Lasallian Five Core Principles: de La Salle Lipa
Lasallian Five Core Principles: de La Salle Lipa
Lasallian Five Core Principles: de La Salle Lipa
De La Salle Lipa
Faith in the presence of God New Mission – Vision Statement
Concern for the poor, social (Inspiration)
justice Inspired by our faith in God, by our
Catholic traditions , and by the charism
Quality education
of St. John Baptist De La Salle,
Respect for all persons educational innovator par excellence,
Inclusive community (Mission)
we, together and by association, are
Purpose of values education according committed to give quality human and
to Living Values Education 2018 Christian education to all,
“To help individuals think about building a society founded on equity and
and reflect on different values and the justice and on sustainable & inclusive
practical implications of expressing them development.
in relation to themselves, others, the
community, and the world at large.”
Quality Education
Proper implementation of the program
How does SJBDL’s way of education
will develop Filipinos who:
Are self-actualized, integrally General Chapter 1993:- “As members of
developed human beings imbued the Institute of St. John Baptist de La
with a sense of human dignity; Salle, we strongly re-affirm our option
are social beings with a sense of for the human and Christian education
responsibility for their community of young people and adults, and in
and environment; particular, for the poor.” (C 435, p.20)
are productive persons who
contribute to the economic Specifically:
security and development of the
family and the nation; o “to become trained and to adapt
as citizens have a deep sense of to all kinds of social situations”
nationalism and are committed to o “especially (brothers) in the third-
the progress of the nation as well world continents . . . have made a
as of the entire world community strong commitment to help the
through global solidarity; and most deprived young people and
manifest in actual life an abiding adults.” (C 435, 1.4, p. 20)
faith in God as a reflection of their o “active witnesses to the dignity of
spiritual being. all people”
Human Education o 3. acquire Gospel values,
Education that will help students o 4. to live as beloved
discover and develop God children of God.
given talents, to be able to use
these talents for the good of all, Integrating these 2 faces of education
making the world a better place in the lives of their students, they
to live in. become “the salt of the earth and the
light of the world”. - (Mt. 5:13-16)
Education that will help them how
to earn a living. Competent & Christian
Reaching out -St John, despite schooling and education by
his being an heir of a rich family, incorporating manners, civility, and most
reached out to the rough and importantly, religion into the curriculum.
barely educated men La Salle was well aware of the position
that working class and poor parents
Rough were in.
-not well mannered Social justice
-didn’t belong to the rich
-didn’t possess the depth of the o is the promotion of just societies
ideals of St. John and treatment of individuals and
communities based on the belief
Barely Educated
that we each possess an innate
-basic education attainment (no human dignity.
specialization or doctorate) o is an underlying principle for
-could only give little education peaceful and prosperous
for the children coexistence within and among
-would help educate in exchange nations. (UN)
of something
“The heart of Lasallian education is an
Acceptance -St John, despite his
education with a heart”
being an heir of a rich family,
accepted poor children and
educated them freely.