G10 Rizal
G10 Rizal
G10 Rizal
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the GraduatingStudents
Introduction :
Roads are meant to facilitate mobility- the movement of people and goods. However most roads are
widened and developed for facilitating vehicles rather than for pedestrians and non motorized
vehicle. Road widening is normally carried out when the road is inadequate for the traffic using it, or
when extra lanes are needed. Road widening can improved traffic safety and capacity. Widening of
roads are one of the useful methods to deal with the current long standing traffic problems. On the
other hand, we have also to check how road widening affects the environment and also local
McBride’s (2013) explained that how environment gets affect from the project of road widening.
While doing the project some of the trees will be cutoff unnecessarily. He also explained that how we
can conduct the road widening project without damaging the environment by using correct and
advanced technology.
Asia pulse (2011) states that due to road widening will be able to manage increased capacity of
vehicles. It controls the traffic of new vehicles in the road and it makes transportation process easy.
The extension of the road once completed will additionally ease the current traffic condition. It
reduces according to time and increases the driving comfort.
A. Problem
This study focuses on attempting to know the importance of Road Widening and the possible impact
on environment and economic stability of affected area and especially impact on local residents. To
assess the environmental impact of road widening in the ecosystem of particular area and in the
topography of particular area and also to assess the awareness of public, specially on the people
along the affected area.
B. Analysis of Alternatives
C. Recommended Solution
Thus as per our study the main suggestion is that the concerned authority has try to improve the
efficiency of road widening work which will reduce the accidents and improve the economical
condition of the environment.
D. Implementation
G.R. No. 171496 Republic of the Philippines represented by the Department of Public Works and
Highways. This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of the Court.
E. Result
Residents get benefited like road widening saves the commuting times of public and new sewage lines
are introduced and also increases the economical condition of the locality. This is the reason why
there are cut trees and environment is affected through road widening. The dust increased in
environment. Road widening works are not completed on a time bound basis. And property value was
boosted by the road widening.
We conclude that the process of road widening has favorably and unfavorably impact on the local
residents and the environment. Because of road widening local residents get advantages like new
sewage lines introduced, saves the commuting time, property value boosted, accidents reduced,
economical condition is increased and disadvantages like creates relocation issues and health
hazards. In similar way, environment also get affected through road widening like dust increases in
environment, cutting of road side trees, depletion of natural resources and also affect to animals and
bird habitat.