
I. Memory strategies. They are responsible for “...remembering and retrieving new
information” (Droździał-Szelest 1997: 42).
II. Cognitive strategies – “...for understanding and produce the language”
(Droździał-Szelest 1997: 42).
III. Compensation strategies - “...for using the language to make up for the lack of
relevant knowledge” (Droździał-Szelest 1997: 42).
Droździał – Szelest. K. ( 1997). Language learning strategies in the process of acquiring a foreign
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
I. Memory strategies allow remembering and absorbing some new part of material.
They consist of:
A. Creating mental linkages – which provide following strategies:
- Groups some new words according to their meaning. For example, organize
vocabulary in word maps, or label the picture
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voices. Then he produces some sound and asks pupils to guess the number of
picture with right animal.
- Putting words in some situational context. Learners may place new vocabulary
in some dialogue and then in pairs they can learn the dialogue by heart.
- Key word – create some short rhyme with terms they have to become
competent in. For example:
He was dark and smart.
She was thin and slim
They were bold and cold
You were...
- Replying sounds in memory. Pupils can build linkages between two similar
words. They can think about minimal pairs of some words. For example:
Fan – van
Cat – wat
C. Reviewing well – give opportunities for students to revise what they have learned in
regularly and systematical way. Moreover, students can monitor their progress and
D. Employing action. Learners may present some story, situation or project. This strategy
is an ideal opportunity for students to use English in a creative and personal way that
will give them a real sense of achievement.
- physical reaction
- mechanical technique of memorizing
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2.1. The aims and object of research
The object of methodological research, it is conscious pedagogical activity. In other
words it is the procedure of upbringing and teaching with specific matters, resources and
organization. The object of methodological research can cover children or youth, which are in
different educational situations.5
The object of my research is direct language strategies usage at the age group of 11-12
by students from Primary School in Maszewo.
The aim of pedagogical research we can call objective recognition of reality, its
tendency to develop what gives perdition to educational improvement.6
The aim of my work is to reveal which direct language strategies in the theory by
Rebecca Oxford are the most popular among children 11-12.
Sztumski, J. (1995). Wstęp do metod i technik badań społecznych. Katowice
Nowak, S. (1985). Metodologia badań społecznych. Warszawa
Pilch, T. (1995). Zasady badań pedagogicznych .Warszawa.
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
In may research, I am going to use diagnostic method probe because in the view of
definition this method covers social phenomena which undoubtedly are very important for
upbringing. Moreover, they build social consciousness, opinion and view. It means that, this
method covers all phenomena which are in the institution but also in society. The definition
which is inferior to the method is called – the method of investigation. On the authority of
Sztumski there are numerous of practical activities with specific aim which permits to know
some information, opinions and facts.
The most popular instruments used in diagnostically method probe are: survey, view,
analyze of documents ECT8.
In my research I will use surveys which contain questions related with Three types of
Learning Language Strategies created by Rebecca Oxford. The following table reveals the
cooperation between Language Learning Strategies and my survey.
Sztumski, J. (1995). Wstęp do metod i technik badań społecznych. Katowice.
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
new words
B. Applying images and sounds B. What do you use for words
a) association of eyesight association?
b) putting words in some a) I associate the word with the
situational context picture
c) key words b) I use words in context
d) replying sounds in memory c) I create dialogue with new
C. Reviewing well (key) words
D. Employing action d) I build linkages between two
a) physical reaction similar words
b) mechanical techniques C. How often do you revise new
of memorizing words
a) every day
II. Cognitive strategies b) twice a week
A. Practicing c) three times a week
a) repetition d) I do not revise
b) formal exercises in spelling D. In what way do you memorize
and pronunciation new word
c) combination of structures a) I do some project
d) recognize and usage of b) I repeat them systematically
rutyn form for example: In
my opinion II. Cognitive strategies
e) exercises in natural way A. How do you practice new
with strict communicative vocabulary
aim a) I repeat them till I achive
B. Receiving and sending good results
messages with supply b) I practice their spelling and
a) usage of different pronunciation
techniques which allow to c) I write short dialogue with
understand text easier and new words
faster d) I write some essays where I
b) usage of varied sources for use some routine forms for
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a) I use Polish
b) I ask my friend of teacher
c) I use gestures or mimic
d) I avoid the topic
e) I choose another topic
f) I select the topic relevant to
my knowledge
g) I create new words
h) I use synonyms or description
Figure 7. Juxtaposition of Learning Language Strategies with survey’s research questions and
The data included in this report was obtained from a random sample of 100 students,
aged 11-12, from 5th and 6th classes of Primary School in Maszewo, who responded a
questionnaire survey on 15th and 16th Febuary 2004. They were:
28 students from Va ( 13 girls, 15 boys )
27 students from Vb ( 12 girls, 15 boys )
21 students from VIa ( 11 girls, 10 boys )
24 students from VIb ( 12 girls, 12 boys )
The day before I informed students that on 15th and 16th Febuary they are going to
fulfill some survey connected with Learning Strategies.
I explained the aim and I gave them few questions to consider.
1. What do you do when you have to learn new English words?
2. Do you know what does “learning strategy” mean?
3. Have you ever thought about numerous of possible strategies to learn?
On the next two days ( 15th and 16th Febuary ) I asked them about their opinions. I
used “brainstorming” to create their own definition of learning strategy and after short
discussion I gave out the surveys which I explained clearly and smoothly.
To find the answers on my main problems and detailed questions, I decided to divide
this half-chapter into five sections
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Section A – explores findings about the most popular Memory Strategies among
children of 11-12
Section B – confers with investigations of research connected with Cognitive
Strategies at the age group 11-12
Section C – reveals renditions of Compensation Strategies
Section D – focuses on general taxonomy which reveals the most popular Direct
Learning Strategies in English vocabulary acquisition at the age group of 11-12
Section A
In this section I will present memory strategies which are responsible for
“...remembering and retrieving new information.” (Droździał-Szelest 1997: 42).
The following figures show the results of my survey attached with particular memory
strategies like:
group some words
according to their
create association
putting new words in
a context
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association of
replying sounds
in memory
key words
10% putting words in
2% some situational
- Reviewing well
twice a week
three times a
students who do
not revise
2% 1%
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- Employing action
techniques of
As it is clearly visible from the diagrams above, there are few the most popular memory
- Group some words according to their meaning ( 69 % of students)
- Association of eyesight ( 72 % of students)
- Mechanical techniques of memorizing ( 94 % of students)
It is also important that students are very keen on revision. It is supported by the fact
that 87 % of those who responded reported that they revise new vocabulary every day.
Section B
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- Practicing
81% repetition
formal execieses in
spelling and
combination of structure
2% 4%
recognision and usage of
routine form
usage of different
techniques which
allows to
undertand text
easier and faster
useage of varied
sources for
2% dictionaries
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outside language
1% 1%
making own
1% 2%
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
The figures above indicate that the most popular cognitive strategies of students
surveyed are:
- exercises in natural way with strict communicative aim ( 81 % of students)
- usage of different techniques which allow to understand text easier and faster ( 98
% of students)
- deduction thinking ( 91 % of students)
- underline the most important information ( 97 % of students)
Section C
This part concentrates on compensation strategies which are responsible “...for using the
language to make up for the lack of relevant knowledge.” ( Droździał-Szelest 1997:42).
The further diagrams demonstrate the proportions between the most and less popular
compensation strategies like:
- Guessing intelligently
using of another
pointers for
example the
structure of the
using of linquistic
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
46% 45%
using synonims
or description
using gestures or
topic selection
test adjustment
1% 1% 1% 1% 1% avoidance of
creation of new
using notive
Figure 3. The taxonomy of all Compensation Strategies
As it is shown there are few the most popular compensation strategies like:
- using another pointers for example the structure of the text
- using synonyms or description
- using gestures or mimic
Section D
This piece of material shows the most popular direct learning strategies in English
vocabulary acquisition at the age group of 11-12. I will present them in the following table.
World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
The purpose of my work was to reveal which direct language strategies, in the theory by
Rebecca Oxford, are the most popular among children of 11-12. The investigation has
covered 100 students from Primary School in Maszewo. The results of the rendition reveal
following deductions. Firstly, we are able to notice that the most popular strategies for
remembering and retrieving new information are:
- group some words according to their meaning
- association of eyesight
- mechanical techniques of memorizing
Such student’s choice suggests that in this particular group there were a lot of Visual
Students. In this case, teacher ought to do a lot of extra exercises like: maps, graphs, charts all
those which are rich in colours, shapes and physical position for memory aids. Secondly, the
most favored strategies connected with understanding and language production are:
- exercises in natural way with strict communicative aim
- usage of different techniques which allow to understand text easier and faster
- deduction thinking
- underlining the most important information
This fact shows that students are keen on discovering English vocabulary in natural
way. It this situation teacher should propose numerous of speaking tasks. Finally, the
rendition reveals that from strategies concerning using the language to make up for the lack of
relevant knowledge they use:
- synonyms or description
- gestures or mimic
It means that students try to communicate even it they do not know appropriate English
words. In this case teacher should convince students that it is important to practice as much as
possible. Taking all these points into consideration, I decided to assemble all information into
one table which presents my deductions and task for teachers together.
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World Scientific News 7 (2015) 179-206
10. W jaki sposób poradzisz sobie, jeśli nie znasz słowa bądź zwrotu a musisz napisać
wiadomość bądź przeprowadzić rozmowę w języku angielskim:
a) mówię po polsku
b) pytam nauczyciela, koleżankę, kolegę
c) używam gestów
d) unikam rozmowy
e) wybieram inny temat
f) dostosowuje tekst do własnej wiedzy
g) tworzę nowe słowa
h) używam wyrazu podobnego
[1] Carver, D. 1984. Plans, learner strategies, and self-direction in language learning.
System 12/1.
[2] Chaudron, C. 1988. Second language classrooms: Research on teaching and learning.
Cambridge/New York: CUP
[3] Cook, V. 1993. Linguistics and second language acquisition. Londyn: The Macmillan
Press Ltd.
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