NSTP 1 Module 4 An Authentic Human Person
NSTP 1 Module 4 An Authentic Human Person
NSTP 1 Module 4 An Authentic Human Person
Every person has his/her own preconceived notion when asked. “What does it mean to be human?” Differences in
opinion are even wider depending on the maturity of the individual. Ideas, needs, desires and wants differ from one
person to another, depending on his/her experience, which is often affected by the values being held by the person.
However, in working with the community, it is vital for everyone to have a common understanding of the important
concepts or principles related to the question of what does it really mean to be called human.
In this module we shall try to discover various facets about humanity and try to form a synthesis through a
framework that can be acceptable to all. The module would aim to present a concept of the Human person that would use
as a springboard five basic relationships that a person ordinarily relates with in order to have a sense of completeness.
II. Input
According to “Authentic Christian Humanism” a person is looked at first and foremost as someone that ought to be
respected. Humanistic philosophy focuses on the actualization of human potentials, enhancement of human experiences
as they would contribute to personal happiness, social justice, democracy and a peaceful world. A person primarily has 5
essential relations:
A. In relation to HIMSELF
Everyone is endowed with natural capacities and abilities. Primary among them is the ability to reason and to
decide freely. The person has the ability to grasp, recognize, and appreciate truth and goodness, and the ability to choose
among options: to work for or disregard truth and goodness.
And because of intellect and freewill, everyone has the unalienable right to freedom of expression, to information,
to education, to assembly, to worship and to collective action. Therefore, the person has the right to seek truth and act in
With freedom comes responsibility – the duty to respect the rights of fellow humans, and to be accountable for
his/her actions. While one enjoys freedom, one does not have the right to hamper or curtail the freedom of others. Rather,
one should promote the welfare of everyone as he/she knows for his/her own happiness.
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(formerly Clark International College of Science & Technology)
SNS Bldg., Aurea St., SamsonvilleSubd., Dau, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Telefax No.: (045) 624-0215
Man is bestowed with dignity. It is not something which can be given or taken away at will. It cannot be destroyed
even if the recognition is being denied.
The person by virtue of his/her dignity is an end and should not be treated as a means or a tool. This dignity
demands absolute respect; therefore it does not allow the manipulation or use of persons.
This underlines the freedom and dignity of the human person. In each person, there is a “God-likeness” for a
biblical truth describes man’s life coming from the breath of God. (Gen. 2:7)
The person, therefore, is a co-creator, co-worker and co-savior of God. Creation and salvation is an on-going
process; and we are all a part of it. We are all called to engage ourselves in the stewardship of God’s creation. In the
process, we affirm that the self is not alienated from the creation process, for it is being created continuously.
4. Man is Unique
No two persons are ever the same. Even twins would have major differences in personalities. We are genuinely
created so that even with past and future generations, no one can duplicate whatever actions we have in this world.
Because of this uniqueness, we can never put any person in a box and have it labeled or stereotyped. This uniqueness
should always be kept in mind and should be respected. The emphasis of collectivity should not be made at the expense
of the uniqueness and the dignity of each person.
God did not create the person as a solitary being, but wishes him/her to be a “social being.” Every individual is
oriented towards other people and needs her company. No one came to this world alone; our being here is made possible
through others.
The person fulfills the self with and through others. Through and with help of others, a person’s limitations are
filled up and his/her potentials are enriched. Thus, it is imperative that people cooperate with each other in order to
improve the quality of their lives in society.
Admittedly, natural inequality exists among people, but God has gifted all men with equal dignity. We are all equal
in basis rights and basic needs on a person-to-person and on a nation-to-nation level. This equality is not synonymous to
uniformity, but equality in the midst of uniqueness. Thus all persons are to be treated as equals; regardless of status,
culture, education, economics and gender.
C. In relation to SOCIETY
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(formerly Clark International College of Science & Technology)
SNS Bldg., Aurea St., SamsonvilleSubd., Dau, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Telefax No.: (045) 624-0215
One cannot deny that we owe a lot of what we have in life through the everyday activities of people within the
social structure. We benefit largely from the system that allows us to buy and sell our goods, produce and services, to
enjoy the luxuries of life, to learn new lessons, to earn a living, to travel on paved streets, to communicate with friends
from afar, to move about in a peaceful environment.
1. Man is an intervenor
Persons create social structures to respond to similar needs and for the welfare of all. The person affects
structures and structures affect the person. Failure to analyze and criticize existing structures means agreeing with or
sanctioning them. Since, people put up the structures – the people have the capacity to maintain, stabilize and strengthen
just structures. On the other hand, people also have the capacity to change and create anew, if the structures were unjust.
But this can only be achieved through person’s active participation in the process of change.
The person needs the resources of the material world for his/her personal and social fulfillment. This is the
manifestation of the bodily dimension of the person.
The things of this world are for all people to use, not adored, nor amassed. We are caretakers of this world – not
owners of it. Ownership is only a secondary right to use.
All the earth’s resources must benefit all, now and for the succeeding generations. As caretakers, we are
responsible for the preservation and development of the earth. When the earth is abused, life itself is put in danger. No
one has the right to destroy the earth. No one has the right to manufacture anything that could destroy it.
E. In relation to GOD
The person needs to relate to a greater being. The materiality and temporality is transcended because of the
touch of the divine in each person. The person has but one final goal: GOD. He/she is called to know, love and serve
God, and to constantly choose that which would lead him/her to God.
The person constantly and continually tends and goes back to God. This dependency is not opposed to human
freedom; for human freedom takes its meaning and consistency in the person’s relationship with God. It is in doing God’s
will that the person truly fulfills his/her freedom.
*Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from CLARK COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
(formerly Clark International College of Science & Technology)
SNS Bldg., Aurea St., SamsonvilleSubd., Dau, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Telefax No.: (045) 624-0215
*Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from CLARK COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY