Lasallian Five Core Principles: de La Salle Lipa

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De La Salle Lipa
 Faith in the presence of God New Mission – Vision Statement
 Concern for the poor, social (Inspiration)
justice Inspired by our faith in God, by our
Catholic traditions , and by the charism
 Quality education
of St. John Baptist De La Salle,
 Respect for all persons educational innovator par excellence,
 Inclusive community (Mission)
we, together and by association, are
Purpose of values education according committed to give quality human and
to Living Values Education 2018 Christian education to all,
“To help individuals think about building a society founded on equity and
and reflect on different values and the justice and on sustainable & inclusive
practical implications of expressing them development.
in relation to themselves, others, the
community, and the world at large.”
Quality Education
Proper implementation of the program
How does SJBDL’s way of education
will develop Filipinos who:
 Are self-actualized, integrally General Chapter 1993:- “As members of
developed human beings imbued the Institute of St. John Baptist de La
with a sense of human dignity; Salle, we strongly re-affirm our option
 are social beings with a sense of for the human and Christian education
responsibility for their community of young people and adults, and in
and environment; particular, for the poor.” (C 435, p.20)
 are productive persons who
contribute to the economic Specifically:
security and development of the
family and the nation; o “to become trained and to adapt
 as citizens have a deep sense of to all kinds of social situations”
nationalism and are committed to o “especially (brothers) in the third-
the progress of the nation as well world continents . . . have made a
as of the entire world community strong commitment to help the
through global solidarity; and most deprived young people and
 manifest in actual life an abiding adults.” (C 435, 1.4, p. 20)
faith in God as a reflection of their o “active witnesses to the dignity of
spiritual being. all people”
Human Education o 3. acquire Gospel values,
 Education that will help students o 4. to live as beloved
discover and develop God children of God.
given talents, to be able to use
these talents for the good of all, Integrating these 2 faces of education
making the world a better place in the lives of their students, they
to live in. become “the salt of the earth and the
light of the world”. - (Mt. 5:13-16)
 Education that will help them how
to earn a living. Competent & Christian

 Goal: To develop among equity - equality

students their full potential
justice- right relationship
through critical and creative
thinking, self knowledge and self- sustainable- able to last without
mastery in: destroying or depleting the earth
o Communication (both oral
and written) inclusive- You are included,
o Analysis (See and Participation
o Teaching (Lead, Guide ) Personalism
o Management and
Organization -Personhood carries with it an inviolable
o Research (Objective Data) dignity that merits unconditional
o Logical and Scientific
Personalistic norm
Christian Education - In its negative form, the person is the
 Education that will help students kind of good which does not admit of
use and cannot be treated as an
realized (experience) their True
object of use and as such the means to
Identity (True Self) as God’s
an end.
Beloved Children & to live life in
accordance to this identity. Respect for the human person entails
 Education that will help them how respect for the rights that flow from his
to live dignity as a creature. These rights are
 Goal: To lead students: prior to society and must be recognized
o 1. to experience the Love by it. – Cathechism of the Catholic
of God, Church
o 2. appreciate & take care
God’s creation,
Respect-filled relationships are at the favored or the more intelligent.- Br.
heart of Lasallian education and are a Gerard Rummery
key expression of the acknowledgement
of each other’s identity as children of Vulnerable and marginalized sectors
God. • economically poor and to all
those deprived of the means to
“Your students are living images of
Jesus.” (Med 80.3 - feast of St realize their dignity as persons.
Nicholas) • In a broader sense, these are
“To deal with young people very harshly men, women and children who
is to forego all hope of bringing about suffer from various forms of
any good.” (Med 114.2 - on St Leo) ‘‘poverty as frustration,’’ the
impoverishment born of injustice,
physical and social evils,
personal insufficiency and failure.
The spirit of faith invites us to look at
Respect for persons is seen in the life, events, history, as places where
Lasallian mission God is made manifest; in the Gospel, in
nature, in myself………
1. To Provide ‘Human & Christian
Education’… In HUMAN PERSONS made in the
image of God and the revelation of
2. A ‘Shared Mission’ by men & women his mysteries.
who will carry this mission in Witness,
Service, &Communion… In the POOR. If everyone is a
reflection of the face of God it is
3. Is offered for all with special especially in the poor where his
preference for the Poor… manifestation is greater.
Lasallian Mission The Founder invites us to “recognize
The purpose of the Lasallian mission is Jesus beneath the poor rags of the
to give human dignity among one children” (Meditation 96.3).
another Being sensitive to, and defending
Respect for all persons human rights, especially those of
children, is part of our Lasallian
De La Salle reminded his vocation.- Br. Alvaro Rodriguez
Brothers that they must see Christ in all Echevarria FSC- Superior General, July
their pupils, not simply in the better 2002
What does the Catholic Church say In the POOR. If everyone is a
regarding Respect for Persons? reflection of the face of God it is
especially in the poor where his
• The person represents the manifestation is greater.
ultimate end of society.
Our duty as children of God and our
• Social justice can be obtained duty as Lasallian
only in respecting the
transcendent dignity of man.  The duty of making oneself a
neighbor to others and actively
• Respect for the human person
serving them becomes even
entails respect for the rights that
more urgent when it involves the
flow from his dignity as a
disadvantaged, in whatever area
this may be. "As you did it to one
• These rights are prior to society of the least of these my brethren,
and must be recognized by it. you did it to me."

Human persons are willed by God; in·clu·sion

they are imprinted with God's image. ` inˈklo͞oZHən/
Their dignity does not come from the
-the action or state of including or of
work they do, but from the persons they
being included within a group or
are. - St. John Paul II
As Christians
John Baptist de La Salle received the
 Respect for the human person tonsure at age eleven and was named
considers the other "another self." Canon of the Reims Cathedral at
 It presupposes respect for the sixteen. Though he had to assume the
fundamental rights that flow from administration of family affairs after his
the dignity intrinsic of the person. parents died, he completed his
theological studies and was ordained
As Lasallians priest on 9 April, 1678. Two years later
he received the doctorate in theology.
 The spirit of faith invites us to
look at life, events, history, as can‧on /ˈkænən/ noun
places where God is made
manifest; in the Gospel, in nature, -a Christian priest who has
in myself……… special duties in a cathedral

In HUMAN PERSONS made in the Inclusion of St. John Baptist-

image of God and the revelation of involvement with a group of rough and
his mysteries. barely literate young men

 Reaching out -St John, despite schooling and education by
his being an heir of a rich family, incorporating manners, civility, and most
reached out to the rough and importantly, religion into the curriculum.
barely educated men La Salle was well aware of the position
that working class and poor parents
Rough were in.
 -not well mannered Social justice
 -didn’t belong to the rich
 -didn’t possess the depth of the o is the promotion of just societies
ideals of St. John and treatment of individuals and
communities based on the belief
Barely Educated
that we each possess an innate
 -basic education attainment (no human dignity.
specialization or doctorate) o is an underlying principle for
 -could only give little education peaceful and prosperous
for the children coexistence within and among
 -would help educate in exchange nations. (UN)
of something

“The heart of Lasallian education is an
 Acceptance -St John, despite his
education with a heart”
being an heir of a rich family,
accepted poor children and
educated them freely.

Establish schools for poor boys

 -in terms of economy

 -in terms of social status
 -in terms of physical well-being
 -education

Concern for the Poor and Social


La Salle opens his Christian Schools

to provide the opportunity for both
education and schooling for the boys
of working class and poor families.
La Salle firmly believed in providing both

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